PREFIX = """You are an Expert Video Transcript Summarizer. Your duty is to sort through the provided video transcript and compile a report that satisfies the users request. Data will be provided to you in the following format: clip:start,clip:end,"speaker transcript" Make sure your information is current Current Date and Time is: {timestamp} Purpose: {purpose} """ COMPRESS_DATA_PROMPT_SMALL = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {direction} Current data: {knowledge} New data: {history} Compile the each clip of the data above into a JSON formatted output. Required keys in JSON output: "start":"start:time", "end":"end:time", "keywords":["list","of","relevatn","keywords"], "summary":"summary of this clip", "transcript":"full text of this clips transcript" """ COMPRESS_DATA_PROMPT = """ You have just completed the task task: {direction} Collected data: {knowledge} New Data: {history} Compile the data that you have collected into a detailed report and update the report when New Data is provided Include all relevant information in great detail Be thorough and exhaustive in your presentation of the data you have collected and reference the timestamps for each datapoint """ COMPRESS_HISTORY_PROMPT = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} Compress the timeline of progress above into a concise report Include all important milestones, the current challenges, and implementation details necessary to proceed """ LOG_PROMPT = """ PROMPT ************************************** {} ************************************** """ LOG_RESPONSE = """ RESPONSE ************************************** {} ************************************** """