# filename: analytics.py import logging import asyncio from upstash_redis import Redis as UpstashRedis from datetime import datetime from collections import defaultdict from typing import Dict from functools import partial logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Analytics: def __init__( self, url: str, token: str, sync_interval: int = 60, max_retries: int = 5 ): """ Initializes the Analytics class with an Upstash Redis client (HTTP-based), wrapped in async methods by using run_in_executor. Parameters: - url (str): Upstash Redis REST URL. - token (str): Upstash Redis token. - sync_interval (int): Interval in seconds for syncing with Redis. - max_retries (int): Maximum number of reconnection attempts to Redis. """ self.url = url self.token = token self.sync_interval = sync_interval self.max_retries = max_retries # Upstash Redis client (synchronous over HTTP) self.redis_client = self._create_redis_client() # current_totals holds the absolute counters (loaded from Redis) self.current_totals = { "access": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)), "tokens": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)), } # new_increments holds only the new usage since last sync self.new_increments = { "access": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)), "tokens": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)), } # Asynchronous lock to protect shared data self.lock = asyncio.Lock() # Initialize data from Redis, then start the periodic sync loop asyncio.create_task(self._initialize()) logger.info("Initialized Analytics with Upstash Redis: %s", url) def _create_redis_client(self) -> UpstashRedis: """ Creates and returns a new Upstash Redis (synchronous) client. """ return UpstashRedis(url=self.url, token=self.token) async def _initialize(self): """ Fetches existing data from Redis into the current_totals buffer, then starts the periodic synchronization task. """ try: await self._sync_from_redis() logger.info("Initial sync from Upstash Redis to local buffer completed.") except Exception as e: logger.error("Error during initial sync from Upstash Redis: %s", e) # Launch the periodic sync task asyncio.create_task(self._start_sync_task()) def _get_period_keys(self) -> tuple: """ Returns day, week, month, and year keys based on the current UTC date. Also includes "total" as a key for all-time tracking. """ now = datetime.utcnow() day_key = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # %U is the week number of year, with Sunday as the first day of the week # If you prefer ISO week, consider using %V or something else. week_key = f"{now.year}-W{now.strftime('%U')}" month_key = now.strftime("%Y-%m") year_key = now.strftime("%Y") return day_key, week_key, month_key, year_key, "total" async def access(self, model_id: str, tokens: int): """ Records an access event and token usage for a specific model. Parameters: - model_id (str): The ID of the accessed model. - tokens (int): Number of tokens used in this access event. """ keys = self._get_period_keys() async with self.lock: for period_key in keys: # Increase new increments by the usage self.new_increments["access"][period_key][model_id] += 1 self.new_increments["tokens"][period_key][model_id] += tokens # Also update current_totals so that stats() are immediately up to date self.current_totals["access"][period_key][model_id] += 1 self.current_totals["tokens"][period_key][model_id] += tokens async def stats(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]: """ Returns a copy of current statistics from the local buffer (absolute totals). """ async with self.lock: # Return the current_totals, which includes everything loaded from Redis # plus all increments since the last sync. return { "access": { period: dict(models) for period, models in self.current_totals["access"].items() }, "tokens": { period: dict(models) for period, models in self.current_totals["tokens"].items() }, } async def _sync_from_redis(self): """ Pulls existing analytics data from Upstash Redis into current_totals. Uses run_in_executor to avoid blocking the event loop. Also resets new_increments to avoid double counting after a restart. """ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() async with self.lock: # Reset local structures self.current_totals = { "access": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)), "tokens": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)), } self.new_increments = { "access": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)), "tokens": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)), } cursor = 0 while True: scan_result = await loop.run_in_executor( None, partial( self.redis_client.scan, cursor=cursor, match="analytics:access:*", count=1000, ), ) cursor, keys = scan_result[0], scan_result[1] for key in keys: # key is "analytics:access:" period = key.replace("analytics:access:", "") data = await loop.run_in_executor( None, partial(self.redis_client.hgetall, key) ) for model_id, count_str in data.items(): self.current_totals["access"][period][model_id] = int(count_str) if cursor == 0: break cursor = 0 while True: scan_result = await loop.run_in_executor( None, partial( self.redis_client.scan, cursor=cursor, match="analytics:tokens:*", count=1000, ), ) cursor, keys = scan_result[0], scan_result[1] for key in keys: # key is "analytics:tokens:" period = key.replace("analytics:tokens:", "") data = await loop.run_in_executor( None, partial(self.redis_client.hgetall, key) ) for model_id, count_str in data.items(): self.current_totals["tokens"][period][model_id] = int(count_str) if cursor == 0: break async def _sync_to_redis(self): """ Pushes only the new_increments to Upstash Redis (local -> Redis). We use HINCRBY to avoid double counting, ensuring we only add the difference. """ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() async with self.lock: try: # For each (period, model_id, count) in new_increments, call HINCRBY for period, models in self.new_increments["access"].items(): redis_key = f"analytics:access:{period}" for model_id, count in models.items(): if count != 0: await loop.run_in_executor( None, partial( self.redis_client.hincrby, redis_key, model_id, count, ), ) for period, models in self.new_increments["tokens"].items(): redis_key = f"analytics:tokens:{period}" for model_id, count in models.items(): if count != 0: await loop.run_in_executor( None, partial( self.redis_client.hincrby, redis_key, model_id, count, ), ) # Reset new_increments after successful sync self.new_increments = { "access": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)), "tokens": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)), } logger.info("Analytics data successfully synced to Upstash Redis.") except Exception as e: logger.error("Unexpected error during Upstash Redis sync: %s", e) raise e async def _start_sync_task(self): """ Periodically runs _sync_to_redis at a configurable interval. Also attempts reconnection on any errors (though Upstash is HTTP-based, so it's stateless). """ while True: await asyncio.sleep(self.sync_interval) try: await self._sync_to_redis() except Exception as e: logger.error("Error during scheduled sync to Upstash Redis: %s", e) await self._handle_redis_reconnection() async def _handle_redis_reconnection(self): """ Attempts to 'reconnect' to Upstash Redis. Because Upstash uses HTTP, it's often stateless and doesn't require the same approach as standard Redis. We simply recreate the client if needed. """ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() retry_count = 0 delay = 1 while retry_count < self.max_retries: try: logger.info( "Attempting to reconnect to Upstash Redis (attempt %d)...", retry_count + 1, ) # Recreate the client await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.redis_client.close) self.redis_client = self._create_redis_client() # Optionally, do a test command if desired (Upstash has limited support). logger.info("Successfully reconnected to Upstash Redis.") return except Exception as e: logger.error("Reconnection attempt %d failed: %s", retry_count + 1, e) retry_count += 1 await asyncio.sleep(delay) delay *= 2 # exponential backoff logger.critical( "Max reconnection attempts reached. Unable to reconnect to Upstash Redis." ) # Optionally, you can keep trying indefinitely here. async def close(self): """ Closes the Upstash Redis client (although Upstash uses stateless HTTP). Still wrapped in async to avoid blocking the event loop. """ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.redis_client.close) logger.info("Closed Upstash Redis client.")