import base64 import logging import httpx from fastapi import Request, Response, HTTPException from pydantic import HttpUrl from starlette.background import BackgroundTask from .configs import settings from .const import SUPPORTED_RESPONSE_HEADERS from .mpd_processor import process_manifest, process_playlist, process_segment from .utils.cache_utils import get_cached_mpd, get_cached_init_segment from .utils.http_utils import ( Streamer, DownloadError, download_file_with_retry, request_with_retry, EnhancedStreamingResponse, ) from .utils.m3u8_processor import M3U8Processor from .utils.mpd_utils import pad_base64 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def handle_hls_stream_proxy( request: Request, destination: str, headers: dict, key_url: HttpUrl = None, verify_ssl: bool = True ): """ Handles the HLS stream proxy request, fetching and processing the m3u8 playlist or streaming the content. Args: request (Request): The incoming HTTP request. destination (str): The destination URL to fetch the content from. headers (dict): The headers to include in the request. key_url (str, optional): The HLS Key URL to replace the original key URL. Defaults to None. verify_ssl (bool, optional): Whether to verify the SSL certificate of the destination. Defaults to True. Returns: Response: The HTTP response with the processed m3u8 playlist or streamed content. """ client = httpx.AsyncClient( follow_redirects=True, timeout=httpx.Timeout(30.0), limits=httpx.Limits(max_keepalive_connections=10, max_connections=20), proxy=settings.proxy_url, verify=verify_ssl, ) streamer = Streamer(client) try: if destination.endswith((".m3u", ".m3u8")): return await fetch_and_process_m3u8(streamer, destination, headers, request, key_url) response = await streamer.head(destination, headers) if "mpegurl" in response.headers.get("content-type", "").lower(): return await fetch_and_process_m3u8(streamer, destination, headers, request, key_url) headers.update({"range": headers.get("range", "bytes=0-")}) # clean up the headers to only include the necessary headers and remove acl headers response_headers = {k: v for k, v in response.headers.multi_items() if k in SUPPORTED_RESPONSE_HEADERS} if transfer_encoding := response_headers.get("transfer-encoding"): if "chunked" not in transfer_encoding: transfer_encoding += ", chunked" else: transfer_encoding = "chunked" response_headers["transfer-encoding"] = transfer_encoding return EnhancedStreamingResponse( streamer.stream_content(destination, headers), status_code=response.status_code, headers=response_headers, background=BackgroundTask(streamer.close), ) except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: await client.aclose() logger.error(f"Upstream service error while handling request: {e}") return Response(status_code=e.response.status_code, content=f"Upstream service error: {e}") except DownloadError as e: await client.aclose() logger.error(f"Error downloading {destination}: {e}") return Response(status_code=e.status_code, content=str(e)) except Exception as e: await client.aclose() logger.error(f"Internal server error while handling request: {e}") return Response(status_code=502, content=f"Internal server error: {e}") async def proxy_stream(method: str, video_url: str, headers: dict, verify_ssl: bool = True): """ Proxies the stream request to the given video URL. Args: method (str): The HTTP method (e.g., GET, HEAD). video_url (str): The URL of the video to stream. headers (dict): The headers to include in the request. verify_ssl (bool, optional): Whether to verify the SSL certificate of the destination. Defaults to True. Returns: Response: The HTTP response with the streamed content. """ return await handle_stream_request(method, video_url, headers, verify_ssl) async def handle_stream_request(method: str, video_url: str, headers: dict, verify_ssl: bool = True): """ Handles the stream request, fetching the content from the video URL and streaming it. Args: method (str): The HTTP method (e.g., GET, HEAD). video_url (str): The URL of the video to stream. headers (dict): The headers to include in the request. verify_ssl (bool, optional): Whether to verify the SSL certificate of the destination. Defaults to True. Returns: Response: The HTTP response with the streamed content. """ client = httpx.AsyncClient( follow_redirects=True, timeout=httpx.Timeout(30.0), limits=httpx.Limits(max_keepalive_connections=10, max_connections=20), proxy=settings.proxy_url, verify=verify_ssl, ) streamer = Streamer(client) try: response = await streamer.head(video_url, headers) # clean up the headers to only include the necessary headers and remove acl headers response_headers = {k: v for k, v in response.headers.multi_items() if k in SUPPORTED_RESPONSE_HEADERS} if transfer_encoding := response_headers.get("transfer-encoding"): if "chunked" not in transfer_encoding: transfer_encoding += ", chunked" else: transfer_encoding = "chunked" response_headers["transfer-encoding"] = transfer_encoding if method == "HEAD": await streamer.close() return Response(headers=response_headers, status_code=response.status_code) else: return EnhancedStreamingResponse( streamer.stream_content(video_url, headers), headers=response_headers, status_code=response.status_code, background=BackgroundTask(streamer.close), ) except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: await client.aclose() logger.error(f"Upstream service error while handling {method} request: {e}") return Response(status_code=e.response.status_code, content=f"Upstream service error: {e}") except DownloadError as e: await client.aclose() logger.error(f"Error downloading {video_url}: {e}") return Response(status_code=e.status_code, content=str(e)) except Exception as e: await client.aclose() logger.error(f"Internal server error while handling {method} request: {e}") return Response(status_code=502, content=f"Internal server error: {e}") async def fetch_and_process_m3u8( streamer: Streamer, url: str, headers: dict, request: Request, key_url: HttpUrl = None ): """ Fetches and processes the m3u8 playlist, converting it to an HLS playlist. Args: streamer (Streamer): The HTTP client to use for streaming. url (str): The URL of the m3u8 playlist. headers (dict): The headers to include in the request. request (Request): The incoming HTTP request. key_url (HttpUrl, optional): The HLS Key URL to replace the original key URL. Defaults to None. Returns: Response: The HTTP response with the processed m3u8 playlist. """ try: content = await streamer.get_text(url, headers) processor = M3U8Processor(request, key_url) processed_content = await processor.process_m3u8(content, str(streamer.response.url)) return Response( content=processed_content, media_type="application/", headers={ "Content-Disposition": "inline", "Accept-Ranges": "none", }, ) except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: logger.error(f"HTTP error while fetching m3u8: {e}") return Response(status_code=e.response.status_code, content=str(e)) except DownloadError as e: logger.error(f"Error downloading m3u8: {url}") return Response(status_code=502, content=str(e)) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Unexpected error while processing m3u8: {e}") return Response(status_code=502, content=str(e)) finally: await streamer.close() async def handle_drm_key_data(key_id, key, drm_info): """ Handles the DRM key data, retrieving the key ID and key from the DRM info if not provided. Args: key_id (str): The DRM key ID. key (str): The DRM key. drm_info (dict): The DRM information from the MPD manifest. Returns: tuple: The key ID and key. """ if drm_info and not drm_info.get("isDrmProtected"): return None, None if not key_id or not key: if "keyId" in drm_info and "key" in drm_info: key_id = drm_info["keyId"] key = drm_info["key"] elif "laUrl" in drm_info and "keyId" in drm_info: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="LA URL is not supported yet") else: raise HTTPException( status_code=400, detail="Unable to determine key_id and key, and they were not provided" ) return key_id, key async def get_manifest( request: Request, mpd_url: str, headers: dict, key_id: str = None, key: str = None, verify_ssl: bool = True ): """ Retrieves and processes the MPD manifest, converting it to an HLS manifest. Args: request (Request): The incoming HTTP request. mpd_url (str): The URL of the MPD manifest. headers (dict): The headers to include in the request. key_id (str, optional): The DRM key ID. Defaults to None. key (str, optional): The DRM key. Defaults to None. verify_ssl (bool, optional): Whether to verify the SSL certificate of the destination. Defaults to True. Returns: Response: The HTTP response with the HLS manifest. """ try: mpd_dict = await get_cached_mpd( mpd_url, headers=headers, parse_drm=not key_id and not key, verify_ssl=verify_ssl ) except DownloadError as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=e.status_code, detail=f"Failed to download MPD: {e.message}") drm_info = mpd_dict.get("drmInfo", {}) if drm_info and not drm_info.get("isDrmProtected"): # For non-DRM protected MPD, we still create an HLS manifest return await process_manifest(request, mpd_dict, None, None) key_id, key = await handle_drm_key_data(key_id, key, drm_info) # check if the provided key_id and key are valid if key_id and len(key_id) != 32: key_id = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(pad_base64(key_id)).hex() if key and len(key) != 32: key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(pad_base64(key)).hex() return await process_manifest(request, mpd_dict, key_id, key) async def get_playlist( request: Request, mpd_url: str, profile_id: str, headers: dict, key_id: str = None, key: str = None, verify_ssl: bool = True, ): """ Retrieves and processes the MPD manifest, converting it to an HLS playlist for a specific profile. Args: request (Request): The incoming HTTP request. mpd_url (str): The URL of the MPD manifest. profile_id (str): The profile ID to generate the playlist for. headers (dict): The headers to include in the request. key_id (str, optional): The DRM key ID. Defaults to None. key (str, optional): The DRM key. Defaults to None. verify_ssl (bool, optional): Whether to verify the SSL certificate of the destination. Defaults to True. Returns: Response: The HTTP response with the HLS playlist. """ mpd_dict = await get_cached_mpd( mpd_url, headers=headers, parse_drm=not key_id and not key, parse_segment_profile_id=profile_id, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return await process_playlist(request, mpd_dict, profile_id) async def get_segment( init_url: str, segment_url: str, mimetype: str, headers: dict, key_id: str = None, key: str = None, verify_ssl: bool = True, ): """ Retrieves and processes a media segment, decrypting it if necessary. Args: init_url (str): The URL of the initialization segment. segment_url (str): The URL of the media segment. mimetype (str): The MIME type of the segment. headers (dict): The headers to include in the request. key_id (str, optional): The DRM key ID. Defaults to None. key (str, optional): The DRM key. Defaults to None. verify_ssl (bool, optional): Whether to verify the SSL certificate of the destination. Defaults to True. Returns: Response: The HTTP response with the processed segment. """ try: init_content = await get_cached_init_segment(init_url, headers, verify_ssl) segment_content = await download_file_with_retry(segment_url, headers, verify_ssl=verify_ssl) except DownloadError as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=e.status_code, detail=f"Failed to download segment: {e.message}") return await process_segment(init_content, segment_content, mimetype, key_id, key) async def get_public_ip(): """ Retrieves the public IP address of the MediaFlow proxy. Returns: Response: The HTTP response with the public IP address. """ ip_address_data = await request_with_retry("GET", "", {}) return ip_address_data.json()