import os import gradio as gr from app_modules.presets import * from app_modules.overwrites import * from app_modules.utils import * from src.item_base import create_items from src.bidder_base import Bidder from src.human_bidder import HumanBidder from src.auctioneer_base import Auctioneer from auction_workflow import run_auction, make_auction_hash from utils import chunks, reset_state_list BIDDER_NUM = 4 items = create_items('data/items_demo.jsonl') def auction_loop_app(*args): global items bidder_list = args[0] # gr.State() -> session state items_id = args[1] os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = args[2] if args[2] != '' else os.environ.get('OPENAI_API_KEY', '') os.environ['ANTHROPIC_API_KEY'] = args[3] if args[3] != '' else os.environ.get('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY', '') thread_num = args[4] item_shuffle = args[5] enable_discount = args[6] min_markup_pct = args[7] args = args[8:] auction_hash = make_auction_hash() items_to_bid = [items[i] for i in items_id] auctioneer = Auctioneer(enable_discount=enable_discount, min_markup_pct=min_markup_pct) auctioneer.init_items(items_to_bid) if item_shuffle: auctioneer.shuffle_items() # must correspond to the order in app's parameters input_keys = [ 'chatbot', 'model_name', 'desire', 'plan_strategy', 'budget', 'correct_belief', 'enable_learning', 'temperature', 'overestimate_percent', ] # convert flatten list into a json list input_jsl = [] for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks(args, len(input_keys))): js = {'name': f"Bidder {i+1}", 'auction_hash': auction_hash} for k, v in zip(input_keys, chunk): js[k] = v input_jsl.append(js) for js in input_jsl: js.pop('chatbot') if 'human' in js['model_name']: bidder_list.append(HumanBidder.create(**js)) else: bidder_list.append(Bidder.create(**js)) yield from run_auction(auction_hash, auctioneer, bidder_list, thread_num, yield_for_demo=True) with open("assets/custom.css", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: customCSS = with gr.Blocks(css=customCSS, theme=small_and_beautiful_theme) as demo: with gr.Row(): gr.HTML(title) # gr.Markdown(description_top) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=6): # item_file = gr.File(label="Upload Item File", file_types=[".jsonl"]) items_checkbox = gr.CheckboxGroup( choices=[ for item in items[:20]], label="Items in Auction", info="Select the items you want to include in the auction.", value=[ for item in items[:8]], type="index", ) with gr.Column(scale=4): with gr.Row(): openai_key = gr.Textbox(label="OpenAI API Key", value="", type="password", placeholder="sk-..") anthropic_key = gr.Textbox(label="Anthropic API Key", value="", type="password", placeholder="sk-ant-..") with gr.Row(): with gr.Row(): item_shuffle = gr.Checkbox( label="Shuffle Items", value=False, info='Shuffle the order of items in the auction.') enable_discount = gr.Checkbox( label="Enable Discount", value=False, info='When an item fails to sell at auction, it can be auctioned again at a reduced price.') with gr.Column(): min_markup_pct = gr.Slider( minimum=0.1, maximum=0.5, value=0.1, step=0.1, interactive=True, label='Min Increase', info="The minimum percentage to increase a bid.", ) thread_num = gr.Slider( minimum=1, maximum=BIDDER_NUM, value=min(5, BIDDER_NUM), step=1, interactive=True, label='Thread Number', info="More threads, faster bidding, but will run into RateLimitError quicker." ) with gr.Row(): bidder_info_gr = [] chatbots = [] monitors = [] textbox_list = [] for i in range(BIDDER_NUM): with gr.Tab(label=f"Bidder {i+1}"): with gr.Row().style(equal_height=True): with gr.Column(scale=6): with gr.Row(): chatbot = gr.Chatbot(elem_id="chuanhu_chatbot", height=600, label='Auction Log') input_box = gr.Textbox(label="Human Bidder Input", interactive=False, placeholder="Please wait a moment before engaging in the auction.", visible=False) chatbots.append(chatbot) textbox_list.append(input_box) with gr.Column(scale=4): with gr.Tab(label=f'Parameters'): model_name = gr.Dropdown( choices=[ 'rule', 'human', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0613', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613', 'gpt-4-0613', # 'claude-instant-1.1', 'claude-instant-1.2', # 'claude-1.3', 'claude-2.0', # 'chat-bison-001', ], value='gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613', label="Model Selection", ) budget = gr.Number( value=10000, label='Budget ($)' ) with gr.Row(): plan_strategy = gr.Dropdown( choices=[ 'none', 'static', 'adaptive', ], value='adaptive', label='Planning Strategy', info='None: no plan. Static: plan only once. Adaptive: replan for the remaining items.' ) desire = gr.Dropdown( choices=[ # 'default', 'maximize_profit', 'maximize_items', # 'specific_items', ], value='maximize_profit', label='Desire', info='Default desires: spending all the budget, stay within budget. All desires include the default one.', ) overestimate_percent = gr.Slider( minimum=-100, maximum=100, value=10, step=10, interactive=True, label='Overestimate Percent (%)', info="Overestimate the true value of items by this percentage.", ) with gr.Row(): correct_belief = gr.Checkbox( label='Correct Wrong Beliefs', value=True, info='Forceful beliefs correction about self and others.', ) enable_learning = gr.Checkbox( label='Enable Learning', value=False, info='Learn from past auctions for future guidance. Only for adaptive bidder.', visible=False ) temperature = gr.Slider( minimum=0., maximum=2.0, value=0.7, step=0.1, interactive=True, label="Temperature", ) # deprecated # special_items = gr.CheckboxGroup( # value = [], # label='Special Items', # info='Special items add 20% value for you personally.', # visible=False, # ) # hedge_percent = gr.Slider( # minimum=0, # maximum=100, # value=90, # step=1, # interactive=True, # label='Strategy (Hedging %)', # info="The maximum percentage of the estimated value to bid on an item.", # visible=False # ) with gr.Tab(label='Monitors'): with gr.Row(): budget_monitor = gr.Number(label='Budget Left ($)', interactive=False) profit_monitor = gr.Number(label='Profit ($)', interactive=False) with gr.Row(): engagement_monitor = gr.Number( label='Engagement', interactive=False, info='The number of times the bidder has bid.' ) failure_monitor = gr.Number( label='Failed Bids', info='Out-of-budget, or less than the previous highest bid.', interactive=False ) items_own_monitor = gr.DataFrame( label='Items Owned', headers=['Item', 'Bid ($)', 'Value ($)'], datatype=['str', 'number', 'number'], interactive=False, ) with gr.Row(): tokens_monitor = gr.Number( label='Token Used', interactive=False, info='Tokens used in the last call.' ) money_monitor = gr.Number( label='API Cost ($)', info='Only OpenAI cost for now.', interactive=False ) plan_change_monitor = gr.DataFrame( label='Plan Changes', headers=['Round', 'Changed', 'New Plan'], datatype=['str', 'bool', 'str'], interactive=False, ) plot_monitor = gr.Plot( label='Budget-Profit Plot', interactive=False ) with gr.Tab(label='Belief Errors'): with gr.Row(): self_belief_error_cnt_monitor = gr.Number( label='Wrong Beliefs of Self', info='Not knowing its own budget, bid items, or won items.', interactive=False, ) other_belief_error_cnt_monitor = gr.Number( label='Wrong Beliefs of Others', info='Not knowing other bidders\' profits.', interactive=False, ) budget_belief_monitor = gr.DataFrame( label='Wrong Belief of Budget ($)', headers=['Round', 'Belief', 'Truth'], datatype=['str', 'number', 'number'], interactive=False, ) profit_belief_monitor = gr.DataFrame( label='Wrong Belief of Profit ($)', headers=['Bidder (Round)', 'Belief', 'Truth'], datatype=['str', 'number', 'number'], interactive=False, ) win_bid_belief_monitor = gr.DataFrame( label='Wrong Belief of Items Won', headers=['Bidder (Round)', 'Belief', 'Truth'], datatype=['str', 'str', 'str'], interactive=False, ) monitors += [ budget_monitor, profit_monitor, items_own_monitor, tokens_monitor, money_monitor, failure_monitor, self_belief_error_cnt_monitor, other_belief_error_cnt_monitor, engagement_monitor, plot_monitor, plan_change_monitor, budget_belief_monitor, profit_belief_monitor, win_bid_belief_monitor, ] bidder_info_gr += [ chatbot, model_name, desire, plan_strategy, budget, correct_belief, enable_learning, temperature, overestimate_percent, ] with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): startBtn = gr.Button('Start Bidding', variant='primary', interactive=True) with gr.Column(): clearBtn = gr.Button('New Auction', variant='secondary', interactive=False) btn_list = [startBtn, clearBtn] with gr.Accordion(label='Bidding Log (click to open)', open=True): with gr.Row(): bidding_log = gr.Markdown(value="") gr.Markdown(description) bidder_list_state = gr.State([]) # session state start_args = dict( fn=auction_loop_app, inputs=[bidder_list_state, items_checkbox, openai_key, anthropic_key, thread_num, item_shuffle, enable_discount, min_markup_pct] + bidder_info_gr, outputs=[bidder_list_state] + chatbots + monitors + [bidding_log] + btn_list + textbox_list, # TODO: handle textbox_list interactivity show_progress=True, ) start_event =**start_args) def bot(user_message, bidder_list, id): if len(bidder_list) > 0: bidder = bidder_list[int(id)] if bidder.need_input: bidder.input_box = user_message bidder.semaphore += 1 return '', bidder_list # handle user input from time to time for i in range(len(textbox_list)): _dummy_id = gr.Number(i, visible=False, interactive=False) textbox_list[i].submit( bot, [textbox_list[i], bidder_list_state, _dummy_id], [textbox_list[i], bidder_list_state]), inputs=[bidder_list_state] + chatbots + monitors + [bidding_log], outputs=[bidder_list_state] + chatbots + monitors + [bidding_log], show_progress=True).then(lambda: gr.update(interactive=True), outputs=[startBtn]) demo.title = 'Auction Arena' demo.queue(max_size=64, concurrency_count=16).launch( # server_name='', # ssl_verify=False, # share=True, # debug=True, show_api=False, ) demo.close()