commited on
Initial commit
Browse filesThis view is limited to 50 files because it contains too many changes.
See raw diff
- .gitattributes +4 -0
- .gitignore +250 -0
- +132 -0
- LICENSE +201 -0
- +4 -4
- +150 -0
- data_prep/.gitignore +3 -0
- data_prep/ +82 -0
- data_prep/ +294 -0
- data_prep/ +65 -0
- data_prep/ +212 -0
- data_prep/external/ +3 -0
- data_prep/external/libritts_r_failed_speech_restoration_examples/README.txt +9 -0
- data_prep/external/libritts_r_failed_speech_restoration_examples/dev-clean_bad_sample_list.txt +147 -0
- data_prep/external/libritts_r_failed_speech_restoration_examples/dev-other_bad_sample_list.txt +271 -0
- data_prep/external/libritts_r_failed_speech_restoration_examples/test-clean_bad_sample_list.txt +148 -0
- data_prep/external/libritts_r_failed_speech_restoration_examples/test-other_bad_sample_list.txt +404 -0
- data_prep/external/libritts_r_failed_speech_restoration_examples/train-clean-100_bad_sample_list.txt +1017 -0
- data_prep/external/libritts_r_failed_speech_restoration_examples/train-clean-360_bad_sample_list.txt +0 -0
- data_prep/external/libritts_r_failed_speech_restoration_examples/train-other-500_bad_sample_list.txt +0 -0
- data_prep/external/speakers.tsv +2485 -0
- data_prep/ +115 -0
- data_prep/ +77 -0
- data_prep/ +66 -0
- data_prep/ +29 -0
- data_prep/ +26 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/ +74 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/dataset/mel.yaml +26 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/demo.yaml +17 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/model/prompttts_mdn_v2_wo_erg_final.yaml +105 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/model/prompttts_mdn_v2_wo_erg_final_demo.yaml +105 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/optimizer/adamw.yaml +4 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/path/default.yaml +29 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/preprocess.yaml +20 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/synthesize.yaml +28 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/train.yaml +21 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/train/noam.yaml +15 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/transforms/mel.yaml +12 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/vocoder/bigvgan.yaml +7 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/conf/vocoder/bigvgan_f0.yaml +9 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/ +55 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/ +26 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/ +62 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/ +221 -0
- egs/proposed/bin/ +27 -0
- egs/proposed/ +6 -0
- metadata/libritts_r_f0_stats.yaml +0 -0
- metadata/metadata_w_style_prompt_tags_v230922.csv +3 -0
- metadata/speaker_prompt_candidates_v230922.csv +404 -0
- metadata/style_prompt_candidates_v230922.csv +54 -0
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
1 |
*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
2 |
*.arrow filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
3 |
*.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
@@ -33,3 +34,6 @@ saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
33 |
*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
34 |
*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
35 |
*tfevents* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
1 |
pretrained_model/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
2 |
*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
3 |
*.arrow filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
4 |
*.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
34 |
*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
35 |
*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
36 |
*tfevents* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
37 |
pretrained_model/checkpoint/bigvgan_f0_full/last.ckpt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
38 |
pretrained_model/checkpoint/proposed/last.ckpt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
39 |
metadata/metadata_w_style_prompt_tags_v230922.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
# Created by,vim,linux,emacs,python,visualstudiocode
4 |
# Edit at,vim,linux,emacs,python,visualstudiocode
5 |
6 |
### Emacs ###
7 |
# -*- mode: gitignore; -*-
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
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13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
# Org-mode
18 |
19 |
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21 |
# flymake-mode
22 |
23 |
24 |
# eshell files
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
# elpa packages
29 |
30 |
31 |
# reftex files
32 |
33 |
34 |
# AUCTeX auto folder
35 |
36 |
37 |
# cask packages
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
# Flycheck
42 |
43 |
44 |
# server auth directory
45 |
46 |
47 |
# projectiles files
48 |
49 |
50 |
# directory configuration
51 |
52 |
53 |
# network security
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
### Linux ###
58 |
59 |
# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file
60 |
61 |
62 |
# KDE directory preferences
63 |
64 |
65 |
# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
66 |
67 |
68 |
# .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed
69 |
70 |
71 |
### OSX ###
72 |
# General
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
# Icon must end with two \r
78 |
79 |
80 |
# Thumbnails
81 |
82 |
83 |
# Files that might appear in the root of a volume
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
93 |
94 |
95 |
Network Trash Folder
96 |
Temporary Items
97 |
98 |
99 |
### Python ###
100 |
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
# C extensions
106 |
107 |
108 |
# Distribution / packaging
109 |
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118 |
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123 |
124 |
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126 |
127 |
128 |
# PyInstaller
129 |
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
130 |
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
# Installer logs
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
# Unit test / coverage reports
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
# Translations
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
# Scrapy stuff:
156 |
157 |
158 |
# Sphinx documentation
159 |
160 |
161 |
# PyBuilder
162 |
163 |
164 |
# pyenv
165 |
166 |
167 |
# pipenv
168 |
# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
169 |
# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
170 |
# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
171 |
# install all needed dependencies.
172 |
173 |
174 |
# celery beat schedule file
175 |
176 |
177 |
# SageMath parsed files
178 |
179 |
180 |
# Spyder project settings
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
# Rope project settings
185 |
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187 |
# Mr Developer
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191 |
192 |
# mkdocs documentation
193 |
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195 |
# mypy
196 |
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199 |
200 |
# Pyre type checker
201 |
202 |
203 |
### Vim ###
204 |
# Swap
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
# Session
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
# Temporary
216 |
217 |
218 |
# Auto-generated tag files
219 |
220 |
221 |
# Persistent undo
222 |
223 |
224 |
# Coc configuration directory
225 |
226 |
227 |
### VisualStudioCode ###
228 |
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233 |
234 |
### VisualStudioCode Patch ###
235 |
# Ignore all local history of files
236 |
237 |
238 |
# End of,vim,linux,emacs,python,visualstudiocode
239 |
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243 |
244 |
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# Environment variables
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250 |
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
1 |
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
2 |
3 |
## Our Pledge
4 |
5 |
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
6 |
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
7 |
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
8 |
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
9 |
nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual
10 |
identity and orientation.
11 |
12 |
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
13 |
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
14 |
15 |
## Our Standards
16 |
17 |
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
18 |
community include:
19 |
20 |
* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
21 |
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
22 |
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
23 |
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
24 |
and learning from the experience
25 |
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall
26 |
27 |
28 |
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
29 |
30 |
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of
31 |
any kind
32 |
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
33 |
* Public or private harassment
34 |
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address,
35 |
without their explicit permission
36 |
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
37 |
professional setting
38 |
39 |
## Enforcement Responsibilities
40 |
41 |
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
42 |
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
43 |
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
44 |
or harmful.
45 |
46 |
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
47 |
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
48 |
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
49 |
decisions when appropriate.
50 |
51 |
## Scope
52 |
53 |
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
54 |
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
55 |
Examples of representing our community include using an official email address,
56 |
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
57 |
representative at an online or offline event.
58 |
59 |
## Enforcement
60 |
61 |
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
62 |
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
63 |
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
64 |
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
65 |
66 |
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
67 |
reporter of any incident.
68 |
69 |
## Enforcement Guidelines
70 |
71 |
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
72 |
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
73 |
74 |
### 1. Correction
75 |
76 |
**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
77 |
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
78 |
79 |
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
80 |
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
81 |
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
82 |
83 |
### 2. Warning
84 |
85 |
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series of
86 |
87 |
88 |
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
89 |
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
90 |
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
91 |
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
92 |
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent
93 |
94 |
95 |
### 3. Temporary Ban
96 |
97 |
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
98 |
sustained inappropriate behavior.
99 |
100 |
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
101 |
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
102 |
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
103 |
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
104 |
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
105 |
106 |
### 4. Permanent Ban
107 |
108 |
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
109 |
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
110 |
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
111 |
112 |
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the
113 |
114 |
115 |
## Attribution
116 |
117 |
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
118 |
version 2.1, available at
119 |
120 |
121 |
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by
122 |
[Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder][Mozilla CoC].
123 |
124 |
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
125 |
[][FAQ]. Translations are available at
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
[Mozilla CoC]:
131 |
132 |
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
1 |
Apache License
2 |
Version 2.0, January 2004
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1. Definitions.
8 |
9 |
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
10 |
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
11 |
12 |
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
13 |
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
14 |
15 |
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
16 |
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
17 |
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
18 |
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
19 |
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
20 |
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
21 |
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
22 |
23 |
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
24 |
exercising permissions granted by this License.
25 |
26 |
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
27 |
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
28 |
source, and configuration files.
29 |
30 |
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
31 |
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
32 |
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
33 |
and conversions to other media types.
34 |
35 |
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
36 |
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
37 |
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
38 |
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
39 |
40 |
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
41 |
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
42 |
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
43 |
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
44 |
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
45 |
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
46 |
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
47 |
48 |
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
49 |
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
50 |
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
51 |
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
52 |
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
53 |
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
54 |
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
55 |
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
56 |
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
57 |
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
58 |
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
59 |
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
60 |
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
61 |
62 |
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
63 |
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
64 |
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
65 |
66 |
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
67 |
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
68 |
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
69 |
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
70 |
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
71 |
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
72 |
73 |
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
74 |
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
75 |
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
76 |
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
77 |
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
78 |
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
79 |
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
80 |
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
81 |
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
82 |
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
83 |
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
84 |
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
85 |
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
86 |
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
87 |
as of the date such litigation is filed.
88 |
89 |
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
90 |
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
91 |
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
92 |
meet the following conditions:
93 |
94 |
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
95 |
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
96 |
97 |
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
98 |
stating that You changed the files; and
99 |
100 |
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
101 |
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
102 |
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
103 |
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
104 |
the Derivative Works; and
105 |
106 |
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
107 |
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
108 |
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
109 |
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
110 |
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
111 |
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
112 |
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
113 |
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
114 |
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
115 |
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
116 |
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
117 |
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
118 |
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
119 |
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
120 |
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
121 |
as modifying the License.
122 |
123 |
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
124 |
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
125 |
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
126 |
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
127 |
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
128 |
the conditions stated in this License.
129 |
130 |
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
131 |
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
132 |
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
133 |
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
134 |
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
135 |
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
136 |
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
137 |
138 |
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
139 |
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
140 |
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
141 |
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
142 |
143 |
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
144 |
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
145 |
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
146 |
147 |
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
148 |
149 |
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
150 |
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
151 |
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
152 |
153 |
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
154 |
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
155 |
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
156 |
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
157 |
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
158 |
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
159 |
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
160 |
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
161 |
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
162 |
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
163 |
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
164 |
165 |
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
166 |
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
167 |
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
168 |
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
169 |
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
170 |
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
171 |
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
172 |
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
173 |
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
174 |
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
179 |
180 |
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
181 |
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
182 |
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
183 |
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
184 |
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
185 |
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
186 |
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
187 |
identification within third-party archives.
188 |
189 |
Copyright 2024 LY Coporation
190 |
191 |
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
192 |
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
193 |
You may obtain a copy of the License at
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
198 |
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
199 |
200 |
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
201 |
limitations under the License.
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
1 |
2 |
title: Promptttspp
3 |
4 |
5 |
colorTo: indigo
6 |
sdk: gradio
7 |
sdk_version: 4.
8 |
9 |
pinned: false
10 |
11 |
12 |
Check out the configuration reference at
1 |
2 |
title: Promptttspp
3 |
emoji: 😻
4 |
colorFrom: pink
5 |
colorTo: indigo
6 |
sdk: gradio
7 |
sdk_version: 4.21.0
8 |
9 |
pinned: false
10 |
license: apache-2.0
11 |
12 |
Check out the configuration reference at
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
import gradio as gr
16 |
import hydra
17 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
18 |
import torch
19 |
import torchaudio
20 |
from g2p_en import G2p
21 |
from hydra.utils import instantiate
22 |
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
23 |
from promptttspp.text.eng import symbols, text_to_sequence
24 |
from promptttspp.utils.model import lowpass_filter
25 |
import nltk
26 |
27 |
28 |
def load_model(model_cfg, model_ckpt_path, vocoder_cfg, vocoder_ckpt_path):
29 |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
30 |
model = instantiate(model_cfg)
31 |
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_ckpt_path, map_location="cpu")["model"])
32 |
model =
33 |
34 |
vocoder = instantiate(vocoder_cfg)
35 |
36 |
torch.load(vocoder_ckpt_path, map_location="cpu")["generator"]
37 |
38 |
vocoder =
39 |
return model, vocoder
40 |
41 |
42 |
def build_ui(g2p, model, vocoder, to_mel, mel_stats):
43 |
content_placeholder = (
44 |
"This is text to speech demo, which allows you to control the speaker identity "
45 |
"in natural language as follows."
46 |
47 |
style_placeholder = "A man speaks slowly in a low tone."
48 |
49 |
50 |
def onclick_synthesis(content_prompt, style_prompt=None, reference_mel=None):
51 |
assert style_prompt is not None or reference_mel is not None
52 |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
53 |
phonemes = g2p(content_prompt)
54 |
phonemes = [p if p not in [",", "."] else "sil" for p in phonemes]
55 |
phonemes = [p for p in phonemes if p in symbols]
56 |
phoneme_ids = text_to_sequence(" ".join(phonemes))
57 |
phoneme_ids = torch.LongTensor(phoneme_ids)[None, :].to(device)
58 |
if style_prompt is not None:
59 |
dec, log_cf0, vuv = model.infer(
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
reference_mel = (reference_mel - mel_stats["mean"]) / mel_stats["std"]
68 |
reference_mel =
69 |
dec, log_cf0, vuv = model.infer(
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
modfs = int(1.0 / (10 * 0.001))
77 |
log_cf0 = lowpass_filter(log_cf0, modfs, cutoff=20)
78 |
f0 = log_cf0.exp()
79 |
f0[vuv < 0.5] = 0
80 |
dec = dec * mel_stats["std"] + mel_stats["mean"]
81 |
wav = vocoder(dec, f0).squeeze(1).cpu()
82 |
return wav
83 |
84 |
def onclick_with_style_prompt(content_prompt, style_prompt):
85 |
wav = onclick_synthesis(
86 |
content_prompt=content_prompt, style_prompt=style_prompt
87 |
88 |
mel = to_mel(wav)
89 |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
90 |
plt.imshow(mel.squeeze().numpy(), aspect="auto", origin="lower")
91 |
return (to_mel.sample_rate, wav.squeeze().numpy()), fig
92 |
93 |
def onclick_with_reference_mel(content_prompt, reference_wav_path):
94 |
wav, _ = torchaudio.load(reference_wav_path)
95 |
ref_mel = to_mel(wav)
96 |
wav = onclick_synthesis(content_prompt=content_prompt, reference_mel=ref_mel)
97 |
mel = to_mel(wav)
98 |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
99 |
plt.imshow(mel.squeeze().numpy(), aspect="auto", origin="lower")
100 |
return (to_mel.sample_rate, wav.squeeze().numpy()), fig
101 |
102 |
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
103 |
gr.Markdown("# PromptTTS++")
104 |
gr.Markdown("### NOTE: Please do not enter personal information.")
105 |
content_prompt = gr.Textbox(
106 |
content_placeholder, lines=3, label="Content prompt"
107 |
108 |
with gr.Tabs():
109 |
with gr.TabItem("Style prompt"):
110 |
style_prompt = gr.Textbox(
111 |
style_placeholder, lines=3, label="Style prompt"
112 |
113 |
syn_button1 = gr.Button("Synthesize")
114 |
wav1 = gr.Audio(label="Output wav", elem_id="prompt")
115 |
plot1 = gr.Plot(label="Output mel", elem_id="prompt")
116 |
with gr.TabItem("Reference wav"):
117 |
ref_wav_path = gr.Audio(
118 |
type="filepath", label="Reference wav", elem_id="ref"
119 |
120 |
syn_button2 = gr.Button("Synthesize")
121 |
wav2 = gr.Audio(label="Output wav", elem_id="ref")
122 |
plot2 = gr.Plot(label="Output mel", elem_id="ref")
123 |
124 |
125 |
inputs=[content_prompt, style_prompt],
126 |
outputs=[wav1, plot1],
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
inputs=[content_prompt, ref_wav_path],
131 |
outputs=[wav2, plot2],
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="egs/proposed/bin/conf", config_name="demo")
137 |
def main(cfg):
138 |
model, vocoder = load_model(
139 |
cfg.model, cfg.model_ckpt_path, cfg.vocoder, cfg.vocoder_ckpt_path
140 |
141 |
to_mel = instantiate(cfg.transforms)
142 |
# If the NLTK version is 3.9.1, this download code might be necessary.
143 |
144 |
g2p = G2p()
145 |
mel_stats = OmegaConf.load(cfg.mel_stats_file)
146 |
build_ui(g2p, model, vocoder, to_mel, mel_stats)
147 |
148 |
149 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
150 |
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
1 |
# data_prep
2 |
3 |
This directory contains the following data preparation scripts:
4 |
5 |
1. MFA data preparation: Code for extracting phone alignments by Montréal Forced Aligner (MFA)
6 |
2. Style prompt data preparation: Code for preparing synthetic annotations of style prompts.
7 |
8 |
## 0. Download LibriTTS_R
9 |
10 |
Before running any scripts, be sure to put the [LibriTTS-R]( dataset to `./LibriTTS_R`. You must have the following directory structure:
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
├── BOOKS.txt
15 |
├── CHAPTERS.txt
16 |
├── LICENSE.txt
17 |
├── NOTE.txt
18 |
├── README_librispeech.txt
19 |
├── README_libritts.txt
20 |
├── README_libritts_r.txt
21 |
├── SPEAKERS.txt
22 |
├── dev-clean
23 |
├── dev-other
24 |
├── reader_book.tsv
25 |
├── speakers.tsv
26 |
├── test-clean
27 |
├── test-other
28 |
├── train-clean-100
29 |
├── train-clean-360
30 |
└── train-other-500
31 |
32 |
33 |
## 1. MFA data preparation
34 |
35 |
### Setup for MFA
36 |
37 |
38 |
conda install -c conda-forge montreal-forced-aligner
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
mfa model download dictionary english_us_arpa
43 |
mfa model download acoustic english_us_arpa
44 |
45 |
46 |
### Usage
47 |
48 |
Please check `` for the usage.
49 |
50 |
Note that running MFA for all the utterances in LibriTTS-R takes a long time (likely a few days).
51 |
52 |
53 |
### Directory structure
54 |
55 |
After all the data preparation steps, the following directories will be created:
56 |
57 |
- `libritts_r_per_spk_cleaned`
58 |
- `${spk}`
59 |
- `textgrid`: text grid files
60 |
- `wav24k`: 24kHz wav files
61 |
62 |
63 |
├── 100
64 |
│ ├── textgrid
65 |
│ └── wav24k
66 |
├── 1001
67 |
│ ├── textgrid
68 |
│ └── wav24k
69 |
├── 1006
70 |
│ ├── textgrid
71 |
│ └── wav24k
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
## 2. Style prompt data preparation
77 |
78 |
Code for estimating per-utterance style tags (e.g., low pitch, normal pitch and high pitch) from the data statistics.
79 |
80 |
### Usage
81 |
82 |
Please check `` for the usage.
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
import argparse
16 |
import sys
17 |
from pathlib import Path
18 |
19 |
import numpy as np
20 |
import pandas as pd
21 |
import yaml
22 |
from common import getLogger, load_libritts_spk_metadata
23 |
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
24 |
from import tqdm
25 |
26 |
27 |
def get_parser():
28 |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
29 |
description="Add style prompt tags and save the results to a CSV file",
30 |
31 |
parser.add_argument("in_dir", type=str, help="LibriTTS original data root")
32 |
parser.add_argument("utt_stats", type=str, help="Utterance stats file")
33 |
34 |
"style_prompt_candidates", type=str, help="Style prompt candidates"
35 |
36 |
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Debug")
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
help="Output filename",
43 |
44 |
45 |
return parser
46 |
47 |
48 |
def norm2label(val, level=3, labels=None):
49 |
"""Map a N(0, 1) normalized value to a discrete label
50 |
51 |
52 |
val (float): Normalized value
53 |
level (int, optional): Number of levels. Defaults to 3.
54 |
labels (List[str], optional): Labels. Defaults to None.
55 |
56 |
57 |
str: Label
58 |
59 |
if labels is None:
60 |
labels = ["low", "normal", "high"]
61 |
if level == 3:
62 |
# (-∞, -0.7]: low
63 |
# (-0.7, 0.7]: normal
64 |
# (0.7, ∞]: high
65 |
66 |
if val < -0.7:
67 |
return labels[0]
68 |
elif val > 0.7:
69 |
return labels[2]
70 |
71 |
return labels[1]
72 |
elif level == 5:
73 |
# (-∞, -1.3): very low
74 |
# [-1.3, -0.5): low
75 |
# [-0.5, 0.5): normal
76 |
# [0.5, 1.3): high
77 |
# [1.3, ∞]: very high
78 |
if val < -1.3:
79 |
return f"very {labels[0]}"
80 |
elif val >= -1.3 and val < -0.5:
81 |
return f"{labels[0]}"
82 |
elif val >= -0.5 and val < 0.5:
83 |
return labels[1]
84 |
elif val >= 0.5 and val < 1.3:
85 |
return labels[2]
86 |
87 |
return f"very {labels[2]}"
88 |
89 |
90 |
def speeking_speed_pseudo_label(spk2meta, scalers, val, spk, level=3):
91 |
gender = spk2meta[spk]["gender"]
92 |
scaler = scalers[gender]
93 |
94 |
val_scaled = (val - scaler.mean_[0]) / scaler.scale_[0]
95 |
96 |
return norm2label(val_scaled, level=level, labels=["slow", "normal", "fast"])
97 |
98 |
99 |
def pitch_pseudo_label(spk2meta, scalers, val, spk, level=3):
100 |
gender = spk2meta[spk]["gender"]
101 |
scaler = scalers[gender]
102 |
103 |
val_scaled = (val - scaler.mean_[0]) / scaler.scale_[0]
104 |
105 |
return norm2label(val_scaled, level=level, labels=["low", "normal", "high"])
106 |
107 |
108 |
def energy_pseudo_label(spk2meta, scalers, val, spk, level=3):
109 |
gender = spk2meta[spk]["gender"]
110 |
scaler = scalers[gender]
111 |
112 |
val_scaled = (val - scaler.mean_[0]) / scaler.scale_[0]
113 |
114 |
return norm2label(val_scaled, level=level, labels=["low", "normal", "high"])
115 |
116 |
117 |
def uttid2path(utt_id, data_root, spk2meta):
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
) = utt_id.split("_", 2)
123 |
124 |
subset = spk2meta[spk]["subset"]
125 |
126 |
path = data_root / subset / spk / subset2 / f"{utt_id}.wav"
127 |
128 |
return path
129 |
130 |
131 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
132 |
args = get_parser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
133 |
134 |
in_dir = Path(args.in_dir)
135 |
136 |
spk2meta = load_libritts_spk_metadata(debug=args.debug)
137 |
logger = getLogger(
138 |
verbose=100, filename="log/add_style_prompt.log", name="add_style_prompt"
139 |
140 |
141 |
+"Loading utterance stats...")
142 |
with open(args.utt_stats) as f:
143 |
libritts_r_per_utt_metadata = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
144 |
145 |
146 |
failed_utt_ids = []
147 |
for path in Path("./external/libritts_r_failed_speech_restoration_examples/").glob(
148 |
149 |
150 |
with open(path) as f:
151 |
for line in f:
152 |
if len(line.strip()) > 0:
153 |
utt_id = Path(line.strip()).stem
154 |
155 |
156 |
df_style_prompt = pd.read_csv(
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
names=["style_key", "prompt"],
161 |
162 |
style_prompt_dict = {}
163 |
for _, row in df_style_prompt.iterrows():
164 |
style_key, style_prompt = row.iloc[0], row.iloc[1]
165 |
assert isinstance(style_prompt, str)
166 |
style_prompt_dict[style_key] = list(
167 |
map(lambda s: s.lower().strip(), style_prompt.split(";"))
168 |
169 |
170 |
# Loudness
171 |
+"Computing loudness stats...")
172 |
all_loudness_mean = {"F": [], "M": []}
173 |
for utt_id, meta in tqdm(libritts_r_per_utt_metadata.items()):
174 |
if meta["invalid"] == 1:
175 |
176 |
spk = utt_id.split("_")[0]
177 |
gender = spk2meta[spk]["gender"]
178 |
179 |
all_loudness_mean_norm = {"F": [], "M": []}
180 |
scalers_loudness_mean = {"F": StandardScaler(), "M": StandardScaler()}
181 |
for k, scaler in scalers_loudness_mean.items():
182 |
arr = np.array(all_loudness_mean[k]).reshape(-1, 1)
183 |
184 |
all_loudness_mean_norm[k] = scaler.transform(arr).reshape(-1)
185 |
186 |
187 |
# log-F0
188 |
+"Computing log-F0 stats...")
189 |
all_lf0_mean = {"F": [], "M": []}
190 |
for utt_id, meta in tqdm(libritts_r_per_utt_metadata.items()):
191 |
if meta["invalid"] == 1:
192 |
193 |
194 |
spk = utt_id.split("_")[0]
195 |
gender = spk2meta[spk]["gender"]
196 |
197 |
all_lf0_mean_norm = {"F": [], "M": []}
198 |
scalers_lf0_mean = {"F": StandardScaler(), "M": StandardScaler()}
199 |
for k, scaler in scalers_lf0_mean.items():
200 |
if meta["invalid"] == 1:
201 |
202 |
203 |
arr = np.array(all_lf0_mean[k]).reshape(-1, 1)
204 |
205 |
all_lf0_mean_norm[k] = scaler.transform(arr).reshape(-1)
206 |
207 |
208 |
# speaking speed
209 |
+"Computing speaking speed stats...")
210 |
all_speaking_rate = {"F": [], "M": []}
211 |
for utt_id, meta in tqdm(libritts_r_per_utt_metadata.items()):
212 |
if meta["invalid"] == 1:
213 |
214 |
215 |
spk = utt_id.split("_")[0]
216 |
gender = spk2meta[spk]["gender"]
217 |
218 |
all_speaking_rate_norm = {"F": [], "M": []}
219 |
scalers_speaking_rate = {"F": StandardScaler(), "M": StandardScaler()}
220 |
for k, scaler in scalers_speaking_rate.items():
221 |
if meta["invalid"] == 1:
222 |
223 |
224 |
arr = np.array(all_speaking_rate[k]).reshape(-1, 1)
225 |
226 |
all_speaking_rate_norm[k] = scaler.transform(arr).reshape(-1)
227 |
228 |
229 |
rows = []
230 |
for idx, (k, v) in tqdm(enumerate(libritts_r_per_utt_metadata.items())):
231 |
if args.debug and idx > 100:
232 |
233 |
234 |
spk_id = k.split("_")[0]
235 |
gender = spk2meta[spk_id]["gender"]
236 |
237 |
# content_prompt
238 |
text_path = Path(
239 |
uttid2path(k, in_dir, spk2meta)
240 |
241 |
.replace(".wav", ".normalized.txt")
242 |
243 |
assert text_path.exists()
244 |
content_prompt = open(text_path).read().strip()
245 |
246 |
# Peseudo labeling
247 |
level = 5
248 |
pitch = pitch_pseudo_label(
249 |
spk2meta, scalers_lf0_mean, v["raw_lf0_mean"], spk_id, level=level
250 |
251 |
speaking_speed = speeking_speed_pseudo_label(
252 |
spk2meta, scalers_speaking_rate, v["raw_speaking_rate"], spk_id, level=level
253 |
254 |
energy = energy_pseudo_label(
255 |
spk2meta, scalers_loudness_mean, v["raw_loudness_mean"], spk_id, level=level
256 |
257 |
258 |
pitch3 = pitch.replace("very", "").strip()
259 |
speaking_speed3 = speaking_speed.replace("very", "").strip()
260 |
energy3 = energy.replace("very", "").strip()
261 |
262 |
style_key = f"{gender}_p-{pitch3}_s-{speaking_speed3}_e-{energy3}"
263 |
style_prompts = style_prompt_dict[style_key]
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
"item_name": k,
268 |
"spk_id": spk_id,
269 |
"gender": gender,
270 |
"pitch": pitch,
271 |
"speaking_speed": speaking_speed,
272 |
"energy": energy,
273 |
"content_prompt": content_prompt,
274 |
"style_prompt_key": style_key,
275 |
# speaker name is unused but for compatibility with older scripts
276 |
"raw_f0_mean": v["raw_f0_mean"],
277 |
"raw_f0_scale": v["raw_f0_scale"],
278 |
"raw_lf0_mean": v["raw_lf0_mean"],
279 |
"raw_lf0_scale": v["raw_lf0_scale"],
280 |
"raw_speaking_rate": v["raw_speaking_rate"],
281 |
"raw_loudness_lufs": v["raw_loudness_lufs"],
282 |
"raw_loudness_mean": v["raw_loudness_mean"],
283 |
"raw_loudness_scale": v["raw_loudness_scale"],
284 |
"invalid": v["invalid"],
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
df_new = pd.DataFrame(rows)
289 |
290 |
df_new.loc[df_new.content_prompt.str.startswith("-"), "invalid"] = 1
291 |
df_new.loc[df_new.item_name.isin(failed_utt_ids), "invalid"] = 1
292 |
293 |
df_new.to_csv(args.out_filename, index=False, header=True)
294 |
+"Saved to {args.out_filename}")
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
import logging
16 |
import os
17 |
from os.path import dirname
18 |
19 |
format = "%(asctime)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
20 |
21 |
22 |
def getLogger(verbose=0, filename=None, name="ttwave"):
23 |
logger = logging.getLogger(name)
24 |
if verbose >= 100:
25 |
26 |
elif verbose > 0:
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
if filename is not None:
36 |
os.makedirs(dirname(filename), exist_ok=True)
37 |
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=filename)
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
return logger
43 |
44 |
45 |
def load_libritts_spk_metadata(path="external/speakers.tsv", debug=False):
46 |
spk2meta = {}
47 |
with open(path) as f:
48 |
lines = f.readlines()
49 |
for line in lines[1:]: # skip header
50 |
vals = line.strip().split("\t")
51 |
if len(vals) == 4:
52 |
spk, gender, subset, name = vals
53 |
elif len(vals) == 3:
54 |
spk, gender, subset = vals
55 |
name = "Unknown"
56 |
spk2meta[spk] = {"gender": gender, "subset": subset, "name": name}
57 |
58 |
if debug:
59 |
eval_spks = [1188, 1995, 260]
60 |
val_spks = [89, 90, 91]
61 |
train_spks = [100, 101, 102, 1001]
62 |
spks = eval_spks + val_spks + train_spks
63 |
spk2meta = {k: v for k, v in spk2meta.items() if int(k) in spks}
64 |
65 |
return spk2meta
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
import argparse
16 |
import sys
17 |
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
18 |
from pathlib import Path
19 |
20 |
import librosa
21 |
import numpy as np
22 |
import pyloudnorm as pyln
23 |
import pyworld
24 |
import soundfile as sf
25 |
import syllables
26 |
import yaml
27 |
from common import getLogger, load_libritts_spk_metadata
28 |
from promptttspp.utils.textgrid import read_textgrid
29 |
from import tqdm
30 |
31 |
32 |
def compute_speaking_rate(textgrid_path):
33 |
labels = read_textgrid(textgrid_path.as_posix(), "words")
34 |
if len(labels) < 2:
35 |
return -1
36 |
assert len(labels) >= 2
37 |
38 |
start_time = None
39 |
end_time = 0
40 |
num_syllables = 0
41 |
42 |
sil_dur = 0
43 |
for label in labels:
44 |
if start_time is None and len( > 0:
45 |
start_time = label.start
46 |
if len( > 0:
47 |
num_syllables += syllables.estimate(
48 |
49 |
sil_dur += label.stop - label.start
50 |
end_time = labels[-1].stop
51 |
52 |
53 |
rate = num_syllables / (end_time - start_time - sil_dur)
54 |
except ZeroDivisionError:
55 |
print(f"warn: {textgrid_path}. {end_time}, {start_time}, {sil_dur}")
56 |
rate = -1
57 |
if rate < 0:
58 |
print(f"warn: {textgrid_path}. {end_time}, {start_time}, {sil_dur}")
59 |
rate = -1
60 |
61 |
return round(rate, 2)
62 |
63 |
64 |
def loudness_extract(audio, sampling_rate, n_fft=1024, hop_length=240):
65 |
stft = librosa.stft(audio, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length) + 1e-7
66 |
power_spectrum = np.abs(stft) ** 2
67 |
bins = librosa.fft_frequencies(sr=sampling_rate, n_fft=n_fft)
68 |
bins[0] += 1e-5 # To prevent zero division
69 |
loudness = librosa.perceptual_weighting(power_spectrum, bins)
70 |
loudness = librosa.db_to_power(loudness)
71 |
loudness = np.log(np.mean(loudness, axis=0) + 1e-5)
72 |
return loudness
73 |
74 |
75 |
def get_parser():
76 |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
77 |
description="Compute per-utterance statistics",
78 |
79 |
80 |
"in_dir", type=str, help="LibriTTS per-speaker restructured data root"
81 |
82 |
parser.add_argument("f0_stats", type=str, help="f0 stats")
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
help="Output filename",
88 |
89 |
parser.add_argument("--num_jobs", type=int, default=8, help="Number of jobs")
90 |
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Debug")
91 |
92 |
return parser
93 |
94 |
95 |
def process_utterance(logger, wav_file, textgrid_file, f0_stats):
96 |
utt_id = wav_file.stem
97 |
spk = utt_id.split("_")[0]
98 |
x, sr =
99 |
hop_length = int(sr * 0.010)
100 |
101 |
invalid = 0
102 |
103 |
# Loudness in LUFS
104 |
block_size = min(0.4, len(x) / sr - 0.01)
105 |
meter = pyln.Meter(sr, block_size=block_size)
106 |
loudness_lufs = round(meter.integrated_loudness(x), 2)
107 |
108 |
# Per-frame loudness
109 |
frame_loudness = loudness_extract(x, sr, n_fft=1024, hop_length=hop_length)
110 |
111 |
# F0
112 |
if spk in f0_stats:
113 |
f0_floor = f0_stats[spk]["f0_floor"]
114 |
f0_ceil = f0_stats[spk]["f0_ceil"]
115 |
116 |
f0_floor = 70
117 |
f0_ceil = 800
118 |
logger.warning(f"Using default f0_floor={f0_floor}, f0_ceil={f0_ceil}")
119 |
120 |
f0, timeaxis = pyworld.dio(
121 |
x, sr, frame_period=5, f0_floor=f0_floor, f0_ceil=f0_ceil
122 |
123 |
f0 = pyworld.stonemask(x, f0, timeaxis, sr)
124 |
f0_v = f0[f0 > 0]
125 |
lf0_v = np.log(f0_v)
126 |
127 |
# e.g. 14_212_000011_000004, 14_212_000011_000009, 14_212_000018_000001
128 |
if len(f0_v) == 0:
129 |
logger.warning(f"{utt_id} has no f0")
130 |
f0_mean = 0
131 |
f0_scale = 1.0
132 |
invalid = 1
133 |
lf0_mean = 0
134 |
lf0_scale = 1.0
135 |
136 |
lf0_mean = np.mean(lf0_v)
137 |
lf0_scale = np.std(lf0_v)
138 |
f0_mean = np.mean(f0_v)
139 |
f0_scale = np.std(f0_v)
140 |
141 |
142 |
speaking_rate = compute_speaking_rate(textgrid_file)
143 |
if speaking_rate < 0:
144 |
invalid = 1
145 |
except RuntimeError:
146 |
logger.warning(f"{utt_id} has no valid speaking rate")
147 |
speaking_rate = 0
148 |
invalid = 1
149 |
150 |
out = {
151 |
"raw_loudness_lufs": round(float(loudness_lufs), 2),
152 |
"raw_loudness_mean": round(float(frame_loudness.mean()), 2),
153 |
"raw_loudness_scale": round(float(frame_loudness.std()), 2),
154 |
"raw_f0_mean": round(float(f0_mean), 2),
155 |
"raw_f0_scale": round(float(f0_scale), 2),
156 |
"raw_lf0_mean": round(float(lf0_mean), 2),
157 |
"raw_lf0_scale": round(float(lf0_scale), 2),
158 |
"raw_speaking_rate": round(float(speaking_rate), 2),
159 |
"invalid": invalid,
160 |
161 |
162 |
return utt_id, out
163 |
164 |
165 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
166 |
args = get_parser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
167 |
168 |
num_jobs = int(args.num_jobs)
169 |
170 |
spk2meta = load_libritts_spk_metadata(debug=args.debug)
171 |
in_dir = Path(args.in_dir)
172 |
173 |
logger = getLogger(
174 |
verbose=100, filename="log/compute_utt_stats.log", name="compute_utt_stats"
175 |
176 |
177 |
executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_jobs)
178 |
futures = []
179 |
180 |
with open(args.f0_stats) as f:
181 |
f0_stats = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
182 |
183 |
for spk, _ in tqdm(spk2meta.items()):
184 |
spk_in_dir = in_dir / spk
185 |
spk_mfa_dir = spk_in_dir / "textgrid"
186 |
187 |
if not spk_in_dir.exists():
188 |
189 |
190 |
textgrid_files = sorted(list(spk_mfa_dir.glob("*.TextGrid")))
191 |
# valid utt_ids
192 |
utt_ids = [f.stem for f in textgrid_files]
193 |
wav_files = [spk_in_dir / "wav24k" / f"{utt_id}.wav" for utt_id in utt_ids]
194 |
195 |
for wav_file, textgrid_file in zip(wav_files, textgrid_files):
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
metadata = {}
207 |
for future in tqdm(futures):
208 |
utt_id, meta = future.result()
209 |
metadata[utt_id] = meta
210 |
211 |
with open(args.out_filename, "w") as of:
212 |
yaml.dump(metadata, of)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
Files in this directory were extracted from:
2 |
3 |
We put some files here for convenience.
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 |
These text files contain file paths where speech restoration by Miipher [1] may have failed. Speech restoration is not always perfect, so some phonemes may be lost or changed during the restoration process.
2 |
3 |
The authors of the LibriTTS-R paper [2] ran automatic speech recognition (ASR) on all LibriTTS-R samples and created these lists of samples with a word error rate (WER) above a certain threshold. The experiments in the LibriTTS-R paper were conducted using these files that may have failed to be restored. However, the files included in these lists are likely to have uncorresponding transcripts and waveforms. Therefore, we recommend excluding them during model training.
4 |
5 |
In addition, some of the original LibriTTS samples do not align the transcript and waveform, such as mentioned in LibriTTSLabel [3] used in ESPnet. We recommend that users re-execute force alignment for LibriTTS-R.
6 |
7 |
[1] Y. Koizumi, et al., "Miipher: A Robust Speech Restoration Model Integrating Self-Supervised Speech and Text Representations," WASPAA 2023.
8 |
[2] Y. Koizumi, et al., "LibriTTS-R: Restoration of a Large-Scale Multi-Speaker TTS Corpus," INTERSPEECH 2023.
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1 |
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14 F train-clean-360 Kristin LeMoine
3 |
16 F train-clean-360 Alys AtteWater
4 |
17 M train-clean-360 Gord Mackenzie
5 |
19 F train-clean-100 Kara Shallenberg
6 |
20 F train-other-500 Gesine
7 |
22 F train-clean-360 Michelle Crandall
8 |
23 F train-clean-360 Anita Roy Dobbs
9 |
25 M train-other-500 John Gonzalez
10 |
26 M train-clean-100 Denny Sayers
11 |
27 M train-clean-100 Sean McKinley
12 |
28 F train-clean-360 Kristin Hughes
13 |
29 M train-other-500 Linton
14 |
30 F train-clean-360 Annie Coleman Rothenberg
15 |
31 M train-other-500 Martin Clifton
16 |
32 F train-clean-100 Betsie Bush
17 |
36 M train-other-500 Chip
18 |
37 M train-other-500 wolvrin
19 |
38 M train-clean-360 R. Francis Smith
20 |
39 F train-clean-100 Sherry Crowther
21 |
40 F train-clean-100 Vicki Barbour
22 |
44 F train-other-500 travelbratd
23 |
45 F train-other-500 Kelly Bescherer
24 |
46 M train-other-500 Aaron Hochwimmer
25 |
47 F train-other-500 Amanda
26 |
49 M train-other-500 vrk74
27 |
51 M train-other-500 rakkar
28 |
52 F train-other-500 Luisa Hall
29 |
54 F train-clean-360 Westwinds12
30 |
55 M train-clean-360 David Jaquay
31 |
56 F train-clean-360 Kirsten Ferreri
32 |
57 F train-other-500 Ophelia Darcy
33 |
58 M train-other-500 George Coutts
34 |
60 M train-clean-100
35 |
61 M test-clean Paul-Gabriel Wiener
36 |
62 M train-other-500 Faris
37 |
64 F train-clean-360 Robin Cotter
38 |
65 F train-other-500 chriss the girl
39 |
66 M train-other-500 Alex Foster
40 |
70 M train-clean-360 Kurt Copeland
41 |
75 M train-other-500 Jim Mowatt
42 |
77 F train-other-500 JemmaBlythe
43 |
78 M train-clean-100 Hugh McGuire
44 |
79 F train-clean-360 Jennifer Crispin
45 |
81 M train-clean-360 Aaron Decker
46 |
82 F train-other-500 Marlo Dianne
47 |
83 F train-clean-100 Catharine Eastman
48 |
84 F dev-clean Christie Nowak
49 |
85 M train-other-500 David Leaman
50 |
87 F train-clean-100 Rosalind Wills
51 |
89 F train-clean-100 Kristen McQuillin
52 |
90 M train-clean-360 Dan Threetrees
53 |
91 M train-other-500 Stephan Mobius
54 |
92 F train-other-500 Cori Samuel
55 |
93 F train-clean-360 Kathy
56 |
94 M train-other-500 David Barnes
57 |
98 F train-clean-360 Patricia Oakley
58 |
100 F train-clean-360 Judy Bieber
59 |
101 M train-clean-360 paulino
60 |
102 F train-other-500 Linda Leu
61 |
103 F train-clean-100 Karen Savage
62 |
104 F train-other-500 Laura M.D.
63 |
107 M train-other-500 John Greenman
64 |
110 F train-other-500 Cynthia Lyons (1946-2011)
65 |
111 F train-other-500 Linda Wilcox
66 |
112 F train-clean-360 Christiane Levesque
67 |
114 F train-clean-360 Jen Kidd
68 |
115 F train-clean-360 Maddie
69 |
116 M dev-other Steven Collins
70 |
118 M train-clean-100 Alex Buie
71 |
119 M train-clean-360 Alex Patterson
72 |
121 F test-clean Nikolle Doolin
73 |
122 M train-clean-360 J.C.
74 |
123 F train-other-500 Ezwa
75 |
125 F train-clean-100 Claire Goget
76 |
126 F train-clean-360 Susan Denney
77 |
127 M train-other-500 John Hicken
78 |
128 M train-other-500 ML Cohen
79 |
133 M train-other-500 Mick
80 |
147 M train-other-500 Thomas Hoover
81 |
149 M train-other-500 Joshua Young
82 |
150 F train-clean-100 Fox in the Stars
83 |
151 F train-other-500 Gwen
84 |
152 M train-other-500 Andy Minter
85 |
153 M train-other-500 Graham Williams
86 |
154 M train-clean-360 Robert Foster
87 |
157 M train-clean-360 Ben Douglas
88 |
159 M train-clean-360 hugh mac
89 |
161 M train-other-500 Cyril Law, Jr.
90 |
163 M train-clean-100 Andrew Miller
91 |
166 F train-clean-360 Paula Berinstein
92 |
167 M train-other-500 Peter Yearsley
93 |
168 M train-other-500 Chris Goringe
94 |
173 F train-other-500 vlooi
95 |
174 M dev-clean Peter Eastman
96 |
175 F train-clean-360 Meredith Hughes
97 |
176 M train-clean-360 Vinny Bove
98 |
177 F train-other-500 Kymm Zuckert
99 |
188 F train-clean-360 Mary Anderson
100 |
192 F train-clean-360 Deborah Clark
101 |
196 M train-clean-100 Stewart Wills
102 |
198 F train-clean-100 Heather Barnett
103 |
199 F train-other-500 Maria Morabe
104 |
200 F train-clean-100 Maureen S. O'Brien
105 |
201 M train-clean-100 Joplin James
106 |
202 F train-other-500 Geetu Melwani
107 |
203 F train-clean-360 Marian Brown
108 |
204 M train-clean-360 Mark F. Smith
109 |
205 F train-clean-360 Esther
110 |
207 M train-clean-360 Kevin McAsh
111 |
208 F train-clean-360 Andrea L
112 |
209 F train-clean-360 Moira Fogarty
113 |
210 M train-clean-360 Aldark
114 |
211 F train-clean-100 shanda_w
115 |
215 F train-other-500 Alice Elizabeth Still
116 |
216 M train-clean-360 Thomas Davoren
117 |
217 F train-clean-360 firefly
118 |
218 M train-other-500 Kelly Clear
119 |
224 F train-clean-360 Caitlin Kelly
120 |
225 F train-clean-360 Brenda Dayne
121 |
226 F train-clean-100 Deb Bacon-Ziegler
122 |
227 F train-clean-360 Sarah Key-DeLyria
123 |
228 F train-other-500 Arctura
124 |
229 M train-clean-100 carnright
125 |
231 M train-clean-360 Sean McGaughey
126 |
233 M train-clean-100 Steve Karafit
127 |
237 F test-clean rachelellen
128 |
238 F train-other-500 Maria Elmvang
129 |
240 M train-clean-360 Shurtagal
130 |
242 F train-clean-360 Cagirlwithasoutherndrawl
131 |
243 F train-other-500 Jennifer Stearns
132 |
245 M train-other-500 Peter of Buckinghamshire England
133 |
246 F train-clean-360 Beth Dudek
134 |
248 F train-clean-100 Becky Miller
135 |
249 M train-clean-360 pww214
136 |
250 F train-clean-100 Mary Reagan
137 |
251 M dev-clean Mark Nelson
138 |
252 M train-other-500 Rainer
139 |
253 M train-other-500 Stefan Schmelz
140 |
254 M train-clean-100 Alan Davis Drake (1945-2010)
141 |
255 M train-other-500 Chris Hawk
142 |
258 M train-clean-360 Kurt Wong
143 |
260 M test-clean Brad Bush
144 |
263 M train-other-500 Michael Sirois
145 |
264 M train-other-500 Chris Hughes
146 |
265 M train-other-500 Janice
147 |
272 M train-clean-360 Mr. Baby Man
148 |
273 M train-other-500 Jim Cadwell
149 |
274 F train-clean-360 Eileen George
150 |
277 F train-other-500 Alessia
151 |
278 F train-clean-360 AliceG
152 |
283 M train-other-500 Asaf Bartov
153 |
288 F train-clean-360 Bookworm
154 |
289 F train-clean-100 Barbara Wedge
155 |
294 F train-other-500 Calliope
156 |
296 M train-clean-360 Carl Manchester
157 |
298 F train-clean-100 Caroline Morse
158 |
302 F train-clean-100 Chris Peterson
159 |
303 M train-clean-360 Tony Hightower
160 |
307 M train-clean-100 Randy Phillips
161 |
310 F train-other-500 Dexnell Peters
162 |
311 M train-clean-100 deadwhitemales
163 |
313 F train-other-500 Dilini Jayasinghe
164 |
317 M train-other-500 Mike Gardom
165 |
318 F train-clean-360 Eileen aka e
166 |
319 M train-other-500 Ed Good
167 |
322 F train-clean-100 Elisabeth Shields
168 |
323 F train-clean-360 Erica Kuntz
169 |
328 F train-clean-100 Elizabeth Palmer
170 |
329 M train-clean-360 Todd Cranston-Cuebas
171 |
331 M train-other-500 Richard Grove
172 |
332 M train-clean-100 Aaron Teiser
173 |
335 M train-clean-360 Paul Harvey
174 |
336 M train-other-500 Harvey Chinn
175 |
337 F train-clean-360 Barbara Harvey
176 |
339 F train-clean-360 Heather Ordover
177 |
340 M train-clean-360 Scott Henkel
178 |
345 M train-clean-360 Micah Sheppard
179 |
348 M train-other-500 ianish
180 |
353 M train-clean-360 Jamey Osborne
181 |
359 M train-clean-360 John Nicholson
182 |
362 F train-clean-360 Judith Brown
183 |
365 M train-other-500 Jon Ingram
184 |
366 F train-other-500 Katy Preston
185 |
367 F test-other Kathleen Dang
186 |
369 M train-clean-360 Kevin Readdean
187 |
373 F train-clean-360 Kim Braun
188 |
374 M train-clean-100 kumarei
189 |
377 M train-other-500 Lenny Glionna Jr.
190 |
380 F train-clean-360 Laurie Campbell
191 |
392 F train-other-500 Maria Celano
192 |
398 M train-clean-360 James Smith
193 |
402 F train-other-500 Sharmini Kumar
194 |
403 F train-clean-100 Nocturna
195 |
404 F train-other-500 Nomenphile
196 |
405 M train-clean-100 Eric Dennison
197 |
408 F train-clean-360 Claudine Chen
198 |
409 M train-clean-360 Mike Kauffmann
199 |
412 M train-clean-100 Brian Roberg
200 |
413 M train-other-500 Daniel Watkins
201 |
421 M train-other-500 Patrick
202 |
422 M dev-clean President Lethe
203 |
426 F train-clean-100 Norah Piehl
204 |
428 M train-other-500 Rayburn Beale
205 |
432 M train-other-500 Steve Andersen
206 |
434 F train-clean-360 Joyce Nussbaum
207 |
439 M train-clean-360 Robert Garrison
208 |
441 F train-clean-100 Sandra in Wales, United Kingdom
209 |
444 F train-other-500 Sage Tyrtle
210 |
445 M train-clean-100 Dave Foss
211 |
446 M train-clean-100 Steve Hartzog
212 |
448 F train-other-500 scrappylibrarian
213 |
451 F train-clean-360 Sonserae Leese-Calver
214 |
453 M train-other-500 Glen Hallstrom
215 |
454 M train-clean-360 Tom Yates
216 |
458 M train-clean-100 Scott Splavec
217 |
459 M train-clean-360 Mark Bradford
218 |
460 M train-clean-100 Dave Ranson
219 |
464 M train-clean-360 Mike Wilson
220 |
466 F train-other-500 Joy Chan
221 |
470 M train-other-500 Chris Chapman
222 |
472 F train-clean-360 Tina Tilney
223 |
474 M train-other-500 Zachary Brewster-Geisz
224 |
475 M train-clean-360 Jason X.
225 |
476 M train-clean-360 Chuck Spann
226 |
479 F train-clean-360 wedschild
227 |
480 M train-clean-360 Chris Vee
228 |
481 M train-clean-100 Neal Foley
229 |
483 F train-other-500 junk science
230 |
487 M train-clean-360 Clayton J. Smith
231 |
489 F train-other-500 Tora
232 |
492 M train-clean-360 TBOL3
233 |
497 M train-clean-360 audiotoshokan
234 |
500 M train-clean-360 galaxiant
235 |
501 M train-clean-360 mikenkat
236 |
505 M train-other-500 Menno
237 |
510 M train-clean-360 Kirk Thomas
238 |
511 M train-clean-360 Matthew Shepherd
239 |
512 M train-clean-360 Anthony Craine
240 |
517 M train-other-500 Matthew Walton
241 |
525 F train-clean-360 Victoria Long
242 |
533 F test-other Ana Simao
243 |
534 F train-clean-360 Jean O'Sullivan
244 |
542 M train-other-500 J. Hall
245 |
543 M train-clean-360 Ted Delorme
246 |
544 M train-other-500 bozgeez
247 |
548 M train-clean-360 Chris Mitchell
248 |
549 F train-clean-360 SarahHadley
249 |
551 M train-other-500 Guntar
250 |
557 M train-other-500 fieldsofgold
251 |
559 M train-clean-360 Bill Stackpole
252 |
561 M train-clean-360 Quentin
253 |
567 M train-other-500 Aaron Benedict
254 |
568 M train-other-500 JD Weber
255 |
569 M train-other-500 Frank
256 |
572 M train-other-500 Rebecca Dittman
257 |
576 F train-clean-360 Caroline Mercier
258 |
580 M train-clean-360 Ryan
259 |
581 M train-clean-360 C. Berrius
260 |
583 M train-clean-360 Russ Maxwell
261 |
584 F train-other-500 miette
262 |
585 F train-other-500 pheo
263 |
587 F train-clean-100 Joy Scaglione
264 |
589 F train-clean-360 Stephanie Konig
265 |
593 M train-clean-360 Eric S. Piotrowski
266 |
594 M train-clean-360 KentF
267 |
596 F train-clean-360 Carol Goode
268 |
597 F train-clean-360 Lisa Chau
269 |
598 F train-clean-360 Kim
270 |
606 M train-clean-360 Julian Jamison
271 |
608 F train-other-500 Baranduin
272 |
612 F train-clean-360 Cindy Steib
273 |
613 M train-other-500 D.E. Wittkower
274 |
614 F train-other-500 Christine Blachford
275 |
622 M train-other-500 Andrew Lebrun
276 |
625 M train-clean-100 toriasuncle
277 |
636 F train-clean-360 Zale Schafer (Rose May Chamberlin Memorial Foundat
278 |
637 M train-clean-360 Michael Scherer
279 |
639 M train-clean-360 Robert Beach
280 |
644 M train-other-500 Daniele
281 |
652 M dev-clean Scott Walter
282 |
663 M train-clean-360 Bruce Stafford
283 |
664 F train-clean-360 Wendy G.
284 |
666 F train-clean-360 Monique
285 |
667 F train-clean-360 Bethany Simpson
286 |
669 F train-clean-100 Anne
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671 M train-clean-360 koijmonop
288 |
672 M test-clean Taylor Burton-Edward
289 |
679 M train-other-500 rhodian
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681 F train-other-500 Lucy Burgoyne
291 |
684 F train-other-500 Lizzie Driver
292 |
688 F train-clean-360 J. M. Smallheer
293 |
690 F train-other-500 Silver
294 |
696 F train-clean-100 Tamara R. Schwartz
295 |
698 F train-clean-360 Randi Warwick
296 |
699 F train-clean-360 Diana Kiesners
297 |
700 F dev-other Susan Hooks
298 |
705 F train-other-500 eva
299 |
707 M train-clean-360 Jason Mayoff
300 |
708 M train-clean-360 Kevin Devine
301 |
711 M train-clean-360 Roy Schreiber
302 |
712 M train-other-500 Michael Shook
303 |
713 F train-other-500 Onjana Yawnghwe
304 |
716 M train-clean-360 martyd
305 |
718 M train-clean-360 clarknova
306 |
720 M train-other-500 Peter Gallagher
307 |
724 M train-clean-360 Michael Crowl
308 |
726 M train-other-500 Paul
309 |
727 M train-other-500 Andrew Richards
310 |
728 M train-other-500 Eric Connover
311 |
730 F train-clean-100 Karen Labenz
312 |
731 F train-clean-360 Megan-Jane Daniels Suyasu
313 |
737 M train-other-500 Roger W. Barnett
314 |
742 M train-other-500 Peter Groom
315 |
753 M train-other-500 Tim Bulkeley
316 |
764 M train-clean-360 Carl Vonnoh, III
317 |
766 M train-other-500 Jean Crevier
318 |
770 M train-clean-360 Justin S Barrett
319 |
774 F train-other-500 Sara Walsh
320 |
777 M dev-clean fling93
321 |
778 M train-other-500 Branko Collin
322 |
779 M train-other-500 Greg
323 |
780 M train-other-500 Lloyd Davis
324 |
781 M train-clean-360 Mitchell Dwyer
325 |
782 F train-other-500 Michele Pacey
326 |
783 F train-clean-360 Gina
327 |
789 F train-other-500 Eva
328 |
791 M train-other-500 Ivan
329 |
792 F train-other-500 mjd-s
330 |
797 M train-other-500 Mike Shapiro
331 |
803 M train-clean-360 Greg Elmensdorp
332 |
806 M train-clean-360 Aaron Andradne
333 |
807 M train-other-500 Luke Venediger
334 |
810 M train-other-500 Joseph Loverti
335 |
811 F train-other-500 Elizabeth
336 |
815 M train-clean-360 mawrtea
337 |
816 M train-clean-360 Jeff Robinson
338 |
820 M train-clean-360 Scoot
339 |
826 M train-other-500 Thomas Wells
340 |
829 F train-clean-360 frenchfry
341 |
830 F train-clean-360 sebrazer
342 |
831 M train-clean-100 Nick Gallant
343 |
834 F train-clean-360 nausicaa
344 |
835 M train-clean-360 echo
345 |
836 M train-clean-360 Kevin LaVergne
346 |
839 M train-clean-100 rovert405
347 |
844 F train-other-500 Martina
348 |
845 M train-other-500 DaveF
349 |
846 M train-other-500 Anadaxis_Canejia
350 |
850 M train-clean-360 tonypettit
351 |
851 M train-other-500 brenthumphries
352 |
868 M train-clean-360 Mike Rosenlof
353 |
876 F train-other-500 Alisha
354 |
882 F train-clean-360 Mur Lafferty
355 |
884 M train-other-500 sayeth
356 |
886 M train-other-500 Paul S. Jenkins
357 |
887 F train-clean-100 Lana Taylor
358 |
895 M train-other-500 Max Porter Zasada
359 |
899 M train-clean-360 thomahal
360 |
908 M test-clean Sam Stinson
361 |
909 M train-clean-100 Greg Bryant
362 |
911 M train-clean-100 frankjf
363 |
915 M train-other-500 Ted Kaouk
364 |
920 F train-clean-360 Sarah Bean
365 |
921 M train-other-500 Brian J. Callaghan
366 |
922 M train-clean-360 Steven H. Wilson
367 |
923 F train-other-500 Layna
368 |
925 F train-clean-360 pattymarie
369 |
927 M train-other-500 Nerijus
370 |
937 F train-other-500 Susie G.
371 |
948 F train-clean-360 Chere Theriot
372 |
949 M train-clean-360 ontheroad
373 |
951 F train-other-500 thomasina
374 |
953 M train-clean-360 Jim Mullins
375 |
954 M train-clean-360 Brooks Seveer
376 |
956 F train-other-500 krithiga
377 |
957 M train-clean-360 iscatel
378 |
960 F train-other-500 Marloes Schoonheim
379 |
964 M train-other-500 Paul Sze
380 |
968 F train-clean-360 Pat Elder
381 |
969 M train-other-500 Czechchris
382 |
976 F train-other-500 Alison Raouf
383 |
978 M train-other-500 Rick Box
384 |
979 F train-clean-360 Kelli Robinson
385 |
982 M train-other-500 Mike Roop
386 |
984 M train-clean-360 J A Carter
387 |
985 M train-other-500 George Pilling
388 |
986 M train-clean-360 Michael Kirkpatrick
389 |
1001 M train-clean-360 Eric
390 |
1006 F train-other-500 Marta Kornowska
391 |
1012 F train-clean-360 Lizzie Oldfather
392 |
1018 M train-clean-360 JimmyLogan
393 |
1025 M train-clean-360 rdmagpie
394 |
1027 M train-clean-360 Brooks Jensen
395 |
1028 M train-clean-360 Tim Lundeen
396 |
1031 F train-clean-360 swroot
397 |
1034 M train-clean-100 Kevin O'Coin
398 |
1040 M train-clean-100 John Garvin
399 |
1046 M train-clean-360 durnburr
400 |
1049 M train-other-500 Sam Fold
401 |
1050 F train-clean-360 entada
402 |
1051 F train-other-500 E. Moulton
403 |
1052 F train-clean-360 Kathy Jacobs
404 |
1053 F train-clean-360 katyleah
405 |
1054 F train-clean-360 Igor Teaforay
406 |
1058 M train-clean-360 James Tiley
407 |
1060 F train-clean-360 Val Grimm
408 |
1061 F train-clean-360 Missie
409 |
1065 M train-other-500 Justin Brett
410 |
1066 F train-clean-360 Laurie Anne Walden
411 |
1069 F train-clean-100 Dawn
412 |
1079 F train-clean-360 Mary aka Breadchick
413 |
1081 M train-clean-100 Fracture
414 |
1084 F train-other-500 Nichole Karl
415 |
1085 M train-other-500 hefyd
416 |
1088 F train-clean-100 Christabel
417 |
1089 M test-clean Peter Bobbe
418 |
1092 F train-other-500 Maria
419 |
1093 F train-clean-360 Kiki Baessell
420 |
1094 M train-other-500 tubeyes
421 |
1096 M train-other-500 Geoff Dugwyler
422 |
1097 M train-other-500 Euthymius
423 |
1098 F train-clean-100 Merryb
424 |
1100 F train-clean-360 Danielle Flores
425 |
1107 M train-other-500 Jason Oakley
426 |
1110 M train-other-500 Graeme Jolliffe
427 |
1112 M train-clean-360 RedToby
428 |
1116 F train-clean-100 Megan Stemm-Wade
429 |
1121 M train-clean-360 John Lieder
430 |
1124 F train-other-500 Ancilla
431 |
1132 M train-other-500 Giles Baker
432 |
1152 F train-other-500 Millbeach
433 |
1154 F train-other-500 Larysa Jaworski
434 |
1160 M train-clean-360 Gary Gilberd
435 |
1161 M train-other-500 Dominic Moore
436 |
1165 M train-clean-360 Bob Graff
437 |
1166 F train-other-500 Debra Lynn
438 |
1168 F train-other-500 Ree
439 |
1171 F train-other-500 Julia Claussen
440 |
1175 M train-clean-360 Brother Patrick
441 |
1179 M train-other-500 Alan Chant
442 |
1182 M train-clean-360 Brett Condron
443 |
1183 F train-clean-100 roolynninms
444 |
1184 M train-other-500 Jeremy Pavier
445 |
1187 M train-other-500 Paul Hansen
446 |
1188 M test-clean Duncan Murrell
447 |
1195 F train-clean-360 Jennette Selig
448 |
1200 M train-other-500 hosmer_angel
449 |
1212 F train-clean-360 Lee Ann Howlett
450 |
1221 F test-clean Dianne
451 |
1222 M train-clean-360 Joseph Ugoretz
452 |
1224 F train-clean-360 Heather Duncan
453 |
1225 M train-other-500 Chris Langston
454 |
1226 M train-clean-360 Russ Lemker
455 |
1230 M train-other-500 Ian Skillen
456 |
1235 M train-clean-100 Tim Gregory
457 |
1239 M train-other-500 Scott Robbins
458 |
1241 F train-clean-360 Catherine Fitz
459 |
1246 F train-clean-100 Sandra
460 |
1250 F train-other-500 Christina Boyles
461 |
1252 F train-other-500 Avery
462 |
1255 M dev-other Simon Evers
463 |
1258 M train-other-500 Mellors
464 |
1259 F train-clean-360 Elizabeth Klett
465 |
1260 M train-other-500 Chris Hughes
466 |
1261 M train-other-500 Mans Broo
467 |
1263 F train-clean-100 Leonie Rose
468 |
1264 M train-clean-360 Matthew Hinman
469 |
1265 M train-clean-360 Edward Elmer
470 |
1266 F train-other-500 Jenilee
471 |
1271 M train-clean-360 Christian Pecaut
472 |
1272 M dev-clean John Rose
473 |
1274 M train-other-500 Larry Gilman
474 |
1280 M train-other-500 Tim Makarios
475 |
1283 M train-clean-360 Paul Siegel
476 |
1284 F test-clean Daniel Anaya
477 |
1289 F train-clean-360 Joanne Pauwels
478 |
1290 F train-clean-360 librarianite
479 |
1291 F train-other-500 Patti Brugman
480 |
1296 F train-clean-360 Gigi Minden
481 |
1298 F train-other-500 Wina Hathaway
482 |
1311 M train-clean-360 Scott D. Farquhar
483 |
1313 M train-clean-360 Scott Sherris
484 |
1316 M train-clean-360 Estragon
485 |
1320 M test-clean number6
486 |
1322 M train-clean-360 chris tierney
487 |
1323 M train-clean-360 Leon Mire
488 |
1331 M train-other-500 Adrian Praetzellis
489 |
1334 M train-clean-100 John Schell
490 |
1335 F train-clean-360 Clarica
491 |
1336 M train-clean-360 Charlie Blakemore
492 |
1337 M train-clean-360 Steven Rushing
493 |
1341 M train-other-500 Coastalbloke
494 |
1342 F train-other-500 SueAnn Dozier
495 |
1343 F train-clean-360 Laura Koskinen
496 |
1347 M train-other-500 Ted Nugent
497 |
1348 F train-clean-360 Janet Friday
498 |
1349 M train-clean-360 John Pruden
499 |
1353 M train-other-500 Clarke Bell
500 |
1355 M train-clean-100 Chris Gladis
501 |
1363 F train-clean-100 Tammy Sanders
502 |
1365 M train-clean-360 Joel Poortenga
503 |
1367 M train-other-500 Joe Brenneman
504 |
1370 F train-other-500 Lee Elliott
505 |
1373 F train-other-500 Kira Belkin
506 |
1374 M train-other-500 Graham Thomsen
507 |
1379 M train-clean-360 Ken Crooker
508 |
1382 F train-clean-360 Heather Lawrence
509 |
1383 M train-clean-360 David Best
510 |
1384 M train-other-500 Stephen Lamb
511 |
1387 M train-clean-360 Scott Mather
512 |
1390 F train-clean-360 C.L.Coney
513 |
1392 M train-clean-360 Chris Masterson
514 |
1401 F train-clean-360 Sibella Denton
515 |
1403 M train-other-500 tipaew
516 |
1413 M train-clean-360 ryanaw
517 |
1414 F train-other-500 guava
518 |
1417 F train-clean-360 Psuke Bariah
519 |
1421 F train-other-500 Madame Tusk
520 |
1422 F train-clean-360 Yazpistachio
521 |
1425 F train-clean-360 Jeanette Ferguson
522 |
1430 M train-other-500 Alok Karulkar
523 |
1444 M train-other-500 Ryan Mease
524 |
1445 M train-clean-360 Michael Yard
525 |
1446 M train-clean-360 Michael Loftus
526 |
1447 F train-clean-100 Luigina
527 |
1448 F train-clean-360 marevalo
528 |
1455 M train-clean-100 webslog
529 |
1456 M train-clean-360 Jason Isbell
530 |
1460 F train-clean-360 E. Plein
531 |
1462 F dev-clean E. Tavano
532 |
1463 F train-clean-360 Vivian Bush
533 |
1469 M train-other-500 Fr. Richard Zeile of Detroit
534 |
1472 F train-clean-360 Sarah Jennings
535 |
1473 M train-clean-360 Dan Polanco
536 |
1474 F train-other-500 Jc Guan
537 |
1482 M train-clean-360 Joshua B. Christensen
538 |
1485 M train-other-500 Robert Flach
539 |
1487 M train-clean-360 radioreader
540 |
1492 M train-other-500 mb
541 |
1494 M train-other-500 George Deprez, PhD
542 |
1495 M train-other-500 Glendower Jones
543 |
1498 F train-clean-360 Lori Hebel
544 |
1502 F train-clean-100 Ann Boyer
545 |
1505 M train-other-500 Mark Norman
546 |
1509 F train-clean-360 Miranda Stinson
547 |
1513 M train-clean-360 Simon-Peter Zak
548 |
1535 M train-clean-360 Robert Scott
549 |
1536 M train-clean-360 Marco
550 |
1544 F train-other-500 LilianaVale
551 |
1545 F train-other-500 AmyAG
552 |
1547 F train-clean-360 Riddleman
553 |
1552 M train-clean-360 Roger Turnau
554 |
1553 F train-clean-100 Mim Ritty
555 |
1556 M train-clean-360 geofred
556 |
1559 M train-other-500 Luke Harrison
557 |
1563 F train-other-500 Chandra Gioiello
558 |
1564 F train-other-500 Hedvig
559 |
1566 F train-other-500 Anna Christensen
560 |
1569 F train-other-500 Kristine Mackin
561 |
1571 M train-clean-360 Bob Tassinari
562 |
1572 M train-other-500 Alan Clare
563 |
1578 F train-clean-100 Lorelle Anderson
564 |
1579 F train-other-500 Philippa Willitts
565 |
1580 F test-clean TinyPines
566 |
1585 F dev-other Nelly ()
567 |
1593 F train-other-500 Kristine Bekere
568 |
1594 M train-clean-100 Jon Scott Jones
569 |
1595 M train-other-500 Riccardo Fasol
570 |
1601 M train-other-500 Michael Yourshaw
571 |
1603 M train-clean-360 Arouet
572 |
1607 M train-clean-360 Claude Banta
573 |
1614 M train-other-500 FNH
574 |
1618 M train-other-500 Nicholas James Bridgewater
575 |
1621 M train-other-500 Caliban
576 |
1624 M train-clean-100 Daniel Shorten
577 |
1629 F train-clean-360 Gwyneth
578 |
1630 F dev-other spiritualbeing
579 |
1633 F train-other-500 Beecher
580 |
1634 M train-clean-360 daxm
581 |
1636 F train-other-500 Sandra Zera
582 |
1638 M train-clean-360 Kyle M.
583 |
1639 M train-clean-360 Joe Konno
584 |
1641 F train-clean-360 Rohanna
585 |
1643 M train-other-500 Chris Leslie-Hynan
586 |
1645 M train-clean-360 David Shamp
587 |
1646 M train-other-500 Ben Cobbett
588 |
1647 M train-other-500 Rich Meyers
589 |
1648 F train-other-500 Accent
590 |
1649 F train-clean-360 Kalynda
591 |
1650 M dev-other WangHaojie
592 |
1651 M dev-other Brendan Hodge
593 |
1653 F train-other-500 Carmina Sansone
594 |
1664 F train-other-500 Shauna M
595 |
1665 F train-other-500 Jessica AC Snyder
596 |
1668 F train-clean-360 stepheather
597 |
1673 F dev-clean Tonia
598 |
1674 F train-other-500 Jo
599 |
1678 F train-clean-360 leonardswench
600 |
1679 F train-other-500 Polly
601 |
1680 F train-other-500 intothelight
602 |
1681 F train-other-500 islajane
603 |
1685 M train-other-500 Jonathan Horniblow
604 |
1686 F dev-other neelma
605 |
1688 M test-other winam
606 |
1690 F train-other-500 Anne-Marie
607 |
1691 F train-other-500 Classicsfan
608 |
1693 F train-other-500 4Cullen
609 |
1695 F train-other-500 Steph
610 |
1696 F train-other-500 Darcywil
611 |
1699 M train-other-500 Gavin Smith
612 |
1701 M dev-other camelot2302
613 |
1704 F train-other-500 JB
614 |
1705 F train-clean-360 tittletattle
615 |
1708 M train-other-500 Alaaious
616 |
1710 F train-other-500 Gilly
617 |
1714 F train-other-500 lauralee
618 |
1715 F train-other-500 Marianna
619 |
1717 F train-other-500 PJ
620 |
1721 F train-other-500 Linnea
621 |
1723 M train-clean-100 Rob Whelan
622 |
1724 F train-clean-360 Anna Simon
623 |
1726 F train-other-500 janeite
624 |
1731 F train-clean-360 Dani
625 |
1733 F train-other-500 Mira Cheskis
626 |
1734 F train-clean-360 LuvDemBrooders
627 |
1736 F train-other-500 LC
628 |
1737 F train-clean-100 Erin Hastings
629 |
1740 F train-clean-360 Shubda
630 |
1743 M train-clean-100 Bryan Ness
631 |
1746 M train-other-500 Theo Bacher
632 |
1748 M train-clean-360 Brad Powers
633 |
1750 F train-other-500 Lorie Heinrichs
634 |
1752 F train-clean-360 Jan MacGillivray
635 |
1754 F train-clean-360 Joan Freeman
636 |
1756 F train-other-500 Tamara Hamilton
637 |
1757 F train-other-500 cricket
638 |
1760 F train-other-500 Matthew Howell
639 |
1765 F train-other-500 Kelly Elizabeth
640 |
1767 F train-other-500 Cori Dean
641 |
1769 M train-clean-360 ej
642 |
1772 M train-other-500 David A. Stokely
643 |
1773 F train-other-500 Eliza Horne
644 |
1776 M train-clean-360 Jim Eastman
645 |
1777 M train-clean-360 Professor Chronotis
646 |
1779 F train-clean-360 Cynthia Zocca
647 |
1780 M train-other-500 Micah
648 |
1784 F train-other-500 grovejade
649 |
1789 M train-clean-360 Vin Reilly
650 |
1795 M train-other-500 Muhammad Mussnoon
651 |
1800 F train-clean-360 Scarlett!
652 |
1801 M train-clean-360 Antonio
653 |
1804 F train-other-500 Marie Manis
654 |
1806 M train-clean-360 Gary W. Sherwin
655 |
1809 F train-other-500 cucciasv
656 |
1811 M train-clean-360 Eric Ray
657 |
1813 F train-other-500 tesoro007
658 |
1815 M train-other-500 Aringguth
659 |
1819 F train-other-500 Shannon
660 |
1825 F train-clean-360 srshel
661 |
1826 M train-clean-360 Jacob Miller
662 |
1827 M train-clean-360 Doug Wetzel
663 |
1828 M train-other-500 James Gladwin
664 |
1841 F train-clean-100 Laura Caldwell
665 |
1844 M train-other-500 noonday
666 |
1845 F train-clean-360 Katie Gibboney
667 |
1846 M train-other-500 valikojohn
668 |
1849 M train-clean-360 Kelly Dougherty
669 |
1851 F train-clean-360 Kehinde
670 |
1859 F train-clean-360 Jan Baxter
671 |
1863 F train-other-500 Ania
672 |
1867 M train-clean-100 Rowdy Delaney
673 |
1868 M train-other-500 Graham Redman
674 |
1870 M train-other-500 Stuart Bell
675 |
1874 M train-clean-360 Ernst Schnell
676 |
1878 M train-other-500 BLRossow
677 |
1885 F train-clean-360 inkwelldragon
678 |
1898 F train-clean-100 Jennifer
679 |
1901 F train-other-500 Allyson Hester
680 |
1903 M train-clean-360 Michael Thomas Robinson
681 |
1913 M train-clean-360 Geoff Cowgill
682 |
1914 M train-clean-360 Kevin Kivikko
683 |
1919 F dev-clean nprigoda
684 |
1920 F train-other-500 Annika Feilbach
685 |
1923 F train-clean-360 Maire Rhode
686 |
1924 M train-other-500 Andrew Drinkwater
687 |
1926 F train-clean-100 Nikki Sullivan
688 |
1931 F train-other-500 poormedea
689 |
1933 F train-clean-360 iremonger
690 |
1938 M train-other-500 icyjumbo (1964-2010)
691 |
1943 M train-clean-360 Corun
692 |
1944 F train-clean-360 Carolyn Frances
693 |
1958 M train-clean-360 Furio
694 |
1961 F train-clean-360 Qhali
695 |
1963 F train-clean-100 Belinda Brown
696 |
1968 F train-other-500 lizzyblack
697 |
1970 F train-clean-100 Dawn Larsen
698 |
1974 F train-clean-360 Katie Baynes
699 |
1977 F train-other-500 Jennie Hughes
700 |
1985 M train-other-500 Jonny Lee
701 |
1987 M train-clean-360 Michael Macedonia
702 |
1988 F dev-clean Ransom
703 |
1989 M train-other-500 Sergio Baldelli
704 |
1992 F train-clean-100 Michelle White
705 |
1993 F dev-clean Wendy Belcher
706 |
1995 F test-clean AJai Hilton
707 |
1998 F test-other Sonja
708 |
2001 M train-other-500 Phillip David
709 |
2002 M train-clean-100 Larry Maddocks
710 |
2003 M train-other-500 The Penang Lawyer
711 |
2004 F train-clean-360 Kim S
712 |
2007 F train-clean-100 Sheila Morton
713 |
2010 F train-clean-360 Julie Bynum
714 |
2012 M train-clean-360 jburby
715 |
2013 M train-other-500 Mark
716 |
2021 M train-other-500 Keri Ford
717 |
2026 F train-other-500 Mil Nicholson
718 |
2033 M test-other Filippo Gioachin
719 |
2035 F dev-clean Sharon Bautista
720 |
2039 M train-clean-360 Anton
721 |
2042 F train-other-500 Charlene V. Smith
722 |
2045 M train-clean-360 David O'Connell
723 |
2046 M train-other-500 kyleti
724 |
2050 F train-other-500 Xe Sands
725 |
2051 M train-other-500 Grant Petersen
726 |
2053 F train-clean-360 Vincent Tapia
727 |
2056 F train-clean-360 Nancy Roberts
728 |
2060 F train-clean-360 Julie Pandya
729 |
2061 F train-clean-360 Jodi Krangle
730 |
2062 F train-other-500 Mindy H
731 |
2063 M train-other-500 hearhis
732 |
2067 M train-other-500 Nick Gisburne
733 |
2068 F train-other-500 Priya, India
734 |
2074 M train-clean-360 Tysto
735 |
2078 M dev-clean Kathy Caver
736 |
2085 F train-clean-360 Stephanie Dupal-Demartin
737 |
2086 M dev-clean Nicodemus
738 |
2089 F train-other-500 Martina
739 |
2090 F train-other-500 Melissa
740 |
2092 F train-clean-100 Elaine Hamby
741 |
2093 M train-clean-360 RK Wilcox
742 |
2094 F test-clean amycsj
743 |
2096 M train-other-500 Nick Marsh
744 |
2100 F train-other-500 Katherine Holt
745 |
2104 M train-other-500 R. S. Steinberg
746 |
2110 M train-clean-360 Aaron Elliott
747 |
2113 M train-clean-360 Andrew Vidal
748 |
2122 M train-other-500 Kenneth R. Morefield
749 |
2127 M train-clean-360 wrongshore
750 |
2133 M train-other-500 Mat Messerschmidt
751 |
2136 M train-clean-100 Great Plains
752 |
2137 M train-clean-360 Jerome Lawsen
753 |
2140 M train-other-500 Ralph Snelson
754 |
2143 F train-other-500 Cat Schirf
755 |
2146 M train-clean-360 Jeff Stuckey
756 |
2148 F train-other-500 BethAnne
757 |
2149 M train-clean-360 Mark Penfold
758 |
2152 F train-other-500 redabrus
759 |
2156 M train-clean-360 Roger Melin
760 |
2159 M train-clean-100 Matthew Westra
761 |
2162 M train-clean-360 Ray Clare
762 |
2167 M train-clean-360 spiderman0521
763 |
2182 F train-clean-100 Susan Umpleby
764 |
2185 M train-other-500 Jonathan Feldman
765 |
2194 F train-clean-360 RobbieRogers
766 |
2195 M train-other-500 Joe Earley
767 |
2196 F train-clean-100 Andrea Fiore
768 |
2198 M train-other-500 Clive Catterall
769 |
2201 M train-clean-360 Stephen Escalera
770 |
2204 F train-clean-360 Pamnache
771 |
2208 M train-other-500 Alan Brown
772 |
2229 M train-clean-360 Pete Williams, Pittsburgh, PA
773 |
2230 F train-clean-360 Isosceles
774 |
2234 M train-other-500 Lars Rolander
775 |
2237 F train-other-500 Chloey Winters
776 |
2238 M train-clean-360 Will Larson
777 |
2240 M train-clean-360 Ralph Volpi
778 |
2246 M train-other-500 RaySee
779 |
2254 F train-clean-360 Heidi Preuss
780 |
2256 F train-clean-360 tamurile
781 |
2262 M train-other-500 Andy
782 |
2269 F train-clean-360 Rhonda Federman
783 |
2270 F train-other-500 Megan Kunkel
784 |
2272 M train-clean-360 Alec Daitsman
785 |
2273 M train-other-500 Peter Kelleher
786 |
2275 F train-other-500 Lori H
787 |
2276 F train-other-500 Andrea
788 |
2277 F dev-clean zinniz
789 |
2279 M train-other-500 Gilles Lehoux
790 |
2284 M train-other-500 Zapo
791 |
2285 M train-clean-360 Bob Sage
792 |
2288 F train-other-500 Ellis Christoff
793 |
2289 M train-clean-100 David Kleparek
794 |
2292 M train-other-500 Dick Durette
795 |
2294 M train-clean-360 James Christopher
796 |
2297 F train-other-500 Philippa
797 |
2299 M train-clean-360 cpalmer17
798 |
2300 M test-clean Mitchell L Leopard
799 |
2301 F train-other-500 Chris Jones
800 |
2309 M train-other-500 Wyatt
801 |
2312 F train-other-500 Lucy Lo Faro
802 |
2319 M train-clean-360 Jack Farrell
803 |
2334 M train-clean-360 David Lipa
804 |
2339 F train-other-500 skellie
805 |
2341 M train-other-500 webround
806 |
2346 F train-other-500 FirstKnight
807 |
2348 F train-clean-360 KellyLC
808 |
2351 F train-other-500 hugoceline
809 |
2356 M train-other-500 Paul Curran
810 |
2361 F train-other-500 M. J. Boyle
811 |
2364 F train-clean-360 Anna-Maria Viola
812 |
2368 M train-clean-360 Alex C. Telander
813 |
2374 F train-other-500 M.C.Y.
814 |
2380 M train-other-500 Jacob Cherry
815 |
2384 M train-clean-100 Ger
816 |
2388 M train-clean-360 Greg Bell
817 |
2391 F train-clean-100 treefingers
818 |
2393 M train-clean-360 Michael Bradford
819 |
2397 M train-clean-360 texttalker
820 |
2401 F train-clean-360 Matt Warzel
821 |
2404 M train-clean-360 n8evv
822 |
2405 M train-other-500 musil
823 |
2407 M train-other-500 ajmacbeth
824 |
2411 F train-clean-360 kristiface
825 |
2412 F dev-clean calystra
826 |
2414 M test-other Ashwin Jain
827 |
2416 F train-clean-100 Julia Albath
828 |
2427 M train-clean-360 Ed Meade
829 |
2428 M dev-clean Stephen Kinford
830 |
2436 M train-clean-100 Seth Adam Sher
831 |
2437 M train-other-500 Wetcoast
832 |
2445 F train-other-500 musici123
833 |
2448 M train-other-500 David Federman
834 |
2473 M train-clean-360 Hoosemon
835 |
2481 F train-clean-360 Alana Jordan
836 |
2485 F train-other-500 Serin
837 |
2487 F train-other-500 Rachel Lintern
838 |
2488 F train-other-500 Lisa Wilson
839 |
2491 M train-other-500 johnb
840 |
2494 M train-clean-360 Mark Cawley
841 |
2496 M train-other-500 Ben Dutton
842 |
2498 F train-clean-360 B. Grebe
843 |
2499 M train-clean-360 Paul Henry Tremblay
844 |
2504 F train-other-500 Helen Elsbeth
845 |
2506 F dev-other Julie VW
846 |
2512 F train-clean-360 Marion
847 |
2514 M train-clean-100 S. Young
848 |
2517 M train-clean-360 Gayland Darnell
849 |
2518 M train-clean-100 Rob Powell
850 |
2522 F train-other-500 senshisteph
851 |
2526 M train-other-500 Bob Gilham
852 |
2531 M train-clean-360 Greg Weeks
853 |
2532 F train-clean-360 Jennifer Lott
854 |
2533 M train-clean-360 Steven Proctor
855 |
2541 M train-other-500 Eddie Winter
856 |
2544 F train-other-500 Annise
857 |
2545 M train-other-500 the quiet fox
858 |
2552 M train-other-500 Daniel Cranston
859 |
2553 F train-other-500 daisy55
860 |
2562 M train-clean-360 Scott Merrill
861 |
2568 F train-other-500 Elena the Quiet
862 |
2570 F train-clean-360 kindlibrarian
863 |
2573 F train-clean-360 Becca B
864 |
2574 M train-other-500 TimSC
865 |
2577 F train-clean-360 K Hindall
866 |
2581 F train-clean-360 Julie Levi
867 |
2582 F train-clean-360 dolce
868 |
2587 F train-other-500 Anne Cheng
869 |
2588 M train-other-500 Padraig O'hIceadha
870 |
2589 M train-clean-360 Jordan
871 |
2592 F train-clean-360 Anna Roberts
872 |
2598 F train-clean-360 Barbara Bulkeley
873 |
2606 M train-other-500 Marc Tanti
874 |
2607 F train-other-500 Ruth Golding
875 |
2609 M test-other Ian Hatley
876 |
2618 M train-clean-360 Phil Surette
877 |
2624 M train-other-500 David Nicol
878 |
2625 F train-other-500 Auntie Em
879 |
2628 M train-clean-360 Zloot
880 |
2638 F train-clean-360 Dawn
881 |
2652 F train-clean-360 MixieArmadillo
882 |
2654 M train-clean-360 Notelrac
883 |
2660 M train-other-500 mpetranech
884 |
2671 F train-other-500 Foreign Girl
885 |
2673 M train-clean-360 jude kaider
886 |
2674 M train-clean-360 Jason Procopio
887 |
2676 F train-other-500 missizii
888 |
2688 M train-clean-360 Christopher Jennings
889 |
2691 F train-clean-100 Donna Stewart
890 |
2694 F train-other-500 DianaJMB
891 |
2696 M train-clean-360 anonymous
892 |
2709 F train-clean-360 PopularOutcast
893 |
2712 F train-other-500 anoldfashiongirl
894 |
2724 M train-other-500 Michael Dalling
895 |
2730 F train-other-500 Shirley Anderson
896 |
2733 M train-other-500 CalmDragon
897 |
2735 F train-other-500 ASchindler
898 |
2740 M train-other-500 Tony Ashworth
899 |
2741 F train-clean-360 Jan Dawn Doronila
900 |
2748 F train-other-500 Annoying Twit
901 |
2751 F train-clean-360 Angela Kelley
902 |
2754 F train-other-500 peaceuntoyou
903 |
2758 F train-clean-360 SopranoHarmony
904 |
2762 F train-other-500 Phillipa Chantry
905 |
2764 F train-clean-100 Piper Hale
906 |
2769 M train-clean-360 Anthony Wilson
907 |
2774 M train-clean-360 William Kevin Manire
908 |
2775 F train-clean-360 ink tree
909 |
2785 F train-clean-360 humeangel
910 |
2787 M train-clean-360 Quentin Manuel
911 |
2790 F train-clean-360 Victoria Slonosky
912 |
2792 F train-other-500 Varra Unreal
913 |
2803 M dev-clean aquielisunari
914 |
2812 M train-clean-360 Greg Hartley
915 |
2815 M train-clean-360 Michael Sample
916 |
2816 M train-clean-360 Andrew Symons
917 |
2817 F train-clean-100 Catherine Millward
918 |
2823 M train-clean-360 ChrisC
919 |
2825 M train-other-500 Ernst Pattynama
920 |
2827 M train-clean-360 David Leeson
921 |
2830 M test-clean Tim Perkins
922 |
2834 F train-other-500 Ksushi
923 |
2836 F train-clean-100 Linda McDaniel
924 |
2843 M train-clean-100 ricell
925 |
2853 F train-clean-360 Jane Greensmith
926 |
2854 M train-other-500 Andrew Coleman
927 |
2882 F train-clean-360 ayngelwing
928 |
2893 M train-clean-100 Ryan Sutter
929 |
2895 F train-other-500 Jenny Lundak
930 |
2902 M dev-clean dexter
931 |
2909 F train-other-500 Petra
932 |
2910 F train-clean-100 Janna
933 |
2911 M train-clean-100 David Lawrence
934 |
2919 F train-other-500 Raerity
935 |
2920 F train-clean-360 Rechelle
936 |
2925 F train-other-500 Darla
937 |
2929 M train-clean-360 Topaz
938 |
2930 M train-other-500 BUAES
939 |
2943 F train-other-500 Sarah Gutierrez
940 |
2946 M train-other-500 Markus Wachenheim
941 |
2952 M train-clean-100 Scott Carpenter
942 |
2960 M train-clean-360 Scotty
943 |
2961 F test-clean Leni
944 |
2967 F train-other-500 Landii
945 |
2971 M train-clean-360 Matthew C. Heckel
946 |
2975 F train-other-500 Sarafina Suransky
947 |
2979 F train-other-500 Jilliane Brandt
948 |
2985 M train-other-500 Cantor
949 |
2988 F train-other-500 Larissa Little
950 |
2989 F train-clean-100 Jamie Strassenburg, Cypress, California
951 |
2990 M train-other-500 Tom Crawford
952 |
2992 M train-clean-360 davechase
953 |
2997 F train-other-500 Violet
954 |
2998 M train-other-500 Kim Jansen
955 |
2999 M train-clean-360 Joseph Finkberg
956 |
3000 M dev-clean Brian von Dedenroth
957 |
3001 F train-clean-360 priscilla hewitt
958 |
3003 F train-clean-360 Sue Anderson
959 |
3005 M test-other Ken Tischler
960 |
3006 F train-other-500 MorganScorpion
961 |
3008 F train-clean-360 Gloria Zbilicki
962 |
3009 M train-clean-360 Jim Ruddy
963 |
3020 M train-other-500 Mike Vendetti
964 |
3021 M train-other-500 leetcr
965 |
3025 F train-clean-360 MichelleHarris
966 |
3032 M train-clean-360 Utek
967 |
3033 F train-other-500 valli
968 |
3045 M train-other-500 Cameron Conaway
969 |
3046 F train-clean-360 Stephanie Land
970 |
3053 F train-other-500 Tracy Yonemoto
971 |
3054 M train-other-500 GerryR
972 |
3060 M train-other-500 Didier
973 |
3063 M train-other-500 markman
974 |
3070 M train-clean-360 Mike Schwabe
975 |
3072 M train-clean-360 Chris Amos
976 |
3079 F train-other-500 nivedita
977 |
3080 F test-other breathe
978 |
3081 F dev-clean Renata
979 |
3082 M train-clean-360 Logan McCamon
980 |
3083 F train-clean-360 Emily Jarmard
981 |
3088 M train-other-500 Sean O'Hara
982 |
3090 F train-other-500 kelcymx
983 |
3092 F train-clean-360 Maggie Russell
984 |
3094 F train-clean-360 moe
985 |
3097 M train-other-500 nitram
986 |
3098 M train-other-500 woggy298
987 |
3100 M train-other-500 David Higham
988 |
3105 M train-clean-360 gfairch511
989 |
3109 M train-other-500 Diogenes Dog
990 |
3112 F train-clean-100 Jessica Louise
991 |
3114 M train-clean-360 Geoffrey Edwards
992 |
3118 M train-clean-360 George Yeager
993 |
3119 F train-clean-360 Sharon Riskedahl
994 |
3125 F train-other-500 Fran
995 |
3132 M train-other-500 Andy Yu
996 |
3135 M train-other-500 Steve Foreman
997 |
3137 M train-other-500 Parrot
998 |
3138 F train-other-500 Labyrinth Composer
999 |
3142 M train-other-500 RogerA
1000 |
3143 F train-other-500 suzanne
1001 |
3144 M train-other-500 jfmarchini
1002 |
3148 M train-other-500 artos
1003 |
3157 F train-clean-360 TriciaG
1004 |
3168 M train-clean-100 David Anton
1005 |
3170 M dev-clean VOICEGUY
1006 |
3171 M train-clean-360 JoeD
1007 |
3172 F train-other-500 Beatrice
1008 |
3179 F train-other-500 Robin
1009 |
3180 M train-clean-360 Mike Conrad
1010 |
3185 M train-clean-360 JohnNewman
1011 |
3187 M train-clean-360 Wasichu
1012 |
3192 M train-other-500 Arfuhrm
1013 |
3196 F train-other-500 Elizabeth Harker
1014 |
3214 M train-clean-100 fourteatoo
1015 |
3215 F train-clean-360 Shirley Ellen
1016 |
3221 M train-clean-360 David Schoepf
1017 |
3224 F train-clean-360 Acacia Wood
1018 |
3227 F train-other-500 Betina
1019 |
3228 F train-clean-360 Benuathanasia
1020 |
3230 M train-clean-360 rasputin
1021 |
3235 F train-clean-100 Karen Commins
1022 |
3238 M train-other-500 nihilist00
1023 |
3240 M train-clean-100 flakker
1024 |
3242 M train-clean-100 peac
1025 |
3244 F train-other-500 wilwarin
1026 |
3245 F train-other-500 wendy
1027 |
3257 M train-other-500 Jay Vance
1028 |
3258 F train-clean-360 mwalimu
1029 |
3259 F train-clean-100 Kate West
1030 |
3261 M train-other-500 fourgrays
1031 |
3268 M train-other-500 Patrick McHaffie
1032 |
3271 M train-other-500 Ancient mariner
1033 |
3272 M train-other-500 Matthew_J_Almeida
1034 |
3274 M train-clean-360 Morgan Saletta
1035 |
3285 M train-other-500 David Collins
1036 |
3288 M train-other-500 Euan Bayliss
1037 |
3289 M train-clean-360 lukeprog
1038 |
3290 F train-other-500 Marian Martin
1039 |
3294 F train-clean-360 Marcy Fraser
1040 |
3307 M train-clean-360 Doug Allison
1041 |
3314 F train-other-500 Carol Stripling
1042 |
3318 F train-other-500 Magdalena
1043 |
3319 F train-other-500 mjbrichant
1044 |
3328 M train-clean-360 Al Dano
1045 |
3330 F train-clean-360 B. G. Oxford
1046 |
3331 F test-other Peggy
1047 |
3334 F train-other-500 joi
1048 |
3340 M train-clean-360 Preston McConkie
1049 |
3346 F train-other-500 Hannah Dowell
1050 |
3347 F train-clean-360 tornadogrrrl
1051 |
3356 F train-other-500 Diana Solomon
1052 |
3357 F train-clean-360 swade
1053 |
3361 F train-clean-360 Linda Lee Paquet
1054 |
3368 M train-clean-360 Jim Allman
1055 |
3370 M train-clean-360 Glenn Simonsen
1056 |
3373 M train-other-500 cvd
1057 |
3374 M train-clean-100 Craig Campbell
1058 |
3379 F train-clean-360 Kele
1059 |
3380 F train-clean-360 DrBeccaAnne
1060 |
3381 M train-other-500 Cagliostro
1061 |
3389 M train-clean-360 von
1062 |
3394 F train-other-500 Jackie Provau
1063 |
3400 F train-other-500 Laura Davis
1064 |
3409 F train-other-500 Philippa Brodie
1065 |
3411 F train-other-500 SuD
1066 |
3417 M train-other-500 Albatross
1067 |
3433 M train-other-500 Bob Sherman
1068 |
3436 M train-clean-100 Anders Lankford
1069 |
3440 F train-clean-100 Heidi Will
1070 |
3446 F train-clean-360 kayo
1071 |
3448 M train-clean-360 Todd Lennon
1072 |
3465 F train-other-500 ravenotation
1073 |
3467 F train-other-500 js392
1074 |
3470 M train-other-500 Jason Mills
1075 |
3479 F train-other-500 Karan Yamada
1076 |
3482 F train-clean-360 Hayden
1077 |
3483 M train-clean-360 Alan Winterrowd
1078 |
3486 M train-clean-100 Robin Balmer
1079 |
3488 M train-other-500 Tom Weiss
1080 |
3490 M train-clean-360 Gregg Margarite (1957-2012)
1081 |
3493 F train-clean-360 Gail Mattern
1082 |
3500 F train-other-500 B. Treadgold
1083 |
3503 M train-other-500 Christian Al-Kadi
1084 |
3513 F train-clean-360 Symmie
1085 |
3521 M train-clean-360 NickNumber
1086 |
3526 F train-clean-100 Bereni
1087 |
3528 F test-other minimoose83
1088 |
3536 F dev-clean Arielle Lipshaw
1089 |
3537 F train-clean-360 Tracy Datlen
1090 |
3538 F test-other Wyndelyn
1091 |
3540 M train-clean-360 Bill Ruhsam
1092 |
3541 M train-other-500 Termin Dyan
1093 |
3546 F train-clean-360 Jeannie
1094 |
3547 M train-other-500 BenW
1095 |
3549 F train-clean-360 Katie Riley
1096 |
3551 F train-clean-360 Annie Kirkpatrick
1097 |
3553 M train-other-500 Luc Kordas
1098 |
3554 F train-other-500 LaraC, Louisville, KY
1099 |
3557 F train-other-500 Rachel Triska
1100 |
3559 F train-other-500 Kerry Hiles
1101 |
3564 F train-other-500 Vanessa
1102 |
3567 M train-other-500 David Lazarus
1103 |
3570 F test-clean sarac
1104 |
3571 M train-other-500 HarryInk
1105 |
3575 F test-clean supergirl
1106 |
3576 F dev-clean JudyGibson
1107 |
3584 F train-clean-360 Bridget Gaige
1108 |
3587 M train-other-500 John Nixon
1109 |
3588 F train-other-500 Neeru Iyer
1110 |
3592 M train-other-500 Paul McCartan
1111 |
3595 M train-other-500 Martin Geeson
1112 |
3598 F train-other-500 Dawn
1113 |
3606 M train-other-500 Ashwath Ganesan
1114 |
3607 M train-clean-100 Richard Wallis
1115 |
3615 F train-clean-360 Lucy Perry
1116 |
3618 M train-other-500 Timothy Ferguson
1117 |
3630 F train-clean-360 Rachel Gatwood
1118 |
3638 F train-clean-360 AmyG
1119 |
3641 F train-other-500 Joelle Peebles
1120 |
3645 F train-clean-360 MaryAnn
1121 |
3647 F train-other-500 Channe
1122 |
3650 M train-other-500 Jonathan Ross
1123 |
3654 M train-clean-360 Mark Wilson
1124 |
3656 M train-other-500 Kai Lu
1125 |
3657 M train-other-500 Bellona Times
1126 |
3660 M dev-other Russ Clough
1127 |
3663 F dev-other ppezz
1128 |
3664 M train-clean-100 Barry Eads
1129 |
3665 M train-other-500 C.J. Casey
1130 |
3675 F train-other-500 Linda Ferguson
1131 |
3679 F train-other-500 veronasser
1132 |
3681 F train-other-500 Ann Boulais
1133 |
3686 M train-clean-360 Doug Delisle
1134 |
3691 M train-other-500 Hollis Hanover
1135 |
3698 F train-other-500 Nadine Eckert-Boulet
1136 |
3699 M train-clean-100 Bruce Pirie
1137 |
3703 F train-clean-360 Linda Andrus
1138 |
3717 M train-clean-360 Elliott Miller
1139 |
3723 M train-clean-100 Kevin Lavin
1140 |
3728 F train-clean-360 amycs
1141 |
3729 F test-clean Heather Hogan
1142 |
3733 F train-clean-360 Melanie Schleeter McCalmont
1143 |
3738 F train-clean-360 Collee McKinnon
1144 |
3744 M train-other-500 Jonathan Burchard
1145 |
3747 M train-other-500 Keith Henige
1146 |
3752 M dev-clean Mark Welch
1147 |
3757 F train-other-500 EmAllise
1148 |
3764 F test-other Gabrielle Lambrick
1149 |
3779 F train-other-500 Rachel Steely
1150 |
3780 M train-other-500 Pete
1151 |
3781 F train-clean-360 Celena Arter
1152 |
3783 M train-other-500 TexasSteve
1153 |
3790 F train-clean-360 hpark
1154 |
3792 M train-clean-360 Brian Keith Barnes
1155 |
3793 M train-other-500 Nathan
1156 |
3796 M train-other-500 Mario Pineda
1157 |
3798 F train-other-500 Bianca Kramer
1158 |
3807 M train-clean-100 Jesse Noar
1159 |
3816 F train-clean-360 Bev J Stevens
1160 |
3819 M train-other-500 StarrDog
1161 |
3825 M train-clean-360 Matt Wills
1162 |
3830 M train-clean-100 rymd80
1163 |
3835 M train-clean-360 M.White
1164 |
3843 F train-other-500 storm
1165 |
3845 M train-other-500 Ray Smith
1166 |
3848 F train-other-500 skoval
1167 |
3851 F train-clean-360 mbousquet
1168 |
3852 F train-clean-360 selniff
1169 |
3853 F dev-clean M. Bertke
1170 |
3857 M train-clean-100 Epistomolus
1171 |
3864 M train-clean-360 Tom Watts
1172 |
3866 M train-clean-360 SilverG
1173 |
3867 F train-other-500 Roberta Carlisle
1174 |
3869 M train-clean-360 Timothy Pinkham
1175 |
3871 M train-other-500 Figura
1176 |
3876 F train-clean-360 Frances Marcinkiewicz
1177 |
3879 F train-clean-100 Keneva
1178 |
3885 F train-other-500 Elli
1179 |
3889 F train-clean-360 Alina
1180 |
3894 M train-other-500 Indy Gosal
1181 |
3895 M train-other-500 porlob
1182 |
3896 M train-other-500 Will Zufall
1183 |
3905 F train-clean-360 J. Rebecca Franklin
1184 |
3906 F train-other-500 tabithat
1185 |
3909 F train-other-500 Evelyn Clarke
1186 |
3911 F train-other-500 Joseph Couves
1187 |
3912 M train-other-500 Bob Neufeld
1188 |
3914 M train-clean-360 Rob James
1189 |
3915 F dev-other JenniferW
1190 |
3922 F train-clean-360 Ashley Candland
1191 |
3923 M train-clean-360 Sean Michael Hogan
1192 |
3925 F train-other-500 Viglione
1193 |
3926 F train-other-500 Denise Lacey
1194 |
3927 M train-clean-360 Bob Stretch
1195 |
3928 F train-other-500 Marianne Coleman-Hipkins
1196 |
3934 F train-other-500 Lynne Carroll
1197 |
3945 M train-clean-360 Floyd Wilde
1198 |
3947 F train-clean-100 johnell
1199 |
3955 M train-other-500 Fredrik Karlsson
1200 |
3959 M train-other-500 rjhargrav
1201 |
3962 M train-other-500 writerboyontour
1202 |
3967 F train-clean-360 Christine Dufour
1203 |
3969 F train-other-500 CM Slosson
1204 |
3972 F train-clean-360 Joy Easton
1205 |
3977 M train-clean-360 LivelyHive
1206 |
3979 F train-clean-360 Dale A. Bade
1207 |
3982 F train-clean-100 Kate Adams
1208 |
3983 F train-clean-100 lavocedorata
1209 |
3989 M train-clean-360 Rayne
1210 |
3990 F train-other-500 Jessi
1211 |
3992 F train-other-500 perpetualdreamworld
1212 |
3994 F train-clean-360 Miriam Esther Goldman
1213 |
3997 F test-other Sophia Choi
1214 |
4005 F train-other-500 Jhiu
1215 |
4009 F train-other-500 Diana Majlinger
1216 |
4010 M train-clean-360 David Baldwin
1217 |
4013 M train-clean-360 Kevin Maxson
1218 |
4014 M train-clean-100 Tom Clifton
1219 |
4015 M train-other-500 JimOCR
1220 |
4017 M train-other-500 gsolgaard
1221 |
4018 M train-clean-100 Nicholas Clifford
1222 |
4019 M train-other-500 brrrrrr6
1223 |
4020 M train-other-500 Linda
1224 |
4021 F train-other-500 Linda Woods
1225 |
4034 F train-other-500 Sienna
1226 |
4039 M train-clean-360 Shawn Craig Smith
1227 |
4042 M train-other-500 Ryan DeRamos
1228 |
4044 F train-clean-360 serenitylee
1229 |
4051 F train-clean-100 Liz Devens
1230 |
4054 M train-clean-360 Ryan Gubele
1231 |
4057 F train-clean-360 RoseA
1232 |
4059 M train-other-500 Troy Bond
1233 |
4063 F train-other-500 Abigail Bartels
1234 |
4064 F train-clean-360 Margaret Espaillat
1235 |
4071 F train-clean-360 Nichelle von Lauder
1236 |
4077 M test-clean Nathan Markham
1237 |
4078 M train-other-500 Richard Kilmer
1238 |
4085 M train-other-500 Paul P Miller
1239 |
4088 F train-clean-100 Blazin48
1240 |
4090 F train-other-500 madmouth
1241 |
4098 F train-clean-360 Rachell Lovett
1242 |
4104 F train-other-500 Linda Dodge
1243 |
4108 M train-clean-360 garymacf
1244 |
4110 M train-clean-360 Richard Ellwood
1245 |
4111 F train-clean-360 Rachel P.
1246 |
4116 F train-clean-360 Amy Benton
1247 |
4122 M train-other-500 Wendel Topper
1248 |
4133 M train-clean-360 BigStory
1249 |
4137 F train-clean-100 Sarah LuAnn
1250 |
4138 F train-clean-360 daltongirl
1251 |
4145 F train-clean-360 Patti Cunningham
1252 |
4148 M train-clean-360 David A. Moore.
1253 |
4152 M train-clean-360 Ata Khudayberdiev
1254 |
4153 F dev-other Hilara
1255 |
4156 F train-other-500 Caroline Shapiro
1256 |
4160 F train-clean-100 Rosie
1257 |
4161 M train-other-500 Daniel Paashaus
1258 |
4172 M train-other-500 Graeme Dunlop
1259 |
4174 F train-other-500 Availle
1260 |
4179 M train-other-500 Robert Keiper
1261 |
4189 F train-other-500 Megan Argo
1262 |
4191 M train-other-500 Grant Hurlock
1263 |
4192 F train-other-500 MaryModern
1264 |
4193 M train-other-500 Ethan Rampton
1265 |
4195 F train-clean-100 bj
1266 |
4196 M train-other-500 Jim Clevenger
1267 |
4198 M test-other Examinfo
1268 |
4205 M train-other-500 psi_mon
1269 |
4211 F train-other-500 A. Knight
1270 |
4214 F train-clean-100 A. Janelle Risa
1271 |
4216 F train-other-500 Hannah Skoonberg
1272 |
4217 M train-other-500 Brendan Tannam
1273 |
4218 M train-other-500 David Cole
1274 |
4222 F train-clean-360 msjodi777
1275 |
4225 F train-other-500 gmiteva
1276 |
4226 M train-clean-360 Jud Niven
1277 |
4234 F train-other-500 laineyben
1278 |
4235 F train-other-500 Haylayer Flaga
1279 |
4236 M train-clean-360 Nicholas Feulner
1280 |
4238 F train-clean-360 Chela
1281 |
4243 M train-clean-360 Ian Grae
1282 |
4246 M train-clean-360 JLaddJr
1283 |
4257 M train-clean-360 garbageman99
1284 |
4260 F train-clean-360 Clacas
1285 |
4262 F train-other-500 LoraBeth Davis
1286 |
4263 F train-other-500 Chelsea Baker
1287 |
4267 M train-clean-100 Ric F
1288 |
4273 F train-other-500 as101
1289 |
4277 M train-other-500 JohanG
1290 |
4278 M train-clean-360 smhamon
1291 |
4280 F train-other-500 BB
1292 |
4289 F train-clean-360 Veronica Jenkins
1293 |
4290 M train-clean-360 Joshua Paul Johnson
1294 |
4294 F test-other Jessamy Gloor
1295 |
4295 M train-other-500 Slawek
1296 |
4297 F train-clean-100 Tina Horning
1297 |
4305 F train-other-500 Aspergine
1298 |
4310 F train-other-500 grace4him
1299 |
4313 F train-other-500 May Low
1300 |
4321 F train-other-500 Xenutia
1301 |
4323 F dev-other BookAngel7
1302 |
4327 F train-other-500 brokenaltar
1303 |
4331 F train-clean-360 Barbara Clements
1304 |
4335 M train-clean-360 davidb
1305 |
4340 F train-clean-100 kiwafruit
1306 |
4344 M train-other-500 Tadhg
1307 |
4345 M train-other-500 Richard Schipper
1308 |
4350 M test-other willem
1309 |
4352 F train-other-500 Martina Hutchins
1310 |
4356 F train-clean-360 Patricia Rutledge
1311 |
4358 M train-clean-360 Kim Stich
1312 |
4362 F train-clean-100 Michelle Montano
1313 |
4363 F train-clean-360 Emily Livingston
1314 |
4379 M train-other-500 Scott Dahlem
1315 |
4381 F train-clean-360 Denise Resnik
1316 |
4396 F train-other-500 Michael Wolf
1317 |
4397 M train-clean-100 John Dennison
1318 |
4402 M train-other-500 Christopher Sanner
1319 |
4406 M train-clean-100 Matthew Scott Surprenant
1320 |
4407 M train-other-500 Ted Drury
1321 |
4411 F train-other-500 Zarnaz
1322 |
4415 F train-other-500 Anita Fleming
1323 |
4420 M train-other-500 Steve Lomas
1324 |
4422 F train-other-500 Kamna
1325 |
4423 M train-other-500 David Dwight
1326 |
4425 M train-clean-360 Gary Coy
1327 |
4427 F train-clean-360 Lynne Handler
1328 |
4428 M train-other-500 Blueoyster101
1329 |
4433 M train-clean-360 Ken Sterry
1330 |
4434 F train-clean-360 Sarah Nuxoll
1331 |
4438 M train-clean-360 Greg W.
1332 |
4441 M train-clean-100 William Peck
1333 |
4442 M train-other-500 Pep
1334 |
4443 F train-other-500 THOVO
1335 |
4446 F test-clean Jen Maxwell
1336 |
4447 M train-other-500 Cascades
1337 |
4455 F train-other-500 Patrick Wells
1338 |
4463 F train-other-500 Cate Mackenzie
1339 |
4474 M train-other-500 John L. Clark
1340 |
4480 M train-other-500 Iskander Shafikov
1341 |
4481 F train-clean-100 margo zinberg
1342 |
4484 M train-other-500 Phil Griffiths
1343 |
4487 F train-other-500 Nienke
1344 |
4490 F train-clean-360 Rachel Weaver
1345 |
4492 F train-other-500 P.Hynes
1346 |
4495 M train-clean-360 Dillon Stiles
1347 |
4507 F test-clean Rachel Nelson-Smith
1348 |
4511 F train-other-500 Jeanie
1349 |
4513 F train-other-500 Gabi
1350 |
4515 M dev-other Doug
1351 |
4519 F train-clean-360 Mimi Wang
1352 |
4520 F train-other-500 Dorlene Kaplan
1353 |
4535 M train-clean-360 Brett W. Downey
1354 |
4545 M train-other-500 SunshinePaul
1355 |
4546 F train-other-500 Estelle Jobson
1356 |
4549 F train-other-500 Kristen Zaza
1357 |
4563 F train-other-500 Wiebke
1358 |
4570 M dev-other Bill Mosley
1359 |
4572 M dev-other om123
1360 |
4576 F train-other-500 Snaefaxi
1361 |
4583 M train-other-500 Jersey City Frankie
1362 |
4586 M train-clean-360 Chris Caron
1363 |
4590 M train-clean-360 Diapadion
1364 |
4591 M train-other-500 Robert White
1365 |
4592 F train-clean-360 WestWestest
1366 |
4594 M train-other-500 mailman61953
1367 |
4595 M train-clean-360 Eric Leach
1368 |
4598 F train-clean-360 cher0520
1369 |
4599 M train-other-500 xibu
1370 |
4629 M train-clean-360 Edward W. LaBonte
1371 |
4640 F train-clean-100 Karen Mason
1372 |
4652 F train-other-500 Savanna Herrold
1373 |
4659 M train-other-500 Stephen Marsh
1374 |
4660 F train-other-500 SusieSA
1375 |
4667 F train-other-500 Maria Therese
1376 |
4680 F train-clean-100 pachayes
1377 |
4681 M train-clean-360 Frank Adams
1378 |
4687 M train-other-500 mevans
1379 |
4693 M train-other-500 Robert Parker
1380 |
4697 F train-other-500 Jannie Meisberger
1381 |
4699 M train-other-500 Jason Justice
1382 |
4701 M train-other-500 CC
1383 |
4703 F train-other-500 HurstPP
1384 |
4705 M train-other-500 Algy Pug
1385 |
4706 F train-other-500 SallyMc
1386 |
4710 M train-other-500 David Huston
1387 |
4712 F train-other-500 Alisson Veldhuis
1388 |
4719 M train-clean-360 M. Craun
1389 |
4731 F train-clean-360 Becky Cook
1390 |
4733 M train-clean-360 dwegowy
1391 |
4734 M train-clean-360 Adib Masumian
1392 |
4738 M train-other-500 Leonard Wilson
1393 |
4741 M train-other-500 Nullifidian
1394 |
4742 F train-other-500 Little Tee
1395 |
4744 F train-clean-360 Amy Gramour
1396 |
4748 M train-other-500 Dirk Eichhorn
1397 |
4750 M train-other-500 Paul Huckerby
1398 |
4757 F train-other-500 Grace Dobson
1399 |
4766 F train-other-500 Melanie
1400 |
4767 M train-other-500 Delysid
1401 |
4770 F train-clean-360 Jeanne Luft
1402 |
4771 M train-other-500 scrawl
1403 |
4773 F train-other-500 Kathryn Lois
1404 |
4779 F train-other-500 Angel5
1405 |
4788 M train-clean-100 Bill Boerst
1406 |
4791 F train-other-500 MelanieMae
1407 |
4799 M train-other-500 Matt Judd
1408 |
4800 F train-clean-360 Mary Herndon Bell
1409 |
4806 M train-clean-360 Jason Ingolfsland
1410 |
4807 F train-clean-360 Fuzz
1411 |
4813 M train-clean-100 Steve Mattern
1412 |
4821 M train-other-500 Zachary Johnson
1413 |
4824 F train-other-500 meyerli
1414 |
4830 M train-clean-100 George Aalto
1415 |
4831 F dev-other Lisa Meyers
1416 |
4836 M train-other-500 Preston Scrape
1417 |
4837 F train-clean-360 Sharon Kilmer
1418 |
4839 F train-clean-360 Julie K. Rose
1419 |
4841 F train-other-500 Haley Pereira
1420 |
4846 F train-clean-360 Kathrin Salazar
1421 |
4848 M train-clean-360 Dee Wykoff
1422 |
4852 M test-other Arthur Piantadosi
1423 |
4853 F train-clean-100 Barbara Derksen
1424 |
4854 M train-clean-360 Doctor_wu
1425 |
4856 M train-clean-360 Steven Seitel
1426 |
4859 M train-clean-100 nathank
1427 |
4860 M train-clean-360 Jonah Cummings
1428 |
4863 M train-other-500 I M CLIFFORD
1429 |
4872 M train-other-500 R E Faust
1430 |
4894 M train-other-500 Gary Dzierlenga
1431 |
4898 M train-clean-100 greatbasinrain
1432 |
4899 F train-clean-360 Theresa L. Downey
1433 |
4910 F train-other-500 Amanda Martin Sandino
1434 |
4915 M train-other-500 Andrew Bowles
1435 |
4926 F train-clean-360 browneyedgirl32382
1436 |
4930 M train-other-500 Adrian Levitsky
1437 |
4931 M train-other-500 KevS
1438 |
4936 F train-other-500 jedopi
1439 |
4945 M train-clean-360 Charles RUHE
1440 |
4948 M train-other-500 Tom Barron
1441 |
4955 M train-other-500 Elwood Mott
1442 |
4957 F train-clean-360 P Moscato
1443 |
4958 M train-other-500 David P. Sroka
1444 |
4959 F train-other-500 Piper Hayes
1445 |
4964 F train-other-500 rashada
1446 |
4965 F train-other-500 Rachel Craig
1447 |
4967 F train-clean-360 Karen
1448 |
4969 M train-other-500 Garth Burton
1449 |
4970 F test-clean airandwaters
1450 |
4973 M train-clean-360 Michael Lipschultz
1451 |
4979 M train-other-500 Eric
1452 |
4991 F train-other-500 Jacqueline (Jacqui) Grady
1453 |
4992 F test-clean Joyce Martin
1454 |
4993 M train-other-500 BillMac
1455 |
5000 F train-other-500 Anna-Lisa Ott
1456 |
5002 M train-clean-360 Brendan Stallard
1457 |
5005 F train-other-500 pinhsien
1458 |
5007 F train-clean-360 Kathleen Nelson
1459 |
5009 M train-other-500 Michael Reuss
1460 |
5012 F train-clean-360 Morgan Schlicker
1461 |
5013 M train-other-500 Joseph Dsouza
1462 |
5019 F train-other-500 Sandra Estenson
1463 |
5022 F train-clean-100 Kathleen Costa
1464 |
5023 F train-other-500 Elizabeth Zaranka
1465 |
5029 F train-clean-360 Courtney Sandhu
1466 |
5036 F train-other-500 NicolaRuth
1467 |
5038 M train-other-500 John Kooz
1468 |
5039 F train-clean-360 Inga Parsons
1469 |
5043 M train-other-500 edbucks
1470 |
5044 F train-other-500 Andrea Keene
1471 |
5045 F train-other-500 Mounica
1472 |
5049 M train-clean-100 Bradley Smith
1473 |
5054 F train-clean-360 Denice Stradling
1474 |
5060 F train-other-500 Linda Moreau
1475 |
5062 F train-clean-360 E Ogston
1476 |
5063 F train-clean-360 susanfrom
1477 |
5076 M train-other-500 Jules Hawryluk
1478 |
5077 F train-other-500 Sandra G
1479 |
5082 F train-other-500 SummerWind
1480 |
5092 M train-clean-360 Josh Smith
1481 |
5093 F train-clean-360 Nicole Kay
1482 |
5101 F train-other-500 E.Lee
1483 |
5104 M train-clean-100 Chuck Burke
1484 |
5105 M test-clean elongman
1485 |
5115 F train-clean-360 Terry Goodyer
1486 |
5118 M train-other-500 klbonds
1487 |
5123 M train-clean-360 wvthcomp
1488 |
5126 M train-clean-360 Tom Lennon
1489 |
5132 M train-other-500 David Stryker
1490 |
5133 F train-clean-360 Jo Karabasz
1491 |
5136 F train-other-500 Felicity C
1492 |
5139 F train-clean-360 Katine
1493 |
5141 M train-other-500 David Goldfarb
1494 |
5142 F test-clean Mary Ballard-Johansson
1495 |
5147 M train-clean-360 Cody2
1496 |
5152 M train-other-500 Liam Neely
1497 |
5154 F train-clean-360 Danarra
1498 |
5157 M train-clean-360 drewmac
1499 |
5163 F train-clean-100 LilyAnne
1500 |
5164 F train-other-500 Vsilverlining
1501 |
5172 M train-other-500 Equilibrium33
1502 |
5181 M train-other-500 Joel Nisbet
1503 |
5183 M train-other-500 Kenneth Sergeant Gaghan
1504 |
5185 M train-other-500 okei
1505 |
5186 M train-clean-360 Brendan Brown
1506 |
5189 M train-clean-360 Samanem
1507 |
5190 M train-clean-360 Rom Maczka
1508 |
5192 M train-clean-100 Jason Esteves
1509 |
5198 M train-other-500 Brian
1510 |
5199 F train-other-500 Diana Fast
1511 |
5206 M train-clean-360 Simon Dexter
1512 |
5217 F train-other-500 Anqi Wang
1513 |
5220 F train-other-500 Mary Schneider
1514 |
5224 M train-other-500 Matt Soar
1515 |
5230 F train-other-500 Aubrey Anne
1516 |
5233 F train-other-500 summerdaze
1517 |
5239 M train-clean-360 compozr
1518 |
5242 M train-clean-360 Michael Monhollon
1519 |
5244 F train-other-500 Carolin Ksr
1520 |
5245 M train-other-500 Dymmesdale
1521 |
5246 M train-clean-360 Mike Bloomfield
1522 |
5248 M train-other-500 Don Stirno
1523 |
5252 M train-other-500 Michael Deng
1524 |
5261 M train-clean-360 Ali Kazerani
1525 |
5266 F train-clean-360 Jill
1526 |
5269 F train-other-500 Elizabeth Barr
1527 |
5271 F train-other-500 Amanda
1528 |
5278 M train-other-500 Mike Harris
1529 |
5280 M train-other-500 penboy7000
1530 |
5285 F train-other-500 Sweetlilbirdy
1531 |
5287 F train-other-500 adsum iam
1532 |
5290 F train-clean-360 Natalie
1533 |
5293 M train-clean-360 Ned Troxel
1534 |
5296 F train-other-500 Joselyn Hasty
1535 |
5299 F train-other-500 Becky Doughty
1536 |
5304 M train-clean-360 Don W. Jenkins
1537 |
5319 M train-clean-360 Guero
1538 |
5321 M train-other-500 Adam Whybray
1539 |
5322 M train-clean-100 Jay Bidal
1540 |
5325 M train-other-500 Rory Lawton
1541 |
5328 M train-other-500 Nathan Jordan
1542 |
5333 M train-clean-360 Robert Fletcher
1543 |
5337 F train-clean-360 Danielle
1544 |
5338 F dev-clean S R Colon
1545 |
5339 F train-clean-100 Lauren McCullough
1546 |
5340 F train-other-500 Mary-Beth Blackburn
1547 |
5350 F train-other-500 Cath Garde
1548 |
5355 F train-other-500 Carrie Heyes
1549 |
5361 F train-other-500 scarlettraces
1550 |
5375 F train-other-500 BumbleVee
1551 |
5379 M train-other-500 lennich
1552 |
5386 M train-clean-360 Tim Ferreira
1553 |
5389 M train-clean-360 Joseph Lawler
1554 |
5390 M train-clean-100 Charles Bice
1555 |
5393 F train-clean-100 Amy Hengst
1556 |
5400 F train-clean-360 Natalie Sullivan
1557 |
5401 M train-clean-360 Andrew Nelson
1558 |
5405 F train-other-500 Anka
1559 |
5412 F train-other-500 tommybascue
1560 |
5424 F train-other-500 Julia Niedermaier
1561 |
5429 M train-other-500 Dennis Lane Pretoria
1562 |
5439 F train-other-500 Laine S.
1563 |
5442 F test-other oneiros81
1564 |
5445 F train-other-500 Liz DeLassus
1565 |
5448 M train-clean-360 Bryan Reid
1566 |
5456 M train-clean-100 e_scarab
1567 |
5459 M train-other-500 bryan.peterson
1568 |
5460 M train-other-500 Max Lindberg
1569 |
5463 M train-clean-100 GLM
1570 |
5468 F train-other-500 ashleighjane
1571 |
5471 F train-other-500 ElleyKat
1572 |
5480 F train-other-500 ESFJ Girl
1573 |
5484 F test-other Nastassia
1574 |
5487 F train-other-500 Michaela O'Connor
1575 |
5489 F train-clean-360 LizMourant
1576 |
5506 M train-other-500 Frank Booker
1577 |
5513 M train-clean-360 David Callahan
1578 |
5514 F train-clean-100 Ella Jane Quentin
1579 |
5519 M train-clean-360 scoutman77
1580 |
5536 M dev-clean David Mix
1581 |
5538 F train-clean-360 Linda Velwest
1582 |
5543 F dev-other Anya
1583 |
5545 M train-other-500 Gary Olman
1584 |
5561 F train-clean-100 Ellen Jones
1585 |
5565 M train-other-500 Ken Padgitt
1586 |
5567 M train-other-500 BStapley
1587 |
5569 F train-other-500 Beth Hitesman
1588 |
5570 F train-clean-360 Corinna Schultz
1589 |
5583 F train-clean-360 Claudia Wilson
1590 |
5588 F train-clean-360 Gail Timmerman Vaughan
1591 |
5604 F train-clean-360 kittyandcheese
1592 |
5606 F train-clean-360 PrincessG
1593 |
5618 F train-clean-360 Shirleyroses
1594 |
5620 M train-other-500 jerryB
1595 |
5622 F train-clean-360 Roseanne Schmidt
1596 |
5628 M train-other-500 Adrian Wheal
1597 |
5635 M train-clean-360 Matthew Reece
1598 |
5636 F train-other-500 Joyce Couch
1599 |
5637 M train-clean-360 Anthony
1600 |
5639 M test-clean Ulf Bjorklund
1601 |
5641 M train-other-500 Gerald Peter Morgan
1602 |
5649 F train-other-500 hazelra
1603 |
5652 F train-clean-100 amicrazy2u
1604 |
5653 F train-other-500 Kimberly Anderson
1605 |
5655 F train-clean-360 Christine Rodriguez
1606 |
5656 M train-clean-360 Joe Mabry
1607 |
5660 F train-clean-360 hollz
1608 |
5661 F train-other-500 Dianne Lanning
1609 |
5665 F train-other-500 Lynda Sizemore
1610 |
5671 F train-other-500 Trihypoo
1611 |
5672 M train-clean-360 Jacob Paul Starr
1612 |
5678 M train-clean-100 jgoffena
1613 |
5682 F train-other-500 Lmwong
1614 |
5683 F test-clean Rachael Lapidis
1615 |
5684 F train-clean-360 Elsa Youngsteadt
1616 |
5688 F train-clean-100 Jennifer Dionne
1617 |
5694 M dev-clean Winston Tharp
1618 |
5700 M train-other-500 Paul Adams
1619 |
5703 M train-clean-100 Garth Comira
1620 |
5712 F train-clean-360 Alexandra Huckabay
1621 |
5717 M train-clean-360 Phil Chenevert
1622 |
5719 M train-other-500 John Fricker
1623 |
5720 F train-other-500 Thelma Meyer
1624 |
5723 F train-clean-360 Linda Hogan
1625 |
5724 F train-clean-360 paintgirl
1626 |
5725 F train-other-500 doublemirrors
1627 |
5727 M train-clean-360 JDavidMoore
1628 |
5731 F train-clean-360 Andrea Boltz
1629 |
5733 F train-other-500 Spinhop
1630 |
5735 F train-other-500 Filipa
1631 |
5740 F train-clean-360 Alisa
1632 |
5746 M train-clean-360 DL Pead
1633 |
5750 M train-clean-100 laurencetrask
1634 |
5756 F train-other-500 Mich_elle
1635 |
5764 M test-other Herman Roskams
1636 |
5765 M train-other-500 A. J. Carroll
1637 |
5767 M train-clean-360 taijohn
1638 |
5772 M train-other-500 jessecoy
1639 |
5776 M train-clean-360 Chris Pauley
1640 |
5778 F train-clean-100 Laura Victoria
1641 |
5781 M train-other-500 Parrot17
1642 |
5784 M train-other-500 Chris Donnelly
1643 |
5789 F train-clean-100 Kirsten Wever
1644 |
5791 M train-other-500 croudy
1645 |
5796 F train-other-500 Linette Geisel
1646 |
5802 M train-clean-360 Christopher Maust
1647 |
5808 M train-clean-100 jeandelfrio
1648 |
5809 F train-clean-360 kattekliek
1649 |
5810 M train-clean-360 Patrick Reinhart
1650 |
5825 F train-other-500 Vira Denton
1651 |
5826 M train-other-500 Phineas Redux
1652 |
5831 F train-other-500 Kirsty Leishman
1653 |
5837 F train-other-500 Debbie Pieterse
1654 |
5840 M train-other-500 Dick Summerfield
1655 |
5849 F dev-other ashleyspence
1656 |
5854 M train-other-500 Gabriel Glenn
1657 |
5860 F train-other-500 J L Raimundo
1658 |
5867 F train-clean-100 Sharon Omi
1659 |
5868 M train-clean-360 alwpoe
1660 |
5874 M train-other-500 Paul Andrews
1661 |
5876 F train-clean-360 kelleywyskiel
1662 |
5883 M train-clean-360 Jerry Romero
1663 |
5886 M train-other-500 Simon Brown
1664 |
5890 F train-other-500 GabrielleC
1665 |
5893 F train-other-500 Elizabeth Fiedler
1666 |
5894 M train-other-500 Paul Stephens
1667 |
5895 F dev-clean iamartin
1668 |
5906 F train-other-500 Lily-LLM
1669 |
5909 M train-clean-360 Mark Mickelson
1670 |
5910 M train-other-500 Anthony Lee
1671 |
5911 M train-other-500 Paul C. Newman
1672 |
5913 M train-other-500 dmbrought
1673 |
5914 M train-clean-360 bobbybrill
1674 |
5918 M train-clean-360 Mike Wajda
1675 |
5929 F train-other-500 Gryphon Perkins
1676 |
5933 M train-other-500 Barry O'Neill
1677 |
5935 M train-clean-360 Mike Okonek
1678 |
5940 M train-clean-360 Gargoyle
1679 |
5949 F train-other-500 debolee
1680 |
5951 M train-other-500 Stevan Simmons
1681 |
5952 F train-other-500 sherlock85
1682 |
5968 F train-clean-360 Cate Barratt
1683 |
5970 M train-other-500 Larry Degala
1684 |
5975 M train-clean-360 Tony Maxey
1685 |
5977 M train-other-500 Ken Felt
1686 |
5979 M train-other-500 Pentti Hirvonen
1687 |
5980 F train-other-500 Nichole Thompson
1688 |
5983 F train-other-500 Katew
1689 |
5984 F train-clean-360 sbburke
1690 |
5985 M train-clean-360 James K. White
1691 |
5993 M train-other-500 garyday
1692 |
6000 F train-clean-100 MissRose
1693 |
6003 M train-other-500 sparks0314
1694 |
6006 F train-clean-360 Stephanie Lee
1695 |
6009 M train-other-500 AVG
1696 |
6010 M train-other-500 Ralph Kerwin
1697 |
6014 F train-clean-360 Tina Nuzzi
1698 |
6019 M train-clean-100 DerekP
1699 |
6025 F train-other-500 Lonelle Yoder
1700 |
6030 F train-other-500 Shiromi
1701 |
6032 F train-clean-360 Beverly Scott
1702 |
6035 M train-other-500 Marty Kris
1703 |
6037 M train-clean-360 bish
1704 |
6038 F train-clean-360 Sirmelja
1705 |
6051 M train-other-500 Ric Cornwall
1706 |
6054 F train-clean-360 Leslie Stevens Suhy
1707 |
6060 M train-clean-360 Jonathan Lange
1708 |
6064 F train-clean-100 Deborah Knight
1709 |
6065 M train-other-500 David Olson
1710 |
6070 F test-other Saab
1711 |
6072 F train-other-500 CrowGirl
1712 |
6075 M train-clean-360 Rob Smith
1713 |
6076 M train-other-500 Saethram
1714 |
6077 M train-other-500 Steve Belleguelle
1715 |
6078 F train-clean-100 dobsonfly
1716 |
6080 M train-clean-360 progressingamerica
1717 |
6081 M train-clean-100 Lazuli
1718 |
6082 F train-clean-360 EyeBones
1719 |
6084 M train-other-500 Amallen
1720 |
6087 F train-other-500 Caroline Driggs
1721 |
6088 F train-other-500 burk
1722 |
6097 M train-other-500 Phil Benson
1723 |
6098 M train-clean-360 Kancamagus
1724 |
6099 F train-clean-360 Cheri Gardner
1725 |
6102 F train-other-500 Rachel Bossier
1726 |
6104 F train-clean-360 Juliana M.
1727 |
6106 F train-other-500 Ruth Kidson
1728 |
6111 F train-other-500 Jill Preston
1729 |
6115 M train-clean-360 MitchHerd
1730 |
6119 M train-clean-360 Vinnie Tesla
1731 |
6120 F train-clean-360 Terra Mendoza
1732 |
6121 F train-other-500 Imagine
1733 |
6123 F dev-other chocmuse
1734 |
6126 M train-other-500 David Abbott
1735 |
6127 F train-other-500 Andee
1736 |
6128 F test-other Isabelle Brasme
1737 |
6131 F train-other-500 Malane
1738 |
6135 F train-other-500 Spike Holcomb
1739 |
6138 F train-other-500 Deborah Brabyn
1740 |
6139 F train-clean-360 Lois C. Johnson
1741 |
6145 F train-other-500 Madeleine Brook
1742 |
6147 F train-clean-100 Liberty Stump
1743 |
6153 F train-other-500 anjieliu
1744 |
6157 M train-clean-360 HotConflict
1745 |
6159 M train-other-500 Ted Garvin
1746 |
6160 F train-clean-360 FaithR
1747 |
6167 F train-clean-360 Janet
1748 |
6173 F train-other-500 Carol Box
1749 |
6177 M train-other-500 wminbru
1750 |
6178 F train-other-500 alegriavida
1751 |
6181 M train-clean-100 Mike
1752 |
6184 M train-other-500 Adam Tomkins
1753 |
6188 F train-clean-360 Roxanna Nazari
1754 |
6189 F train-clean-360 Shana Cohen
1755 |
6196 M train-other-500 Martin Gradwell
1756 |
6199 M train-other-500 bobolink
1757 |
6206 F train-clean-360 Yvonne Smith
1758 |
6209 M train-clean-100 deckerteach
1759 |
6211 F train-other-500 Caeliveres
1760 |
6215 F train-clean-360 Janet248
1761 |
6221 M train-other-500 pwu909
1762 |
6224 M train-other-500 dave k
1763 |
6227 F train-other-500 EliMarieHK
1764 |
6232 M train-other-500 Paul Denton
1765 |
6233 F train-clean-360 Gen Jones
1766 |
6235 F train-clean-360 ReadWriteLib
1767 |
6236 M train-other-500 jcwyatt
1768 |
6241 M dev-clean badey
1769 |
6242 F train-other-500 Lucinda Gainey
1770 |
6248 M train-other-500 Kevin Green
1771 |
6249 M train-other-500 Thomas A. Copeland
1772 |
6251 F train-other-500 Theresa Sheridan
1773 |
6254 F train-other-500 Chelsea S.
1774 |
6258 M train-clean-360 haggisreflux
1775 |
6267 M dev-other Cata
1776 |
6269 M train-clean-360 Don Halpert
1777 |
6272 F train-clean-100 jlenardon
1778 |
6276 M train-other-500 dan_h
1779 |
6281 F train-other-500 Beth Thomas
1780 |
6284 F train-other-500 cklee
1781 |
6286 F train-clean-360 Wendy Almeida
1782 |
6288 F train-clean-360 Sunni West
1783 |
6294 M train-clean-360 humanode
1784 |
6295 M dev-clean Michael Packard
1785 |
6300 F train-clean-360 Sarah Crampton
1786 |
6308 F train-clean-360 Easton
1787 |
6311 M train-other-500 TRUEBRIT
1788 |
6313 F dev-clean Jennifer Wiginton
1789 |
6317 F train-clean-360 Sarah K
1790 |
6319 F dev-clean thestorygirl
1791 |
6323 M train-other-500 Caluminium
1792 |
6324 F train-other-500 Barbara E. McCarthy
1793 |
6330 M train-clean-360 David Cummings
1794 |
6332 F train-other-500 Kelli England
1795 |
6333 M train-other-500 Max Korlinge
1796 |
6339 F train-clean-360 Michelle Remington
1797 |
6341 F train-clean-360 Tiffany J. Kim
1798 |
6345 F dev-clean Jean Bascom
1799 |
6346 M train-other-500 Matthew Pagan
1800 |
6351 F train-other-500 C. L. W. Rollins
1801 |
6352 F train-clean-360 stmacduff
1802 |
6353 F train-other-500 Jennifer Randall
1803 |
6356 M train-other-500 John O
1804 |
6358 F train-other-500 selway
1805 |
6359 F train-clean-360 Susan Hanfield
1806 |
6364 M train-other-500 Todd Ulbrich
1807 |
6367 M train-clean-100 Vince Dee
1808 |
6368 M train-other-500 Marc Pizzuti
1809 |
6370 M train-other-500 Dan Craig
1810 |
6371 F train-clean-360 Rebecca King
1811 |
6373 F train-clean-360 Sandie Guenther
1812 |
6377 M train-other-500 Maxim Babich
1813 |
6378 F train-clean-360 Michelle Day
1814 |
6385 F train-clean-100 Novella Serena
1815 |
6388 F train-clean-360 Leda
1816 |
6391 F train-other-500 polkadotish
1817 |
6395 M train-clean-360 Richard Carpenter
1818 |
6399 M train-other-500 Edmund Bloxam
1819 |
6402 M train-other-500 Chiquito Crasto
1820 |
6406 F train-clean-360 Abigail Rasmussen
1821 |
6407 M train-other-500 AdamH
1822 |
6411 F train-other-500 Feyaza
1823 |
6415 F train-clean-100 Daryl Wor
1824 |
6418 M train-other-500 Iolo Jones
1825 |
6426 F train-clean-360 Pat Redstone
1826 |
6432 M test-other Ditchdog
1827 |
6436 M train-other-500 Steve Mattingly
1828 |
6437 M train-clean-100 John Hoerr
1829 |
6446 M train-clean-360 Bob Gonzalez
1830 |
6454 M train-clean-100 David Wales
1831 |
6455 F dev-other Betty Chen
1832 |
6458 M train-clean-360 Dennis Blake
1833 |
6459 M train-other-500 Nigel Boydell
1834 |
6467 M dev-other sid
1835 |
6476 F train-clean-100 Viridian
1836 |
6482 M train-other-500 Delmar H Dolbier
1837 |
6484 F train-other-500 ilianthe
1838 |
6488 F train-other-500 Kendall Ashyby
1839 |
6492 M train-clean-360 Hugh Gillis
1840 |
6494 M train-clean-360 Morey Kunin
1841 |
6497 M train-clean-360 James E. Carson
1842 |
6499 M train-clean-360 dave7
1843 |
6505 F train-clean-360 Elena
1844 |
6506 M train-other-500 Tim Quinn
1845 |
6509 F train-clean-360 Marianna Foos
1846 |
6510 M train-clean-360 JimD
1847 |
6512 M train-other-500 mcgovern1934
1848 |
6513 F train-other-500 Susan de Raadt
1849 |
6518 F train-clean-360 Wayfarer
1850 |
6519 F train-clean-360 Monica Knuppe
1851 |
6529 M train-clean-100 Fred DeBerardinis
1852 |
6531 F train-clean-100 janesandberg
1853 |
6533 M train-other-500 drewmore
1854 |
6534 F train-other-500 Helen Falconer
1855 |
6535 M train-other-500 Ron Altman
1856 |
6538 M train-clean-360 Juan Federico
1857 |
6539 M train-other-500 David W. Wolfe
1858 |
6540 M train-other-500 Craig Gulliver
1859 |
6544 F train-clean-360 Amanda Friday
1860 |
6548 F train-other-500 Kristin Gjerlw
1861 |
6549 F train-other-500 Sandra Luna
1862 |
6550 M train-clean-360 elfpen
1863 |
6553 M train-clean-360 DublinGothic
1864 |
6555 M train-clean-360 Alexandre Laplante
1865 |
6557 F train-other-500 Tika Sabu
1866 |
6563 M train-clean-100 William Tomcho
1867 |
6567 F train-clean-360 vikvenom
1868 |
6568 F train-other-500 Heather Hamtil
1869 |
6574 M train-clean-360 Caden Vaughn Clegg
1870 |
6575 M train-clean-360 Patrick Painter
1871 |
6583 F train-other-500 NastassiaS
1872 |
6590 F train-other-500 Marea Brook
1873 |
6594 F train-other-500 Amelia Chantarotwong
1874 |
6599 M dev-other rohde
1875 |
6609 M train-other-500 Patrick Wallace
1876 |
6610 F train-other-500 sylly
1877 |
6614 F train-other-500 Veronica Schlette
1878 |
6620 F train-clean-360 Amy Koenig
1879 |
6625 M train-other-500 hearmeout7
1880 |
6627 F train-other-500 Amber Hamilton
1881 |
6636 M train-other-500 Philip Martin
1882 |
6637 F train-clean-360 Christine Nendza
1883 |
6641 F train-other-500 Julienne
1884 |
6643 F train-clean-360 cbooren
1885 |
6652 M train-other-500 Brendon Wright
1886 |
6660 F train-other-500 Nicole Lee
1887 |
6668 M train-other-500 Ecological Humanist
1888 |
6670 M train-other-500 Mike Pelton
1889 |
6673 F train-clean-360 Jenna Lanman
1890 |
6674 M train-other-500 jimmylee
1891 |
6676 F train-other-500 Chill28
1892 |
6683 F train-clean-360 Julia Kelley
1893 |
6685 M train-other-500 Jonathan Drury
1894 |
6686 M train-clean-360 Elin
1895 |
6687 M train-other-500 KirksVoice
1896 |
6689 F train-other-500 Tiffany Halla Colonna
1897 |
6690 M train-clean-360 T Michael Burke
1898 |
6694 M train-clean-360 Ross Williamson
1899 |
6695 F train-other-500 Linda Fredericks
1900 |
6696 F train-clean-360 Katryn Wiese
1901 |
6701 M train-clean-360 Dayle
1902 |
6705 F train-other-500 D. A. Frank
1903 |
6707 M train-other-500 Lewis
1904 |
6709 M train-other-500 vinphizz
1905 |
6713 M train-other-500 stephenreader
1906 |
6724 F train-other-500 Kristin Young
1907 |
6726 F train-other-500 metgmz
1908 |
6727 M train-clean-360 Tony Russell
1909 |
6733 F train-other-500 Snapdragon
1910 |
6735 F train-other-500 fshort
1911 |
6741 F train-other-500 Sharon C.
1912 |
6743 M train-other-500 Rick Rodney
1913 |
6746 M train-other-500 Robin Skelcey
1914 |
6747 M train-other-500 Ryan Lothian
1915 |
6749 F train-other-500 MaryA
1916 |
6752 M train-other-500 maxvon_d
1917 |
6753 M train-other-500 T.E. McHenry
1918 |
6754 M train-other-500 ToddHW
1919 |
6758 F train-other-500 The Gypsy
1920 |
6763 F train-clean-360 Manjit Bains
1921 |
6773 M train-other-500 MostafaRazavi
1922 |
6777 M train-other-500 Rick Saffery
1923 |
6782 F train-clean-360 zcameo
1924 |
6784 M train-other-500 SteveBuys
1925 |
6788 F train-clean-360 Pamela Krantz
1926 |
6792 M train-other-500 montmorency
1927 |
6794 F train-other-500 Rachel Moyar
1928 |
6798 M train-other-500 Aesthete's Readings
1929 |
6804 M train-other-500 Nick Duncan
1930 |
6807 F train-other-500 Lisa Caputo
1931 |
6818 F train-clean-100 beckyboyd
1932 |
6821 F train-other-500 Rholdah
1933 |
6828 F train-clean-360 Lori Fuller Chugiak, AK
1934 |
6829 F test-clean LadyBug
1935 |
6836 M train-clean-100 John
1936 |
6841 M dev-other A. E. Maroney
1937 |
6846 M train-other-500 John Leonard
1938 |
6848 M train-clean-100 KarlHenning
1939 |
6849 M train-other-500 Dan Raynham
1940 |
6853 F train-other-500 J. McKnight
1941 |
6865 F train-clean-360 Jing Li
1942 |
6875 M train-other-500 Bill Miller
1943 |
6877 M train-clean-360 Bear Schacht
1944 |
6880 M train-clean-100 Capybara
1945 |
6882 M train-other-500 David Isenhower
1946 |
6883 M train-other-500 Adam Doughty
1947 |
6892 M train-other-500 Piotr Nater
1948 |
6895 F train-clean-360 Reeses118
1949 |
6902 F train-other-500 Barbara Edelman
1950 |
6904 F train-clean-360 Kirsten Nelson
1951 |
6906 F train-other-500 Joanna1
1952 |
6912 M train-other-500 Richard Beck
1953 |
6913 F train-other-500 daisyb
1954 |
6914 F train-other-500 Katalina Watt
1955 |
6918 F train-clean-360 Marilyn Mack
1956 |
6923 M train-other-500 Szindbad
1957 |
6924 F train-clean-360 Rapunzelina
1958 |
6925 M train-clean-100 Thomas Meaney
1959 |
6927 F train-clean-360 Sarika Pawar
1960 |
6930 M test-clean Nolan Fout
1961 |
6937 F train-clean-360 DVoice
1962 |
6938 F test-other Simmy
1963 |
6943 F train-other-500 Chieko Steely
1964 |
6945 M train-other-500 Daniel George
1965 |
6947 F train-other-500 Grace
1966 |
6950 F train-other-500 elmay
1967 |
6951 F train-other-500 redhed3095
1968 |
6954 M train-other-500 Paul Richards
1969 |
6956 M train-clean-360 DannyHauger
1970 |
6962 M train-other-500 mattoscarlomas
1971 |
6963 M train-other-500 Kasper
1972 |
6965 M train-clean-360 NoelBadrian
1973 |
6967 F train-other-500 sganatra81
1974 |
6974 M train-other-500 Michael Armenta
1975 |
6978 F train-other-500 Debra
1976 |
6981 M train-clean-360 nlonghu
1977 |
6993 M train-clean-360 Seyed
1978 |
7000 M train-clean-360 Kevin Alix
1979 |
7001 F train-other-500 Arienne
1980 |
7008 M train-other-500 John Trevithick
1981 |
7009 M train-other-500 roeg11
1982 |
7011 M train-clean-360 Icprice
1983 |
7012 F train-other-500 Erin McKelle
1984 |
7018 M test-other FSharp
1985 |
7021 M test-clean Nodo420
1986 |
7026 F train-other-500 Michele Eaton
1987 |
7030 M train-clean-360 Conrad T
1988 |
7046 M train-other-500 Pascal Ramseier
1989 |
7051 M train-clean-360 Andrew White
1990 |
7055 M train-other-500 gemtwist
1991 |
7059 F train-clean-100 Joannemmp
1992 |
7061 M train-clean-360 AllenJohns
1993 |
7062 F train-other-500 Rebecca Thomas
1994 |
7065 M train-other-500 smitaj
1995 |
7067 M train-clean-100 Matthew Wall
1996 |
7069 M train-clean-360 John Schuurman
1997 |
7073 F train-other-500 Jill Janovetz
1998 |
7078 F train-clean-100 Mary in Arkansas
1999 |
7079 F train-other-500 Chuck Williamson
2000 |
7085 M train-clean-360 voicebynatalie
2001 |
7090 M train-clean-360 Jon Sindell
2002 |
7092 F train-other-500 Lorraine B
2003 |
7095 M train-clean-360 Wesseling
2004 |
7096 M train-other-500 Gary Iredale
2005 |
7097 F train-other-500 novelreader
2006 |
7105 M test-other jennycbnyn
2007 |
7107 M train-other-500 titankin77
2008 |
7113 F train-clean-100 Sukaina Jaffer
2009 |
7117 F train-clean-360 Art Leung
2010 |
7120 F train-clean-360 L D Hamilton
2011 |
7121 M train-other-500 384403
2012 |
7125 F train-other-500 Peggy
2013 |
7126 M train-clean-360 pekein
2014 |
7127 M test-clean Bill Kneeland
2015 |
7128 M train-clean-360 morganreads
2016 |
7131 F train-other-500 Eden Rea-Hedrick
2017 |
7134 M train-clean-360 Steve Jackson
2018 |
7135 F train-other-500 Maggie Smallwood
2019 |
7138 F train-other-500 CaprishaPage
2020 |
7139 M train-clean-360 gabrielv
2021 |
7140 F train-clean-360 Deanna Bovee
2022 |
7143 F train-other-500 Minni Ang
2023 |
7145 F train-clean-360 Lita Ledesma
2024 |
7147 M train-other-500 S.Nevets
2025 |
7148 F train-clean-100 Vickie Ranz
2026 |
7150 M train-other-500 asterix
2027 |
7155 M train-other-500 pklipp
2028 |
7169 M train-clean-360 Ryan Ransom
2029 |
7170 M train-other-500 alanmapstone
2030 |
7176 M test-clean KalenXI
2031 |
7177 F train-other-500 shana
2032 |
7178 F train-clean-100 J.K. Neely
2033 |
7188 M train-clean-360 Marty
2034 |
7189 M train-other-500 doonaboon
2035 |
7190 M train-clean-100 Tony Posante
2036 |
7197 F train-other-500 Christine Richardson
2037 |
7198 F train-other-500 Daniela Austin
2038 |
7199 F train-other-500 T.K. Kirven
2039 |
7205 F train-other-500 genierose
2040 |
7208 M train-other-500 KK
2041 |
7215 M train-other-500 BensonBrunswin
2042 |
7218 F train-other-500 MJ Franck
2043 |
7220 F train-other-500 LynnAlison
2044 |
7223 F train-other-500 eye hear voices
2045 |
7226 M train-clean-100 Jonathan Moore
2046 |
7228 M train-other-500 Peter John Keeble
2047 |
7229 F train-clean-360 Linda Ciano
2048 |
7238 M train-other-500 Uday Sagar
2049 |
7239 M train-other-500 manofwealth
2050 |
7240 F train-clean-360 Lucretia B.
2051 |
7241 M train-clean-360 AdrianBisson
2052 |
7242 F train-other-500 Renate
2053 |
7245 F train-clean-360 Laura Atkinson
2054 |
7246 F train-other-500 Lyn Silva
2055 |
7247 M train-clean-360 Robert Hoffman
2056 |
7250 F train-other-500 A. J. Elliot
2057 |
7255 F train-other-500 Jendia
2058 |
7258 M train-clean-360 acloward
2059 |
7263 F train-other-500 rachaelg
2060 |
7264 M train-clean-100 Sean McClain
2061 |
7265 F train-other-500 Annie
2062 |
7276 F train-clean-360 ASPotter
2063 |
7277 F train-other-500 Jenny Bradshaw
2064 |
7278 M train-clean-100 Jon Smith
2065 |
7285 F train-clean-360 Christina M. Glavas
2066 |
7286 F train-clean-360 kindfish
2067 |
7294 F train-clean-360 Muriel
2068 |
7297 F train-clean-360 Mudlark
2069 |
7299 F train-other-500 Barbara Miller
2070 |
7301 M train-other-500 jonseverity
2071 |
7302 F train-clean-100 Asta1234
2072 |
7307 M train-other-500 Anthony Ogus
2073 |
7312 M train-clean-100 nkneer
2074 |
7313 M train-clean-360 Mark DeVol
2075 |
7314 M train-clean-360 Rick Cahill
2076 |
7315 F train-other-500 Charlotte Duckett
2077 |
7316 F train-clean-360 Joy S Grape
2078 |
7318 F train-clean-360 Anise
2079 |
7320 F train-other-500 Monika Rolley
2080 |
7326 M train-other-500 Adam
2081 |
7327 M train-other-500 Tommy Howell
2082 |
7331 F train-other-500 AnabelleC
2083 |
7333 F train-other-500 Lydia Paterson
2084 |
7335 F train-clean-360 Kathryn Louise
2085 |
7337 F train-other-500 Adina Owen
2086 |
7338 M train-other-500 Eberle Thomas
2087 |
7339 M train-clean-360 wildalaska
2088 |
7342 F train-clean-360 Carol
2089 |
7346 M train-other-500 James Bendall
2090 |
7348 F train-other-500 acousticwave
2091 |
7354 M train-other-500 TrevorD777
2092 |
7357 M train-other-500 rebcult
2093 |
7360 F train-other-500 Caroline Hemmerly Kunkle
2094 |
7367 M train-clean-100 NIneFive83
2095 |
7376 F train-other-500 Nyssa E. Schmidt
2096 |
7383 F train-clean-360 Meg Cowan
2097 |
7384 F train-clean-360 Diana Dolan
2098 |
7387 F train-other-500 Tara Dow
2099 |
7389 M train-other-500 Steve C
2100 |
7391 M train-other-500 Cary Simz
2101 |
7392 F train-other-500 MicheleW
2102 |
7395 F train-clean-360 Katherine
2103 |
7398 F train-clean-360 Marie Daum
2104 |
7402 M train-clean-100 Canby Ibarra
2105 |
7408 M train-other-500 David Clarke
2106 |
7416 F train-clean-360 Jeanni Hall
2107 |
7423 M train-other-500 Gilles G. Le Blanc
2108 |
7424 M train-other-500 Christopher Smith
2109 |
7433 F train-other-500 Gabriela Cowan
2110 |
7434 F train-clean-360 Emily Feuka
2111 |
7436 M train-other-500 Gregory Eccles
2112 |
7437 M train-clean-360 Graham McMillan
2113 |
7445 F train-clean-360 Emily Anderson
2114 |
7447 M train-clean-100 dasbury
2115 |
7448 M train-other-500 Kevin Johnson
2116 |
7460 M train-clean-360 Larry Beasley
2117 |
7463 M train-other-500 Pete Milan
2118 |
7467 F train-other-500 freshface
2119 |
7475 M train-clean-360 Jared Hess
2120 |
7478 M train-clean-360 Dan Froese
2121 |
7480 F train-other-500 Tricia F.
2122 |
7481 F train-clean-360 Karen Howard
2123 |
7484 M train-clean-360 Tyran Rexx
2124 |
7491 F train-other-500 Lilaread
2125 |
7492 F train-other-500 Scheherazade
2126 |
7495 F train-clean-360 Arlene Joyce
2127 |
7498 F train-clean-360 MarianneVictoria
2128 |
7502 M train-other-500 mikefernlea
2129 |
7505 M train-clean-100 Ron Lockhart
2130 |
7507 F train-other-500 UnaVersal
2131 |
7510 F train-other-500 Kathrine Engan
2132 |
7511 F train-clean-100 Sherri Vance
2133 |
7512 M train-other-500 dudeman
2134 |
7514 F train-other-500 Barbara Baker
2135 |
7515 F train-clean-360 Cynthia Moyer
2136 |
7517 F train-clean-100 Raz Mason
2137 |
7518 M train-clean-360 TJDasch
2138 |
7520 M train-clean-360 Richard Jackson
2139 |
7522 F train-other-500 Kelsey P
2140 |
7525 F train-clean-360 Jeannie Tirado
2141 |
7538 M train-clean-360 Logan West
2142 |
7540 M train-clean-360 Christopher Webber
2143 |
7552 F train-other-500 KateC
2144 |
7553 M train-clean-360 BDSEmpire
2145 |
7555 F train-clean-360 Suebee
2146 |
7556 M train-other-500 Alex Lau
2147 |
7558 M train-clean-360 J. A. Cook
2148 |
7559 M train-other-500 gassumpcao
2149 |
7561 M train-other-500 Shawn Bayern
2150 |
7565 M train-other-500 Derek
2151 |
7569 M train-clean-360 Stephen L. Moss
2152 |
7584 F train-other-500 kandice stehlik
2153 |
7585 M train-other-500 MaxSitting
2154 |
7594 F train-clean-360 Kristel Tretter
2155 |
7597 F train-other-500 Inah Derby
2156 |
7601 M dev-other Malone
2157 |
7603 M train-other-500 Wupperhippo
2158 |
7607 F train-other-500 C F de Rosset
2159 |
7608 M train-other-500 rookieblue
2160 |
7609 F train-other-500 detroitreads
2161 |
7618 M train-other-500 Stipsky
2162 |
7635 F train-clean-100 Judy Guinan
2163 |
7640 M train-other-500 Dan Darbandi
2164 |
7641 M dev-other Moromis
2165 |
7644 F train-other-500 Raphael Platt
2166 |
7647 M train-clean-360 Daniel T. Miller
2167 |
7649 F train-other-500 Lanerd
2168 |
7654 M train-other-500 Word And Mouth
2169 |
7657 F train-clean-360 shalclark
2170 |
7665 M train-clean-360 Christian Mitchell
2171 |
7672 M train-other-500 Cooper Leith
2172 |
7679 F train-other-500 Libby Gohn
2173 |
7683 F train-other-500 Carolyne
2174 |
7687 F train-other-500 Demosthenes
2175 |
7688 M train-clean-360 Leslie Walden
2176 |
7691 M train-other-500 engineerdst
2177 |
7697 M dev-other JustinJYN
2178 |
7699 F train-other-500 DylanTG
2179 |
7700 M train-other-500 Dave Wills
2180 |
7702 F train-other-500 Linda Jenner
2181 |
7704 M train-clean-360 Robert Harder
2182 |
7705 M train-clean-360 Timothy Luke
2183 |
7708 F train-other-500 Savannah
2184 |
7713 M train-other-500 Sacha Chander
2185 |
7717 F train-clean-360 Astrid Fingerhut
2186 |
7720 M train-clean-360 jeffwiltzius
2187 |
7729 M test-clean Tim Bower
2188 |
7730 F train-clean-360 Fiddlesticks
2189 |
7732 M train-clean-360 Daniel Vimont
2190 |
7733 F train-clean-360 Jewel Raquel
2191 |
7737 F train-other-500 Elisabeth Sollog
2192 |
7739 F train-clean-360 Melissa Burns-Price
2193 |
7746 M train-other-500 Tom Causby
2194 |
7749 M train-other-500 Sammy Bean
2195 |
7752 F train-clean-360 Samantha Miles
2196 |
7754 F train-clean-360 Iridescat
2197 |
7756 F train-other-500 Lynne Thompson
2198 |
7762 F train-other-500 Fannie
2199 |
7764 M train-other-500 Mike Nelson
2200 |
7766 F train-clean-360 Maryanka
2201 |
7769 M train-other-500 David Biro
2202 |
7777 M train-clean-360 Jacob Paine
2203 |
7780 F train-clean-100 tazzle
2204 |
7783 F train-clean-360 Rebecca Owens
2205 |
7786 M train-other-500 Kevin W. Davidson
2206 |
7789 F train-clean-360 Lauren Jane
2207 |
7794 F train-clean-100 mlcui
2208 |
7795 M train-other-500 Cubrick
2209 |
7796 M train-other-500 Raybrite
2210 |
7800 F train-clean-100 Arie
2211 |
7802 F train-clean-360 Samantha J Gubitz
2212 |
7809 M train-clean-360 D. T. McGregor
2213 |
7816 F train-clean-360 Stefanie Heinrichs
2214 |
7823 M train-other-500 Bart in 't Veld
2215 |
7825 M train-clean-360 PDyer
2216 |
7826 M train-other-500 Dave Shaw
2217 |
7828 M train-clean-360 Dan Mason
2218 |
7832 M train-clean-360 DJRickyV
2219 |
7833 M train-clean-360 Jesse Crisp-Sears
2220 |
7835 M train-other-500 kageokami
2221 |
7837 M train-clean-360 Alfian
2222 |
7839 F train-other-500 Loveday
2223 |
7843 F train-other-500 Annette McGuinness
2224 |
7848 M train-other-500 bala
2225 |
7850 F dev-clean Jill Engle
2226 |
7859 F train-clean-100 xinamarieuhl
2227 |
7867 M train-clean-360 nomorejeffs
2228 |
7868 F train-clean-360 Chessie Joy
2229 |
7871 M train-other-500 Rocit
2230 |
7874 M train-clean-360 dgulino
2231 |
7879 F train-other-500 deongines
2232 |
7881 M train-clean-360 Sam Naishtat
2233 |
7883 F train-other-500 Annapurna
2234 |
7886 F train-other-500 Mariah Lyons
2235 |
7892 F train-other-500 Alexis Castro
2236 |
7898 F train-other-500 Coreena
2237 |
7902 M test-other Kyle Van DeGlast
2238 |
7909 M train-clean-360 MGreenberg
2239 |
7910 F train-clean-360 southernemma
2240 |
7912 M train-other-500 Nathan Dickey
2241 |
7923 M train-other-500 amaskill
2242 |
7925 F train-other-500 Etel Buss
2243 |
7926 M train-clean-360 Steven Reynolds
2244 |
7932 F train-clean-360 Tammy Stalcup
2245 |
7933 F train-clean-360 Highlandoaks
2246 |
7938 M train-clean-360 Goss45
2247 |
7939 M train-clean-360 DPranitis
2248 |
7942 M train-other-500 Luke Sartor
2249 |
7945 F train-clean-360 Lois Browne
2250 |
7946 F train-other-500 Flash
2251 |
7949 M train-clean-360 Jon Miller
2252 |
7956 M train-clean-360 Devon Purtz
2253 |
7957 M train-clean-360 Wiley Combs
2254 |
7959 F train-clean-360 Lily Took
2255 |
7962 F train-clean-360 Jolie O'Dell
2256 |
7967 F train-clean-360 Lois Hill
2257 |
7975 M test-other William A Crenshaw
2258 |
7976 M dev-clean JenniferRutters
2259 |
7981 M train-clean-360 timothyFR
2260 |
7982 F train-clean-360 Lori Arsenault
2261 |
7988 M train-other-500 JaySands
2262 |
7991 M train-clean-360 Aaron Weber
2263 |
7994 F train-clean-360 Marian Cervassi
2264 |
7995 F train-clean-360 Marie Hoffman
2265 |
7997 M train-other-500 Tom Merritt
2266 |
8005 F train-other-500 Julia Wells
2267 |
8006 M train-clean-360 TyroneS
2268 |
8008 M train-clean-360 Paul Adamson
2269 |
8009 F train-other-500 Frances Brown
2270 |
8011 M train-clean-360 Greg Giordano
2271 |
8012 F train-other-500 WoollyBee
2272 |
8014 F train-clean-100 constatine
2273 |
8015 F train-other-500 Underhill
2274 |
8023 M train-other-500 JamesMcAndrew
2275 |
8028 M train-clean-360 Tom Geller
2276 |
8033 M train-other-500 geoffbl
2277 |
8040 F train-other-500 NatalieOram
2278 |
8042 M train-other-500 Jack Watson Warr
2279 |
8044 F train-other-500 Sarah Hannah
2280 |
8050 M train-clean-360 Jake Woldstad
2281 |
8051 F train-clean-100 Maria Kasper
2282 |
8057 F train-clean-360 Linda Dougherty
2283 |
8058 M train-other-500 RLC
2284 |
8063 M train-clean-100 Robert Snoza
2285 |
8066 M train-clean-360 Tim Cote
2286 |
8071 F train-other-500 Vanessa Garcia
2287 |
8072 F train-other-500 Kimberly Krause
2288 |
8075 F train-clean-360 Melora
2289 |
8080 F train-clean-360 e.a.zokaites
2290 |
8087 M train-other-500 Arnie Horton
2291 |
8088 M train-clean-100 Jason Bolestridge
2292 |
8095 M train-clean-100 Theodulf
2293 |
8097 F train-clean-360 lewildesen
2294 |
8098 M train-clean-100 Arnold
2295 |
8108 M train-clean-100 drakaunus
2296 |
8112 F train-other-500 Christine Lamberton
2297 |
8113 F train-clean-360 PennyAnn
2298 |
8118 F train-clean-360 Katie McClain
2299 |
8119 M train-clean-360 Malcolm Cameron
2300 |
8123 F train-clean-100 Sheila Wood
2301 |
8131 M test-other Christian Alexander
2302 |
8138 M train-clean-360 Lee Smalley
2303 |
8142 M train-clean-360 Timothy Lucas
2304 |
8143 M train-other-500 Nick Whitley
2305 |
8148 F train-other-500 Xiph
2306 |
8152 M train-clean-360 Bigcowfeet
2307 |
8156 F train-other-500 Brooke Cunningham
2308 |
8163 F train-clean-360 Greengecko
2309 |
8164 M train-other-500 Rob Board
2310 |
8168 F train-other-500 Kiera Davidson
2311 |
8169 M train-other-500 tovarisch
2312 |
8172 M train-other-500 Alan Weyman
2313 |
8173 F dev-other emmablob
2314 |
8176 M train-clean-360 Jon Kerfoot
2315 |
8180 F train-other-500 Elanor Sakamoto
2316 |
8183 F train-clean-360 Cheri Jordan
2317 |
8188 M test-other Matthew Calvin
2318 |
8190 F train-clean-360 Lisa Phelps Gonzalez
2319 |
8193 F train-clean-360 helengraves
2320 |
8194 F train-clean-360 MsMO
2321 |
8195 M train-clean-360 Mr Krause
2322 |
8197 F train-other-500 Victoria P
2323 |
8199 F train-other-500 maryagneskatherine
2324 |
8200 M train-other-500 Dan S
2325 |
8208 M train-other-500 zaanta
2326 |
8215 M train-other-500 readread
2327 |
8222 M train-clean-360 Greg Golding
2328 |
8224 M test-clean Leanne Kinkopf
2329 |
8225 M train-clean-360 Matt Lusher
2330 |
8226 M train-clean-100 Adam Picot
2331 |
8228 F train-clean-360 hgal2010
2332 |
8230 M test-clean David Jenkins
2333 |
8238 F train-clean-100 Madam Fickle
2334 |
8240 F train-other-500 Gertrude Durette
2335 |
8242 F train-other-500 Anita Slusser
2336 |
8245 M train-other-500 gscheids
2337 |
8246 M train-other-500 beeveeo
2338 |
8250 M train-other-500 Stephen Gibbons
2339 |
8254 F dev-other Jeana Wei
2340 |
8259 F train-other-500 Lawrence
2341 |
8262 M train-other-500 Jack Powell
2342 |
8266 M train-clean-360 Jeff K.
2343 |
8272 F train-other-500 Haili
2344 |
8273 M train-other-500 Lucas Boulding
2345 |
8280 F test-other AlaynaMay
2346 |
8288 M dev-other Wayne Donovan
2347 |
8291 M train-other-500 Elliot Gage
2348 |
8295 F train-other-500 Susan Morin
2349 |
8296 F train-other-500 Bria Snow
2350 |
8297 M dev-clean David Mecionis
2351 |
8300 F train-clean-360 Judith Parker
2352 |
8302 F train-other-500 Charlotte Day
2353 |
8307 M train-other-500 Nick Bulka
2354 |
8312 F train-clean-100 Jaimie Noy
2355 |
8316 M train-other-500 Rocket Rodger
2356 |
8321 F train-other-500 SamR
2357 |
8322 M train-other-500 yeknod
2358 |
8324 F train-clean-100 Kathy Wright
2359 |
8328 M train-other-500 William Gavula
2360 |
8329 F train-clean-360 Betty Perry
2361 |
8334 M train-other-500 Doug Reed
2362 |
8337 F train-other-500 Claudia Salto
2363 |
8346 M train-other-500 Al Rocca
2364 |
8347 M train-clean-360 Terry Torres
2365 |
8356 M train-other-500 Paul Mazumdar
2366 |
8367 M train-other-500 ophiuroidea
2367 |
8382 F train-other-500 Claire Schreuder
2368 |
8388 F train-clean-360 Jacki Horn
2369 |
8389 M train-other-500 Steven Bateman
2370 |
8392 F train-other-500 Katharina Huang
2371 |
8394 M train-other-500 Matthew Walker
2372 |
8396 M train-clean-360 gloriousjob
2373 |
8401 M train-clean-360 Alexander Hatton
2374 |
8404 F train-clean-360 Lynne Ray
2375 |
8410 F train-clean-360 Shauna Kennett
2376 |
8413 M train-other-500 PaulMichael1084
2377 |
8414 F train-other-500 jtueller
2378 |
8415 F train-other-500 Rusty Dancer
2379 |
8419 M train-clean-100 Jon Kissack
2380 |
8421 F train-clean-360 Jackie Drown
2381 |
8422 M train-other-500 pjhoury
2382 |
8424 F train-other-500 Schums
2383 |
8425 M train-clean-100 Larry Wilson
2384 |
8430 F train-other-500 shihping
2385 |
8432 F train-other-500 Emma Joyce
2386 |
8441 F train-other-500 ryoko
2387 |
8443 F train-other-500 Marsha Payne
2388 |
8444 M train-other-500 Anthony Webster
2389 |
8445 M train-other-500 Brett G. Hirsch
2390 |
8447 F train-other-500 Anastasiia Solokha
2391 |
8455 M test-clean thecheops
2392 |
8459 M train-clean-360 sdaeley17
2393 |
8461 F test-other Allie Cingi
2394 |
8463 F test-clean Michele Fry
2395 |
8464 M train-clean-360 HappyMiamiDad
2396 |
8465 F train-clean-100 TinaNygard2
2397 |
8466 M train-other-500 Chris Cartwright
2398 |
8468 F train-clean-100 Jennifer Dorr
2399 |
8470 F train-other-500 Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett
2400 |
8474 M train-clean-360 Scott Snowman
2401 |
8476 F train-other-500 Julie Mansius
2402 |
8479 M train-clean-360 R.W. Rushing
2403 |
8490 M train-clean-360 Matt Parker
2404 |
8494 M train-clean-360 Bill Yallalee
2405 |
8498 M train-clean-360 Ian Quinlan
2406 |
8499 M train-other-500 ReadAllDay
2407 |
8500 M train-other-500 Ravi Shankar
2408 |
8506 F train-clean-360 Denise Nordell
2409 |
8527 M train-clean-360 Gary Bohannon
2410 |
8531 M train-other-500 imenadel
2411 |
8534 M train-clean-360 Chris Clark
2412 |
8536 M train-other-500 Jonathan Brubaker
2413 |
8543 F train-other-500 luckyemma
2414 |
8544 F train-other-500 Pooja DSr
2415 |
8545 F train-clean-360 Joanne Rochon
2416 |
8555 F test-clean Michelle Goode
2417 |
8565 M train-other-500 Patrick Eaton
2418 |
8573 F train-clean-360 Paige G
2419 |
8575 M train-clean-360 Jeremy Robertson
2420 |
8576 M train-other-500 Phil Schempf
2421 |
8580 M train-clean-100 Gary Dana
2422 |
8587 M train-other-500 Drew Johnson
2423 |
8590 M train-other-500 bobrose
2424 |
8591 F train-clean-360 Jude Somers
2425 |
8592 M train-clean-360 Dylan Posa
2426 |
8605 F train-clean-360 Kate Sterner
2427 |
8609 M train-clean-100 noblesavage
2428 |
8619 M train-clean-360 Tad E.
2429 |
8625 F train-other-500 Ellen Preckel
2430 |
8629 M train-clean-100 Shivansh Dhar
2431 |
8630 M train-clean-100 Eduardo
2432 |
8631 M train-other-500 Edward Kirkby
2433 |
8632 M train-other-500 Geremia
2434 |
8635 M train-clean-360 ACBowgus
2435 |
8643 M train-clean-360 jabc1950
2436 |
8644 F train-other-500 Eenae
2437 |
8664 F train-other-500 Pam Castille
2438 |
8666 M train-other-500 josembi
2439 |
8671 M train-other-500 Simon Smoke
2440 |
8675 M train-other-500 Larry Greene
2441 |
8677 F train-clean-360 KHand
2442 |
8678 F train-other-500 Amy
2443 |
8684 F train-clean-360 Alison Stewart
2444 |
8687 M train-clean-360 EccentricOwl
2445 |
8699 F train-clean-360 Jessica Atha
2446 |
8705 M train-clean-360 dsilber01
2447 |
8710 M train-other-500 Ralph Crown
2448 |
8713 M train-clean-360 Expatriate
2449 |
8718 F train-clean-360 Deena Rhoads
2450 |
8722 F train-clean-360 Emily Maynard
2451 |
8725 M train-clean-360 Gary Ericson
2452 |
8742 M train-clean-360 Adam Taylor
2453 |
8747 M train-clean-100 DeanOBuchanan
2454 |
8753 M train-other-500 Walt Allan
2455 |
8758 M train-clean-360 Krzysztof Rowinski
2456 |
8765 M train-other-500 jciesielski
2457 |
8770 M train-clean-100 Paul Simonin
2458 |
8771 F train-clean-360 Anna Millard
2459 |
8772 M train-clean-360 Martin Reyto
2460 |
8776 F train-clean-360 Taliesin
2461 |
8778 F train-other-500 Francoise
2462 |
8786 M train-clean-360 Bruce Kachuk
2463 |
8791 M train-clean-360 ScottReyonoldsVoice
2464 |
8797 M train-clean-100 Sean Grabosky
2465 |
8799 M train-other-500 Peter Tucker
2466 |
8803 M train-other-500 Ben Lindsey-Clark
2467 |
8808 M train-other-500 davidpr
2468 |
8820 M train-clean-360 Ignare
2469 |
8824 M train-clean-360 Mark Johnston
2470 |
8825 F train-clean-360 Erin Schellhase
2471 |
8838 M train-clean-100 Kevin Owens
2472 |
8842 F dev-clean Mary J
2473 |
8846 F train-other-500 MariaS
2474 |
8848 M train-clean-360 Craig Kenneth Bryant
2475 |
8855 M train-clean-360 Eric Metzler
2476 |
8867 F train-other-500 sorbet87
2477 |
8875 M train-clean-360 David D'Huet
2478 |
8879 M train-clean-360 Son of the Exiles
2479 |
8887 M train-clean-360 Andrew Hernandez
2480 |
8897 F train-other-500 beyondutopia
2481 |
8975 F train-clean-100 Daisy Flaim
2482 |
9000 M train-other-500 Ramon Escamilla
2483 |
9022 F train-clean-360 Claire M
2484 |
9023 F train-clean-360 P. J. Morgan
2485 |
9026 F train-clean-360 Tammy Porter
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
import argparse
16 |
import sys
17 |
from pathlib import Path
18 |
from shutil import copy2
19 |
20 |
import numpy as np
21 |
import soundfile as sf
22 |
from common import getLogger, load_libritts_spk_metadata
23 |
from import tqdm
24 |
25 |
format = "%(asctime)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
26 |
27 |
28 |
def get_parser():
29 |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
30 |
description="Finalize MFA and LibriTTS-R data",
31 |
32 |
33 |
"in_dir", type=str, help="LibriTTS per-speaker restructured data root"
34 |
35 |
parser.add_argument("mfa_dir", type=str, help="MFA output directory")
36 |
parser.add_argument("out_dir", type=str, help="Output directory")
37 |
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Debug")
38 |
39 |
return parser
40 |
41 |
42 |
def read_and_save(in_file, out_file):
43 |
# let's make sure to have int16 dtype for saved files
44 |
x, sr =
45 |
assert sr == 24000
46 |
if x.dtype == np.float32 or x.dtype == np.float64:
47 |
assert np.abs(x).max() <= 1.0
48 |
x = (x * 32767).astype(np.int16)
49 |
assert x.dtype == np.int16
50 |
sf.write(out_file, x, sr)
51 |
52 |
53 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
54 |
args = get_parser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
55 |
56 |
spk2meta = load_libritts_spk_metadata(debug=args.debug)
57 |
in_dir = Path(args.in_dir)
58 |
mfa_dir = Path(args.mfa_dir)
59 |
out_dir = Path(args.out_dir)
60 |
out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
61 |
62 |
logger = getLogger(
63 |
verbose=100, filename="log/finalize_mfa.log", name="finalize_mfa"
64 |
65 |
66 |
total_duration = 0
67 |
missing_utt_ids = []
68 |
for spk, _ in tqdm(spk2meta.items()):
69 |
spk_in_dir = in_dir / spk
70 |
spk_mfa_dir = mfa_dir / spk
71 |
72 |
if not spk_in_dir.exists():
73 |
logger.warning(f"No input dir for {spk}")
74 |
75 |
76 |
out_tgr_dir = out_dir / spk / "textgrid"
77 |
out_wav_dir = out_dir / spk / "wav24k"
78 |
out_txt_dir = out_dir / spk
79 |
for d in [out_tgr_dir, out_wav_dir, out_txt_dir]:
80 |
d.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
81 |
82 |
org_wav_files = sorted(list(spk_in_dir.glob("*.wav")))
83 |
org_utt_ids = [f.stem for f in org_wav_files]
84 |
85 |
textgrid_files = sorted(list(spk_mfa_dir.glob("*.TextGrid")))
86 |
# valid utt_ids
87 |
utt_ids = [f.stem for f in textgrid_files]
88 |
wav_files = [spk_in_dir / f"{utt_id}.wav" for utt_id in utt_ids]
89 |
90 |
if len(org_utt_ids) != len(utt_ids):
91 |
spk_missing_utt_ids = list(set(org_utt_ids) - set(utt_ids))
92 |
logger.warning(f"Missing {len(spk_missing_utt_ids)} utt_ids for {spk}")
93 |
94 |
95 |
phones = {}
96 |
for utt_id in utt_ids:
97 |
# wav
98 |
in_wav_file = spk_in_dir / f"{utt_id}.wav"
99 |
assert in_wav_file.exists()
100 |
out_wav_file = out_wav_dir / f"{utt_id}.wav"
101 |
read_and_save(in_wav_file, out_wav_file)
102 |
103 |
# textgrid
104 |
in_textgrid_file = spk_mfa_dir / f"{utt_id}.TextGrid"
105 |
assert in_textgrid_file.exists()
106 |
out_textgrid_file = out_tgr_dir / f"{utt_id}.TextGrid"
107 |
copy2(in_textgrid_file, out_textgrid_file)
108 |
109 |
+"Total duration: {total_duration/3600:.2f} hours")
110 |
+"Numbere of missing utterance IDs: {len(missing_utt_ids)}")
111 |
112 |
# Write missing_utt_ids.txt
113 |
with open(out_dir / "missing_utt_ids.txt", "w") as f:
114 |
for utt_id in missing_utt_ids:
115 |
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
import argparse
16 |
import shutil
17 |
import sys
18 |
from pathlib import Path
19 |
20 |
from common import load_libritts_spk_metadata
21 |
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
22 |
from promptttspp.utils.joblib import tqdm_joblib
23 |
from import tqdm
24 |
25 |
26 |
def get_parser():
27 |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
28 |
description="Restructure the LibriTTS-R dataset for convenience",
29 |
30 |
parser.add_argument("in_dir", type=str, help="LibriTTS original data root")
31 |
parser.add_argument("out_dir", type=str, help="Output directory")
32 |
parser.add_argument("--n_jobs", type=int, default=8, help="Number of jobs")
33 |
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Debug")
34 |
35 |
return parser
36 |
37 |
38 |
def process_spk(spk, meta, in_dir, out_dir):
39 |
subset = meta["subset"]
40 |
wav_files = sorted((in_dir / subset).glob(f"*/*/{spk}_*.wav"))
41 |
42 |
if len(wav_files) == 0:
43 |
print(f"No wav files found for {spk}", meta)
44 |
45 |
46 |
spk_out_dir = out_dir / spk
47 |
spk_out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
48 |
# copy to spk_out_dir/filename
49 |
for wav_file in tqdm(wav_files, leave=False):
50 |
utt_id =".wav", "")
51 |
text_file = wav_file.parent / f"{utt_id}.normalized.txt"
52 |
53 |
# Sadly, some text transcriptions are missing
54 |
# train-clean-360/1382/130492/1382_130492_000049_000000.normalized.txt
55 |
if not text_file.exists():
56 |
print(f"Text file not found for {wav_file}")
57 |
58 |
59 |
out_wav_file = spk_out_dir /
60 |
out_lab_file = spk_out_dir / f"{utt_id}.lab"
61 |
shutil.copy2(wav_file, out_wav_file)
62 |
shutil.copy2(text_file, out_lab_file)
63 |
64 |
65 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
66 |
args = get_parser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
67 |
68 |
in_dir = Path(args.in_dir)
69 |
out_dir = Path(args.out_dir)
70 |
out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
71 |
72 |
spk2meta = load_libritts_spk_metadata(debug=args.debug)
73 |
with tqdm_joblib(len(spk2meta)):
74 |
75 |
delayed(process_spk)(spk, meta, in_dir, out_dir)
76 |
for spk, meta in spk2meta.items()
77 |
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
import argparse
16 |
import sys
17 |
from pathlib import Path
18 |
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
19 |
20 |
from common import getLogger, load_libritts_spk_metadata
21 |
from import tqdm
22 |
23 |
24 |
def get_parser():
25 |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
26 |
description="Run MFA on LibriTTS-R",
27 |
28 |
29 |
"in_dir", type=str, help="LibriTTS per-speaker restructured data root"
30 |
31 |
parser.add_argument("mfa_out_dir", type=str, help="Output directory")
32 |
parser.add_argument("--n_jobs", type=int, default=1, help="Number of jobs")
33 |
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Debug")
34 |
35 |
return parser
36 |
37 |
38 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
39 |
args = get_parser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
40 |
41 |
n_jobs = int(args.n_jobs)
42 |
43 |
spk2meta = load_libritts_spk_metadata(debug=args.debug)
44 |
45 |
in_dir = Path(args.in_dir)
46 |
mfa_out_dir = Path(args.mfa_out_dir)
47 |
mfa_out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
48 |
49 |
logger = getLogger(verbose=100, filename="log/run_mfa.log", name="run_mfa")
50 |
51 |
for spk, _ in tqdm(spk2meta.items()):
52 |
spk_in_dir = in_dir / spk
53 |
spk_mfa_dir = mfa_out_dir / spk
54 |
55 |
if not spk_in_dir.exists():
56 |
logger.warning(f"No input dir for {spk}; skipping")
57 |
58 |
59 |
cmd = f"mfa align {spk_in_dir} english_us_arpa english_us_arpa {spk_mfa_dir}"
60 |
cmd = cmd + f" --num_jobs {n_jobs} --clean --quiet --use_mp"
61 |
62 |
p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
63 |
r = p.wait()
64 |
if r != 0:
65 |
logger.error(f"Error in MFA for {spk}")
66 |
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
# Set to true to run MFA for a small subset of speakers for debugging purpose.
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
mkdir -p ${output_dir}
9 |
10 |
if [ ${debug} == "true" ]; then
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
python ${libritts_r_dir} ${out_wav_dir} --n_jobs 64 ${extra_arg}
23 |
24 |
# NOTE: this will take a few days
25 |
if [ ! -d ${out_textgrid_dir} ]; then
26 |
python ${out_wav_dir} ${out_textgrid_dir} ${extra_arg}
27 |
28 |
29 |
python ${out_wav_dir} ${out_textgrid_dir} ${out_merged_dir}
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
if [ ! -d ${merged_dir} ]; then
13 |
echo "You must need to create dataset with MFA alignments"
14 |
exit 1
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
if [ ! -e ${utt_metadata} ]; then
21 |
python ${merged_dir} ${f0_stats} --out_filename ${utt_metadata} \
22 |
--num_jobs ${n_jobs}
23 |
24 |
25 |
python ${libritts_r_dir} ${utt_metadata} ${style_prompt_candidates} \
26 |
--out_filename ${out_csv_file}
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
from pathlib import Path
16 |
17 |
import hydra
18 |
import numpy as np
19 |
import pandas as pd
20 |
import torch
21 |
import torchaudio
22 |
from hydra.utils import instantiate
23 |
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
24 |
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
25 |
from promptttspp.utils.joblib import tqdm_joblib
26 |
27 |
28 |
@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="conf/", config_name="preprocess")
29 |
def main(cfg: DictConfig):
30 |
data_root = Path(cfg.path.data_root)
31 |
mel_dir = Path(cfg.path.mel_dir)
32 |
33 |
if (mel_dir / "finish").exists():
34 |
print("Already finished")
35 |
36 |
37 |
df = pd.read_csv(cfg.path.data_file)
38 |
# NOTE: use cpu for multi-processing
39 |
device = torch.device("cpu")
40 |
to_mel = instantiate(cfg.transforms).to(device)
41 |
42 |
def process(row):
43 |
spk_id, utt_id = row["spk_id"], row["item_name"]
44 |
wav_path = data_root / f"{spk_id}/wav24k/{utt_id}.wav"
45 |
wav, _ = torchaudio.load(wav_path)
46 |
wav =
47 |
mel = to_mel(wav).squeeze().cpu()
48 |
49 |
spk_dir = mel_dir / f"{spk_id}"
50 |
spk_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
51 |
+ / f"{utt_id}.npy", mel.numpy())
52 |
return mel
53 |
54 |
with tqdm_joblib(len(df)):
55 |
mels = Parallel(n_jobs=cfg.n_jobs)(
56 |
delayed(process)(df.iloc[idx]) for idx in range(len(df))
57 |
58 |
59 |
mels =, dim=1)
60 |
stats = {
61 |
"min": float(mels.min()),
62 |
"max": float(mels.max()),
63 |
"mean": float(mels.mean()),
64 |
"std": float(mels.std()),
65 |
"var": float(mels.var()),
66 |
67 |
conf = OmegaConf.create(stats)
68 |
+, mel_dir / "stats.yaml")
69 |
with open(mel_dir / "finish", "w") as f:
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
74 |
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
1 |
2 |
_target_: promptttspp.datasets.prompttts.PromptTTSCollator
3 |
4 |
5 |
_target_: promptttspp.datasets.all_with_spk_prompt_norm.AllWithSpkPromptNormDataset
6 |
file_path: ${...path.train_file}
7 |
data_root: ${...path.data_root}
8 |
feats_dir: ${...path.feats_dir}
9 |
mel_dir: ${...path.mel_dir}
10 |
prompt_candidate_file: ${...path.prompt_candidate_file}
11 |
spk_prompt_candidate_file: ${...path.spk_prompt_candidate_file}
12 |
13 |
14 |
_target_: promptttspp.datasets.all_with_spk_prompt_norm.AllWithSpkPromptNormDataset
15 |
file_path: ${...path.valid_file}
16 |
data_root: ${...path.data_root}
17 |
feats_dir: ${...path.feats_dir}
18 |
mel_dir: ${...path.mel_dir}
19 |
prompt_candidate_file: ${...path.prompt_candidate_file}
20 |
spk_prompt_candidate_file: ${...path.spk_prompt_candidate_file}
21 |
22 |
dynamic_batch: true
23 |
24 |
# NOTE: 10000 should also work OK
25 |
# number of batches will be 6908 if max_token=30000.
26 |
max_tokens: 10000
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1 |
2 |
- _self_
3 |
- model: prompttts_mdn_v2_wo_erg_final_demo
4 |
- vocoder: bigvgan_f0
5 |
- transforms: mel
6 |
- override hydra/hydra_logging: disabled
7 |
- override hydra/job_logging: disabled
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
dir: ./
12 |
output_subdir: null
13 |
14 |
15 |
model_ckpt_path: ./pretrained_model/checkpoint/proposed/last.ckpt
16 |
vocoder_ckpt_path: ./pretrained_model/checkpoint/bigvgan_f0_full/last.ckpt
17 |
mel_stats_file: ./pretrained_model/checkpoint/stats.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
1 |
_target_: promptttspp.models.prompttts_mdn_v2_final.model.PromptTTSMDNDurCFG
2 |
3 |
norm_style_emb: true
4 |
mdn_disable_amp: true
5 |
6 |
7 |
_target_: promptttspp.layers.embedding.PhonemeEmbedding
8 |
num_vocab: 90
9 |
channels: 256
10 |
do_scale: false
11 |
init_normal: false
12 |
13 |
14 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.esp.ConformerEncoder
15 |
idim: 256
16 |
attention_dim: 256
17 |
attention_heads: 2
18 |
linear_units: 1024
19 |
num_blocks: 4
20 |
positionwise_layer_type: conv1d
21 |
positionwise_conv_kernel_size: 9
22 |
dropout_rate: 0.2
23 |
pos_enc_layer_type: rel_pos
24 |
selfattention_layer_type: rel_selfattn
25 |
activation_type: swish
26 |
macaron_style: true
27 |
use_cnn_module: true
28 |
cnn_module_kernel: 7
29 |
return_mask: false
30 |
rel_pos_type: new
31 |
32 |
33 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.variance_adaptor.VarianceAdaptor
34 |
35 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.variance_adaptor.MDNPredictor
36 |
channels: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
37 |
out_channels: 1
38 |
kernel_size: 3
39 |
dropout: 0.5
40 |
num_layers: 2
41 |
num_gaussians: 4
42 |
detach: true
43 |
disable_amp: ${...mdn_disable_amp}
44 |
45 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.variance_adaptor.Predictor
46 |
channels: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
47 |
out_channels: 2
48 |
kernel_size: 5
49 |
dropout: ${..duration_predictor.dropout}
50 |
num_layers: 5
51 |
detach: false
52 |
53 |
_target_: torch.nn.Conv1d
54 |
in_channels: 1
55 |
out_channels: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
56 |
kernel_size: 1
57 |
energy_predictor: null
58 |
energy_emb: null
59 |
60 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.frame_prior.FramePriorNetwork
61 |
out_channels: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
62 |
hidden_channels: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
63 |
n_layers: 6
64 |
kernel_size: 17
65 |
p_dropout: 0.1
66 |
67 |
68 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.style_encoder.StyleEncoder
69 |
idim: 80
70 |
gst_tokens: 10
71 |
gst_heads: 4
72 |
conv_layers: 6
73 |
conv_chans_list: [128, 128, 256, 256, 512, 512]
74 |
conv_kernel_size: 3
75 |
conv_stride: 2
76 |
gru_layers: 1
77 |
gru_units: ${..phoneme_embedding.channels}
78 |
79 |
80 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.prompt_encoder.PromptEncoder
81 |
model_name: bert-base-uncased
82 |
in_channels: 768
83 |
mid_channels: 512
84 |
out_channels: ${..phoneme_embedding.channels}
85 |
86 |
87 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.mdn.MDNLayer
88 |
in_dim: ${..phoneme_embedding.channels}
89 |
out_dim: ${..phoneme_embedding.channels}
90 |
num_gaussians: 10
91 |
dim_wise: true
92 |
93 |
94 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.diffusion.GaussianDiffusion
95 |
in_dim: ${..encoder.attention_dim}
96 |
out_dim: 80
97 |
norm_scale: 6.0
98 |
99 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.denoiser.DiffNet
100 |
in_dim: 80
101 |
encoder_hidden_dim: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
102 |
residual_layers: 20
103 |
residual_channels: 256
104 |
kernel_size: 3
105 |
dilation_cycle_length: 4
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
1 |
_target_: promptttspp.models.prompttts_mdn_v2_final.model.PromptTTSMDNDurCFG
2 |
3 |
norm_style_emb: true
4 |
mdn_disable_amp: true
5 |
6 |
7 |
_target_: promptttspp.layers.embedding.PhonemeEmbedding
8 |
num_vocab: 90
9 |
channels: 256
10 |
do_scale: false
11 |
init_normal: false
12 |
13 |
14 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.esp.ConformerEncoder
15 |
idim: 256
16 |
attention_dim: 256
17 |
attention_heads: 2
18 |
linear_units: 1024
19 |
num_blocks: 4
20 |
positionwise_layer_type: conv1d
21 |
positionwise_conv_kernel_size: 9
22 |
dropout_rate: 0.2
23 |
pos_enc_layer_type: rel_pos
24 |
selfattention_layer_type: rel_selfattn
25 |
activation_type: swish
26 |
macaron_style: true
27 |
use_cnn_module: true
28 |
cnn_module_kernel: 7
29 |
return_mask: false
30 |
rel_pos_type: legacy
31 |
32 |
33 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.variance_adaptor.VarianceAdaptor
34 |
35 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.variance_adaptor.MDNPredictor
36 |
channels: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
37 |
out_channels: 1
38 |
kernel_size: 3
39 |
dropout: 0.5
40 |
num_layers: 2
41 |
num_gaussians: 4
42 |
detach: true
43 |
disable_amp: ${...mdn_disable_amp}
44 |
45 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.variance_adaptor.Predictor
46 |
channels: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
47 |
out_channels: 2
48 |
kernel_size: 5
49 |
dropout: ${..duration_predictor.dropout}
50 |
num_layers: 5
51 |
detach: false
52 |
53 |
_target_: torch.nn.Conv1d
54 |
in_channels: 1
55 |
out_channels: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
56 |
kernel_size: 1
57 |
energy_predictor: null
58 |
energy_emb: null
59 |
60 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.frame_prior.FramePriorNetwork
61 |
out_channels: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
62 |
hidden_channels: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
63 |
n_layers: 6
64 |
kernel_size: 17
65 |
p_dropout: 0.1
66 |
67 |
68 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.style_encoder.StyleEncoder
69 |
idim: 80
70 |
gst_tokens: 10
71 |
gst_heads: 4
72 |
conv_layers: 6
73 |
conv_chans_list: [128, 128, 256, 256, 512, 512]
74 |
conv_kernel_size: 3
75 |
conv_stride: 2
76 |
gru_layers: 1
77 |
gru_units: ${..phoneme_embedding.channels}
78 |
79 |
80 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.prompt_encoder.PromptEncoder
81 |
model_name: bert-base-uncased
82 |
in_channels: 768
83 |
mid_channels: 512
84 |
out_channels: ${..phoneme_embedding.channels}
85 |
86 |
87 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.mdn.MDNLayer
88 |
in_dim: ${..phoneme_embedding.channels}
89 |
out_dim: ${..phoneme_embedding.channels}
90 |
num_gaussians: 10
91 |
dim_wise: true
92 |
93 |
94 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.diffusion.GaussianDiffusion
95 |
in_dim: ${..encoder.attention_dim}
96 |
out_dim: 80
97 |
norm_scale: 6.0
98 |
99 |
_target_: promptttspp.modules.denoiser.DiffNet
100 |
in_dim: 80
101 |
encoder_hidden_dim: ${...phoneme_embedding.channels}
102 |
residual_layers: 20
103 |
residual_channels: 256
104 |
kernel_size: 3
105 |
dilation_cycle_length: 4
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 |
_target_: torch.optim.AdamW
2 |
lr: 0.001
3 |
betas: [0.9, 0.98]
4 |
weight_decay: 0.0
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
1 |
# The repository root
2 |
# NOTE: users must set this path correctly
3 |
root: path/to/your/promptttspp
4 |
5 |
# The data directory containing wav and textgrid files
6 |
data_root: ${.root}/data_prep/out/libritts_r_per_spk_cleaned
7 |
8 |
# Metadata with style prompt tags
9 |
data_csv_file: ${.root}/metadata/metadata_w_style_prompt_tags_v230922.csv
10 |
11 |
# dump: pre-processed features will be stored
12 |
data_dir: ${.root}/dump/libritts_r_per_spk_cleaned
13 |
text_dir: ${.data_dir}/text
14 |
15 |
feats_dir: ${.data_dir}/feats
16 |
df_dir: ${.data_dir}/df
17 |
filtered_df_dir: ${.data_dir}/df_filtered
18 |
mel_dir: ${.data_dir}/mel63
19 |
20 |
data_file: ${.df_dir}/data.csv
21 |
train_file: ${.filtered_df_dir}/trn.csv
22 |
valid_file: ${.filtered_df_dir}/val.csv
23 |
eval_file: ${.df_dir}/eval.csv
24 |
filtered_eval_file: ${.filtered_df_dir}/eval_filtered.csv
25 |
26 |
speaker_file: ${.root}/data_prep/external/speakers.tsv
27 |
f0_stats_file: ${.root}/metadata/libritts_r_f0_stats.yaml
28 |
prompt_candidate_file: ${.root}/metadata/style_prompt_candidates_v230922.csv
29 |
spk_prompt_candidate_file: ${.root}/metadata/speaker_prompt_candidates_v230922.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
1 |
2 |
- _self_
3 |
- transforms: mel
4 |
- path: default
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
dir: ./out/hydra/preprocess
9 |
output_subdir: null
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
format: '[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s][%(module)s | %(lineno)s] %(message)s'
14 |
disable_existing_loggers: false
15 |
16 |
eval_ids: [1188, 1995, 260, 1284, 2300, 237, 908, 1580, 121, 1089]
17 |
n_jobs: 10
18 |
19 |
wav_min_sec: 3
20 |
wav_max_sec: 10
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
1 |
2 |
- _self_
3 |
- model: prompttts_mdn_v2_wo_erg
4 |
- transforms: mel
5 |
- train: noam
6 |
- path: default
7 |
- vocoder: bigvgan_f0
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
dir: ./out/hydra/synthesize
12 |
output_subdir: null
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
format: '[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s][%(module)s | %(lineno)s] %(message)s'
17 |
disable_existing_loggers: false
18 |
19 |
label_file: ${.path.filtered_eval_file}
20 |
output_dir: ./out/generate
21 |
ckpt_path: ./out/ckpt/last.ckpt
22 |
vocoder_ckpt_path: path/to/your/pretrained/bigvgan_f0_full/ckpt/last.ckpt
23 |
batch_size: 16
24 |
25 |
eval_out_dir: ./out/eval
26 |
sclite: ${.path.sclite}
27 |
28 |
use_spk_prompt: true
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
1 |
2 |
- _self_
3 |
- model: prompttts_mdn_v2_cfg
4 |
- optimizer: adamw
5 |
- train: noam
6 |
- dataset: mel
7 |
- transforms: mel
8 |
- path: default
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
dir: ./out/hydra/train
13 |
output_subdir: null
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
format: '[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s][%(module)s | %(lineno)s] %(message)s'
18 |
disable_existing_loggers: false
19 |
20 |
output_dir: ./out
21 |
ckpt_path: null
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1 |
seed: 42
2 |
3 |
num_epochs: 1000
4 |
save_interval: 20
5 |
6 |
batch_size: 32
7 |
num_workers: 8
8 |
9 |
fp16: false
10 |
11 |
12 |
_target_: promptttspp.utils.lr_scheduler.NoamLR
13 |
warmup_steps: 4000
14 |
15 |
per_epoch_scheduler: false
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
1 |
_target_: promptttspp.transforms.MelSpectrogramTransform
2 |
sample_rate: 24000
3 |
n_fft: 512
4 |
win_length: 480
5 |
hop_length: 240
6 |
power: 1
7 |
f_min: 63
8 |
f_max: 12000
9 |
n_mels: 80
10 |
mel_scale: slaney
11 |
norm: slaney
12 |
center: True
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1 |
_target_: promptttspp.vocoders.BigVGAN
2 |
in_channel: 80
3 |
upsample_initial_channel: 512
4 |
upsample_rates: [6, 5, 4, 2]
5 |
upsample_kernel_sizes: [12, 10, 8, 4]
6 |
resblock_kernel_sizes: [3, 7, 11]
7 |
resblock_dilations: [[1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 5]]
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 |
_target_: promptttspp.vocoders.F0AwareBigVGAN
2 |
sampling_rate: 24000
3 |
harmonic_num: 8
4 |
in_channel: 80
5 |
upsample_initial_channel: 512
6 |
upsample_rates: [6, 5, 4, 2]
7 |
upsample_kernel_sizes: [12, 10, 8, 4]
8 |
resblock_kernel_sizes: [3, 7, 11]
9 |
resblock_dilations: [[1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 5]]
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
from pathlib import Path
16 |
17 |
import hydra
18 |
import pandas as pd
19 |
import torchaudio
20 |
from omegaconf import DictConfig
21 |
from tqdm import tqdm
22 |
23 |
24 |
@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="conf/", config_name="preprocess")
25 |
def main(cfg: DictConfig):
26 |
data_root = Path(cfg.path.data_root)
27 |
output_file = Path(cfg.path.filtered_eval_file)
28 |
29 |
eval_df = pd.read_csv(cfg.path.eval_file)
30 |
use_ids = []
31 |
for i in tqdm(range(len(eval_df))):
32 |
row = eval_df.iloc[i]
33 |
spk_id = row["spk_id"]
34 |
utt_id = row["item_name"]
35 |
36 |
wav_file = data_root / f"{spk_id}/wav24k/{utt_id}.wav"
37 |
assert wav_file.exists()
38 |
wav, sr = torchaudio.load(wav_file)
39 |
assert sr == 24000
40 |
wav_sec = wav.shape[-1] / 24000
41 |
if wav_sec < cfg.wav_min_sec:
42 |
print(f"too short wav : {utt_id}")
43 |
elif wav_sec > cfg.wav_max_sec:
44 |
print(f"too long wav : {utt_id}")
45 |
46 |
47 |
filtered_eval_df = eval_df[eval_df["item_name"].isin(use_ids)]
48 |
print(f"Filtered : {len(eval_df)} => {len(filtered_eval_df)}")
49 |
print("num files per speaker id")
50 |
51 |
filtered_eval_df.to_csv(output_file, index=False)
52 |
53 |
54 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
55 |
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
import hydra
16 |
from omegaconf import DictConfig
17 |
from promptttspp.preprocess import preprocess
18 |
19 |
20 |
@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="conf/", config_name="preprocess")
21 |
def main(cfg: DictConfig):
22 |
preprocess(cfg, debug=False)
23 |
24 |
25 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
26 |
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
from pathlib import Path
16 |
17 |
import hydra
18 |
import pandas as pd
19 |
from omegaconf import DictConfig
20 |
21 |
22 |
def split(df):
23 |
unique_spk_ids = df["spk_id"].unique()
24 |
25 |
split_idx = int(len(unique_spk_ids) * 0.98)
26 |
trn_spk_ids = unique_spk_ids[:split_idx]
27 |
val_spk_ids = unique_spk_ids[split_idx:]
28 |
29 |
trn_df = df[df["spk_id"].isin(trn_spk_ids)]
30 |
val_df = df[df["spk_id"].isin(val_spk_ids)]
31 |
32 |
trn_df = trn_df.sort_values(by=["item_name"])
33 |
val_df = val_df.sort_values(by=["item_name"])
34 |
35 |
return trn_df, val_df
36 |
37 |
38 |
@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="conf/", config_name="preprocess")
39 |
def main(cfg: DictConfig):
40 |
df_dir = Path(cfg.path.df_dir)
41 |
filtered_df_dir = Path(cfg.path.filtered_df_dir)
42 |
43 |
df = pd.read_csv(df_dir / "train.csv")
44 |
data_df = pd.read_csv(cfg.path.data_csv_file)
45 |
data_df = data_df[data_df["invalid"] == 0]
46 |
print(df.shape, data_df.shape)
47 |
df = df[df["item_name"].isin(data_df["item_name"])]
48 |
49 |
merged_df = pd.merge(
50 |
df, data_df[["item_name", "style_prompt_key"]], on="item_name", how="left"
51 |
52 |
merged_df = merged_df.drop(columns="style_prompt_key_x")
53 |
df = merged_df.rename(columns={"style_prompt_key_y": "style_prompt_key"})
54 |
55 |
trn_df, val_df = split(df)
56 |
trn_df.to_csv(filtered_df_dir / "trn.csv", index=False)
57 |
val_df.to_csv(filtered_df_dir / "val.csv", index=False)
58 |
print(trn_df.shape, val_df.shape)
59 |
60 |
61 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
62 |
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
from pathlib import Path
16 |
17 |
import hydra
18 |
import pandas as pd
19 |
import torch
20 |
import torchaudio
21 |
from hydra.utils import instantiate
22 |
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
23 |
from promptttspp.utils import seed_everything
24 |
from promptttspp.utils.model import remove_weight_norm_
25 |
from promptttspp.vocoders import F0AwareBigVGAN
26 |
from scipy import signal
27 |
from tqdm import tqdm
28 |
29 |
30 |
def lowpass_filter(x, fs=100, cutoff=20, N=5):
31 |
"""Lowpass filter
32 |
33 |
34 |
x (array): input signal
35 |
fs (int): sampling rate
36 |
cutoff (int): cutoff frequency
37 |
38 |
39 |
array: filtered signal
40 |
41 |
nyquist = fs // 2
42 |
norm_cutoff = cutoff / nyquist
43 |
Wn = [norm_cutoff]
44 |
45 |
x_len = x.shape[-1]
46 |
47 |
b, a = signal.butter(N, Wn, "lowpass")
48 |
if x_len <= max(len(a), len(b)) * (N // 2 + 1):
49 |
# NOTE: input signal is too short
50 |
return x
51 |
52 |
# NOTE: use zero-phase filter
53 |
if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
54 |
from torchaudio.functional import filtfilt
55 |
56 |
a = torch.from_numpy(a).float().to(x.device)
57 |
b = torch.from_numpy(b).float().to(x.device)
58 |
y = filtfilt(x, a, b, clamp=False)
59 |
60 |
y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, x)
61 |
62 |
return y
63 |
64 |
65 |
def read_prompt_candidate(filepath):
66 |
df_style_prompt = pd.read_csv(
67 |
filepath, header=None, sep="|", names=["style_key", "prompt"]
68 |
69 |
style_prompt_dict = {}
70 |
for _, row in df_style_prompt.iterrows():
71 |
style_key, style_prompt = row.iloc[0], row.iloc[1]
72 |
assert isinstance(style_prompt, str)
73 |
style_prompt_dict[style_key] = list(
74 |
map(lambda s: s.lower().strip(), style_prompt.split(";"))
75 |
76 |
return style_prompt_dict
77 |
78 |
79 |
def read_spk_prompt_candidate(filepath):
80 |
df = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep="|", header=None, names=["spk", "words"])
81 |
df["words"] = df["words"].map(lambda x: x.split(","))
82 |
# dict(key: spk_id, value: words)
83 |
spk_prompt_cand_dict = df.set_index("spk")["words"].to_dict()
84 |
return spk_prompt_cand_dict
85 |
86 |
87 |
def add_spk_prompt(style_prompt, words):
88 |
spk_prompt = f"The speaker identity can be described as {words}."
89 |
prompt = f"{style_prompt}. {spk_prompt}"
90 |
return prompt
91 |
92 |
93 |
@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="conf/", config_name="synthesize")
94 |
def main(cfg):
95 |
data_root = Path(cfg.path.data_root)
96 |
output_dir = Path(cfg.output_dir)
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
prompt_candidate = read_prompt_candidate(cfg.path.prompt_candidate_file)
101 |
spk_prompt_candidate = read_spk_prompt_candidate(cfg.path.spk_prompt_candidate_file)
102 |
mel_stats = OmegaConf.load(f"{cfg.path.mel_dir}/stats.yaml")
103 |
104 |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
105 |
model = instantiate(cfg.model)
106 |
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(cfg.ckpt_path, map_location="cpu")["model"])
107 |
model =
108 |
109 |
to_mel = instantiate(cfg.transforms).to(device).eval()
110 |
111 |
vocoder = instantiate(cfg.vocoder)
112 |
113 |
torch.load(cfg.vocoder_ckpt_path, map_location="cpu")["generator"]
114 |
115 |
vocoder =
116 |
117 |
118 |
use_col = [
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
df = pd.read_csv(cfg.label_file, usecols=use_col)
130 |
data = df[use_col].values.tolist()
131 |
132 |
for row in tqdm(data, total=len(data)):
133 |
spk = row[0]
134 |
utt_id = row[1]
135 |
seq = row[-1]
136 |
style_prompt_key = row[-2]
137 |
style_prompt = prompt_candidate[style_prompt_key][0]
138 |
if spk in spk_prompt_candidate:
139 |
spk_prompt = spk_prompt_candidate[spk]
140 |
words = ", ".join(spk_prompt)
141 |
if cfg.use_spk_prompt:
142 |
prompt = add_spk_prompt(style_prompt, words)
143 |
144 |
prompt = style_prompt
145 |
146 |
prompt = style_prompt
147 |
148 |
spk_dir = output_dir / str(spk)
149 |
150 |
ref_dir = spk_dir / "ref"
151 |
ref_mel_dir = ref_dir / "mel"
152 |
ref_plot_dir = ref_dir / "plot"
153 |
ref_wav_dir = ref_dir / "wav"
154 |
155 |
prompt_dir = spk_dir / "prompt"
156 |
prompt_mel_dir = prompt_dir / "mel"
157 |
prompt_plot_dir = prompt_dir / "plot"
158 |
prompt_wav_dir = prompt_dir / "wav"
159 |
160 |
dirs = [
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
[d.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for d in dirs]
169 |
170 |
label = torch.LongTensor([int(s) for s in seq.split()])[None, :]
171 |
label =
172 |
wav, _ = torchaudio.load(data_root / f"{spk}/wav24k/{utt_id}.wav")
173 |
wav =
174 |
mel = to_mel(wav)
175 |
mel = (mel - mel_stats["mean"]) / mel_stats["std"]
176 |
177 |
is_f0_aware_vocoder = isinstance(vocoder, F0AwareBigVGAN)
178 |
with torch.no_grad():
179 |
if is_f0_aware_vocoder:
180 |
dec, log_cf0, vuv = model.infer(
181 |
label, reference_mel=mel, return_f0=True
182 |
183 |
# NOTE: hard code for 10ms frame shift
184 |
modfs = int(1.0 / (10 * 0.001))
185 |
log_cf0 = lowpass_filter(log_cf0, modfs, cutoff=20)
186 |
f0 = log_cf0.exp()
187 |
f0[vuv < 0.5] = 0
188 |
dec = dec * mel_stats["std"] + mel_stats["mean"]
189 |
o_ref = vocoder(dec, f0).squeeze(1).cpu()
190 |
191 |
dec = model.infer(label, reference_mel=mel)
192 |
dec = dec * mel_stats["std"] + mel_stats["mean"]
193 |
o_ref = vocoder(dec).squeeze(1).cpu()
194 |
195 |
+ / f"{utt_id}.wav", o_ref, to_mel.sample_rate)
196 |
197 |
with torch.no_grad():
198 |
style_prompt = [prompt]
199 |
if is_f0_aware_vocoder:
200 |
dec, log_cf0, vuv = model.infer(
201 |
label, style_prompt=style_prompt, return_f0=True
202 |
203 |
# NOTE: hard code for 10ms frame shift
204 |
modfs = int(1.0 / (10 * 0.001))
205 |
log_cf0 = lowpass_filter(log_cf0, modfs, cutoff=20)
206 |
f0 = log_cf0.exp()
207 |
f0[vuv < 0.5] = 0
208 |
dec = dec * mel_stats["std"] + mel_stats["mean"]
209 |
o_prompt = vocoder(dec, f0).squeeze(1).cpu()
210 |
211 |
dec = model.infer(label, style_prompt=style_prompt)
212 |
dec = dec * mel_stats["std"] + mel_stats["mean"]
213 |
o_prompt = vocoder(dec).squeeze(1).cpu()
214 |
+ / f"{utt_id}.wav", o_prompt, to_mel.sample_rate)
215 |
216 |
with open(output_dir / "finish", "w") as f:
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
221 |
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1 |
# Copyright 2024 LY Corporation
2 |
3 |
# LY Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
4 |
# version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
5 |
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 |
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 |
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13 |
# under the License.
14 |
15 |
import hydra
16 |
from omegaconf import DictConfig
17 |
from promptttspp.trainers.tts import TTSTrainer
18 |
19 |
20 |
@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="conf/", config_name="train")
21 |
def main(cfg: DictConfig):
22 |
trainer = TTSTrainer(cfg)
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
27 |
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
1 |
#!/bin/bash -eu
2 |
3 |
python bin/
4 |
python bin/
5 |
python bin/
6 |
python bin/
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:ff118bdb8cdac08cdb103409920626afff0315b9449d89a644a1282889dbe064
3 |
size 81733641
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
1 |
22|low-pitched,feminine,slightly sexy,calm,weak,kind,elegant,adult-like,soft,slightly muffled,sweet
2 |
28|feminine,reassuring,calm,weak,modest,adult-like,strong,slightly elegant,fluent,soft,clear,slightly weak,kind
3 |
4 |
5 |
49|low-pitched,calm,slightly deep,adult-like,slightly halting,slightly wild,masculine,slightly muffled
6 |
57|feminine,raspy,slightly high-pitched,adult-like,slightly cute,slightly cool,slightly intense,fluent,slightly powerful,slightly strict
7 |
64|slightly bright,slightly feminine,strong,slightly clear,slightly young,slightly cool,friendly,lively
8 |
9 |
92|feminine,slightly sexy,calm,slightly sweet,slightly clear,slightly relaxed,intellectual,fluent,soft
10 |
103|slightly sexy,weak,slightly elegant,slightly cute,slightly young,very feminine,friendly,clear
11 |
116|low-pitched,calm,slightly middle-aged,slightly dark,adult-like,mature,cool,slightly intellectual,deep,masculine
12 |
118|calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly middle-aged,slightly deep,elegant,slightly relaxed,mature,masculine
13 |
121|low-pitched,feminine,slightly sexy,calm,adult-like,strong,intellectual,cool,slightly soft,young,slightly weak,sweet
14 |
122|slightly low-pitched,slightly modest,masculine,young,slightly weak
15 |
123|feminine,slightly sexy,calm,slightly low-pitched,adult-like,unique,slightly reassuring,halting,muffled
16 |
127|slightly muffled,slightly weak,slightly low-pitched,slightly old,mature,unique,masculine,slightly raspy
17 |
157|low-pitched,calm,friendly,adult-like,strong,cool,deep,masculine,slightly powerful
18 |
188|low-pitched,feminine,slightly light,strong,cool,fluent,slightly powerful
19 |
196|reassuring,slightly sexy,calm,slightly loud,sincere,refreshing,slightly dark,elegant,adult-like,strong,slightly clear,slightly cool,intellectual,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly weak,slightly strict
20 |
201|slightly fluent,slightly low-pitched,slightly bright,friendly,adult-like,masculine,lively
21 |
205|feminine,calm,refreshing,slightly light,gender-neutral,adult-like,slightly relaxed,fluent,clear
22 |
207|low-pitched,powerful,adult-like,cool,intellectual,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly mature,lively
23 |
210|low-pitched,slightly mature,slightly old,slightly dark,unique,masculine,slightly raspy,slightly strict
24 |
211|feminine,weak,slightly modest,slightly cute,slightly young,slightly relaxed,slightly high-pitched,slightly soft
25 |
215|feminine,slightly refreshing,slightly bright,friendly,slightly lively,slightly adult-like,slightly high-pitched,slightly soft
26 |
218|slightly low-pitched,slightly loud,slightly friendly,slightly unique,adult-like,slightly intellectual,masculine
27 |
226|feminine,calm,refreshing,slightly friendly,weak,slightly dark,modest,slightly cute,slightly relaxed,slightly intellectual,slightly high-pitched,soft,young,clear,slightly weak,kind
28 |
231|bright,refreshing,slightly lively,adult-like,strong,cool,masculine
29 |
237|feminine,refreshing,adult-like,slightly strong,slightly cool,slightly intellectual,soft,young,slightly muffled,lively
30 |
246|slightly fluent,feminine,calm,middle-aged,slightly intellectual,slightly high-pitched,slightly raspy
31 |
252|slightly low-pitched,slightly friendly,slightly unique,adult-like,masculine
32 |
260|low-pitched,wild,slightly calm,adult-like,strong,mature,cool,slightly intellectual,deep,masculine,slightly raspy
33 |
283|low-pitched,soft,calm,slightly sweet,very wild,slightly middle-aged,very mature,strong,adult-like,cool,deep,masculine,slightly muffled
34 |
296|masculine,calm,slightly bright,weak,slightly high-pitched,modest,adult-like,slightly clear,slightly relaxed,intellectual,fluent,soft,slightly weak,kind
35 |
318|slightly fluent,feminine,adult-like,slightly clear,sharp,slightly high-pitched
36 |
37 |
365|calm,slightly low-pitched,sincere,adult-like,slightly strong,slightly cool,fluent,masculine,modest
38 |
374|low-pitched,calm,slightly friendly,middle-aged,adult-like,slightly sincere,slightly soft,masculine
39 |
377|slightly fluent,masculine,slightly low-pitched,slightly friendly,middle-aged,slightly deep,unique,intellectual,slightly soft,slightly muffled
40 |
41 |
426|slightly fluent,gender-neutral,slightly clear,slightly adult-like,slightly high-pitched
42 |
472|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly middle-aged,slightly clear,sharp,strict,slightly high-pitched,slightly powerful
43 |
544|low-pitched,calm,adult-like,strong,cool,deep,slightly soft,masculine,powerful
44 |
551|bright,raspy,strong,adult-like,slightly wild,cool,masculine,powerful,slightly strict
45 |
557|soft,reassuring,calm,slightly dark,old,dark,slightly deep,slightly modest,mature,slightly kind,masculine,slightly raspy
46 |
568|slightly intellectual,bright,sincere,adult-like,slightly strong,cool,slightly wild,masculine,powerful
47 |
594|low-pitched,wild,old,strong,mature,cool,deep,fluent,masculine,slightly powerful,lively
48 |
597|feminine,slightly calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly old,slightly elegant,intellectual,clear
49 |
612|feminine,reassuring,calm,friendly,slightly elegant,soft,young,slightly gender-neutral,slightly muffled,kind
50 |
613|low-pitched,calm,middle-aged,slightly dark,very masculine,mature,slightly reassuring,deep,soft
51 |
622|reassuring,calm,slightly friendly,weak,slightly dark,modest,adult-like,slightly high-pitched,masculine,relaxed,slightly soft,slightly muffled,kind
52 |
666|feminine,middle-aged,slightly raspy,slightly high-pitched,slightly weak,modest
53 |
688|low-pitched,feminine,reassuring,calm,slightly lively,slightly light,slightly gender-neutral,cool,fluent,relaxed,slightly powerful
54 |
708|slightly low-pitched,slightly strong,slightly cool,slightly adult-like,masculine
55 |
718|slightly calm,slightly dark,adult-like,strong,slightly cool,slightly intellectual,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly mature
56 |
720|low-pitched,wild,slightly calm,slightly bright,slightly middle-aged,mature,cool,deep,masculine,slightly powerful
57 |
724|slightly fluent,slightly low-pitched,slightly bright,friendly,middle-aged,unique,slightly intellectual,masculine
58 |
820|calm,slightly strong,intellectual,slightly adult-like,masculine,slightly weak,modest
59 |
835|calm,refreshing,adult-like,slightly halting,strong,slightly wild,cool,deep,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly mature
60 |
846|low-pitched,slightly sweet,slightly old,elegant,strong,slightly wild,cool,deep,slightly soft,masculine,slightly mature,kind
61 |
850|low-pitched,soft,slightly calm,slightly middle-aged,slightly strong,slightly cool,slightly sincere,slightly kind,fluent,masculine
62 |
884|very adult-like,wild,loud,mature,cool,deep,masculine,clear,slightly raspy
63 |
886|low-pitched,calm,sincere,very masculine,adult-like,slightly elegant,cool,intellectual,soft
64 |
908|slightly loud,adult-like,strong,slightly elegant,slightly cool,deep,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly mature,slightly strict
65 |
960|feminine,calm,slightly loud,slightly high-pitched,adult-like,slightly elegant,slightly strong,slightly intellectual,fluent
66 |
976|low-pitched,feminine,slightly muffled,reassuring,slightly sexy,calm,slightly sweet,dark,adult-like,modest,slightly relaxed,intellectual,soft,slightly weak,kind
67 |
982|middle-aged,slightly unique,very masculine,slightly intellectual,slightly high-pitched,slightly weak,slightly strict
68 |
986|masculine,calm,slightly sweet,slightly friendly,weak,slightly dark,adult-like,slightly clear,slightly reassuring,slightly high-pitched,soft,relaxed,very calm,modest,kind
69 |
1046|reassuring,calm,slightly loud,sincere,middle-aged,slightly deep,slightly elegant,slightly strong,slightly cool,slightly intellectual,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly mature,slightly strict
70 |
1089|reassuring,calm,slightly sweet,adult-like,slightly wild,cool,intellectual,masculine,young,slightly mature
71 |
1112|low-pitched,calm,slightly dark,old,very mature,cool,masculine
72 |
1182|slightly calm,masculine,slightly sweet,refreshing,slightly relaxed,slightly kind,slightly soft,young,slightly muffled
73 |
1184|low-pitched,reassuring,calm,friendly,middle-aged,weak,slightly dark,modest,mature,slightly soft,masculine,relaxed,slightly raspy,kind
74 |
1187|low-pitched,wild,old,very mature,strong,slightly halting,cool,deep,masculine,slightly muffled
75 |
1188|soft,reassuring,slightly sexy,calm,adult-like,slightly clear,slightly halting,intellectual,deep,masculine,young
76 |
1239|low-pitched,masculine,calm,slightly sweet,adult-like,soft,slightly muffled,modest
77 |
1246|feminine,middle-aged,slightly lively,raspy,unique,slightly soft,slightly powerful,kind
78 |
1252|slightly refreshing,weak,slightly clear,slightly relaxed,very young,very feminine,fluent,very cute
79 |
1259|feminine,reassuring,slightly sexy,slightly sweet,weak,adult-like,slightly raspy,kind,slightly muffled,modest
80 |
1264|low-pitched,calm,sincere,middle-aged,very masculine,intellectual,soft
81 |
1265|low-pitched,reassuring,calm,slightly middle-aged,slightly modest,adult-like,slightly halting,masculine,slightly weak,sweet
82 |
1272|low-pitched,calm,sincere,middle-aged,very masculine,slightly cool,intellectual,slightly wild,slightly weak
83 |
1284|feminine,calm,slightly low-pitched,old,elegant,slightly kind,slightly gender-neutral,slightly raspy
84 |
1348|low-pitched,feminine,slightly sexy,calm,slightly middle-aged,kind,adult-like,slightly relaxed,soft,slightly weak,sweet
85 |
1387|masculine,slightly low-pitched,slightly friendly,slightly cool,slightly reassuring,slightly adult-like,slightly soft
86 |
1392|calm,slightly low-pitched,refreshing,slightly unique,slightly light,strong,adult-like,slightly young,slightly wild,slightly cool,fluent,masculine,slightly powerful
87 |
1401|masculine,slightly low-pitched,friendly,slightly young,slightly strong,slightly cool,slightly soft,lively
88 |
1403|calm,slightly sweet,modest,slightly strong,halting,masculine,young,muffled,slightly weak,kind
89 |
1417|bright,friendly,weak,slightly young,unique,slightly masculine,fluent,soft,lively
90 |
1446|low-pitched,elegant,adult-like,strong,mature,slightly cool,slightly soft,masculine,slightly powerful
91 |
1460|feminine,calm,light,adult-like,slightly clear,cool,fluent,lively
92 |
1462|feminine,slightly calm,slightly sweet,slightly bright,adult-like,cute,slightly kind,slightly high-pitched,slightly soft
93 |
1485|fluent,bright,refreshing,friendly,kind,slightly unique,slightly light,adult-like,strong,slightly reassuring,intellectual,slightly soft,high-pitched,masculine,clear,powerful,lively
94 |
1580|feminine,bright,refreshing,slightly lively,adult-like,slightly strong,cool,slightly kind,fluent,young,slightly powerful
95 |
1595|slightly muffled,slightly refreshing,slightly old,slightly relaxed,slightly wild,slightly cool,masculine,slightly raspy,kind
96 |
1601|low-pitched,wild,slightly calm,middle-aged,cool,deep,masculine
97 |
1603|masculine,slightly low-pitched,slightly friendly,slightly unique,slightly deep,slightly adult-like,slightly soft
98 |
1607|reassuring,calm,bright,refreshing,slightly lively,light,strong,cool,masculine,young,clear
99 |
1629|feminine,fluent,slightly intellectual,slightly middle-aged,strict,high-pitched,clear
100 |
1647|strong,loud,slightly young,mature,slightly intellectual,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly strict
101 |
1649|feminine,slightly calm,slightly friendly,slightly sincere,slightly adult-like,slightly kind,slightly high-pitched
102 |
1664|feminine,slightly refreshing,slightly lively,light,adult-like,cool,fluent,slightly powerful
103 |
1668|slightly refreshing,elegant,slightly clear,intellectual,slightly sincere,very feminine,young,slightly weak
104 |
1673|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly sweet,refreshing,sincere,adult-like,slightly cute,intellectual,slightly high-pitched
105 |
106 |
1690|feminine,slightly calm,calm,cute,slightly intellectual,slightly high-pitched,slightly soft,young,sweet
107 |
1708|slightly calm,slightly loud,refreshing,slightly light,adult-like,high-pitched,masculine,slightly gender-neutral,slightly muffled
108 |
1717|feminine,weak,slightly halting,slightly adult-like,slightly high-pitched,slightly raspy,modest
109 |
1737|feminine,slightly weak,slightly sexy,refreshing,light,soft,young,slightly raspy
110 |
1754|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly refreshing,slightly low-pitched,sincere,middle-aged,intellectual,slightly strict
111 |
1767|feminine,slightly refreshing,slightly loud,slightly high-pitched,adult-like,slightly strong,intellectual,slightly reassuring,fluent
112 |
1777|low-pitched,calm,sincere,middle-aged,strong,slightly elegant,loud,mature,intellectual,strict,fluent,masculine,clear,powerful
113 |
1811|adult-like,strong,mature,slightly wild,cool,slightly kind,slightly soft,masculine,slightly powerful
114 |
1826|slightly weak,calm,slightly sweet,modest,adult-like,masculine,slightly muffled,kind
115 |
1849|reassuring,bright,refreshing,light,slightly clear,masculine,young,lively
116 |
1913|slightly low-pitched,slightly loud,slightly middle-aged,slightly strong,slightly intellectual,masculine
117 |
1920|feminine,weak,raspy,slightly dark,elegant,slightly clear,cool,soft,young,sexy,slightly muffled,sweet
118 |
1931|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly loud,slightly middle-aged,slightly clear,sharp,slightly powerful
119 |
1943|slightly fluent,slightly low-pitched,slightly mature,middle-aged,elegant,slightly clear,slightly relaxed,unique,masculine,slightly weak,lively
120 |
1968|feminine,calm,weak,slightly young,intellectual,soft,relaxed,muffled,modest
121 |
1992|feminine,slightly calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly dark,slightly modest,adult-like,intellectual,slightly sharp,slightly strict
122 |
1995|feminine,calm,slightly middle-aged,adult-like,intellectual,slightly kind,soft,relaxed,slightly weak,sweet
123 |
1998|feminine,very weak,calm,kind,modest,soft,slightly muffled,sweet
124 |
2001|low-pitched,reassuring,calm,slightly sweet,adult-like,slightly wild,fluent,masculine,slightly weak
125 |
2002|reassuring,calm,adult-like,slightly relaxed,slightly soft,masculine,slightly muffled
126 |
2004|slightly refreshing,slightly loud,gender-neutral,slightly strong,slightly cool,slightly high-pitched,young
127 |
2046|reassuring,calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly loud,sincere,middle-aged,slightly dark,slightly clear,slightly strong,intellectual,slightly kind,fluent,masculine,slightly weak
128 |
2068|feminine,slightly sexy,slightly sweet,slightly friendly,slightly cute,slightly relaxed,slightly kind,slightly adult-like,slightly raspy
129 |
2078|low-pitched,calm,slightly loud,slightly dark,gender-neutral,slightly halting,slightly reassuring,slightly weak
130 |
2086|slightly bright,slightly lively,slightly light,adult-like,slightly strong,cool,masculine
131 |
2096|middle-aged,strong,slightly wild,cool,slightly intense,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly mature
132 |
2122|low-pitched,slightly loud,slightly unique,slightly deep,adult-like,slightly strong,slightly intellectual,masculine,slightly mature
133 |
2136|slightly low-pitched,slightly middle-aged,slightly strong,slightly cool,slightly sincere,deep,masculine,slightly mature
134 |
2146|low-pitched,slightly fluent,slightly mature,middle-aged,elegant,unique,deep,masculine,slightly muffled
135 |
2196|clear,feminine,reassuring,slightly low-pitched,slightly bright,sincere,slightly unique,strong,slightly cute,slightly strong,intellectual,strict,fluent,young,powerful
136 |
2208|slightly low-pitched,slightly mature,slightly middle-aged,unique,slightly intellectual,masculine,slightly raspy
137 |
138 |
2276|feminine,slightly mature,middle-aged,slightly high-pitched,slightly raspy,slightly strict
139 |
140 |
2309|low-pitched,slightly deep,strong,slightly elegant,slightly cool,slightly soft,masculine,slightly mature
141 |
2346|feminine,calm,raspy,unique,soft,young,slightly powerful,slightly muffled
142 |
2356|intense,wild,middle-aged,very masculine,strong,cool,deep,powerful
143 |
2374|low-pitched,feminine,reassuring,slightly sexy,calm,dark,slightly modest,very intellectual,slightly relaxed,slightly adult-like,fluent,soft,slightly weak,kind
144 |
2380|masculine,middle-aged,weak,elegant,unique,slightly intellectual,fluent,soft,muffled
145 |
2384|low-pitched,calm,slightly loud,sincere,slightly deep,elegant,adult-like,slightly clear,slightly strong,cool,masculine
146 |
2393|reassuring,calm,sincere,slightly modest,slightly relaxed,masculine,young,slightly weak,kind
147 |
2411|slightly fluent,feminine,reassuring,slightly refreshing,calm,slightly sweet,slightly friendly,slightly strong,slightly adult-like,soft,clear,slightly powerful,kind
148 |
2448|slightly low-pitched,slightly loud,slightly cool,strict,masculine,young
149 |
2494|calm,sincere,middle-aged,strong,loud,slightly cool,intellectual,deep,fluent,masculine,clear,powerful,slightly mature,slightly strict
150 |
2545|masculine,slightly low-pitched,calm,slightly modest,soft,young,slightly weak,kind
151 |
2568|feminine,sincere,adult-like,slightly clear,cute,slightly relaxed,slightly high-pitched,slightly weak,modest
152 |
2588|intense,very high-pitched,very light,masculine,very unique,very lively,very fluent,adult-like,strong,very bright,fluent,soft,clear,powerful,slightly weak
153 |
2598|feminine,old,unique,slightly strong,slightly sharp,slightly raspy
154 |
2624|low-pitched,slightly sexy,wild,slightly bright,powerful,very strong,mature,cool,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly strict
155 |
2724|wild,calm,slightly middle-aged,strong,cool,deep,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly mature
156 |
2733|low-pitched,soft,calm,elegant,adult-like,mature,slightly kind,deep,masculine
157 |
2741|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly calm,adult-like,slightly cute,slightly strong,slightly sincere,slightly kind,slightly high-pitched
158 |
2748|slightly low-pitched,slightly bright,cool,masculine,young,slightly weak
159 |
2762|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly loud,middle-aged,slightly clear,unique,sharp,slightly high-pitched
160 |
2774|fluent,calm,slightly loud,sincere,elegant,adult-like,strong,slightly cool,intellectual,high-pitched,masculine,clear,powerful,slightly strict
161 |
2775|feminine,slightly loud,refreshing,cute,slightly strong,slightly adult-like,slightly high-pitched,kind
162 |
2812|friendly,light,unique,slightly masculine,fluent,slightly soft,young,slightly weak,lively
163 |
2853|feminine,bright,refreshing,powerful,slightly gender-neutral,cool,fluent,clear,lively
164 |
2929|masculine,slightly low-pitched,friendly,elegant,slightly strong,slightly cool,fluent,soft,young
165 |
2960|slightly fluent,bright,friendly,slightly light,adult-like,strong,unique,slightly intense,high-pitched,masculine,slightly powerful
166 |
2961|low-pitched,feminine,slightly refreshing,calm,slightly dark,adult-like,slightly soft,slightly gender-neutral,slightly muffled,modest
167 |
2971|low-pitched,calm,middle-aged,slightly dark,slightly relaxed,intellectual,masculine,kind
168 |
2989|feminine,reassuring,calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly sweet,muffled,slightly relaxed,intellectual,kind,halting,slightly gender-neutral
169 |
3000|calm,slightly middle-aged,slightly dark,adult-like,sweet,cool,very reassuring,deep,masculine,slightly powerful,kind
170 |
3009|reassuring,masculine,calm,friendly,slightly mature,modest,adult-like,soft,relaxed,slightly weak,kind
171 |
3045|slightly fluent,slightly low-pitched,slightly strong,unique,slightly intellectual,slightly cool,masculine,young,slightly weak
172 |
3070|wild,raspy,adult-like,slightly young,cool,fluent,masculine
173 |
3079|feminine,slightly weak,modest,sweet,soft,young,slightly muffled,kind
174 |
3112|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly bright,adult-like,slightly clear,slightly cute,slightly strong,slightly high-pitched,lively
175 |
3157|feminine,calm,slightly middle-aged,slightly high-pitched,elegant,intellectual,fluent,clear
176 |
3171|calm,slightly elegant,intellectual,slightly adult-like,fluent,masculine,slightly soft,kind
177 |
3221|slightly low-pitched,friendly,slightly middle-aged,unique,fluent,masculine
178 |
3235|feminine,slightly calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly middle-aged,slightly light,strong,cool,slightly powerful,lively
179 |
3285|calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly deep,adult-like,slightly elegant,slightly cool,intellectual,slightly sincere,masculine
180 |
3288|slightly muffled,slightly refreshing,slightly low-pitched,slightly elegant,slightly relaxed,slightly masculine,slightly adult-like,intellectual,slightly weak,modest
181 |
3328|slightly sexy,calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly sweet,slightly deep,slightly strong,intellectual,slightly adult-like,slightly cool,slightly soft,masculine
182 |
3448|slightly fluent,calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly middle-aged,intellectual,masculine
183 |
3482|feminine,slightly sexy,elegant,adult-like,slightly strong,intellectual
184 |
3483|slightly bright,slightly middle-aged,slightly unique,slightly lively,slightly clear,slightly strong,masculine
185 |
3493|feminine,slightly refreshing,slightly bright,slightly lively,light,adult-like,slightly clear,slightly strong
186 |
3536|feminine,fluent,refreshing,light,strong,slightly clear,slightly cute,high-pitched,young,clear
187 |
3538|calm,sincere,adult-like,intellectual,very feminine,soft,slightly weak
188 |
3541|bright,raspy,slightly relaxed,slightly masculine,slightly adult-like,friendly,lively
189 |
3549|feminine,slightly sharp,adult-like,slightly cute,slightly high-pitched,slightly weak
190 |
3553|soft,very adult-like,slightly sweet,friendly,strong,intellectual,slightly kind,deep,fluent,masculine,powerful
191 |
3576|feminine,slightly low-pitched,slightly dark,old,slightly strong,cool,slightly wild,slightly sharp,slightly soft,powerful
192 |
3584|slightly fluent,feminine,reassuring,bright,sincere,strong,slightly clear,intellectual,young,slightly powerful,slightly strict
193 |
3592|reassuring,masculine,calm,slightly sweet,weak,slightly modest,soft,young,slightly muffled,kind
194 |
3615|low-pitched,feminine,refreshing,slightly lively,strong,adult-like,cool,slightly muffled
195 |
3645|feminine,reassuring,slightly refreshing,sincere,cool,fluent,clear
196 |
3650|masculine,calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly modest,slightly young,slightly soft
197 |
3654|low-pitched,very adult-like,sincere,very wild,very masculine,very cool,strong,intellectual,powerful
198 |
3698|feminine,reassuring,calm,weak,kind,adult-like,slightly cute,soft,clear,modest
199 |
3728|low-pitched,feminine,slightly weak,calm,friendly,slightly dark,elegant,adult-like,soft,slightly muffled,sweet
200 |
3752|low-pitched,slightly sexy,calm,slightly sweet,slightly old,slightly deep,slightly wild,cool,masculine
201 |
3816|feminine,calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly sharp,middle-aged,slightly powerful,slightly dark,strong,loud,strict,fluent,clear,slightly mature
202 |
3825|low-pitched,slightly calm,middle-aged,very masculine,slightly elegant,slightly strong,deep,fluent,slightly soft,slightly powerful,slightly mature
203 |
3864|low-pitched,slightly refreshing,calm,slightly middle-aged,adult-like,slightly sincere,deep,masculine
204 |
3867|feminine,slightly bright,light,slightly clear,slightly cute,slightly strong,high-pitched,young,lively
205 |
3871|low-pitched,slightly refreshing,calm,slightly dark,adult-like,slightly wild,cool,deep,masculine
206 |
3894|calm,friendly,weak,slightly dark,adult-like,high-pitched,masculine,relaxed,slightly soft,modest,kind
207 |
3895|slightly low-pitched,refreshing,slightly friendly,slightly strong,slightly cool,masculine,young,clear,lively
208 |
3927|low-pitched,calm,middle-aged,elegant,mature,deep,slightly soft,masculine,slightly powerful
209 |
3997|feminine,calm,slightly sweet,raspy,adult-like,slightly soft,slightly weak,modest
210 |
4193|low-pitched,intense,slightly calm,sincere,slightly powerful,adult-like,strong,loud,intellectual,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly sharp,slightly strict
211 |
4267|slightly refreshing,masculine,slightly young,slightly strong,slightly intellectual,slightly high-pitched,friendly
212 |
4289|low-pitched,feminine,calm,slightly loud,middle-aged,slightly halting,unique,cool,slightly gender-neutral,slightly muffled
213 |
4294|feminine,calm,slightly friendly,elegant,slightly clear,slightly strong,slightly cool,kind,young
214 |
4321|feminine,slightly dark,slightly cute,slightly adult-like,slightly high-pitched,slightly soft,slightly weak,modest
215 |
4344|very halting,calm,middle-aged,slightly dark,unique,masculine,slightly weak,kind
216 |
4379|low-pitched,slightly middle-aged,slightly unique,adult-like,slightly cool,intellectual,slightly sincere,fluent,masculine
217 |
4407|slightly low-pitched,slightly loud,adult-like,unique,fluent,masculine
218 |
4411|feminine,bright,strong,slightly clear,cute,slightly sharp,slightly powerful
219 |
4423|calm,slightly loud,middle-aged,slightly deep,slightly strong,slightly kind,masculine
220 |
4442|reassuring,slightly low-pitched,slightly deep,elegant,adult-like,slightly strong,slightly cool,slightly soft,masculine
221 |
4443|feminine,slightly loud,middle-aged,sharp,strict,slightly high-pitched
222 |
4480|slightly fluent,slightly low-pitched,unique,slightly adult-like,masculine
223 |
4576|feminine,calm,weak,slightly young,slightly kind,soft,relaxed,slightly muffled,modest
224 |
4710|low-pitched,calm,slightly loud,slightly modest,strong,adult-like,slightly clear,mature,slightly wild,cool,fluent,masculine,slightly powerful,sweet
225 |
4773|feminine,calm,weak,kind,elegant,slightly intellectual,soft,relaxed,young,sweet
226 |
4800|slightly bright,slightly unique,strong,adult-like,cool,slightly intense,masculine,slightly gender-neutral,slightly raspy
227 |
4807|feminine,slightly high-pitched,adult-like,slightly strong,unique,slightly intellectual,fluent,clear
228 |
4836|reassuring,masculine,slightly low-pitched,slightly cool,slightly adult-like,slightly soft,kind
229 |
4837|low-pitched,feminine,calm,middle-aged,slightly cool,powerful,slightly raspy,slightly strict
230 |
4839|feminine,slightly sexy,calm,slightly dark,slightly modest,adult-like
231 |
232 |
4860|slightly calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly deep,adult-like,slightly cool,slightly intellectual,slightly soft,masculine
233 |
4863|slightly low-pitched,slightly loud,middle-aged,unique,masculine,slightly strict
234 |
4969|slightly fluent,calm,sincere,slightly lively,slightly deep,adult-like,cool,masculine
235 |
4979|slightly calm,masculine,slightly low-pitched,calm,slightly modest,slightly strong,slightly adult-like,slightly soft,slightly muffled
236 |
5007|feminine,slightly bright,slightly modest,adult-like,unique,slightly raspy
237 |
5009|slightly low-pitched,middle-aged,slightly unique,slightly cool,slightly intellectual,fluent,masculine,slightly soft,slightly mature
238 |
5082|low-pitched,feminine,calm,strong,slightly raspy,cool,kind,slightly weak
239 |
5115|low-pitched,feminine,reassuring,calm,slightly friendly,middle-aged,slightly powerful,slightly dark,strong,fluent,clear,slightly strict
240 |
5126|soft,calm,friendly,sincere,slightly middle-aged,deep,masculine
241 |
5132|soft,calm,weak,slightly unique,dark,slightly halting,slightly high-pitched,masculine,relaxed,young,modest,kind
242 |
5133|feminine,slightly strong,sharp,slightly wild,deep,powerful
243 |
5189|low-pitched,slightly sexy,calm,sincere,middle-aged,dark,loud,slightly relaxed,mature,intellectual,slightly cool,deep,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly strict
244 |
245 |
5252|calm,sincere,middle-aged,very masculine,very low-pitched,intellectual,slightly soft,relaxed,slightly weak
246 |
5271|feminine,fluent,slightly sweet,slightly elegant,slightly cute,slightly strong,high-pitched,young,slightly weak
247 |
5278|low-pitched,slightly sexy,adult-like,strong,slightly cool,deep,fluent,masculine,slightly powerful
248 |
5340|feminine,very strong,unique,sharp,young,powerful
249 |
5401|low-pitched,slightly calm,slightly loud,slightly middle-aged,slightly cool,deep,masculine,slightly powerful
250 |
5463|slightly lively,adult-like,mature,slightly wild,cool,fluent,masculine,young
251 |
5471|feminine,slightly sweet,very soft,elegant,slightly cute,intellectual,young,slightly muffled
252 |
5561|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly intellectual,slightly loud,middle-aged,slightly clear,sharp,strict,slightly high-pitched
253 |
5569|feminine,slightly low-pitched,slightly bright,slightly middle-aged,adult-like,unique,slightly intense,friendly
254 |
5570|low-pitched,feminine,slightly sexy,calm,weak,slightly old,soft,kind
255 |
5588|feminine,calm,weak,adult-like,soft,sexy,slightly raspy,kind
256 |
5604|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly bright,slightly clear,cute,slightly strong,slightly high-pitched,young,lively
257 |
5618|feminine,slightly mature,slightly old,elegant,slightly high-pitched,kind,slightly weak
258 |
5652|slightly fluent,feminine,sincere,strong,slightly elegant,loud,cool,intellectual,deep,young,clear,slightly strict
259 |
5653|feminine,calm,slightly sweet,slightly young,slightly adult-like,soft,kind
260 |
5661|feminine,slightly sexy,calm,weak,slightly dark,adult-like,strong,fluent,kind,sweet
261 |
5671|feminine,slightly weak,calm,lively,adult-like,slightly strong,fluent,kind,slightly muffled,sweet
262 |
5703|low-pitched,wild,slightly loud,middle-aged,mature,strict,deep,masculine,powerful,slightly muffled
263 |
5717|slightly low-pitched,friendly,adult-like,unique,slightly intellectual,fluent,masculine
264 |
5719|slightly fluent,slightly low-pitched,slightly loud,slightly deep,unique,slightly adult-like,masculine
265 |
5725|feminine,calm,slightly light,slightly cute,soft,relaxed,young,slightly muffled,kind
266 |
5733|feminine,calm,very kind,weak,elegant,modest,slightly cute,very young,soft,relaxed,slightly muffled,sweet
267 |
5750|low-pitched,calm,sincere,very wild,middle-aged,very masculine,adult-like,mature,cool,deep,fluent
268 |
5778|slightly fluent,feminine,sincere,slightly middle-aged,elegant,slightly clear,slightly high-pitched
269 |
5789|feminine,middle-aged,elegant,slightly strong,slightly cool,strict,slightly high-pitched,slightly powerful
270 |
5791|low-pitched,slightly middle-aged,slightly strong,deep,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly mature,slightly strict
271 |
5808|adult-like,slightly wild,cool,slightly intellectual,deep,high-pitched,masculine
272 |
5809|feminine,slightly loud,adult-like,strong,slightly elegant,slightly intellectual,slightly high-pitched,slightly strict
273 |
5837|low-pitched,feminine,reassuring,refreshing,very wild,slightly dark,slightly intense,adult-like,strong,slightly raspy,mature,cool,deep,fluent,clear,slightly weak,slightly strict
274 |
5876|feminine,slightly sexy,calm,very soft,elegant,slightly relaxed,kind,young,clear,slightly weak,sweet
275 |
5909|calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly loud,slightly deep,slightly strong,slightly cool,slightly reassuring,slightly kind,masculine,young
276 |
5914|wild,middle-aged,very mature,strong,cool,deep,masculine,lively
277 |
5918|calm,refreshing,adult-like,slightly strong,cool,deep,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly mature
278 |
279 |
5940|low-pitched,masculine,calm,friendly,slightly middle-aged,slightly deep,slightly soft
280 |
5951|low-pitched,wild,calm,old,mature,slightly strong,cool,masculine,slightly powerful
281 |
5952|slightly bright,slightly loud,strong,slightly young,slightly high-pitched,friendly,lively
282 |
5984|slightly fluent,feminine,calm,slightly sweet,elegant,adult-like,intellectual,slightly kind,soft,clear
283 |
5993|masculine,calm,sincere,middle-aged,elegant,mature,deep,slightly soft,slightly powerful
284 |
6000|feminine,intense,sincere,adult-like,strong,slightly clear,intellectual,strict,deep,fluent,powerful
285 |
286 |
6032|feminine,calm,raspy,old,mature,strict,slightly powerful
287 |
6037|masculine,calm,intellectual,slightly adult-like,fluent,soft,kind
288 |
289 |
6076|intense,fluent,slightly refreshing,slightly calm,bright,middle-aged,slightly unique,strong,deep,high-pitched,masculine,clear,powerful,slightly sharp,slightly strict
290 |
6080|low-pitched,sincere,very masculine,elegant,adult-like,cool,intellectual,fluent,slightly soft
291 |
6102|feminine,slightly weak,reassuring,slightly sexy,calm,slightly old,high-pitched,slightly powerful,slightly raspy
292 |
6139|low-pitched,feminine,reassuring,calm,slightly sweet,slightly middle-aged,weak,modest
293 |
6147|feminine,calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly loud,sincere,powerful,slightly deep,adult-like,strong,slightly cool,strict,slightly intense,fluent,clear
294 |
6167|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly bright,slightly clear,slightly young,slightly cute,high-pitched,lively
295 |
6232|calm,slightly old,slightly strong,intellectual,slightly wild,masculine,slightly mature
296 |
6248|low-pitched,calm,slightly lively,adult-like,slightly relaxed,masculine
297 |
6324|feminine,slightly intellectual,slightly dark,slightly adult-like,slightly weak,modest
298 |
6333|calm,slightly modest,adult-like,slightly halting,slightly strong,cool,masculine,slightly muffled
299 |
6345|feminine,slightly sexy,slightly sweet,light,elegant,slightly cool,slightly kind,fluent,soft,slightly powerful
300 |
6346|slightly loud,adult-like,slightly strong,intellectual,masculine
301 |
6367|bright,refreshing,friendly,slightly powerful,slightly unique,light,slightly high-pitched,adult-like,strong,slightly kind,slightly soft,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly weak,lively
302 |
6373|slightly fluent,friendly,slightly middle-aged,elegant,slightly strong,intellectual,slightly high-pitched,slightly soft
303 |
6378|feminine,sincere,middle-aged,slightly high-pitched,loud,intellectual,fluent
304 |
6459|slightly fluent,slightly loud,slightly deep,adult-like,slightly intellectual,slightly high-pitched,masculine,slightly strict
305 |
6509|feminine,slightly bright,slightly elegant,slightly clear,slightly young,slightly cute,slightly strong,slightly sincere,slightly intellectual
306 |
6513|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly middle-aged,slightly cool,slightly sincere,slightly high-pitched,slightly raspy
307 |
308 |
6540|low-pitched,calm,strong,slightly wild,cool,slightly soft,masculine,kind
309 |
6563|bright,friendly,slightly middle-aged,slightly strong,fluent,masculine,lively
310 |
6724|feminine,slightly sexy,calm,kind,slightly lively,adult-like,intellectual,soft,clear,modest,sweet
311 |
6782|very sexy,feminine,very adult-like,calm,strong
312 |
6792|low-pitched,calm,sincere,slightly dark,very masculine,elegant,adult-like,strong,cool,intellectual,slightly mature
313 |
6804|low-pitched,very sincere,middle-aged,very masculine,very cool,elegant,slightly raspy,intellectual,slightly muffled
314 |
6807|feminine,slightly refreshing,calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly sweet,slightly strong,unique,slightly intense,young,slightly gender-neutral,slightly raspy
315 |
6836|calm,slightly middle-aged,adult-like,strong,mature,slightly wild,cool,slightly kind,deep,masculine
316 |
6846|reassuring,calm,modest,adult-like,slightly soft,masculine,slightly weak,kind
317 |
6849|low-pitched,wild,slightly intense,adult-like,strong,mature,cool,deep,fluent,masculine,powerful
318 |
6906|feminine,strict,slightly loud,slightly cute,slightly strong,intellectual,slightly adult-like,fluent
319 |
6924|feminine,calm,bright,refreshing,slightly intellectual,young
320 |
6930|low-pitched,friendly,sincere,very masculine,adult-like,deep,kind
321 |
6937|feminine,middle-aged,slightly unique,slightly raspy,slightly high-pitched,slightly mature
322 |
6945|low-pitched,reassuring,slightly sexy,calm,sincere,middle-aged,slightly powerful,slightly dark,elegant,strong,slightly clear,loud,intellectual,strict,deep,fluent,masculine,clear
323 |
6951|low-pitched,feminine,slightly calm,calm,slightly powerful,slightly strong,cool,slightly kind,clear,slightly gender-neutral,slightly muffled
324 |
6965|refreshing,adult-like,strong,cool,masculine,slightly weak
325 |
7021|soft,fluent,very friendly,very lively,weak,light,adult-like,very bright,unique,slightly kind,high-pitched,masculine
326 |
7051|low-pitched,wild,slightly sweet,middle-aged,strong,intellectual,cool,very deep,fluent,masculine,slightly soft
327 |
7055|slightly loud,refreshing,slightly mature,middle-aged,strong,slightly wild,cool,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly raspy
328 |
7085|feminine,bright,sincere,middle-aged,strong,slightly reassuring,strict,slightly intense,fluent,clear,powerful
329 |
7107|calm,weak,slightly modest,adult-like,slightly halting,slightly strong,cool,masculine
330 |
7113|very sexy,feminine,calm,sincere,adult-like,soft
331 |
7120|feminine,slightly intellectual,slightly loud,middle-aged,slightly strong,strict,slightly high-pitched
332 |
7134|slightly sexy,masculine,calm,weak,slightly light,elegant,adult-like,slightly clear,slightly relaxed,slightly cool,soft,sweet
333 |
7138|feminine,slightly sexy,calm,slightly sweet,modest,slightly relaxed,intellectual,soft,young,slightly weak,kind
334 |
7155|slightly loud,slightly unique,adult-like,fluent,masculine,slightly powerful
335 |
7169|low-pitched,calm,refreshing,powerful,adult-like,slightly wild,cool,intellectual,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly mature,lively
336 |
7228|low-pitched,slightly fluent,reassuring,calm,sincere,middle-aged,slightly dark,strong,slightly elegant,loud,slightly raspy,mature,deep,masculine,powerful,slightly muffled,slightly strict
337 |
338 |
339 |
7264|calm,slightly low-pitched,middle-aged,strong,intellectual,deep,slightly soft,masculine,slightly mature
340 |
7265|low-pitched,feminine,powerful,light,adult-like,strong,slightly gender-neutral,unique,clear,slightly muffled,lively
341 |
7313|calm,bright,adult-like,strong,slightly wild,cool,intellectual,deep,fluent,masculine,clear
342 |
343 |
7342|feminine,slightly sexy,calm,slightly middle-aged,slightly modest,slightly elegant,slightly clear,sweet,slightly strong,soft,kind
344 |
7354|slightly halting,slightly young,slightly masculine,slightly intellectual,slightly weak,modest
345 |
7376|feminine,calm,bright,sincere,weak,slightly powerful,slightly high-pitched,adult-like,slightly elegant,slightly strong,intellectual,strict,slightly cool,fluent,slightly soft,slightly reassuring,clear
346 |
7402|slightly muffled,calm,modest,slightly relaxed,masculine,young,slightly weak,kind
347 |
7424|slightly low-pitched,slightly mature,slightly middle-aged,slightly unique,slightly deep,masculine,slightly raspy
348 |
7445|feminine,slightly refreshing,slightly calm,slightly bright,kind,slightly light,adult-like,slightly relaxed,cool,soft,sweet
349 |
7498|feminine,reassuring,slightly sexy,slightly bright,friendly,slightly light,elegant,slightly strong,fluent,soft,young,kind
350 |
7538|refreshing,sincere,elegant,intellectual,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly weak,lively
351 |
7608|masculine,slightly middle-aged,slightly friendly,unique,slightly soft,slightly raspy,kind
352 |
7635|low-pitched,feminine,strong,unique,cool,slightly gender-neutral
353 |
7647|intense,wild,middle-aged,slightly unique,raspy,strong,masculine,slightly mature
354 |
7679|feminine,reassuring,calm,slightly sweet,friendly,slightly dark,modest,cute,slightly strong,slightly high-pitched,slightly soft,young,clear,slightly weak,kind
355 |
7704|slightly sexy,slightly middle-aged,very masculine,elegant,mature,slightly strong,very deep,soft,very low-pitched,kind
356 |
7737|feminine,slightly refreshing,slightly bright,slightly loud,slightly young,cute,friendly,lively
357 |
7783|feminine,calm,slightly low-pitched,sincere,middle-aged,slightly modest,slightly weak
358 |
7809|masculine,calm,weak,adult-like,cool,soft,slightly raspy,modest
359 |
7823|slightly calm,calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly sweet,slightly middle-aged,slightly strong,deep,slightly soft,masculine,slightly muffled
360 |
7839|feminine,adult-like,slightly cute,slightly relaxed,slightly high-pitched,slightly soft,slightly weak,modest
361 |
7879|low-pitched,feminine,calm,kind,adult-like,slightly reassuring,soft,modest
362 |
7932|feminine,calm,slightly sweet,weak,elegant,adult-like,fluent,soft,slightly muffled
363 |
7959|feminine,slightly weak,slightly sexy,slightly lively,slightly elegant,slightly strong,slightly soft,young,slightly raspy,kind
364 |
7967|slightly fluent,feminine,middle-aged,slightly high-pitched,friendly
365 |
7981|slightly dark,elegant,adult-like,strong,mature,intellectual,deep,fluent,masculine,slightly strict
366 |
7988|slightly friendly,slightly old,slightly unique,slightly raspy,slightly relaxed,slightly sincere,masculine,slightly muffled
367 |
8014|feminine,calm,adult-like,cute,slightly high-pitched,soft,slightly raspy,kind
368 |
8015|feminine,slightly muffled,reassuring,calm,elegant,slightly strong,intellectual,slightly cool,soft,young,slightly weak
369 |
8028|low-pitched,calm,slightly sweet,adult-like,strong,cool,deep,fluent,masculine,slightly mature,kind
370 |
8112|very sexy,feminine,calm,weak,slightly unique,elegant,adult-like,slightly halting,slightly strong,intellectual,soft,slightly muffled,sweet
371 |
8119|low-pitched,calm,middle-aged,mature,slightly wild,deep,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly muffled
372 |
8131|low-pitched,reassuring,very dark,calm,sincere,middle-aged,weak,mature,slightly soft,masculine,relaxed,sexy,slightly raspy,kind
373 |
8156|slightly fluent,feminine,slightly bright,slightly middle-aged,slightly friendly,slightly unique,slightly clear
374 |
8193|feminine,slightly calm,middle-aged,slightly strong,slightly high-pitched,friendly
375 |
8199|feminine,slightly low-pitched,slightly loud,slightly mature,middle-aged,slightly sharp,slightly raspy,slightly strict
376 |
8226|low-pitched,masculine,slightly low-pitched,calm,sincere,slightly middle-aged,slightly friendly,slightly deep,soft,clear
377 |
8273|wild,slightly refreshing,bright,adult-like,strong,mature,cool,masculine,very low-pitched,clear
378 |
8288|very sincere,calm,slightly low-pitched,slightly bright,middle-aged,slightly modest,loud,slightly strong,very reassuring,deep,fluent,masculine,clear,slightly mature,kind
379 |
8302|feminine,raspy,elegant,adult-like,slightly strong,cool,kind,sexy
380 |
8312|feminine,slightly muffled,slightly sexy,calm,slightly low-pitched,friendly,kind,adult-like,soft,slightly weak,sweet
381 |
8329|feminine,slightly sexy,calm,refreshing,slightly light,adult-like,sweet,slightly strong,slightly soft,kind
382 |
8356|calm,slightly old,slightly relaxed,slightly high-pitched,masculine,slightly weak,kind
383 |
8401|low-pitched,calm,adult-like,mature,slightly wild,cool,deep,fluent,masculine
384 |
8404|feminine,slightly low-pitched,friendly,slightly middle-aged,slightly soft,slightly raspy
385 |
8421|calm,friendly,middle-aged,kind,intellectual,very feminine,fluent,slightly soft,lively
386 |
8422|very adult-like,very masculine,slightly wild,cool,slightly kind,soft,very low-pitched,very calm
387 |
8430|feminine,slightly loud,cute,slightly strong,sharp,high-pitched,young
388 |
8447|fluent,slightly refreshing,bright,strong,slightly cute,slightly gender-neutral,slightly cool,high-pitched,friendly,young,clear
389 |
8474|low-pitched,masculine,slightly elegant,slightly strong,cool,slightly adult-like,slightly kind,slightly soft
390 |
8527|low-pitched,calm,middle-aged,deep,masculine,slightly strict
391 |
8534|slightly fluent,slightly low-pitched,friendly,middle-aged,slightly lively,slightly strong,unique,masculine
392 |
8555|feminine,slightly sexy,slightly calm,slightly dark,adult-like,slightly soft
393 |
8675|low-pitched,reassuring,wild,sincere,middle-aged,very mature,dark,strong,loud,deep,masculine,slightly strict
394 |
8684|low-pitched,feminine,slightly calm,sincere,slightly unique,slightly dark,adult-like,strong,slightly cool,strict,deep,fluent,powerful
395 |
8699|low-pitched,feminine,slightly sweet,refreshing,adult-like,strong,unique,cool,fluent,slightly soft
396 |
8753|slightly muffled,slightly old,elegant,slightly relaxed,mature,cool,unique,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly raspy
397 |
8758|low-pitched,adult-like,strong,slightly wild,intellectual,masculine,clear,slightly mature
398 |
8770|slightly refreshing,calm,slightly modest,adult-like,slightly strong,cool,masculine,slightly powerful,slightly raspy
399 |
8791|low-pitched,calm,sincere,very masculine,adult-like,slightly cool,intellectual,slightly soft
400 |
8824|masculine,slightly low-pitched,calm,sincere,friendly,middle-aged,cool,slightly soft
401 |
8879|slightly calm,slightly low-pitched,adult-like,slightly strong,masculine
402 |
8897|calm,elegant,adult-like,slightly cute,very feminine,slightly high-pitched,relaxed,slightly weak
403 |
9000|slightly fluent,reassuring,slightly calm,calm,refreshing,sincere,adult-like,strong,cool,slightly kind,slightly soft,masculine,clear
404 |
9022|feminine,slightly calm,slightly low-pitched,sincere,slightly dark,adult-like,slightly elegant,intellectual,slightly soft
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
1 |
M_p-low_s-slow_e-low|Ask a low-pitched man to speak slowly with low energy;Ask a man to speak slowly with low volume and low pitch;Ask a man to speak slowly, his pitch and volume are low;Ask a man with a low pitch to speak slowly, his energy is low;Command a man with a high-pitched voice to speak slowly and with low energy;Command a man with a low pitch to speak slowly, his energy is low;Encourage a man with a high-pitched voice to speak slowly and with low energy;Instruct a man with a high-pitched voice to speak slowly and with low energy;Instruct a man with a low pitch to speak slowly, his energy is low;Request a man with a high-pitched voice to speak slowly and with low energy;Request a man with a low pitch to speak slowly, his energy is low;Tell a man with a low pitch to speak slowly, his energy is low;Urge a man with a high-pitched voice to speak slowly and with low energy;ask a low-pitched man to speak slowly with low energy;ask a man to speak slowly with low volume and low pitch;ask a man to speak slowly, his pitch and volume are both low;ask a man to speak slowly, his pitch and volume are low;ask a man to speak slowly, his voice is low in pitch and volume;ask a man to speak slowly, his voice is low-pitched and low-volume;let a high-pitched man to speak slowly with low energy;request a man to speak slowly, his pitch and volume are low
2 |
M_p-low_s-slow_e-normal|A man at low speaking speed and low pitch speaks with normal volume;A man spoke slowly with normal volume and low pitch;A man with a low pitch spoke slowly and at a normal decibel level;A man with a low pitch spoke slowly and at a normal volume;A man with a low pitch spoke slowly and with a normal volume;A man with a low pitch spoke slowly with normal volume;A man with a low-pitched voice speaks slowly and at a normal decibel level;A man with a low-pitched voice speaks slowly and at a normal volume;A man with a low-pitched voice speaks slowly and with a normal decibel level;A man with a low-pitched voice speaks slowly and with a normal sound level;A man with a low-pitched voice speaks slowly and with a normal volume;A man with a low-pitched voice spoke slowly with normal volume;A man with low pitch and normal energy speaks slowly;A man with low pitch and normal volume speaks slowly;A man with low pitch and slow speaking speed speaks at a normal volume;A man with low pitch and slow speaking speed speaks at a normal volume level;A man with low pitch and slow speaking speed speaks with a normal sound level;A man with low pitch and slow speaking speed speaks with a normal volume;A man with low pitch and slow speaking speed speaks with normal volume;A man with low pitch said slowly with normal volume;A man with low pitch speaks slowly with normal volume;A man with low pitch spoke slowly with normal volume;Ask a low-pitched man to speak slowly but in normal volume;Ask a man to speak slowly with normal volume and low pitch;This man speaks slowly with low pitch and normal volume;ask a low-pitched man to speak slowly but in normal volume;ask a man to speak slowly with normal volume and low pitch;this man speaks slowly with low pitch and normal energy
3 |
M_p-low_s-slow_e-high|A gentleman speaks slowly with low pitch and loudly;A gentleman with a deep voice speaks slowly and loudly;A gentleman with a slow and loud voice speaks with a low pitch;A low-pitched male said slowly and loudly;A man speaks slowly and loudly with low pitch and high volume;A man speaks slowly with low pitch and high volume;A man with a low pitch speaks slowly and loudly;A man with a low voice speaks slowly and loudly;A man with a low-pitched voice speaks slowly and loudly;A man with a low-pitched voice spoke slowly and loudly;A man with a low-pitched voice spoke slowly and with a loud tone;A man with a low-pitched voice spoke slowly and with great volume;A man with low pitch and high volume speaks slowly;A man with low pitch and high volume speaks slowly and loudly;A man with low pitch and slow speed speaks loudly;A man with low pitch speaks slowly and loudly;A man with low pitch speaks slowly and loudly with high energy;A man with low pitch speaks slowly and with high energy;A man with low pitch speaks slowly and with high intensity;A man with low pitch speaks slowly and with high volume;A slow-speaking man with low pitch speaks loudly;He speaks loudly with slow speaking speed and low pitch;ask a man to speak slowly with low pitch and high volume;let a low-pitched man speak slowly but in high energy
4 |
M_p-low_s-normal_e-low|A low-pitched male speaks in low pitch and low volume;A low-pitched male voice speaks with standard speed and low energy;A low-pitched male voice speaks with standard speed and low volume;A male character speaks in low pitch and low volume;A male individual speaks in low pitch and low volume;A male person speaks in low pitch and low volume;A male speaks in low pitch and low volume;A male speaks with a low pitch, normal speed and low volume;A male speaks with low pitch and normal speed;A male voice is low-pitched and low-energy;A male voice speaks in low pitch and low volume;A male voice speaks with low pitch, normal speed and low volume;A male with low-pitched voice speaks in low volume and low pitch;A man speaks in low pitch and low volume;A man speaks with a low pitch, normal speed and low volume;A man speaks with low pitch and low volume;A man speaks with low pitch, normal speed and low volume;A man with low-pitched voice speaks in low volume and low pitch;A man with low-pitched voice speaks with standard speaking speed and low volume;A man with low-pitched voice speaks with standard speed and low energy;A man with low-pitched voice speaks with standard speed and low volume;A man's voice speaks with low pitch, normal speed and low volume;He speaks with a low-pitched voice and low volume;He talks with low pitch, low energy and normal speaking speed;a low-pitched man speaks with standard speaking speed and low energy;ask a man to speak with low pitch, normal speed and low volume
5 |
M_p-low_s-normal_e-normal|A man with a low pitch says in normal volume and normal speaking speed;A man with a low pitch speaks in normal volume and normal speed;A man with a low pitch speaks in normal volume and normal talking speed;A man with a low voice level speaks at a normal volume and normal pace;A man with a low-pitched voice speaks with normal volume and normal rate;Ask a low-pitched man to speak normally with standard speed and volume;Ask a low-pitched man to speak with normal speed and normal energy;Ask a man to speak in a low pitch, normal speed, and normal energy;Ask a man to speak in low pitch, normal speed and normal energy;Ask a man with a low pitch to speak at a normal speed and energy level;Ask a man with a low pitch to speak at a normal volume and speed;Command a man to speak in a low pitch, normal speed, and normal energy;Command a man with a low pitch to speak with normal speed and volume;Direct a man with a low pitch to speak with normal speed and energy;Instruct a man to speak in a low pitch, normal speed, and normal energy;Instruct a man with a low-pitched voice to speak at a standard speed and volume;Instruct a man with a low-pitched voice to speak with normal speed and energy;Let a man speak with a low pitch, normal volume and normal talking speed;Request a man to speak with a low pitch, normal speed, and normal energy;Request a man with a low-pitched voice to speak with normal speed and energy;Request a man with a low-pitched voice to speak with standard speed and volume;Tell a man to speak with a low pitch, normal speed, and normal energy;Tell a man with a low pitch to speak with normal speed and energy;Tell a man with a low pitch to speak with normal speed and volume;ask a low-pitched man to speak normally with standard speed and volume;ask a low-pitched man to speak with normal speed and normal energy;ask a man to speak in low pitch, normal speed and normal energy
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M_p-low_s-normal_e-high|A man who has a loud voice, low pitch and normal speed;A man who have a loud voice but low pitch and normal speed;A man who speaks with a loud voice but low pitch and normal speed;A man who speaks with a loud voice, low pitch and normal speed;A man with a loud sound, ask him to speak with low pitch and normal speed;A man with a loud sound, ask him to speak with low pitch and normal speed, please;A man with a loud voice and low pitch, speaking at a normal speed;A man with a loud voice but low pitch and normal speed;A man with a loud voice, low pitch and normal speed;Ask a man to speak with a loud voice but a low pitch and normal speed;Ask a man to speak with a loud voice but a low pitch with standard speaking speed;Ask a man to speak with a loud voice but low pitch and normal speed;Ask a man to speak with a low pitch, normal speed and high energy;Ask a man to speak with low pitch and normal speed, with a loud sound;Ask a man with a loud sound to speak with low pitch and normal speed;Command a man to speak with a low pitch, normal speed and high energy;Command a man to speak with low pitch, normal speed and high energy;Instruct a man to speak loudly but with a low pitch and normal speed;Instruct a man to speak with a low pitch, normal speed and high energy;Request a man to speak with a loud sound but a low pitch and normal speed;Request a man to speak with a low pitch, normal speed and high energy;Speak with a loud sound, ask a man to speak with low pitch and normal speed;Tell a man to speak loudly but with a low pitch and normal speed;Tell a man to speak with a low pitch, normal speed and high energy;ask a man to speak with low pitch, normal speed and high energy;ask a man with a loud sound to speak with low pitch and normal speed;tell a man to speak loudly but pitch is low with normal speaking speed
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M_p-low_s-fast_e-low|Ask a low-pitched male to speak quickly and in a low volume;Ask a low-pitched male to speak quickly and in small volume;Ask a low-pitched male to speak quickly and with low volume;Ask a low-pitched male with fast speaking speed and small volume;Ask a low-pitched man to speak quickly and in small volume;Ask a low-pitched man to speak quickly and with low volume;Ask a low-pitched man to speak quickly with small energy;Ask a low-pitched man with fast speaking speed and small volume;Ask a man to speak fast but with low pitch and low volume;Ask a man to speak quickly with a low pitch and low volume;Command a man to speak fast with a low pitch and low volume;Direct a low-pitched male to speak quickly and with a small voice;Direct a man to speak quickly with a low pitch and low volume;Instruct a low-pitched male to speak quickly and with a small volume;Instruct a man to speak quickly with a low pitch and low volume;Request a man to speak fast with a low pitch and low volume;ask a low-pitched male to speak quickly and in small volume;ask a low-pitched male to speak quickly and with low volume;ask a low-pitched man with fast speaking speed and small volume;ask a man to speak fast but with low pitch and low volume
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M_p-low_s-fast_e-normal|A low-pitched male speaks fast with normal volume;A low-pitched voice speaks fast with normal power;A male with a low-pitched voice speaks quickly and with normal power;A male with a low-pitched voice speaks rapidly and with normal intensity;A man speaks quickly with a low pitch and normal volume;A man with a low pitch speaks fast with normal volume;A man with a low-pitched voice speaks fast and at a normal loudness;A man with low pitch speaks quickly and at a normal volume;Ask a man to speak with a low pitch and fast speaking speed, while maintaining normal power;Ask a man to speak with low pitch and fast speed, while maintaining a normal volume;Ask a man to speak with low pitch, fast speaking speed and normal power;Ask a man with low pitch to speak quickly, but maintain a normal energy level;Command a man to speak with a low pitch and a fast speaking speed, while keeping the volume normal;Command a man with a low-pitched voice to speak quickly, but keep his energy level normal;Direct a man to speak quickly, with a low pitch and a normal volume;Direct a man to speak with a low pitch, fast speaking speed, and normal power;He speaks fast with a low pitch and normal power;He speaks fast with low pitch and normal power;Instruct a man to speak at a fast pace, while keeping his pitch low and his volume normal;Instruct a man to speak with a low pitch, fast speaking speed, and normal power;Request a man to speak quickly, but with a low pitch and a normal volume;Request a man to speak with a low-pitched voice, fast speech, and normal volume;Request a man with a low-pitched voice to speak rapidly, while keeping his energy level normal;Tell a man to speak with a low-pitched voice, fast speech, and normal volume;Tell a man with a low-pitched voice to speak fast, but maintain a normal energy level;ask a low-pitched man to speak fast but in normal energy;ask a man to speak fast but with low pitch and normal volume;ask a man to speak with low pitch, fast speaking speed and normal power
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M_p-low_s-fast_e-high|A low-pitched male speaks fast with high power;A male with a low-pitched voice speaks fast and with high energy;A male with a low-pitched voice speaks fast and with high intensity;A man with a low voice speaks fast and loudly;A man with a low voice speaks fast and with high volume;A man with a low voice speaks quickly and loudly;A man with a low voice speaks quickly and loudly with high energy;A man with a low voice speaks quickly and with high amplitude;A man with a low voice speaks quickly and with high energy;A man with a low voice speaks quickly and with high power;A man with a low voice speaks quickly and with high volume;A man with a low voice speaks quickly and with high volume and energy;A man with a low-pitched voice speaks fast and loudly with high energy;A man with a low-pitched voice speaks fast and with high energy;Ask a man to speak quickly and loudly with a low pitch;Ask a man to speak with a low pitch and high energy, but quickly and loudly;Ask a man to speak with a low pitch and high volume, but quickly;Ask a man to speak with a low voice and high energy, but fast and loudly;Ask a man to speak with a low voice and high volume, but fast;Ask a man with a low voice to speak quickly and loudly;He speaks loudly with fast talking speed and low pitch;a low-pitched man speaks with fast speaking speed and high energy;ask a man to speak fast but low pitch and high volume;ask a man with low voice to speak quickly and loudly
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M_p-normal_s-slow_e-low| ask a man to speak slowly with normal pitch and low energy;Ask a man to say at a low volume of speech at a slower speaking speed;Ask a man to use a normal pitch and low volume to say slowly;Ask a man to use a normal pitch and low volume to say slowly, please;Ask a man to use normal pitch and low volume to say slowly;Can I ask a man to speak slowly with normal pitch and low energy?;Can I ask a man to speak slowly with normal pitch and low volume?;Can I ask a man to speak slowly, with normal pitch and low volume?;Can I inquire about asking a man to speak at a low volume, normal pitch, and a slower speed of sound?;Can I request a man to speak at a low volume with a normal pitch and a slow speed of sound?;Can I request a man to use normal pitch and low volume to say slowly?;Can you ask a man to speak at a low volume with a slower pitch and a low speed of sound?;Can you ask a man to speak at a low volume with a slower speed of sound?;Can you ask a man to speak slowly with normal pitch and low energy?;Can you ask a man to use a low volume of speech with a slower speaking speed?;Can you kindly ask a man to speak slowly with normal pitch and low energy?;Is it okay to request a man to say something at a low volume, normal pitch, and a slower speed of sound?;Is it possible to ask a man to say at a low volume with normal pitch and a slow speed of sound?;Is it possible to ask a man to say something at a low volume, normal pitch, and slow speed?;May I ask a man to say at a low volume with a slower speaking rate?;May I ask a man to speak at a low volume with normal pitch and a slower speaking speed?;May I ask a man to use a normal pitch and low volume to say slowly?;May I inquire a man to use a normal pitch and low volume to say slowly?;May I request a man to speak at a low volume with normal pitch and a slow speed of sound?;May I request a man to speak slowly with a low volume of sound?;May I request a man to use a normal pitch and low volume to say slowly?;May i ask a man to say at a low volume at a normal pitch and a low speed of sound;May i ask a man to say at a low volume with normal pitch and a slow speed of sound;Would you ask a man to speak slowly with normal pitch and low energy?;Would you mind asking a man to speak slowly with normal pitch and low energy?;ask a man to speak slowly with normal pitch and low energy
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M_p-normal_s-slow_e-normal|A man speaks in a normal pitch slowly with normal volume;A man speaks slowly with normal pitch and normal volume;A man speaks slowly with normal pitch and volume;A man speaks slowly, with a normal pitch and a normal volume;A man speaks slowly, with a normal pitch and volume;A man speaks slowly, with normal pitch and volume;A man speaks with a normal pitch and normal volume, but slowly;A man speaks with a normal pitch and slow speed;A man speaks with a slow speed, a normal pitch and volume;A man speaks with a slow speed, normal pitch and volume;A man speaks with slow speaking speed, normal pitch and normal volume;A man spoke slowly with a normal volume and standard pitch;A man spoke slowly with a standard volume and normal pitch;Ask a man to speak slowly but with normal pitch and normal volume;This man said slowly with standard volume and normal pitch;This man spoke slowly with a normal volume and standard pitch;This man spoke slowly with a standard volume and normal pitch;a man speaks with slow speaking speed, normal pitch and normal volume;ask a man to speak slowly but with normal pitch and normal volume;this man said slowly with standard volume and normal pitch
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M_p-normal_s-slow_e-high|Ask a man to speak with a normal pitch and slow talking speed, and high energy;Ask a man to speak with normal pitch and slow talking speed, and high energy;Ask a man to speak with normal pitch, slow talking speed and high energy;Ask a man with a loud voice and say a word slowly;Ask a man with a loud voice to articulate slowly;Ask a man with a loud voice to pronounce slowly;Ask a man with a loud voice to say slowly;Ask a man with a loud voice to speak slowly;Ask a man with loud sound to articulate slowly;Ask a man with loud sound to pronounce slowly;Ask a man with loud sound to say slowly;Ask a man with loud sound to speak slowly;Ask a man with loud voice to say slowly;Let a man speak slowly with high energy and normal pitch;Let a man with high energy and normal pitch speak slowly;Request a man with a loud voice to say a word slowly;ask a man to speak with normal pitch, slow talking speed and high energy;let a man speak slowly with high energy and normal pitch
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M_p-normal_s-normal_e-low|He speaks quietly, but his speech has a normal pitch and a standard talking speed;He speaks with a low volume, but his speech has a normal pitch and a standard talking speed;He speaks with a low volume, but his speech has a normal pitch and normal speaking speed;He speaks with a low volume, but his speech is at a standard pace;He speaks with a low volume, but his speech is normal;He speaks with low energy, but the pitch is normal and the speed is standard;He speaks with low volume, but the pitch is normal and the speed is standard;He speaks with low volume, but the speed is normal;he speaks with low volume but speaks normally with standard speaking speed;ask a man to speak with low energy but normal pitch and normal speaking speed;he speaks with low volume but the speech has normal pitch and standard talking speed;he speaks with low volume, but his speech has normal pitch and normal speaking speed;his voice is small in volume, but the speed is normal
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M_p-normal_s-normal_e-normal|A man speaks in average speaking speed with a normal pitch and normal volume;A man speaks with a normal pitch, speed, and volume;A man speaks with a normal volume, average speaking speed, and normal pitch;A man speaks with a normal volume, normal pitch, and average speaking speed;A man speaks with a normal volume, normal speaking speed, and normal pitch;A man speaks with a normal volume, standard pitch, and normal speaking speed;A man speaks with a normal volume, standard speaking speed, and normal pitch;A man speaks with a regular pitch, speed, and volume;A man speaks with a standard pitch, speed, and volume;A man speaks with a typical pitch, speed, and volume;A man speaks with an average pitch, speed, and volume;A man speaks with average pitch, normal volume and average speaking speed;A man speaks with normal pitch, average speaking speed and normal volume;A man speaks with normal volume, average pitch and normal speaking speed;A man speaks with normal volume, average speaking speed and standard pitch;A man speaks with normal volume, normal pitch and average talking speed;A man speaks with normal volume, normal pitch and normal talking speed;A man speaks with normal volume, normal pitch and regular talking speed;A man speaks with normal volume, normal pitch and standard talking speed;A man speaks with normal volume, normal pitch and typical talking speed;A man speaks with normal volume, standard pitch and average speaking speed;A man speaks with normal volume, standard speaking speed and normal pitch;ask a man to speak normally with normal pitch, speed, and volume
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M_p-normal_s-normal_e-high| ask a man to speak normal pitch, normal speed and high energy;A man speaks with high volume and normal pitch, speaking at a normal speed;A man speaks with high volume, normal pitch, and a normal speaking speed;A man speaks with high volume, normal pitch, and a speed that is normal;A man speaks with high volume, normal pitch, and a speed that is typical;A man speaks with high volume, normal pitch, and normal speaking speed;He said loudly with normal speed and high pitch;He speaks loudly with normal speed and high pitch;He speaks with a high volume, normal speed and a high pitch;He speaks with high energy, normal pitch and normal speed;He speaks with high volume and normal speed, with a high pitch;He speaks with normal pitch and high energy, at a normal speed;He speaks with normal pitch and normal speed, but with high energy;He speaks with normal pitch, high energy and normal speed;He speaks with normal pitch, normal speed and high energy;He spoke loudly with normal speed and a high pitch;He spoke loudly with normal speed and high pitch;He spoke loudly, with normal speed and a high pitch;He spoke loudly, with normal speed and a high-pitched voice;He spoke with a loud voice and normal speed, with a high pitch;He spoke with high volume and normal speed, with a high pitch;a man speaks with high volume but normal pitch and normal speaking speed
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M_p-normal_s-fast_e-low|Ask a man to speak fast with normal pitch and low energy;Ask a man to speak quickly with a normal pitch and low energy;Ask a man to speak quickly with low energy and standard pitch;Ask a man to speak quickly, with a normal pitch and low energy;Ask a man to speak with a normal pitch and a fast speaking speed, while keeping the energy low;Ask a man to speak with a normal pitch, but speak quickly and with low energy;Ask a man to speak with a normal pitch, but with a fast speaking speed and low energy;Ask a man to speak with a normal pitch, but with a fast speaking speed and low volume;Ask a man to speak with a normal pitch, but with a quick pace and low volume;Ask a man to speak with a normal pitch, but with a quick tempo and low volume;Ask a man to speak with a standard pitch, but with a fast pace and low energy;Ask a man to speak with a standard pitch, but with a quick pace and low energy;He speaks with a fast speaking speed and normal pitch and low volume;He speaks with a low volume and fast speaking speed and normal pitch;He speaks with a normal pitch and fast speaking speed and low volume;He speaks with a normal pitch and low volume, and his speaking speed is fast;He speaks with fast speaking speed and normal pitch and low volume;His pitch is normal, but his speaking speed is fast and his volume is low;His pitch is normal, but his speaking speed is fast, and his volume is low;His pitch is normal, but the speed is fast, and the volume is low;His speaking speed is fast, and his pitch is normal, and his volume is low;ask a man to speak fast with normal pitch and low energy;ask a man to speak quickly with low energy and standard pitch;he speaks with fast speaking speed and normal pitch and low volume
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M_p-normal_s-fast_e-normal| a man speaks quickly with standard pitch and standard energy;A male voice speaks fast with normal pitch and normal volume;A male who speaks quickly has normal pitch and volume;A male's pitch and volume are typical when he speaks quickly;A man speaks quickly with a normal pitch and standard energy;A man speaks quickly with a normal pitch and standard volume;A man speaks quickly with a standard pitch and normal energy;A man speaks quickly with a standard pitch and normal volume;A man speaks quickly with a standard pitch and standard energy;A man speaks quickly with normal pitch and normal volume;A man speaks quickly with normal pitch and standard volume;A man speaks quickly with standard pitch and standard energy;A man's pitch and volume are normal when he speaks quickly;A man's pitch and volume are standard when he speaks quickly;A man's voice that speaks quickly has a normal pitch;A man's voice that speaks quickly is normal in pitch;A quick-talking man's voice is normal in pitch;Ask a male to speak quickly, his pitch and volume are normal;Ask a man to speak quickly, his pitch and volume are normal;Let a man speak fast with normal pitch and normal volume;Let us use the voice of a fast speaking man, his pitch is normal;Let's use a man's voice that speaks quickly and has a normal pitch;Let's use a man's voice that speaks quickly and has a normal pitch and volume;This man speaks quickly with normal pitch and standard volume;When a male speaks quickly, his pitch and volume remain normal;ask a male to speak quickly, his pitch and volume are normal;ask a man to speak fast but with normal pitch and normal volume;let us use the voice of a fast speaking man, his pitch is normal;this man speaks quickly with normal pitch and standard volume
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M_p-normal_s-fast_e-high| a man speaks quickly with average pitch and high volume;A man speaks fast with average pitch and high energy;A man speaks fast with average pitch and high volume;A man speaks fast with normal pitch and high energy;A man speaks quickly with a loud voice and average pitch;A man speaks quickly with average pitch and high volume;A man speaks quickly with normal pitch and high volume;Ask a man to quickly say a word with a loud voice;Ask a man to quickly say a word with a loud voice and average pitch;Ask a man to quickly say a word with a loud voice and normal pitch;Ask a man to quickly say something with normal pitch and high energy;Ask a man to quickly speak with a high volume and normal pitch;Ask a man to quickly speak with a normal pitch and high volume;Ask a man to quickly speak with average pitch and high volume;Ask a man to quickly talk with a high volume and normal pitch;Ask a man to quickly talk with normal pitch and high volume;Ask a man to say a word with a loud voice and fast speaking speed and average pitch;Ask a man to say a word with a loud voice and fast speaking speed and normal pitch;Ask a man to say a word with a loud voice and fast speed;Ask a man to say something with a loud voice and fast speaking speed and normal pitch;Ask a man with a loud voice to quickly say a word;Ask a man with a loud voice to quickly say a word with average pitch;Ask a man with a loud voice to quickly say a word with normal pitch;Ask a man with a loud voice to say a word fast with average pitch;Ask a man with a loud voice to say a word quickly;Ask a man with a loud voice to say a word quickly with average pitch;Ask a man with a loud voice to say a word quickly with normal pitch;a man speaks fast with normal pitch and high energy;ask a man to say a word with a loud voice and fast speaking speed and normal pitch
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M_p-high_s-slow_e-low| a man speaks with slow speaking speed, high pitch, and low volume; ask a man to speak slowly with high pitch and low energy;A man speaks slowly with a high-pitched voice and low volume;A man speaks slowly with low volume and high-pitched voice;A man speaks slowly, with a high pitch and low energy;A man speaks slowly, with a high pitch and low volume;A man speaks slowly, with a high pitch and low-energy voice;A man speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice and low energy;A man speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice and low volume;A man speaks slowly, with a low volume and a high-pitched voice;A man speaks slowly, with a low volume and high-pitched voice;A man speaks slowly, with low volume and a high-pitched voice;A man speaks with a high-pitched voice, slow speed, and low volume;A man speaks with a low volume, high-pitched voice, and slow speed;He speaks slowly, but with a high-pitched voice and low volume;He speaks slowly, with a low-energy voice and high pitch;a man speaks with slow speaking speed, high pitch, and low volume;ask a man to speak slowly with high pitch and low energy;he speaks slowly, but with high pitch and low volume;high pitched, slow speaking, low volume, man
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M_p-high_s-slow_e-normal| a man speaks slowly with normal volume and high pitch; ask a man to speak slowly with high pitch and normal volume;A man speaking slowly, but the sound is high-pitched and volume is normal;A man speaking slowly, with a high pitch and normal volume;A man speaks slowly with normal volume and high pitch;A man speaks slowly, but his pitch is high and volume is average;A man speaks slowly, but his pitch is high and volume is high;A man speaks slowly, but his pitch is high and volume is low;A man speaks slowly, but his pitch is high and volume is moderate;A man speaks slowly, but his pitch is high and volume is normal;A man speaks slowly, with a high pitch and average volume;A man speaks slowly, with a high pitch and normal volume;A man speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice and average volume;A man speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice and normal volume;A man speaks slowly, with a normal volume and high pitch;A man talking slowly, but the sound is high-pitched and volume is normal;A man who speaks slowly, but he has a high pitch and low energy;A man who speaks slowly, but his voice is high-pitched and low-amplitude;A man who speaks slowly, but his voice is high-pitched and low-decibel;A man who speaks slowly, but his voice is high-pitched and low-energy;A man who speaks slowly, but his voice is high-pitched and low-intensity;A man who speaks slowly, but his voice is high-pitched and low-volume;A man who speaks slowly, with a high pitch and normal volume;Ask a man to speak slowly with high pitch and normal volume
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M_p-high_s-slow_e-high| a high-pitched man speaks slowly with high volume;A high-pitched man speaks slowly with high volume;A man speaks loudly and slowly, but with a high pitch;A man speaks loudly and with a high pitch, but slowly;A man speaks loudly with high pitch and high energy;A man speaks loudly with high pitch but slowly;A man speaks slowly and loudly with high pitch;A man speaks slowly and with a high pitch, but loudly;A man speaks slowly with a high pitch and a high-energy voice;A man speaks slowly with a high pitch and a high-pitched voice;A man speaks slowly with a high pitch and a loud, high-pitched voice;A man speaks slowly with a high pitch and high energy;A man speaks slowly with a high pitch and loud volume;A man speaks slowly with high pitch and high energy;A man speaks slowly with high pitch and high volume;A man speaks slowly with high pitch but loudly;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks slowly and loudly;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks slowly and with high volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks slowly, but loudly;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks slowly, but with high volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks slowly, with high volume;Ask a man speaks slowly with high pitch and high energy;This man said loudly and his speed is slow, but the pitch is high;This man speaks slowly and loudly, but with high pitch;This man speaks slowly and loudly, with a high pitch;This man speaks with a high pitch, slowly and loudly;ask a man speaks slowly with high pitch and high energy;this man speaks slowly and loudly, but with high pitch
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M_p-high_s-normal_e-low|A high-pitched man speaks with normal speed and low volume;A high-pitched man with low volume and normal speed;A man speaks with high pitch, normal talking speed and low energy;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks at a normal speed and low volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with a normal speed and low volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with low volume and normal speed;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal speed and low volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal speed, low volume, and normal energy;A man with high pitch, low volume and normal speed;A man with high pitch, normal speed and low volume;Ask a high-pitched man to speak with normal speaking speed and low volume;Ask a man with a high-pitched voice to speak with normal speed and low volume;Create a man with a high-pitched voice for me, and his volume is low and speed is normal;Create a man with a high-pitched voice, low volume, and normal speed for me;I want a man with a high pitch but low volume and normal speaking speed;I want a man with a high-pitched voice, low volume, and normal speed;I want a man with high pitch but low volume and normal speaking speed;Let me ask a high-pitched man to speak with low volume and normal talking speed;Let me ask a man with a high-pitched voice to speak with low volume and normal speed;Let me request a man with a high-pitched voice to speak with low volume and normal speed;a man speaks with high pitch, normal talking speed and low energy;ask a high-pitched man to speak with normal speaking speed and low volume;let me ask a high-pitched man to speak with low volume and normal talking speed
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M_p-high_s-normal_e-normal|A gentleman with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal energy and normal speaking speed;A high-pitched man speaks with standard speed and normal volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks at a standard speed and normal volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal energy and normal speaking speed;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal energy and normal volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal energy and normal volume at a standard speed;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal energy and standard speaking speed;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal energy and standard speed at normal volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal speed and average volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal speed and normal volume;a gentleman speaks with high pitch, normal energy and normal speaking speed;a high-pitched man speaks with standard speed and normal volume;a man speaks with high pitch, normal energy and normal speaking speed;ask a high-pitched man to speak with normal speaking speed and normal energy;ask a high-pitched man to talk with normal speed and average volume;ask a man to speak with high pitch and normal energy but standard articulation speed;ask a man to speak with high pitch and normal energy but standard speaking rate;ask a man to speak with high pitch and normal energy but standard speaking speed;ask a man to speak with high pitch and normal energy but standard speech speed;ask a man to speak with high pitch and normal energy but standard talking speed;ask a man to speak with normal energy, normal speed and high pitch;ask a man with high-pitched voice to speak with average energy and normal speed;ask a man with high-pitched voice to speak with normal energy and normal speed;ask a man with high-pitched voice to speak with normal speed and average volume;ask a man with high-pitched voice to speak with normal speed and normal energy;ask a man with high-pitched voice to speak with normal volume and normal speed;ask a man with high-pitched voice to talk with normal energy and average volume;ask a man with high-pitched voice to talk with normal energy and normal speed;ask a man with high-pitched voice to talk with normal speed and average volume;let us ask a man to talk normally with high pitch
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M_p-high_s-normal_e-high| a man speaks with high pitch, normal talking speed and normal power;A high-pitched man is asked to speak loudly at a normal speed;A man speaks with a high pitch, normal talking speed and normal power;A man speaks with a high pitch, normal talking speed, and normal intensity;A man speaks with a high pitch, normal talking speed, and normal power;A man speaks with a high pitch, normal talking speed, and normal volume;A man speaks with a high-pitched voice, normal talking speed, and normal power;A man speaks with a high-pitched voice, normal talking speed, and normal volume;A man speaks with high pitch, normal speed and high energy;A man speaks with high pitch, normal speed and high energy level;A man speaks with high pitch, normal talking speed and high energy;A man speaks with high pitch, normal talking speed and normal power;A man speaks with normal talking speed and high power, and a high pitch;A man with a high-pitched voice is asked to speak loudly and at a normal speed;A man with a high-pitched voice is asked to speak loudly at a normal speed;Ask a man to speak with a high pitch, normal talking speed and normal power;Ask a man to speak with high pitch, normal speed and high energy;Ask a man to speak with high pitch, normal speed and normal power;Ask a man to speak with high pitch, normal talking speed and high energy;Ask a man to speak with high pitch, normal talking speed and high power;High pitch sound, man, loud volume, but standard speaking speed;ask a high-pitched man to speak loudly with normal speaking speed;ask a man to speak with high pitch, normal sped and high energy;high pitch sound, man, loud volume, but standard speaking speed;loud volume, a man, high pitch sound, but his speed is no different from ordinary people
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M_p-high_s-fast_e-low| ask a high-pitched man to talk fast with low volume; ask a man to speak with high pitch, fast speaking speed and low energy;A high-pitched male quickly said for us, his volume is low;A high-pitched male quickly said, his volume is low;A high-pitched male said for us, his volume is low, quickly;A high-pitched male said for us, quickly, his volume is low;A high-pitched male said quickly for us, his volume is low;A high-pitched male said, for us, quickly, his volume is low;A high-pitched man quickly said, his volume is low;A high-pitched man said quickly, his volume is low;A man said quickly, his volume is low and pitch is high;A man was asked to say with fast talking speed, his volume is low and pitch is high;Ask a high-pitched male to say quickly, his volume is low;Ask a high-pitched male to say quickly, his volume is low and pitch is high;Ask a high-pitched man to talk fast with low volume;Ask a male to quickly say, his volume is low and pitch is high;Ask a male to say quickly, his volume is low and pitch is high;Ask a man to say with a high pitch, fast speaking speed, and low energy level;Ask a man to say with a high pitch, fast speaking speed, and low energy output;Ask a man to say with fast talking speed, his volume is low and pitch is high;Ask a man to speak quickly, his volume is low and his pitch is high;Ask a man to speak with a high pitch, fast speaking speed, and low energy;Ask a man to speak with a high-pitched voice, fast talking speed, and low volume;Ask a man to speak with a high-pitched voice, fast talking speed, and low volume level;Ask a man to speak with high pitch, fast speaking speed and low energy;a high-pitched male said quickly for us, his volume is low;ask a high-pitched male to say quickly, his volume is low,
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M_p-high_s-fast_e-normal| ask a high-pitched man to speak fast with normal volume; ask a high-pitched man to speak with fast speaking speed and normal energy;A high-pitched man quickly spoke to me with normal volume;A high-pitched man quickly spoke to me with normal volume and energy;A high-pitched man speaks fast with normal energy;A high-pitched man speaks fast with normal volume;A high-pitched man speaks quickly with normal volume;A high-pitched man spoke quickly to me with normal volume and energy;A high-pitched man spoke with fast speed and normal energy and volume;A high-pitched man spoke with fast speed and normal volume and energy;A high-pitched man spoke with fast speed and normal volume, and normal energy;A man speaks fast with high pitch and normal energy;Ask a high-pitched man to speak with fast speaking speed and normal energy;Ask a man to speak with a high-pitched voice, fast speaking speed, and normal energy;Ask a man to speak with high pitch, fast speaking speed and normal power;Ask a man to speak with high pitch, fast speaking speed and normal volume;He quickly said to me, the pitch is high and volume is normal;He speaks fast with a high-pitched voice and normal volume;He speaks fast with high pitch and normal volume;He speaks quickly with a high-pitched voice and normal energy;He speaks with high pitch, fast speaking speed and normal power;The high-pitched man spoke fast with normal volume;The high-pitched man spoke quickly with normal volume;The high-pitched man spoke with fast speed and normal volume;The high-pitched man spoke with normal energy and fast speed;The man with high-pitched voice speaks fast with normal volume;a high-pitched man speaks fast with normal volume;ask a man to speak with high pitch, fast speaking speed and normal power;he speaks fast with high pitch and normal energy
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M_p-high_s-fast_e-high| ask a male to speak with high pitch, fast speaking speed and high volume; ask a man to speak fast with high pitch and high energy; let a man to speak quickly with high pitch and high volume;A high-pitched man speaks fast with high energy;A man speaks fast with a high pitch and high volume;A man speaks fast with high energy and a high pitch;A man speaks quickly and loudly, with a high pitch;A man speaks quickly with a high pitch and high volume;A man speaks quickly with a high-pitched voice and high volume;A man speaks quickly with high energy and a high-pitched voice;A man speaks with high energy and a high pitch, quickly and loudly;A man with a high pitch and high energy speaks fast;A man with a high pitch speaks quickly with high energy;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks fast and with high energy;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks fast and with high volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks quickly and with high energy;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks quickly and with high energy and volume;A man with a high-pitched voice speaks quickly and with high volume;Ask a high-pitched man to speak fast with high energy;Ask a male to speak with a high-pitched voice, fast speaking speed, and high volume;Ask a male to speak with high pitch, fast speaking speed and high volume;Ask a man to speak fast with high pitch and high energy;Ask a man to speak quickly with a high-pitched voice and high energy;Ask a man with fast speaking speed, high energy and high pitch;Command a male to speak with a high-pitched voice, fast speaking speed, and high volume;Command a man to speak quickly with a high-pitched voice and high energy;His pitch is high, the volume is high, and he speaks fast;His pitch is high, the volume is high, and he speaks quickly;His pitch is high, the volume is large, and he speaks fast;His pitch is high, the volume is large, and he speaks quickly;Inquire a male to speak with a high-pitched voice, fast speaking speed, and high volume;Instruct a male to speak with a high-pitched voice, fast speaking speed, and high volume;Instruct a man to speak fast with a high-pitched voice and high energy;Let a man to speak quickly with high pitch and high volume;Request a male to speak with a high-pitched voice, fast speaking speed, and high volume;Request a man to speak fast with a high-pitched voice and high energy;Tell a man to speak quickly with a high-pitched voice and high energy;ask a high-pitched man to speak fast with high energy;ask a man with fast speaking speed, high energy and high pitch
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F_p-low_s-slow_e-low| ask a female to speak with low pitch, slow speaking speed and low energy; let a woman to talk in low pitch, slow speed and low volume;A female is asked to speak slowly with a low pitch and low volume;A female is speaking slowly with a low pitch and low volume;A female is told to speak slowly with a low pitch and low volume;A female speaks slowly in low pitch with low power;A female's pitch is low, her speaking speed is slow, and her volume is low;A female's speech is often delivered in a low pitch, at a slow speed, and with low energy;A female's tone of voice is usually characterized by its low pitch, slow speed, and low energy;A female's voice is in low volume, her pitch is low, and her speaking speed is slow;A female's voice is low, her speaking speed is slow, and her volume is low;A female's voice is low, her speech is slow, and her volume is low;A female's voice is typically characterized by its low pitch, slow speed, and low energy;A female's way of speaking is often characterized by her low pitch, slow speed, and low energy;A woman is requested to speak slowly with a low pitch and low volume;A woman's pitch is low, her speaking speed is slow, and her volume is low;A woman's voice is low, her speech is slow, and her volume is low;Ask a female to talk in a low pitch, slow speed, and low volume;Ask a woman to speak slowly with a low pitch and low volume;Her pitch is low, her speaking speed is slow, and her voice is in small volume;Her voice is in low volume, her pitch is low, and her speaking speed is slow;Instruct a female to speak slowly, with a low pitch and low volume;Let a woman speak slowly with a low pitch and a low volume;Let a woman speak slowly with a low pitch and low volume;Let a woman speak with a low pitch, slow speed, and low volume;Request a woman to speak with a low pitch, slow speed, and low volume;When a female speaks, she typically uses a low pitch, slow speed, and low energy;ask a woman to speak slowly with low pitch and low volume
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F_p-low_s-slow_e-normal| ask a female person to speak slowly with low pitch and normal volume; ask a woman to speak with low pitch, slow speed and normal energy;A female is advised to speak with low pitch, slow speed and normal energy;A female is asked to speak slowly with low pitch and normal volume;A female is requested to speak with low pitch, slow speed and normal energy;A female person is asked to speak with low pitch, slow speed and normal volume;A female person is requested to speak slowly with low pitch and normal volume;A female person speaks slowly with normal volume and high pitch;A female person speaks slowly, with low pitch and normal volume;A female person speaks slowly, with normal volume and low pitch;A female person speaks with low pitch, slow speed and normal volume;A female person with low pitch speaks slowly, with normal volume;A female person with normal volume speaks slowly, with low pitch;A female speaks in high pitch but slowly with normal volume;A woman is asked to speak slowly with low pitch and normal volume;A woman is asked to speak with low pitch, slow speed and normal energy;A woman is asked to speak with low pitch, slow speed and normal volume;A woman is instructed to speak with low pitch, slow speed and normal energy;A woman is urged to speak with low pitch, slow speed and normal energy;A woman speaks slowly with low pitch and normal volume;A woman speaks slowly with normal volume and high pitch;A woman speaks with low pitch, slow speed and normal volume;A woman with low pitch speaks slowly, with normal volume;A woman with normal volume speaks slowly, with low pitch;There is a woman who speaks slowly, with normal volume and low pitch;ask a woman to speak slowly with low pitch and normal volume
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F_p-low_s-slow_e-high| ask a woman to speak with high volume, low pitch and slow talking speed; let a female person to talk with low pitch, slow speaking speed and high volume;A female person should be allowed to speak with a low pitch, slow speed, and high volume;A female person should be asked to speak with a low pitch, slow speed, and high volume;A female person should be instructed to speak with a low pitch, slow speed, and high volume;A female person should be requested to speak with a low pitch, slow speed, and high volume;A female person should be told to speak with a low pitch, slow speed, and high volume;A female person should speak slowly, with low pitch and high volume;A female person speaks slowly and loudly, her pitch is low;A female should speak slowly, with low pitch and high volume;A female speaks slowly and loudly but with low pitch;A female with a low pitch and slow speaking speed spoke loudly;A woman should speak slowly, with low pitch and high volume;A woman speaks slowly and loudly, her pitch is low;A woman who speaks slowly, her pitch is low, she said loudly;A woman with a low pitch and slow speaking speed spoke loudly;A woman with a slow speaking speed, low pitch, and loud volume spoke;Ask a woman to speak slowly and loudly, her pitch is low;Ask a woman to speak slowly, her pitch is low, she said loudly;Ask a woman to speak slowly, with low pitch and high volume;Let a female person speak slowly and loudly, her pitch is low;Let a female person speak slowly, with low pitch and high volume;ask a woman to speak slowly with low pitch and high volume
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F_p-low_s-normal_e-low| ask a woman to speak with low pitch, normal speed and low energy; let a female person to speak with normal speed, low pitch and low volume;A female is speaking with a low pitch, normal speed and low volume;A female is speaking with a low-pitched voice, normal speed and low volume;A female is speaking with low pitch, normal speed and low volume;A female person speaks with normal speed, low pitch and low volume;A female person with low pitch speaks with normal speed and low volume;A female speaks in low pitch with normal speed and low volume;A female voice with low pitch, normal speed and low volume is speaking;A female with a low-pitched voice and normal speed speaks at a low volume;A female with a low-pitched voice and normal speed speaks in a low volume;A female with low pitch and low volume speaks at a normal speed;A female with low pitch and normal speed speaks with low decibel level;A female with low pitch and normal speed speaks with low volume;A female with low volume speaks with normal pitch and speed;A low-pitched female voice speaks with normal speed and low volume;A low-pitched female with normal speaking speed speaks with low volume;A woman speaks with low pitch, normal speaking speed and low volume;A woman with low pitch and normal speed speaks with low amplitude;A woman with low pitch and normal speed speaks with low energy;A woman with low pitch and normal speed speaks with low intensity;A woman with low pitch speaks with normal speed and low volume;A woman with low volume speaks in low pitch and normal speed;A woman with normal speed and low volume speaks in low pitch;A woman's voice is speaking with low pitch, normal speed and low volume;Ask a woman to speak with low pitch, normal speed and low volume;Let a female person speak with normal speed, low pitch and low volume
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F_p-low_s-normal_e-normal| let a woman speak with low pitch, normal speed and normal volume;A low-pitched female speaks with normal speed and normal power;Ask a low-pitched female to speak with normal speaking speed and normal energy;Converse with her in a low pitch, normal speed and normal power;Let a woman speak with low pitch, normal speed and normal volume;She articulated with her low pitch, normal speed and normal volume;She communicated with her low pitch, normal speed and normal volume;She expressed herself with her low pitch, normal speed and normal volume;She said in her normal speaking speed with low pitch and normal power;She said with her low pitch with normal talking speed and normal volume;She speaks with low pitch and normal speed;She speaks with low pitch and normal volume;She speaks with low pitch, normal speed and normal power;She speaks with low pitch, normal speed and normal volume;She speaks with normal speed and low pitch;She speaks with normal volume and low pitch;She spoke with a low pitch and normal speed;She spoke with a low pitch, normal speed and normal volume;She spoke with a low-pitched voice, normal speed and normal volume;She spoke with her low pitch, normal speed and normal volume;She spoke with her normal speaking speed, low pitch and normal power;She spoke with low pitch and normal energy;She spoke with low pitch and normal speaking speed;She spoke with low pitch and normal volume;She spoke with low pitch, normal power and normal speed;She spoke with low pitch, normal speed and normal power;She spoke with normal energy and low pitch;She spoke with normal speaking speed and low pitch;She spoke with normal speed and low pitch;She spoke with normal speed and normal volume, with a low pitch;She spoke with normal speed, low pitch and normal power;She spoke with normal speed, normal power and low pitch;She spoke with normal volume and low pitch;She talked with her low pitch, normal speed and normal volume;She talks normally with low pitch and normal speaking speed;She talks with low pitch and normal speed;She talks with low pitch and normal volume;She talks with normal speed and low pitch;She talks with normal volume and low pitch;Speak with her low pitch, normal speed and normal power;Talk to her with low pitch, normal speed and normal power;Talk with her low pitch, normal speed and normal power;ask a low-pitched female to speak with normal speaking speed and normal energy
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F_p-low_s-normal_e-high|A low-pitched woman speaks loudly with normal speed and high volume;A low-pitched woman speaks with high volume and normal speaking rate;A low-pitched woman speaks with high volume and normal speed;A low-pitched woman speaks with normal speaking speed and high volume;A low-pitched woman speaks with normal speed and high energy;A low-pitched woman speaks with normal speed and high volume;A woman speaks in low pitch and high volume and normal speaking rate;A woman speaks in low pitch and high volume, normal speed;A woman speaks in low pitch and high volume, with a normal speaking rate;A woman speaks in low pitch and high volume, with normal speaking rate;A woman speaks with a low pitch, high volume, and normal speaking rate;A woman speaks with her low pitch, high volume, and normal speed;A woman speaks with low pitch and high volume, normal speed;A woman speaks with low pitch, high volume, and normal speaking rate;A woman speaks with low pitch, high volume, and normal speed;A woman with a low pitch speaks with normal speed and high volume;A woman with a low voice speaks with normal speed and high volume;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks loudly with normal speed;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks with normal speed and high volume;A woman with low pitch speaks at normal speed and high energy;A woman with low pitch speaks with high energy and normal speed;A woman with low pitch speaks with high volume and normal speed;A woman with low pitch speaks with normal speed and high energy;A woman with low pitch speaks with normal speed and high volume;Ask a low-pitched woman to speak loudly with normal speed;Can I inquire about a woman speaking in a low pitch, high volume and normal talking speed?;Can I request a woman to articulate words in a low pitch, high volume and normal talking speed?;Can I request a woman to speak in a low pitch, high volume and normal talking speed?;Is it possible to ask a woman to speak in a low pitch, high volume and normal talking speed?;May i ask a woman to speak in low pitch, high volume and normal talking speed;Would it be appropriate to ask a woman to speak in a low pitch, high volume and normal talking speed?;a low-pitched woman speaks with normal speaking speed and high volume;a woman speaks with low pitch, normal speaking speed and high energy;ask a low-pitched woman to say something loudly with normal speaking speed
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F_p-low_s-fast_e-low| a low-pitched woman speaks with fast speaking speed and low volume; ask a woman quickly with low pitch and low power;A woman speaks quickly with a low pitch and low energy;A woman speaks with a low pitch and low energy, speaking quickly;A woman speaks with a low pitch, speaking quickly and with low energy;A woman with a low pitch and fast speaking speed speaks with low energy;A woman with a low pitch and fast speaking speed speaks with low energy and low volume;A woman with a low pitch and fast speaking speed speaks with low volume and low energy;A woman with a low pitch and low energy speaks fast;A woman with a low pitch and low energy speaks quickly;A woman with a low pitch and low volume speaks rapidly;A woman with a low pitch speaks quickly and with low energy;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks fast and with low energy;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks fast and with low volume;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks quickly and with low energy;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks quickly and with low power;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks quickly and with low volume;Let a woman with a low pitch and fast speaking speed speak with low energy;Let a woman with a low pitch and fast speaking speed speak with low volume and low energy;a woman speaks fast with low pitch and low energy;a woman speaks rapidly with a low pitch and low volume;a woman speaks with a low pitch and low volume, but quickly;ask a woman to speak with a low pitch and low volume, but quickly;ask a woman with small volume but a low pitch and fast speaking speed;let a woman speak with a low pitch and low volume, but quickly;let a woman speaks with low pitch, fast speed and low energy
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F_p-low_s-fast_e-normal| ask a low-pitched woman speaks fast with normal volume;A female person should speak with a low pitch, fast speaking speed and normal energy;A female person should speak with low pitch, fast speaking speed and normal energy;A female person should speak with low pitch, fast speaking speed and normal volume;A female person should speak with low pitch, fast talking speed and normal energy;A female person should speak with low pitch, fast talking speed and normal energy level;A female with a low pitch speaks fast with normal loudness;A female with low pitch voice speaks quickly with normal volume;A low-pitched woman speaks fast with normal volume;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks quickly with normal decibel level;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks rapidly with normal intensity;Ask a female person to speak with low pitch, fast speaking speed and normal volume;Her voice is characterized by a fast tempo and low pitch, with normal volume;Her voice is fast and low pitch with normal volume;She speaks in a low pitch with fast talking speed and normal power;She speaks in a low pitch, fast talking speed and normal power;She speaks in low pitch with fast talking speed and normal power;She speaks in low pitch with fast talking speed and normal volume;She speaks in low pitch with fast talking speed with normal power;She speaks in low pitch, fast talking speed and normal power;She speaks in low pitch, fast talking speed, and normal power;ask a female person to speak with low pitch, fast speaking speed and normal energy
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F_p-low_s-fast_e-high|A woman speaks with a low pitch, fast speaking speed and high volume;A woman speaks with a low pitch, fast speaking speed, and high volume;A woman speaks with low pitch and fast speaking speed;A woman speaks with low pitch and high energy;A woman speaks with low pitch and high volume;A woman speaks with low pitch, fast speaking speed and high volume;A woman uses a low pitch and fast speaking speed;A woman uses a low pitch and fast speaking speed and say loudly;A woman uses a low pitch and fast speaking speed and says loudly;A woman uses a low pitch and fast speaking speed and speaks loudly;A woman uses a low pitch and high energy;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks quickly and with high intensity;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks quickly and with high volume;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks rapidly and loudly;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks rapidly and with great volume;A woman with a low-pitched voice speaks rapidly and with high energy;Ask a woman to speak fast with a low pitch and high energy;Ask a woman to speak fast with low pitch and high energy;Ask a woman to speak quickly with a low pitch and high energy;Please ask a woman to speak quickly with a low pitch and high energy;Please ask a woman to speak quickly with low pitch and high energy;This low-pitched woman speaks quickly with high volume;ask a woman to speak fast with low pitch and high energy;please ask a woman to speak quickly with low pitch and high energy;this low-pitched woman speaks quickly with high volume
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F_p-normal_s-slow_e-low| let a woman speak slowly with low volume and normal pitch;ask a female person to speak slowly with low volume and normal pitch;ask a female person to speak slowly with normal pitch and low volume;ask a woman to speak slowly with low volume and normal pitch;ask a woman to speak slowly with normal pitch and low volume;ask a woman to speak with low volume and normal pitch, but slow speed;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch and low volume, but slow speed;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch but low volume and slow speed;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, low volume and slow speaking speed;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, low volume and slow speed;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, slow speaking speed and low energy;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, slow speed and low volume;ask a woman with normal pitch but low volume and slow speaking speed;ask a woman with normal pitch to speak with low volume and slow articulation;ask a woman with normal pitch to speak with low volume and slow speaking rate;ask a woman with normal pitch to speak with low volume and slow speaking speed;ask a woman with normal pitch to speak with low volume and slow speech;ask a woman with normal pitch to speak with low volume and slow talking speed;ask a woman with normal pitch to speake with low volume and slow speaking speed;let a woman speak slowly with low volume and normal pitch
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F_p-normal_s-slow_e-normal| ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, normal energy and slow talking speed;Ask a female to speak with normal pitch and standard volume, despite her slow articulation speed;Ask a female to speak with normal pitch and standard volume, despite her slow rate of speech;Ask a female to speak with normal pitch and standard volume, despite her slow speaking speed;Ask a female to speak with normal pitch and standard volume, despite her slow speech rate;Ask a female to speak with normal pitch and standard volume, despite her slow talking pace;Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch and slow speaking speed and normal energy;Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch and slow speaking speed, normal energy;Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, normal energy and slow talking speed;Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, normal energy, slow speaking speed;Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, slow speaking speed and normal energy;Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, slow speaking speed, normal energy;Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, slow talking speed and normal energy;Ask a woman to speak with slow talking speed, normal pitch and normal energy;She speaks slowly with normal power and standard pitch;She speaks slowly, with normal pitch and normal volume;She talks slowly, with normal pitch and normal volume;ask a slow speaking female to speak with normal pitch and standard volume;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch and slow speaking speed and normal energy
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F_p-normal_s-slow_e-high|A female person speaks slowly and loudly with standard pitch;A female speaks slowly and loudly with standard pitch;A female speaks slowly and loudly with standard pitch, let her;Ask a female person to speak slowly and loudly with normal pitch;Ask a female to speak slowly and loudly with normal pitch;Ask a female to speak slowly and loudly with standard pitch;Ask a female to speak slowly with high volume and normal pitch;Ask a female to speak slowly with normal pitch and high volume;Ask a female to speak slowly with normal pitch and large volume;Ask a female to speak slowly, with normal pitch and loudly;Ask a female to speak with normal pitch, slow speaking speed and high volume;Ask a female to speak with normal pitch, slow speed and high volume;Ask a woman to speak slowly with normal pitch and high volume;Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, slow speaking speed and high energy;Command a woman to speak with normal pitch, slow speaking speed and high energy;Let a female person speak slowly with normal pitch and high energy;Let a female person to speak slowly with normal pitch and high volume;Let a female to speak slowly with high volume and normal pitch;Let a woman speak slowly and loudly with normal pitch;Let a woman speak slowly and loudly with standard pitch;Let a woman speak slowly and with normal pitch, but loudly;Let a woman speak slowly with high volume and normal pitch;Let a woman speak slowly with normal pitch and high volume;Let a woman speak slowly, with normal pitch and high volume;Let a woman speak with normal pitch, slow speaking speed and high energy;Let a woman to speak slowly with normal pitch and high volume;Let us ask a woman to speak slowly but with loud voice with normal pitch;Request a female to speak slowly with normal pitch and loud volume;Request a woman to speak with normal pitch, slow speaking speed and high energy;Tell a woman to speak with normal pitch, slow speaking speed and high energy;ask a female person to talk in normal pitch, slow talking speed and high volume;ask a female to speak slowly with normal pitch and large volume;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, slow speaking speed and high energy;let a woman to speak slowly with high volume and normal pitch;let us ask a woman to speak slowly but with loud voice with normal pitch
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F_p-normal_s-normal_e-low|Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, low volume, and normal speaking speed;Ask her to speak with normal pitch, low volume and normal speaking speed;She speaks with normal pitch, low volume and normal speaking speed;She speaks with normal pitch, low volume, and normal speaking speed;She speaks with normal pitch, low volume, and normal speaking speed, as requested;She speaks with standard pitch and normal speaking speed but with a low volume;ask a female person to speak with normal pitch, low volume and normal speaking speed;ask a woman to speak with low volume, normal pitch and normal speaking speed;ask a woman to speak with low volume, normal pitch and normal speed;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, low volume and normal speaking speed;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, normal speed and low energy;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, normal speed and low volume;low volume, but her pitch is normal and she speaks with standard speed;low volume, but her speaking speed is the same as ordinary people with standard pitch;low volume, but her speech is at the same pace as regular people with standard pitch;low volume, but her speech is at the same rate as typical individuals with standard pitch;low volume, but her speed is no different from ordinary people and she speaks with normal pitch;low volume, but her speed is normal and she speaks with standard pitch;low volume, but she speaks at the same rate as typical individuals with standard pitch;low volume, but she speaks the same speed as ordinary people with normal pitch;low volume, but she speaks with normal pitch and low speed;low volume, but she speaks with normal pitch and normal speed;low volume, but she speaks with standard pitch and normal speed;low volume, but she speaks with the same pace as regular people with standard pitch
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F_p-normal_s-normal_e-normal|Ask a ordinary woman to talk to me;Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, normal speaking speed and standard volume;Ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, speaking speed and standard volume;Ask a woman to speak with standard pitch, speaking speed and energy;Ask a woman to talk in a normal speaking style, with a normal pitch, speed, and energy;Ask a woman to talk in a normal speaking style, with normal pitch, speed, and energy;Ask a woman to talk in normal speaking style, with normal pitch, speed, and energy;Ask a woman to talk to me with normal pitch, normal speaking speed and standard volume;Ask a woman to talk with a normal speaking speed, pitch and volume;Ask a woman to talk with normal pitch, normal speaking speed and standard volume;Ask a woman to talk with normal pitch, speaking speed and energy;Ask a woman to talk with normal speaking speed, pitch and volume;Let a woman speak with standard pitch, speaking speed and energy;Let a woman speaks with standard pitch, speaking speed and energy;ask a woman to talk with normal speaking speed, pitch and volume;let a woman speaks with standard pitch, speaking speed and energy
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F_p-normal_s-normal_e-high|Ask a woman to speak with a loud voice, normal pitch and normal speaking speed;Ask a woman with a loud voice to speak with normal pitch and standard talking speed;Command a woman with a loud voice to speak with normal pitch and standard talking speed;I need a woman who speaks with a loud voice, normal pitch and normal speaking speed;I want a woman speaking with a loud voice, lormal pitch and normal speaking speed;I want a woman with a loud voice, normal pitch and normal speaking speed;I'm looking for a woman who speaks with a loud voice, normal pitch and normal speaking speed;Instruct a woman with a loud voice to speak with normal pitch and standard talking speed;Request a woman with a loud voice to speak with normal pitch and standard talking speed;Request a woman with a loud voice, normal pitch and normal speaking speed;Tell a woman with a loud voice to speak with normal pitch and standard talking speed;ask a female to speak with a loud voice, normal pitch and standard speaking speed;ask a female to speak with normal pitch, normal speaking speed and a lot of energy;ask a female to speak with normal pitch, normal speaking speed and enthusiasm;ask a female to speak with normal pitch, normal speaking speed and high energy;ask a female to speak with normal pitch, normal speaking speed and liveliness;ask a female to speak with normal pitch, normal speaking speed and vitality;ask a woman speaks loudly with normal pitch and standard speaking speed;ask a woman to speak with a loud voice, normal pitch and standard talking speed;ask a woman with a loud voice to speak normally with normal pitch and standard talking speed;request a female to speak with normal pitch, normal speaking speed and high energy;request a woman to speak loudly with normal pitch and standard speaking speed;tell a woman to speak loudly with normal pitch and standard speaking speed
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F_p-normal_s-fast_e-low|A female person speaks quickly with normal pitch and low power;A female speaker speaks quickly with normal pitch and low power;A female voice speaks quickly with normal pitch and low power;A woman speaks with normal pitch and low power, speaking quickly;A woman's voice speaks quickly with normal pitch and low power;a woman speaks quickly with normal pitch and low power;ask a female person to speak with normal pitch, fast speaking speed and low energy;ask a female to articulate words with normal pitch, fast speed and low intensity;ask a female to speak with a fast rate, normal pitch and low energy;ask a female to speak with a quick delivery, normal pitch and low energy;ask a female to speak with a quick pace, normal pitch and low energy;ask a female to speak with fast speaking speed, normal pitch and low energy;ask a woman to articulate words with normal pitch, fast tempo and low volume level;ask a woman to speak fast with normal pitch and low volume;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, fast pace and low decibel;ask a woman to speak with normal pitch, fast speaking speed and low volume;request a female to speak with a fast speaking speed, normal pitch and low energy;request a female to speak with a fast tempo, normal pitch and low energy;request a female to speak with normal pitch, fast rate and low amplitude;request a woman to speak quickly with normal pitch and low volume
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F_p-normal_s-fast_e-normal| this woman speaks with normal power, fast talking speed and normal pitch;Ask a female to speak quickly with normal pitch and normal energy;Ask a female to speak quickly with normal pitch and normal volume;Normal pitch, this woman speaks fast with normal volume;Normal pitch, this woman speaks quickly with standard volume;She speaks with normal pitch and fast speaking speed, but with normal volume;This woman speaks quickly with normal pitch and normal volume;This woman speaks with normal pitch and fast talking speed, but with normal volume;ask a female to speak quickly with normal pitch and normal energy;normal pitch, this woman speaks fast with normal volume;normal pitch, this woman speaks quickly with normal volume;normal pitch, this woman speaks quickly with standard loudness;normal pitch, this woman speaks quickly with standard volume;this woman speaks quickly with normal pitch and normal loudness;this woman speaks quickly with normal pitch and normal volume;this woman speaks quickly with normal pitch and standard volume;this woman speaks quickly with normal pitch and volume;this woman speaks with normal pitch and fast speed;this woman speaks with normal pitch and fast talking speed;this woman speaks with normal power, fast talking speed and normal pitch;this woman speaks with normal volume and fast speaking speed
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F_p-normal_s-fast_e-high|Ask a woman to speak fast with normal pitch and high energy;Ask a woman to speak fast with normal pitch and high volume;Ask a woman to speak quickly with normal pitch and high volume;Her pitch is normal, but the speed is fast, and the sound is loud;Her pitch is normal, but the speed of speech is fast, and the sound is loud;Her pitch is normal, but the speed of speech is fast, and the volume is loud;Her pitch is normal, but the speed of speech is fast, but the sound is loud;Her voice is loud, but the speed of speech is fast, and pitch is normal;Her voice is loud, but the speed of speech is fast, and the pitch is normal;Let a woman speak with normal pitch, fast speaking speed and high energy;Let a woman speak with normal pitch, fast speaking speed, and high energy;Let a woman speak with normal pitch, fast speaking speed, and high volume;ask a woman speaks quickly with normal pitch and high energy;ask a woman to speak fast with normal pitch and high volume;let a woman speak with normal pitch, fast speaking speed and high energy
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F_p-high_s-slow_e-low| let a female person speak with high pitch, slow speaking speed and low volume;A female person should speak slowly, with a high-pitched voice, and low volume;A female person should speak with a high-pitched voice, slow speed, and low volume;A woman speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice and low volume;A woman speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice, and low energy;A woman talks in slow speaking speed, high pitch, and low energy;A woman's speech is slow, her voice is high-pitched, and her volume is low;Ask a woman to speak slowly with high pitch and low energy;Ask a woman to speak slowly, with a high-pitched voice, and low energy;Ask a woman to speak slowly, with a high-pitched voice, and low volume;Let a female person speak slowly, with a high-pitched voice, and low energy;Let a female person speak slowly, with a high-pitched voice, and low volume;Let a female person speak with high pitch, slow speaking speed and low volume;Let a woman speak slowly, with a high-pitched voice and low volume;She speaks slowly in high pitch with low volume;She speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice and low volume;She speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice, and her energy is low;She speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice, and low volume;The slow speaking speed of the woman is accompanied by a high-pitched voice and a low volume;The speaking speed of this woman is slow, but her voice is high-pitched and her sound is in low volume;The speaking speed of woman is slow, but her voice is high-pitched and her sound is in low volume;The woman speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice and low volume;The woman's high-pitched voice and low volume are balanced by her slow speaking speed;The woman's low volume and high-pitched voice are complemented by her slow speaking speed;The woman's slow speaking speed is contrasted by her high-pitched voice and low volume;The woman's voice is high-pitched and her sound is in low volume, but her speaking speed is slow;This woman speaks in a low volume, her speech is slow, but her voice is high-pitched;This woman speaks in a low volume, her speech is slow, but her voice was high pitched;This woman speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice and low volume;This woman speaks slowly, with a high-pitched voice, and at a low volume;This woman's speech is slow, her voice is high-pitched, and her energy is low;a woman talks in slow speaking speed, high pitch, and low energy;ask a woman to speak slowly with high pitch and low energy
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F_p-high_s-slow_e-normal|A woman speaks with high pitch, slow talking speed and normal power;A woman speaks with high pitch, slow talking speed and normal volume;A woman speaks with high pitch, slow talking speed, and normal volume;A woman's pitch is high, her volume is normal, and her speed is slow;Ask a woman to speak slowly with high pitch and normal energy;Ask a woman to speak slowly with high pitch and normal volume;Her pitch is high, the volume is normal, and she speaks slowly;Her pitch is high, the volume is normal, and the speed is slow;Her pitch is high, the volume is normal, but she speaks slowly;She has a normal volume, but she speaks slowly, her pitch is high;She speaks slowly, her pitch is high, and the volume is normal;She speaks slowly, her pitch is high, but the volume is normal;The volume is normal, but she speaks slowly, her pitch is high;The volume is normal, her pitch is high, and she speaks slowly;The woman's pitch is high, her volume is normal, and her speed is slow;a woman speaks with high pitch, slow talking speed and normal power;ask a woman to speak slowly with high pitch and normal energy;ask a woman to speak slowly with normal volume and high pitch
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F_p-high_s-slow_e-high|ask a high-pitched female to speak slowly but loudly;A high-pitched woman speaks slowly and loudly;A lady speaks slowly and loudly with a high pitch;A woman talks loudly with a high pitch and slow speaking speed;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks slowly and loudly;Ask a woman with a high-pitched voice to speak slowly and loudly;Ask a woman with a high-pitched voice to speak slowly and with a high volume;Request a woman with a high-pitched voice to speak slowly and at a high volume;Tell a woman with a high-pitched voice to speak slowly and loudly;Tell a woman with a high-pitched voice to speak slowly and with a high volume;The lady speaks loudly with a high pitch and the slow speaking speed;The lady speaks slowly and loudly with a high pitch;ask a high-pitched female to speak slowly and loudly;ask a high-pitched female to speak slowly and loudly with high volume;ask a high-pitched woman to speak slowly and loudly;ask a high-pitched woman to speak slowly with high volume;ask a lady to speak slowly and loudly with a high pitch;ask a lady to talk loudly at a high pitch and slow speaking speed;ask a woman to speak slowly and loudly with a high pitch;ask a woman to speak slowly with a high pitch and high volume;ask a woman to speak with a high pitch and loud volume;ask a woman to speak with a high pitch and slow speaking speed;ask a woman to speak with a high pitch and slow speed;ask a woman to speak with high pitch, slow speaking speed and high power;ask a woman to speak with high volume and a high pitch;ask a woman to talk in slow speaking speed with high pitch and high volume
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F_p-high_s-normal_e-low| ask a high-pitched female to speak with normal speed and low power; ask a woman to speak with high pitch, normal speaking speed and low energy;A female with a high-pitched voice speaks at a normal speed and low volume;A female with a high-pitched voice speaks at normal speed and low power;A lady with a high-pitched voice speaks at normal speed and low volume;A woman's voice is in high pitch, normal speed and low energy;A woman's voice is in high pitch, normal speed and low power;A woman's voice is in high pitch, normal speed and low volume;A woman's voice is in low volume, but the pitch is high and speed is normal;Ask a female to speak with low volume, normal talking speed and high pitch;Ask a high-pitched female to speak with normal speed and low power;Ask a lady to speak with low volume, normal talking speed and high pitch;Ask a woman to speak with high pitch, normal speaking speed and low energy;Ask a woman to speak with high pitch, normal speaking speed and low volume;Ask a woman to speak with high pitch, normal speed and low energy;Ask a woman to speak with low volume, normal talking speed and high pitch;She speaks in a high pitch with normal speed and low volume;She speaks in high pitch with normal speed and low energy;She speaks in high pitch with normal speed and low volume;ask a lady to speak with low volume, normal talking speed and high pitch
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F_p-high_s-normal_e-normal|A female person speaks in high pitch with normal speed and standard volume;A female person speaks in high pitch with standard speaking speed and normal power;A female person speaks with high pitch and normal speed;A female person speaks with high pitch, normal speed, and standard volume;A female person speaks with normal volume and high pitch;A female speaks in high pitch with normal volume and standard speed;A female speaks normally in high pitch;A female voice is characterized by high pitch, normal speed, and standard volume;A female voice speaks in high pitch with standard speaking speed and normal power;A female with a high-pitched voice speaks at a normal speed and with standard energy;A female with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal power and ordinary speed;A female's voice is often described as having high pitch, normal speed, and standard volume;A high-pitched female voice speaks with normal speed and standard energy;A high-pitched woman speaks with normal power and ordinary speed;A high-pitched woman speaks with normal speed and standard energy;A woman speaks in high pitch with normal energy and standard speed;A woman speaks in high pitch with normal speaking speed and standard volume;A woman speaks in high pitch with standard speaking speed and normal power;A woman speaks with high pitch, normal speed, and standard volume;A woman speaks with normal speed and high pitch;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal power and ordinary speed;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks with normal speed and standard energy;A woman's voice is typically characterized by high pitch, normal speed, and standard volume;A woman's voice speaks in high pitch with standard speaking speed and normal power;She speaks in high pitch with normal speed and standard volume;ask a high-pitched woman to speak with normal power and ordinary speaking speed;ask a high-pitched woman to speak with normal speaking speed and standard energy;let a female person speak with normal volume, normal talking speed and high pitch
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F_p-high_s-normal_e-high| let a female speak with high pitch, normal speed and high energy;A female says with a large volume, high pitch and standard speed;A female speaks loudly with high pitch and normal speed;A female voice with high pitch and loud volume spoke at a normal speed;A female with a high-pitched voice speaks loudly and at a normal speed;A female with a high-pitched voice speaks loudly and with normal speed;A female with a high-pitched voice speaks loudly at a normal speed;A female with a high-pitched voice speaks loudly with normal speed;A female with a high-pitched voice spoke loudly and at a normal pace;A female with a high-pitched voice spoke loudly and at a normal speed;A female with a high-pitched voice spoke loudly and at a standard speed;A female with a loud voice speaks with high pitch and normal speed;A female with high pitch speaks loudly with high energy;A female with high pitch speaks loudly with normal speed;A female with high pitch speaks with normal speed and high energy;A female with high pitch speaks with normal speed and loud volume;A high-pitched female said in a loud voice with normal speaking speed;A high-pitched female speaks in a loud voice with normal speaking speed;A high-pitched female speaks loudly with normal speaking speed;A high-pitched female voice speaks loudly and at a normal speed;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks loudly and at a normal speed;A woman with a high-pitched voice spoke loudly and at a normal speed;A woman with high-pitched voice speaks loudly with normal speed;Let a female speak with high pitch, normal speed and high energy;She speaks loudly in high pitch with normal speed;ask a high-pitched woman speaks loudly with normal talking speed
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F_p-high_s-fast_e-low|A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks quickly, but her volume is low;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks quickly, but the volume is not high;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks quickly, but the volume is not high enough;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks quickly, but the volume is not loud;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks quickly, but the volume is not loud enough;Advise a woman with a high-pitched voice to speak quickly and with a low sound level;Ask a woman to speak quickly with a high pitch and low volume;Ask a woman to speak with a high pitch and fast speed, but keep the volume low;Ask a woman to speak with a high pitch and fast speed, but with a low volume;Command a woman to speak with a high pitch and fast pace, but with a low volume output;Command a woman with a high-pitched voice to speak quickly and with a low sound level;Direct a woman to talk with a high-pitched voice and fast speaking speed, but with a low energy level;Direct a woman with a high-pitched voice to speak fast and with a low volume;Instruct a woman to speak in a high pitch and fast manner, but with a low volume output;Instruct a woman to speak with high pitch, fast speed and low volume;Instruct a woman with a high-pitched voice to speak rapidly and at a low volume;Let a female with a high-pitched voice speak fast and with low volume;Let a woman with a high pitch speak fast but the sound volume is not high;Let a woman with a high-pitched voice speak quickly and quietly;Request a woman to speak in high pitch and fast speed with low volume;Request a woman to talk with a high-pitched voice and fast pace, but with a low energy level;Request a woman with a high-pitched voice to speak quickly and quietly;She speaks with a high pitch and fast speaking speed, but the volume is low;She speaks with a high-pitched voice, fast speed, and low volume;She speaks with high pitch and fast speaking speed and low volume;Tell a female to speak quickly with a high pitch and low energy;ask a high-pitched woman to speak fast with low volume;ask a woman to talk in high pitch, fast speaking speed and low energy;let a female speak quickly with high pitch and low power
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F_p-high_s-fast_e-normal|A female with a high-pitched voice speaking fast and at a normal volume;A female with a high-pitched voice speaking quickly and at a normal volume;A high-pitched female voice speaking quickly and at a normal volume;A high-pitched female voice speaks quickly at a normal volume;A high-pitched female voice speaks quickly with a normal volume level;A high-pitched female voice speaks quickly with normal volume;A high-pitched female voice with a fast speaking speed and normal volume;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaking quickly and at a normal volume;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks fast with a normal volume;A woman with a high-pitched voice speaks fast with normal volume;a high-pitched woman speaks fast with normal volume;a high-pitched woman, fast speaking speed, normal volume;a quick speaking speed and high pitch sound, normal volume, woman;a quick speaking speed, high pitch, normal volume, woman;ask a female to speak with high pitch, fast speed and normal volume;ask a female to speak with high pitch, fast talking and normal energy;ask a female to speak with high pitch, fast talking and normal volume;ask a female to speak with high pitch, fast talking speed and normal volume;ask a female to speak with high pitch, quick speed and normal volume;ask a high-pitched lady to speak fast with normal volume;ask a woman to speak quickly with high pitch and normal energy;ask a woman to speak quickly with high pitch and normal volume;fast speed, high pitch, normal volume, female;fast talking speed, high pitch, normal volume, female;high pitch, fast speaking speed, normal volume, female;high pitch, fast speed, normal volume female;high pitch, fast speed, normal volume, female;high pitch, fast speed, normal volume, woman
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F_p-high_s-fast_e-high| let a woman speak with high pitch, fast speaking speed and high volume;Ask a high-pitched woman to speak fast with high energy;Ask a high-pitched woman to speak quickly with large volume;Ask a high-pitched woman with a loud voice to speak quickly;Ask a high-pithced woman with a loud voice to speak quickly;Ask a woman with a loud voice to say quickly, her pitch is high;Ask a woman with a loud voice to speak quickly, her pitch is high;Let a high-pitched female person talk in fast speaking speed, high pitch and high volume;Let a woman speak with high pitch, fast speaking speed and high volume;ask a high-pitched woman to speak fast with high energy;ask a high-pitched woman to speak quckly with large volume;ask a woman with a loud voice to say quickly, her pitch is high;let a high-pitched female person talk in fast speaking speed, high pitch and high volume