import numpy as np import torch import cv2 def np_batched_radon(image_batch): #image_batch: torch tensor, batch_size x 1 x img_size x img_size # squeeze order #1 and transform to numpy image_batch = image_batch.squeeze(1).cpu().numpy() batch_size, img_size = image_batch.shape[:2] if batch_size > 512: # limit batch size to 512 because cv2.warpAffine fails for batch> 512 return np.concatenate([np_batched_radon(image_batch[i:i+512]) for i in range(0,batch_size,512)], axis=0) theta = np.arange(180) radon_image = np.zeros((image_batch.shape[0], img_size, len(theta)), dtype='float32') for i, angle in enumerate(theta): M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(((img_size-1)/2.0,(img_size-1)/2.0),angle,1) rotated = cv2.warpAffine(np.transpose(image_batch, (1, 2, 0)),M,(img_size,img_size)) #plt.imshow(rotated[:,:,0]) if batch_size == 1: # cv2.warpAffine cancels batch dimension if equal to 1 rotated = rotated[:,:, np.newaxis] rotated = np.transpose(rotated, (2, 0, 1)) / 224.0 #rotated = rotated / np.array(255, dtype='float32') radon_image[:, :, i] = rotated.sum(axis=1) #plot the image # plt.imshow(radon_image[0]) # return radon_image def torch_batched_radon(image_batch, neutral_value): #image_batch: batch_size x 1 x img_size x img_size #np_batched_radon(image_batch - neutral_value) image_batch = image_batch - neutral_value # so the 0 value is neutral batch_size = image_batch.shape[0] img_size = image_batch.shape[2] theta = np.arange(180) # we don't need torch here, we will evaluate individual angles below radon_image = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, img_size, len(theta)), dtype=torch.float, device=image_batch.device) for i, angle in enumerate(theta): #M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(((img_size-1)/2.0,(img_size-1)/2.0),angle,1) #calculate the same rotation matrix but with torch: M = torch.tensor(cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(((img_size-1)/2.0,(img_size-1)/2.0),angle,1)).to(image_batch.device, dtype=torch.float32) angle = torch.tensor((angle+90)/180.0*np.pi) M1 = torch.tensor([[torch.sin(angle), torch.cos(angle), 0], [torch.cos(angle), -torch.sin(angle), 0]]).to(image_batch.device, dtype=torch.float32) # we need to add a batch dimension to the rotation matrix M1 = M1.repeat(batch_size, 1, 1) grid = torch.nn.functional.affine_grid(M1, image_batch.shape, align_corners=False) rotated = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(image_batch, grid, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', align_corners=False) rotated = rotated.squeeze(1) #plt.imshow(rotated[0].cpu().numpy()) radon_image[:, 0, :, i] = rotated.sum(axis=1) / 224.0 + neutral_value #plt.imshow(radon_image[0, 0].cpu().numpy()) return radon_image