import gradio as gr from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps import os from .constants import KSORT_IMAGE_DIR from .vote_utils import save_any_image from .utils import disable_btn, enable_btn, invisible_btn from .upload import create_remote_directory, upload_image, upload_informance, upload_ssh_all import json def reset_level(Top_btn): if Top_btn == "Top 1": level = 0 elif Top_btn == "Top 2": level = 1 elif Top_btn == "Top 3": level = 2 elif Top_btn == "Top 4": level = 3 return level def reset_rank(windows, rank, vote_level): if windows == "Model A": rank[0] = vote_level elif windows == "Model B": rank[1] = vote_level elif windows == "Model C": rank[2] = vote_level elif windows == "Model D": rank[3] = vote_level return rank def reset_btn_rank(windows, rank, btn, vote_level): if windows == "Model A" and btn == "1": rank[0] = 0 elif windows == "Model A" and btn == "2": rank[0] = 1 elif windows == "Model A" and btn == "3": rank[0] = 2 elif windows == "Model A" and btn == "4": rank[0] = 3 elif windows == "Model B" and btn == "1": rank[1] = 0 elif windows == "Model B" and btn == "2": rank[1] = 1 elif windows == "Model B" and btn == "3": rank[1] = 2 elif windows == "Model B" and btn == "4": rank[1] = 3 elif windows == "Model C" and btn == "1": rank[2] = 0 elif windows == "Model C" and btn == "2": rank[2] = 1 elif windows == "Model C" and btn == "3": rank[2] = 2 elif windows == "Model C" and btn == "4": rank[2] = 3 elif windows == "Model D" and btn == "1": rank[3] = 0 elif windows == "Model D" and btn == "2": rank[3] = 1 elif windows == "Model D" and btn == "3": rank[3] = 2 elif windows == "Model D" and btn == "4": rank[3] = 3 if btn == "1": vote_level = 0 elif btn == "2": vote_level = 1 elif btn == "3": vote_level = 2 elif btn == "4": vote_level = 3 return (rank, vote_level) def reset_vote_text(rank): rank_str = "" for i in range(len(rank)): if rank[i] == None: rank_str = rank_str + str(rank[i]) else: rank_str = rank_str + str(rank[i]+1) rank_str = rank_str + " " return rank_str def clear_rank(rank, vote_level): for i in range(len(rank)): rank[i] = None vote_level = 0 return rank, vote_level def revote_windows(generate_ig0, generate_ig1, generate_ig2, generate_ig3, rank, vote_level): for i in range(len(rank)): rank[i] = None vote_level = 0 return generate_ig0, generate_ig1, generate_ig2, generate_ig3, rank, vote_level def reset_submit(rank): for i in range(len(rank)): if rank[i] == None: return disable_btn return enable_btn def reset_mode(mode): if mode == "Best": return (gr.update(visible=False, interactive=False),) * 6 + \ (gr.update(visible=True, interactive=True),) * 16 + \ (gr.update(visible=True, interactive=True),) * 3 + \ (gr.Textbox(value="Rank", visible=False, interactive=False),) elif mode == "Rank": return (gr.update(visible=True, interactive=True),) * 6 + \ (gr.update(visible=False, interactive=False),) * 16 + \ (gr.update(visible=True, interactive=False),) * 2 + \ (gr.update(visible=True, interactive=True),) + \ (gr.Textbox(value="Best", visible=False, interactive=False),) else: raise ValueError("Undefined mode") def get_json_filename(conv_id): output_dir = f'{KSORT_IMAGE_DIR}/{conv_id}/json/' if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "information.json") # name = os.path.join(KSORT_IMAGE_DIR, f"{conv_id}/json/information.json") print(output_file) return output_file def get_img_filename(conv_id, i): output_dir = f'{KSORT_IMAGE_DIR}/{conv_id}/image/' if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{i}.jpg") print(output_file) return output_file def vote_submit(states, rank, request: gr.Request): conv_id = states[0].conv_id for i in range(len(states)): output_file = get_img_filename(conv_id, i) save_any_image(states[i].output, output_file) with open(get_json_filename(conv_id), "a") as fout: data = { "models_name": [x.model_name for x in states], "img_rank": [x for x in rank], } fout.write(json.dumps(data) + "\n") def vote_ssh_submit(states, rank): conv_id = states[0].conv_id output_dir = create_remote_directory(conv_id) # upload_image(states, output_dir) data = { "models_name": [x.model_name for x in states], "img_rank": [x for x in rank], } output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "informance.json") # upload_informance(data, output_file) upload_ssh_all(states, output_dir, data, output_file) from .update_skill import update_skill update_skill(rank) def submit_response_igm( state0, state1, state2, state3, model_selector0, model_selector1, model_selector2, model_selector3, rank, request: gr.Request ): vote_submit([state0, state1, state2, state3], rank, request) vote_ssh_submit([state0, state1, state2, state3], rank) if model_selector0 == "": return (disable_btn,) * 7 + ( gr.Markdown(f"### Model A: {state0.model_name.split('_')[1]}", visible=True), gr.Markdown(f"### Model B: {state1.model_name.split('_')[1]}", visible=True), gr.Markdown(f"### Model C: {state2.model_name.split('_')[1]}", visible=True), gr.Markdown(f"### Model D: {state3.model_name.split('_')[1]}", visible=True) ) + (disable_btn,) else: return (disable_btn,) * 7 + ( gr.Markdown(state0.model_name, visible=True), gr.Markdown(state1.model_name, visible=True), gr.Markdown(state2.model_name, visible=True), gr.Markdown(state3.model_name, visible=True) ) + (disable_btn,) def submit_response_rank_igm( state0, state1, state2, state3, model_selector0, model_selector1, model_selector2, model_selector3, rank, right_vote_text, request: gr.Request ): print(rank) if right_vote_text == "right": vote_submit([state0, state1, state2, state3], rank, request) vote_ssh_submit([state0, state1, state2, state3], rank) if model_selector0 == "": return (disable_btn,) * 16 + (disable_btn,) * 3 + ("wrong",) + ( gr.Markdown(f"### Model A: {state0.model_name.split('_')[1]}", visible=True), gr.Markdown(f"### Model B: {state1.model_name.split('_')[1]}", visible=True), gr.Markdown(f"### Model C: {state2.model_name.split('_')[1]}", visible=True), gr.Markdown(f"### Model D: {state3.model_name.split('_')[1]}", visible=True) ) else: return (disable_btn,) * 16 + (disable_btn,) * 3 + ("wrong",) + ( gr.Markdown(state0.model_name, visible=True), gr.Markdown(state1.model_name, visible=True), gr.Markdown(state2.model_name, visible=True), gr.Markdown(state3.model_name, visible=True) ) else: return (enable_btn,) * 16 + (enable_btn,) * 3 + ("wrong",) + (gr.Markdown("", visible=False),) * 4 def text_response_rank_igm(generate_ig0, generate_ig1, generate_ig2, generate_ig3, Top1_text, Top2_text, Top3_text, Top4_text, vote_textbox): rank_list = [char for char in vote_textbox if char.isdigit()] generate_ig = [generate_ig0, generate_ig1, generate_ig2, generate_ig3] chatbot = [] rank = [None, None, None, None] if len(rank_list) != 4: return generate_ig + ["error rank"] + ["wrong"] + [rank] for num in range(len(rank_list)): if rank_list[num] in ['1', '2', '3', '4']: base_image = Image.fromarray(generate_ig[num]).convert("RGBA") if rank_list[num] == '1': border_color = (49, 139, 190) elif rank_list[num] == '2': border_color = (109, 116, 187) elif rank_list[num] == '3': border_color = (159, 84, 152) elif rank_list[num] == '4': border_color = (174, 68, 125) border_size = 10 # Size of the border base_image = ImageOps.expand(base_image, border=border_size, fill=border_color) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base_image) font = ImageFont.truetype("./serve/Arial.ttf", 86) text_position = (300, 50) if rank_list[num] == '1': text_color = (49, 139, 190, 255) draw.text(text_position, Top1_text, font=font, fill=text_color) elif rank_list[num] == '2': text_color = (109, 116, 187, 255) draw.text(text_position, Top2_text, font=font, fill=text_color) elif rank_list[num] == '3': text_color = (159, 84, 152, 255) draw.text(text_position, Top3_text, font=font, fill=text_color) elif rank_list[num] == '4': text_color = (174, 68, 125, 255) draw.text(text_position, Top4_text, font=font, fill=text_color) base_image = base_image.convert("RGB") chatbot.append(base_image.copy()) # base_image = Image.fromarray(generate_ig[num]).convert("RGBA") # if rank_list[num] == '1': # txt_layer ='RGBA', base_image.size, (0, 255, 0, 64)) # elif rank_list[num] == '2': # txt_layer ='RGBA', base_image.size, (0, 255, 255, 64)) # elif rank_list[num] == '3': # txt_layer ='RGBA', base_image.size, (255, 0, 255, 64)) # elif rank_list[num] == '4': # txt_layer ='RGBA', base_image.size, (255, 0, 0, 64)) # draw = ImageDraw.Draw(txt_layer) # font = ImageFont.truetype("./serve/Arial.ttf", 86) # text_position = (156, 212) # if rank_list[num] == '1': # text_color = (0, 255, 0, 200) # draw.text(text_position, Top1_text, font=font, fill=text_color) # elif rank_list[num] == '2': # text_color = (0, 255, 255, 200) # draw.text(text_position, Top2_text, font=font, fill=text_color) # elif rank_list[num] == '3': # text_color = (255, 0, 255, 200) # draw.text(text_position, Top3_text, font=font, fill=text_color) # elif rank_list[num] == '4': # text_color = (255, 0, 0, 200) # draw.text(text_position, Top4_text, font=font, fill=text_color) # combined = Image.alpha_composite(base_image, txt_layer) # combined = combined.convert("RGB") # chatbot.append(combined.copy()) else: return generate_ig + ["error rank"] + ["wrong"] + [rank] rank_str = "" for str_num in rank_list: rank_str = rank_str + str_num rank_str = rank_str + " " rank = [int(x) for x in rank_list] return chatbot + [rank_str] + ["right"] + [rank] # def add_foreground(image, vote_level, Top1_text, Top2_text, Top3_text, Top4_text): # base_image = Image.fromarray(image).convert("RGBA") # if vote_level == 0: # txt_layer ='RGBA', base_image.size, (0, 255, 0, 64)) # elif vote_level == 1: # txt_layer ='RGBA', base_image.size, (0, 255, 255, 64)) # elif vote_level == 2: # txt_layer ='RGBA', base_image.size, (255, 0, 255, 64)) # elif vote_level == 3: # txt_layer ='RGBA', base_image.size, (255, 0, 0, 64)) # draw = ImageDraw.Draw(txt_layer) # font = ImageFont.truetype("./serve/Arial.ttf", 86) # text_position = (156, 212) # if vote_level == 0: # text_color = (0, 255, 0, 200) # draw.text(text_position, Top1_text, font=font, fill=text_color) # elif vote_level == 1: # text_color = (0, 255, 255, 200) # draw.text(text_position, Top2_text, font=font, fill=text_color) # elif vote_level == 2: # text_color = (255, 0, 255, 200) # draw.text(text_position, Top3_text, font=font, fill=text_color) # elif vote_level == 3: # text_color = (255, 0, 0, 200) # draw.text(text_position, Top4_text, font=font, fill=text_color) # combined = Image.alpha_composite(base_image, txt_layer) # combined = combined.convert("RGB") # return combined def add_foreground(image, vote_level, Top1_text, Top2_text, Top3_text, Top4_text): base_image = Image.fromarray(image).convert("RGBA") if vote_level == 0: border_color = (49, 139, 190) elif vote_level == 1: border_color = (109, 116, 187) elif vote_level == 2: border_color = (159, 84, 152) elif vote_level == 3: border_color = (174, 68, 125) border_size = 10 # Size of the border base_image = ImageOps.expand(base_image, border=border_size, fill=border_color) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base_image) font = ImageFont.truetype("./serve/Arial.ttf", 86) text_position = (300, 50) if vote_level == 0: text_color = (49, 139, 190, 255) draw.text(text_position, Top1_text, font=font, fill=text_color) elif vote_level == 1: text_color = (109, 116, 187, 255) draw.text(text_position, Top2_text, font=font, fill=text_color) elif vote_level == 2: text_color = (159, 84, 152, 255) draw.text(text_position, Top3_text, font=font, fill=text_color) elif vote_level == 3: text_color = (174, 68, 125, 255) draw.text(text_position, Top4_text, font=font, fill=text_color) # combined = Image.alpha_composite(base_image, txt_layer) base_image = base_image.convert("RGB") return base_image def add_green_border(image): border_color = (0, 255, 0) # RGB for green border_size = 10 # Size of the border img_with_border = ImageOps.expand(image, border=border_size, fill=border_color) return img_with_border