clip: semantic_clip_model_name: 'ViT-L/14' semantic_pretrained_data: 'openai' clip_model_name: "ViT-B/16" pretrained_data: 'openai' car: iom_thres: 0.5 mask_threshold: 0.6 stuff_mask_threshold: 0.6 min_area_ratio: 0.2 num_iteration: 1 confidence_threshold: 0.25 clipes_threshold: 0.4 bg_factor: 1 stuff_bg_factor: 1 has_pamr: False visual_prompt_type: ['blur', 'circle'] stuff_visual_prompt_type: ['blur', 'gray'] semantic_templates: ['a clean origami {}.', 'a photo of a {}.', 'This is a photo of a {}', 'There is a {} in the scene', 'There is the {} in the scene', 'a photo of a {} in the scene', 'a photo of a small {}.', 'a photo of a medium {}.', 'a photo of a large {}.', 'This is a photo of a small {}.', 'This is a photo of a medium {}.', 'This is a photo of a large {}.', 'There is a small {} in the scene.', 'There is a medium {} in the scene.', 'There is a large {} in the scene.'] bg_cls: ['ground', 'land', 'grass', 'tree', 'building', 'wall', 'sky', 'lake', 'water', 'river', 'sea', 'railway', 'railroad', 'helmet', 'cloud', 'house', 'mountain', 'ocean', 'road', 'rock', 'street', 'valley', 'bridge'] test: algo: "car" ds_name: "context" seg_mode: "semantic" n_class: 60 data_root: "$YOUR_DATA_DIR" output_path: "./outputs/" use_pseudo: True split: "val" num_chunks: 1 chunk_index: 0 ignore_background: False save_path: "./outputs"