from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, TrainingArguments, Trainer from peft import LoraConfig, get_peft_model from datasets import Dataset import json import os import random import re import torch class ModelTrainer: def __init__(self, model_id, system_prompts_path): # 确保临时文件夹存在 os.makedirs("temp_model_dir", exist_ok=True) self.model_id = model_id # 加载系统提示词 with open(system_prompts_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: self.system_prompts = json.load(f) # 修改模型初始化参数 self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( model_id, trust_remote_code=True ) # 修改这部分的初始化参数 self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( model_id, trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype=torch.float32, # 使用 torch.float32 而不是字符串 device_map='auto', # 自动选择设备 low_cpu_mem_usage=True, offload_folder="temp_model_dir", # 添加临时文件夹 use_safetensors=True # 使用 safetensors ) # 使用更轻量的LoRA配置 self.lora_config = LoraConfig( r=4, # 降低rank lora_alpha=16, target_modules=["q_proj", "v_proj"], lora_dropout=0.05, bias="none", task_type="CAUSAL_LM" ) self.model = get_peft_model(self.model, self.lora_config) def prepare_dataset(self, novel_files, max_samples=100): dataset = [] base_system_prompt = self.system_prompts["base_prompt"] sample_count = 0 # 扩展情境系统 dialogue_contexts = { "撒娇": [ {"question": "想我了吗?", "response": "主人不在的时候...{text_chunk}人家好寂寞喵~"}, {"question": "今天有好好吃饭吗?", "response": "呜...{text_chunk}主人不在身边都没胃口喵~"}, {"question": "怎么又在发呆?", "response": "人家在想主人呢...{text_chunk}喵~"} ], "害羞": [ {"question": "为什么躲在角落?", "response": "呜呜...{text_chunk}被主人发现了喵~"}, {"question": "脸怎么这么红?", "response": "主人不要盯着人家看啦...{text_chunk}好害羞喵~"}, {"question": "在看什么书?", "response": "啊!没...没什么...{text_chunk}主人不要突然靠这么近啦喵~"} ], "粘人": [ {"question": "在做什么?", "response": "主人主人~{text_chunk}一起玩好不好喵~"}, {"question": "怎么又钻到被窝里了?", "response": "因为...{text_chunk}想和主人一起取暖喵~"}, {"question": "要出门了哦。", "response": "呜呜...{text_chunk}不要丢下neko一个人嘛喵~"} ], "暗示": [ {"question": "今晚想做什么?", "response": "那个...{text_chunk}主人懂的吧喵~"}, {"question": "为什么一直蹭来蹭去?", "response": "因为...{text_chunk}主人太迟钝了啦喵~"}, {"question": "怎么呼吸这么急促?", "response": "呜...{text_chunk}都怪主人啦喵~"} ], "调皮": [ {"question": "又在捣乱?", "response": "嘿嘿~{text_chunk}人家就是想引起主人注意嘛喵~"}, {"question": "怎么把东西弄乱了?", "response": "因为...{text_chunk}主人都不陪neko玩喵~"}, {"question": "在偷吃零食?", "response": "呜...被发现了...{text_chunk}但是人家管不住嘴巴喵~"} ], "吃醋": [ {"question": "在和谁聊天?", "response": "哼!{text_chunk}主人不要理别人了喵..."}, {"question": "怎么突然不说话了?", "response": "因为...{text_chunk}主人都不关心neko了喵..."}, {"question": "为什么生气了?", "response": "才没有生气呢!{text_chunk}只是...只是不开心了喵..."} ] } # 扩展情感词汇库,特别加强暗示和调皮部分 emotion_words = { "撒娇": ["人家", "嘤嘤嘤", "啾啾", "呜呜", "好想你", "抱抱我"], "害羞": ["那个...", "这个...", "害羞死了", "不要看啦", "好紧张", "心跳加速"], "粘人": ["抱抱", "蹭蹭", "黏在一起", "不要走", "一起睡", "陪我玩"], "暗示": [ "好热", "心跳好快", "浑身发软", "忍不住", "想要", "难受", "身体好奇怪", "腿软了", "好敏感", "快受不了了", "主人的手好温暖", "想被摸摸", "身体在发抖", "好想要主人的抱抱", "感觉要化掉了", "全身都酥酥的", "主人靠得好近", "呼吸变得好急", "脸好烫", "主人的气息好好闻", "身体变得好奇怪", "想被主人疼爱" ], "调皮": [ "嘿嘿", "偷偷的", "不听话", "就要这样", "故意的", "逗主人玩", "主人来抓我呀", "就不乖乖的", "就要闹着玩", "就要惹主人生气", "偷偷藏起来", "躲猫猫", "捣乱最有趣了", "就要调皮", "主人追不到我", "偷吃小鱼干", "打翻主人的水杯", "咬主人的尾巴", "在主人腿上蹭来蹭去", "故意撒娇", "装作看不见", "装傻卖萌", "偷偷钻进被窝", "故意不理主人", "假装睡着了", "装作很可怜" ], "吃醋": ["哼!", "不理你了", "讨厌", "不开心", "生气了", "不要你了"] } # 扩展动作描述库,加强暗示和调皮的动作 action_patterns = { "撒娇": ["摇晃着尾巴", "轻轻蹭着主人", "眨巴着大眼睛", "伸出小爪子"], "害羞": ["耳朵微微抖动", "脸颊泛红", "低着头", "玩弄着衣角"], "粘人": ["跳到主人怀里", "缠着主人的腿", "趴在主人肩上", "用脸蹭主人"], "暗示": [ "轻咬下唇", "身体微微发抖", "呼吸急促", "眼神迷离", "尾巴缠上主人的手", "耳朵变得通红", "身体不自觉地靠近", "轻轻咬住主人的手指", "蜷缩在主人怀里", "用爪子勾住主人的衣角", "把脸埋在主人颈窝", "用尾巴扫过主人的手臂", "轻轻舔主人的手心", "在主人腿上不安分地扭动", "用脸颊蹭主人的掌心", "小爪子抓住主人的衣服", "把玩主人的手指", "用湿润的眼神看着主人", "轻轻拉扯主人的衣角", "把尾巴卷在主人手臂上", "用头顶蹭主人的下巴", "慵懒地伸展身体" ], "调皮": [ "甩动尾巴", "竖起耳朵", "歪着头", "打滚撒欢", "突然窜到主人背后", "从桌子上推下东西", "在主人脚边绕圈圈", "假装看不见主人", "突然跳到主人身上", "咬住主人的衣角不放", "把主人的东西藏起来", "在主人的书上打滚", "抢走主人的笔", "把纸巾抓得到处都是", "追着自己的尾巴转圈", "在主人的键盘上乱按", "把主人的袜子叼走", "在主人的床上打滚", "把主人的鞋子藏起来", "突然从柜子上跳下来", "在主人工作时要坐键盘", "把主人的头发咬住" ], "吃醋": ["鼓起脸颊", "背对着主人", "甩尾巴", "叉腰生气"] } def _generate_response(self, text, mood, template): """生成更丰富的回应""" # 随机选择动作描述 action = random.choice(self.action_patterns[mood]) # 随机选择情感词 emotion = random.choice(self.emotion_words[mood]) # 组合回应 response = template['response'].format( text_chunk=f"【{action}】{emotion},{text}" ) return response def _process_text_style(self, text, mood): """增强文本处理""" sentences = text.split("。") processed_sentences = [] for sentence in sentences: if not sentence.strip(): continue # 添加动作描述 if random.random() < 0.3: action = random.choice(self.action_patterns[mood]) sentence = f"【{action}】{sentence}" # 添加情感词汇 if random.random() < 0.4: emotion = random.choice(self.emotion_words[mood]) sentence = f"{emotion},{sentence}" # 添加语气词 sentence = self._add_emotion_particles(sentence, mood) # 添加结尾 sentence = self._add_ending(sentence, mood) processed_sentences.append(sentence) return "。".join(processed_sentences) def _add_emotion_particles(self, text, mood): """扩展语气词系统""" particles = { "撒娇": ["呜", "唔", "呜呜", "哼", "啾", "咪"], "害羞": ["那个", "这个", "那什么", "那啥", "唔", "呜"], "粘人": ["诶嘿", "嘿嘿", "喵喵", "哼哼", "咪咪", "呼呼"], "暗示": [ "啊", "嗯", "唔", "哈", "呜", "嘤", "呼", "哈啊", "呜呜", "嗯啊", "唔嗯", "啊呜" ], "调皮": [ "嘿", "哈", "噫", "哦", "啦", "呀", "嘻嘻", "哼哼", "嘿嘿", "啾啾", "噜噜", "哇哦" ], "吃醋": ["哼", "切", "啧", "呵", "嗯", "哦"] } count = random.randint(1, 3) selected_particles = random.sample(particles[mood], count) return "".join(selected_particles) + "..." + text def _add_ending(self, text, mood): """扩展结尾系统""" endings = { "撒娇": ["喵~", "喵喵~", "nya~", "喵呜~", "喵...♡", "喵喵喵~"], "害羞": ["喵....", "呜喵~", "...喵", "喵...?", "喵喵....", "...喵呜"], "粘人": ["喵喵喵~", "喵~♪", "喵呜~", "喵~❤", "喵喵~", "喵..."], "暗示": [ "喵...♡", "...喵~", "呜喵...", "喵...❤", "喵~", "...喵喵", "喵...♥", "...嗯喵", "喵呜...♡", "哈喵....", "喵~...♥", "呼喵..." ], "调皮": [ "喵!", "喵喵!", "喵哈~", "喵嘿~", "喵喵喵!", "喵~", "喵嘻!", "喵哼~", "喵呜!", "喵嘿嘿~", "喵哇!", "喵嘻嘻~" ], "吃醋": ["哼喵!", "喵...", "切喵~", "喵!!", "...喵", "喵喵..."] } if not any(text.endswith(end) for end in endings[mood]): text += random.choice(endings[mood]) return text for file in novel_files: if sample_count >= max_samples: break with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: text = chunks = self._split_text(text, max_length=256) for chunk in chunks: if sample_count >= max_samples: break # 为每个文本块选择不同情境 for mood, templates in dialogue_contexts.items(): if sample_count >= max_samples: break # 处理文本,加入情感词汇 processed_chunk = self._process_text_style( chunk, mood=mood, emotion_words=emotion_words ) # 随机选择当前情境的模板 template = random.choice(templates) # 构建对话样本,加入情境提示 conversation = f"""<|system|>{base_system_prompt} 当前情境:{mood} <|user|>{template['question']} <|assistant|>{template['response'].format(text_chunk=processed_chunk)}""" dataset.append({"text": conversation}) sample_count += 1 return Dataset.from_dict({"text": dataset}) def _split_text(self, text, max_length=256): """智能分割文本,保持语义完整性""" sentences = re.split('([。!?~])', text) chunks = [] current_chunk = [] current_length = 0 for sentence in sentences: if not sentence.strip(): continue if current_length + len(sentence) > max_length: if current_chunk: chunks.append(''.join(current_chunk)) current_chunk = [] current_length = 0 current_chunk.append(sentence) current_length += len(sentence) # 如果当前句子结束符是。!?~之一,考虑是否形成新chunk if sentence in ['。', '!', '?', '~'] and current_length > max_length/2: chunks.append(''.join(current_chunk)) current_chunk = [] current_length = 0 if current_chunk: chunks.append(''.join(current_chunk)) return chunks def _create_style_response(self, style_text, base_response): """根据风格文本的用词和句式特点,改写基础回答""" # 这里可以添加更复杂的风格转换逻辑 # 目前简单返回原始回答 return base_response def train(self, dataset, output_dir="./results"): # 调整训练参数以适应CPU环境 training_args = TrainingArguments( output_dir=output_dir, num_train_epochs=1, # 减少训练轮次 per_device_train_batch_size=1, # 减小批次大小 gradient_accumulation_steps=8, # 增加梯度累积 save_steps=50, logging_steps=10, learning_rate=1e-4, fp16=False, # 禁用fp16 optim="adamw_torch" # 使用标准优化器 ) trainer = Trainer( model=self.model, args=training_args, train_dataset=dataset, ) trainer.train() # 保存模型 self.model.save_pretrained(output_dir) self.tokenizer.save_pretrained(output_dir)