kendrickfff's picture
d64dc2a verified
import gradio as gr
from itertools import permutations
def solve_cryptarithm(equation):
# Parse the left and right parts of the equation
left, right = equation.replace(" ", "").split("=")
words = left.split("+") + [right]
except ValueError:
return "Invalid format. Use the format 'SEND + MORE = MONEY'."
# Extract unique letters
unique_letters = set("".join(words))
if len(unique_letters) > 10:
return "Error: Too many unique letters (more than 10), unsolvable with digits 0-9."
# Function to convert words to numbers based on current letter-to-digit mapping
def word_to_number(word, mapping):
return int("".join(str(mapping[char]) for char in word))
# Depth-First Search with pruning and backtracking
def dfs(index, letter_to_digit, used_digits):
# If all letters are assigned, check if the equation holds
if index == len(unique_letters):
left_sum = sum(word_to_number(word, letter_to_digit) for word in words[:-1])
right_val = word_to_number(words[-1], letter_to_digit)
return left_sum == right_val
# Get current letter to assign
letter = unique_letters_list[index]
# Try assigning each digit to the letter
for digit in range(10):
# Skip used digits and avoid leading zero for multi-letter words
if digit in used_digits or (digit == 0 and letter in leading_letters):
# Assign the digit and proceed
letter_to_digit[letter] = digit
if dfs(index + 1, letter_to_digit, used_digits):
return True # Found a solution
# Backtrack
del letter_to_digit[letter]
return False # No solution found along this path
# Identify leading letters to avoid leading zeros
leading_letters = {word[0] for word in words if len(word) > 1}
unique_letters_list = list(unique_letters)
letter_to_digit = {}
used_digits = set()
# Start DFS to find a solution
if dfs(0, letter_to_digit, used_digits):
# Format the result in the desired output format
formatted_result = f"Input: {equation}\n\n"
for i, word in enumerate(words):
formatted_result += " ".join(str(letter_to_digit[char]) for char in word)
if i < len(words) - 2:
formatted_result += " + "
elif i == len(words) - 2:
formatted_result += " = "
return formatted_result
return f"No solution found for: {equation}"
def process_input(equations):
results = []
for equation in equations.splitlines():
equation = equation.strip()
if equation:
result = solve_cryptarithm(equation)
return "\n\n".join(results)
# Set up Gradio interface
interface = gr.Interface(
label="Enter Cryptarithm Equations (one per line)",
placeholder="E.g., SEND + MORE = MONEY\nSEND + MORE = MONEY"
title="Cryptarithm Solver",
description="Enter cryptarithm equations (like SEND + MORE = MONEY) one per line to find solutions. Each letter represents a unique digit from 0-9."
# Launch the Gradio app