import streamlit as st import os import time import glob import os import subprocess import whisper from whisper.utils import write_vtt import openai #from gtts import gTTS from gtts import * from googletrans import Translator try: os.mkdir("temp") except: pass st.markdown('

Nairo24 News

',unsafe_allow_html=True) st.title("Text to speech") translator = Translator() # Add an image image = "Nairo24.png" st.image(image, caption="", use_column_width=True) text = st.text_area("Enter text", value="", height=200) in_lang = st.selectbox( "Select your input language", ("English", "Hindi", "Bengali", "korean", "Chinese", "Japanese"), ) if in_lang == "English": input_language = "en" elif in_lang == "Hindi": input_language = "hi" elif in_lang == "Bengali": input_language = "bn" elif in_lang == "korean": input_language = "ko" elif in_lang == "Chinese": input_language = "zh-cn" elif in_lang == "Japanese": input_language = "ja" out_lang = st.selectbox( "Select your output language", ("English", "Hindi", "Bengali", "korean", "Chinese", "Japanese"), ) if out_lang == "English": output_language = "en" elif out_lang == "Hindi": output_language = "hi" elif out_lang == "Bengali": output_language = "bn" elif out_lang == "korean": output_language = "ko" elif out_lang == "Chinese": output_language = "zh-cn" elif out_lang == "Japanese": output_language = "ja" english_accent = st.selectbox( "Select your english accent", ( "Default", "India", "United Kingdom", "United States", "Canada", "Australia", "Ireland", "South Africa", ), ) if english_accent == "Default": tld = "ca" elif english_accent == "India": tld = "" elif english_accent == "United Kingdom": tld = "" elif english_accent == "United States": tld = "com" elif english_accent == "Canada": tld = "ca" elif english_accent == "Australia": tld = "" elif english_accent == "Ireland": tld = "ie" elif english_accent == "South Africa": tld = "" def text_to_speech(input_language, output_language, text, tld): translation = translator.translate(text, src=input_language, dest=output_language) trans_text = translation.text tts = gTTS(trans_text, lang=output_language, tld=tld, slow=False) try: my_file_name = text[0:20] except: my_file_name = "audio""temp/{my_file_name}.mp3") return my_file_name, trans_text display_output_text = st.checkbox("Display output text") if st.button("convert"): result, output_text = text_to_speech(input_language, output_language, text, tld) audio_file = open(f"temp/{result}.mp3", "rb") audio_bytes = st.markdown(f"## Your audio:"), format="audio/mp3", start_time=0) if display_output_text: st.markdown(f"## Output text:") st.write(f" {output_text}") # Add download button for the generated MP3 file st.download_button("Download MP3", data=audio_bytes, file_name=f"{result}.mp3") def remove_files(n): mp3_files = glob.glob("temp/*mp3") if len(mp3_files) != 0: now = time.time() n_days = n * 86400 for f in mp3_files: if os.stat(f).st_mtime < now - n_days: os.remove(f) print("Deleted ", f) remove_files(7) ###MULTILINGUAL AI. FOR ADDING CAPTIONS TO VIDEOS### from pydub import AudioSegment #Download the model model = whisper.load_model("tiny") def video2mp3(video_file, output_ext="mp3"): filename, ext = os.path.splitext(video_file) audio_file = f"{filename}.{output_ext}" video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_file) audio_clip = audio_clip.write_audiofile(audio_file) return audio_file def translate(input_video): audio_file = video2mp3(input_video) options = dict(beam_size=5, best_of=5) translate_options = dict(task="translate", **options) result = model.transcribe(audio_file, **translate_options) output_dir = './' audio_path = audio_file.split(".")[0] with open(os.path.join(output_dir, audio_path + ".vtt"), "w") as vtt: write_vtt(result["segments"], file=vtt) subtitle = audio_path + ".vtt" output_video = audio_path + "_subtitled.mp4" st.warning("Subtitle generation is not supported in this environment.") st.warning("Please use a local environment with FFmpeg installed to generate the subtitled video.") return output_video st.title("MultiLingual AI: Add Caption to Videos") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload your video", type=["mp4"]) if uploaded_file is not None: if st.button("Generate Subtitle Video"): # Save uploaded file to a temporary location with open("temp_video.mp4", "wb") as f: f.write( output_video = translate("temp_video.mp4") # Display the output video st.warning("Subtitle generation is not supported in this environment.") st.warning("Please use a local environment with FFmpeg installed to display the subtitled video.") # Remove temporary files os.remove("temp_video.mp4") st.markdown( ''' ''', unsafe_allow_html=True )