Build error
Build error
from cherche import retrieve | |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util | |
from transformers import RobertaTokenizer, RobertaModel, EncoderDecoderModel | |
from config import classifier_class_mapping, config | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import pickle | |
import torch | |
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier | |
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier | |
import spacy | |
# nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_trf") | |
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") | |
class wrappedTokenizer(RobertaTokenizer): | |
def __call__(self, text_input): | |
return self.tokenize(text_input) | |
def generate_index(db): | |
db_cp = db.copy() | |
index_list = [] | |
for id_, dirname in db_cp.values: | |
index_list.append( | |
{ | |
'id': id_, | |
'library': dirname.lower() | |
}) | |
return index_list | |
def load_db(db_metadata_path, db_constructor_path, db_params_path, exclusion_list_path): | |
''' | |
Function to load dataframe | |
Params: | |
db_metadata_path (string): the path to the db_metadata file | |
db_constructor_path (string): the path to the db_constructor file | |
Output: | |
db_metadata (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing metadata information about the library | |
db_constructor (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing the mapping of library names to valid constructor | |
''' | |
db_metadata = pd.read_csv(db_metadata_path) | |
db_metadata.dropna(inplace=True) | |
db_constructor = pd.read_csv(db_constructor_path) | |
db_constructor.dropna(inplace=True) | |
db_params = pd.read_csv(db_params_path) | |
db_params.dropna(inplace=True) | |
with open(exclusion_list_path, 'r') as f: | |
ex_list = | |
ex_list = ex_list.split("\n") | |
return db_metadata, db_constructor, db_params, ex_list | |
def load_retrieval_model_lexical(tokenizer_path, max_k, db_metadata): | |
''' | |
Function to load BM25 model | |
Params: | |
tokenizer_path (string): the path to a tokenizer (can be a path to either a huggingface model or local directory) | |
max_k (int): the maximum number of returned sequences | |
db_metadata (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing metadata information about the library | |
Returns: | |
retrieval_model: a retrieval model | |
''' | |
# generate index | |
index_list = generate_index(db_metadata[['id', 'library']]) | |
# load model | |
tokenizer = wrappedTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_path) | |
retrieval_model = retrieve.BM25Okapi( | |
key='id', | |
on='library', | |
documents=index_list, | |
k=max_k, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer | |
) | |
return retrieval_model | |
def load_retrieval_model_deep_learning(model_path, max_k, db_metadata): | |
''' | |
Function to load a deep learning-based model | |
Params: | |
model_path (string): the path to the model (can be a path to either a huggingface model or local directory) | |
max_k (int): the maximum number of returned sequences | |
db_metadata (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing metadata information about the library | |
Returns: | |
retrieval_model: a retrieval model | |
''' | |
# generate index | |
index_list = generate_index(db_metadata[['id', 'library']]) | |
# load model | |
retrieval_model = retrieve.Encoder( | |
key='id', | |
on='library', | |
encoder=SentenceTransformer(model_path).encode, | |
k=max_k, | |
path=f"../temp/dl.pkl" | |
) | |
retrieval_model = dl_retriever.add(documents=index_list) | |
return retrieval_model | |
def load_generative_model_codebert(model_path): | |
''' | |
Function load a generative model using codebert checkpoint | |
Params: | |
model_path (string): path to the model (can be a path to either a huggingface model or local directory) | |
Returns: | |
tokenizer: a huggingface tokenizer | |
generative_model: a generative model to generate API pattern given the library name as the input | |
''' | |
tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) | |
generative_model = EncoderDecoderModel.from_pretrained(model_path) | |
return tokenizer, generative_model | |
def get_metadata_library(predictions, db_metadata): | |
''' | |
Function to get the metadata of a library using the library unique id | |
Params: | |
predictions (list): a list of dictionary containing the prediction details | |
db_metadata: a dataframe containing metadata information about the library | |
Returns: | |
metadata_dict (dict): a dictionary where the key is the metadata type and the value is the metadata value | |
''' | |
predictions_cp = predictions.copy() | |
for prediction_dict in predictions_cp: | |
temp_db = db_metadata['id')] | |
assert(len(temp_db)==1) | |
prediction_dict['Sensor Type'] = temp_db.iloc[0]['cat'].capitalize() | |
prediction_dict['Github URL'] = temp_db.iloc[0]['url'] | |
# prefer the description from the arduino library list, if not found use the repo description | |
if temp_db.iloc[0].desc_ardulib != 'nan': | |
prediction_dict['Description'] = temp_db.iloc[0].desc_ardulib | |
elif temp_db.iloc[0].desc_repo != 'nan': | |
prediction_dict['Description'] = temp_db.iloc[0].desc_repo | |
else: | |
prediction_dict['Description'] = "Description not found" | |
return predictions_cp | |
def id_to_libname(id_, db_metadata): | |
''' | |
Function to convert a library id to its library name | |
Params: | |
id_ (int): a unique library id | |
db_metadata (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing metadata information about the library | |
Returns: | |
library_name (string): the library name that corresponds to the input id | |
''' | |
temp_db = db_metadata[] | |
assert(len(temp_db)==1) | |
library_name = temp_db.iloc[0].library | |
return library_name | |
def retrieve_libraries(retrieval_model, model_input, db_metadata): | |
''' | |
Function to retrieve a set of relevant libraries using a model based on the input query | |
Params: | |
retrieval_model: a model to perform retrieval | |
model_input (string): an input query from the user | |
Returns: | |
library_ids (list): a list of library unique ids | |
library_names (list): a list of library names | |
''' | |
results = retrieval_model(model_input) | |
library_ids = [item.get('id') for item in results] | |
scores = [item.get('similarity') for item in results] | |
library_names = [id_to_libname(item, db_metadata) for item in library_ids] | |
return library_ids, library_names, scores | |
def prepare_input_generative_model(library_ids, db_constructor): | |
''' | |
Function to prepare the input of the model to generate API usage patterns | |
Params: | |
library_ids (list): a list of library ids | |
db_constructor (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing the mapping of library names to valid constructor | |
Returns: | |
output_dict (dictionary): a dictionary where the key is library id and the value is a list of valid inputs | |
''' | |
output_dict = {} | |
for id_ in library_ids: | |
temp_db = db_constructor[] | |
output_dict[id_] = [] | |
for id__, library_name, methods, constructor in temp_db.values: | |
output_dict[id_].append( | |
f'{library_name} [SEP] {constructor}' | |
) | |
return output_dict | |
def generate_api_usage_patterns(generative_model, tokenizer, model_input, num_beams, num_return_sequences, max_length): | |
''' | |
Function to generate API usage patterns | |
Params: | |
generative_model: a huggingface model | |
tokenizer: a huggingface tokenizer | |
model_input (string): a string in the form of <library-name> [SEP] constructor | |
num_beams (int): the beam width used for decoding | |
num_return_sequences (int): how many API usage patterns are returned by the model | |
Returns: | |
api_usage_patterns (list): a list of API usage patterns | |
''' | |
model_input = tokenizer(model_input, return_tensors='pt').input_ids | |
model_output = generative_model.generate( | |
model_input, | |
num_beams=num_beams, | |
num_return_sequences=num_return_sequences, | |
early_stopping=True, | |
max_length=max_length | |
) | |
api_usage_patterns = tokenizer.batch_decode( | |
model_output, | |
skip_special_tokens=True | |
) | |
return api_usage_patterns | |
def add_params(api_usage_patterns, db_params, library_id): | |
patterns_cp = api_usage_patterns.copy() | |
processed_sequences = [] | |
for sequence in patterns_cp: | |
sequence_list = sequence.split() | |
if len(sequence_list) < 2: | |
continue | |
temp_list = [] | |
ref_obj = '' | |
valid = True | |
for api in sequence_list: | |
temp_db = db_params[( & (db_params.methods==api.split(".")[-1])] | |
if ref_obj == '': | |
ref_obj = api.split(".")[0] | |
if len(temp_db) > 0 and ref_obj == api.split(".")[0]: | |
param = temp_db.iloc[0].params | |
new_api = api + param | |
temp_list.append(new_api) | |
else: | |
valid = False | |
break | |
if valid: | |
processed_sequences.append("[API-SEP]".join(temp_list)) | |
return processed_sequences | |
def generate_api_usage_patterns_batch(generative_model, tokenizer, library_ids, db_constructor, db_params, num_beams, num_return_sequences, max_length): | |
''' | |
Function to generate API usage patterns in batch | |
Params: | |
generative_model: a huggingface model | |
tokenizer: a huggingface tokenizer | |
library_ids (list): a list of libary ids | |
db_constructor (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing the mapping of library names to valid constructor | |
num_beams (int): the beam width used for decoding | |
num_return_sequences (int): how many API usage patterns are returned by the model | |
Returns: | |
predictions (list): a list of dictionary containing the api usage patterns, library name, and id | |
''' | |
input_generative_model_dict = prepare_input_generative_model(library_ids, db_constructor) | |
predictions = [] | |
for id_ in input_generative_model_dict: | |
temp_dict = { | |
'id': id_, | |
'library_name': None, | |
'hw_config': None, | |
'usage_patterns': {} | |
} | |
for input_generative_model in input_generative_model_dict.get(id_): | |
api_usage_patterns = generate_api_usage_patterns( | |
generative_model, | |
tokenizer, | |
input_generative_model, | |
num_beams, | |
num_return_sequences, | |
max_length | |
) | |
temp = input_generative_model.split("[SEP]") | |
library_name = temp[0].strip() | |
constructor = temp[1].strip() | |
assert(constructor not in temp_dict.get('usage_patterns')) | |
api_usage_patterns = add_params(api_usage_patterns, db_params, id_) | |
temp_dict['usage_patterns'][constructor] = api_usage_patterns | |
assert(temp_dict.get('library_name')==None) | |
temp_dict['library_name'] = library_name | |
predictions.append(temp_dict) | |
return predictions | |
# def generate_api_usage_patterns(generative_model, tokenizer, model_inputs, num_beams, num_return_sequences): | |
# ''' | |
# Function to generate API usage patterns | |
# Params: | |
# generative_model: a huggingface model | |
# tokenizer: a huggingface tokenizer | |
# model_inputs (list): a list of <library-name> [SEP] <constructor> | |
# num_beams (int): the beam width used for decoding | |
# num_return_sequences (int): how many API usage patterns are returned by the model | |
# Returns: | |
# api_usage_patterns (list): a list of API usage patterns | |
# ''' | |
# model_inputs = tokenizer( | |
# model_inputs, | |
# max_length=max_length, | |
# padding='max_length', | |
# return_tensors='pt', | |
# truncation=True) | |
# model_output = generative_model.generate( | |
# **model_inputs, | |
# num_beams=num_beams, | |
# num_return_sequences=num_return_sequences | |
# ) | |
# api_usage_patterns = tokenizer.batch_decode( | |
# model_output, | |
# skip_special_tokens=True | |
# ) | |
# api_usage_patterns = [api_usage_patterns[i:i+num_return_sequences] for i in range(0, len(api_usage_patterns), num_return_sequences)] | |
# return api_usage_patterns | |
def prepare_input_classification_model(id_, db_metadata): | |
''' | |
Function to get a feature for a classification model using library id | |
Params: | |
id_ (int): a unique library id | |
db_metadata (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing metadata information about the library | |
Returns: | |
feature (string): a feature used for the classification model input | |
''' | |
temp_db = db_metadata[ == id_] | |
assert(len(temp_db)==1) | |
feature = temp_db.iloc[0].features | |
return feature | |
def load_hw_classifier(model_path_classifier, model_path_classifier_head): | |
''' | |
Function to load a classifier model and classifier head | |
Params: | |
model_path_classifier (string): path to the classifier checkpoint (can be either huggingface path or local directory) | |
model_path_classifier_head (string): path to the classifier head checkpoint (should be a local directory) | |
Returns: | |
classifier_model: a huggingface model | |
classifier_head: a classifier model (can be either svm or rf) | |
tokenizer: a huggingface tokenizer | |
''' | |
tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path_classifier) | |
classifier_model = RobertaModel.from_pretrained(model_path_classifier) | |
with open(model_path_classifier_head, 'rb') as f: | |
classifier_head = pickle.load(f) | |
return classifier_model, classifier_head, tokenizer | |
def predict_hw_config(classifier_model, classifier_tokenizer, classifier_head, library_ids, db_metadata, max_length): | |
''' | |
Function to predict hardware configs | |
Params: | |
classifier_model: a huggingface model to convert a feature to a feature vector | |
classifier_tokenizer: a huggingface tokenizer | |
classifier_head: a classifier head | |
library_ids (list): a list of library ids | |
db_metadata (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing metadata information about the library | |
max_length (int): max length of the tokenizer output | |
Returns: | |
prediction (list): a list of prediction | |
''' | |
features = [prepare_input_classification_model(id_, db_metadata) for id_ in library_ids] | |
tokenized_features = classifier_tokenizer( | |
features, | |
max_length=max_length, | |
padding='max_length', | |
return_tensors='pt', | |
truncation=True | |
) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
embedding_features = classifier_model(**tokenized_features).pooler_output.numpy() | |
prediction = classifier_head.predict_proba(embedding_features).tolist() | |
prediction = np.argmax(prediction, axis=1).tolist() | |
prediction = [classifier_class_mapping.get(idx) for idx in prediction] | |
return prediction | |
def initialize_all_components(config): | |
''' | |
Function to initialize all components of ArduProg | |
Params: | |
config (dict): a dictionary containing the configuration to initialize all components | |
Returns: | |
db_metadata (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing metadata information about the library | |
db_constructor (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing the mapping of library names to valid constructor | |
model_retrieval, model_generative : a huggingface model | |
tokenizer_generative, tokenizer_classifier: a huggingface tokenizer | |
model_classifier: a huggingface model | |
classifier_head: a random forest model | |
''' | |
# load db | |
db_metadata, db_constructor, db_params, ex_list = load_db( | |
config.get('db_metadata_path'), | |
config.get('db_constructor_path'), | |
config.get('db_params_path'), | |
config.get('exclusion_list_path') | |
) | |
# load model | |
model_retrieval = load_retrieval_model_lexical( | |
config.get('tokenizer_path_retrieval'), | |
config.get('max_k'), | |
db_metadata, | |
) | |
tokenizer_generative, model_generative = load_generative_model_codebert(config.get('model_path_generative')) | |
model_classifier, classifier_head, tokenizer_classifier = load_hw_classifier( | |
config.get('model_path_classifier'), | |
config.get('classifier_head_path') | |
) | |
return db_metadata, db_constructor, db_params, ex_list, model_retrieval, model_generative, tokenizer_generative, model_classifier, classifier_head, tokenizer_classifier | |
def make_predictions(input_query, | |
model_retrieval, | |
model_generative, | |
model_classifier, classifier_head, | |
tokenizer_generative, tokenizer_classifier, | |
db_metadata, db_constructor, db_params, ex_list, | |
config): | |
''' | |
Function to retrieve relevant libraries, generate API usage patterns, and predict the hw configs | |
Params: | |
input_query (string): a query from the user | |
model_retrieval, model_generative, model_classifier: a huggingface model | |
classifier_head: a random forest classifier | |
toeknizer_generative, tokenizer_classifier: a hugggingface tokenizer, | |
db_metadata (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing metadata information about the library | |
db_constructor (pandas dataframe): a dataframe containing the mapping of library names to valid constructor | |
config (dict): a dictionary containing the configuration to initialize all components | |
Returns: | |
predictions (list): a list of dictionary containing the prediction details | |
''' | |
print("retrieve libraries") | |
queries = extract_keywords(input_query.lower(), ex_list) | |
temp_list = [] | |
for query in queries: | |
temp_library_ids, temp_library_names, temp_scores = retrieve_libraries(model_retrieval, query, db_metadata) | |
if len(temp_library_ids) > 0: | |
for id_, name, score in zip(temp_library_ids, temp_library_names, temp_scores): | |
temp_list.append((id_, name, score)) | |
library_ids = [] | |
library_names = [] | |
if len(temp_list) > 0: | |
sorted_list = sorted(temp_list, key=lambda tup: tup[2], reverse=True) | |
sorted_list = sorted_list[:config.get('max_k')] | |
for item in sorted_list: | |
library_ids.append(item[0]) | |
library_names.append(item[1]) | |
if len(library_ids) == 0: | |
print("null libraries") | |
return "null" | |
print("generate usage patterns") | |
predictions = generate_api_usage_patterns_batch( | |
model_generative, | |
tokenizer_generative, | |
library_ids, | |
db_constructor, | |
db_params, | |
config.get('num_beams'), | |
config.get('num_return_sequences'), | |
config.get('max_length_generate') | |
) | |
print("generate hw configs") | |
hw_configs = predict_hw_config( | |
model_classifier, | |
tokenizer_classifier, | |
classifier_head, | |
library_ids, | |
db_metadata, | |
config.get('max_length') | |
) | |
for output_dict, hw_config in zip(predictions, hw_configs): | |
output_dict['hw_config'] = hw_config | |
print("finished the predictions") | |
predictions = get_metadata_library(predictions, db_metadata) | |
return predictions | |
def extract_series(x): | |
name = x.replace("-", " ").replace("_", " ") | |
name = name.split() | |
series = [] | |
for token in name: | |
if token.isalnum() and not(token.isalpha()) and not(token.isdigit()): | |
series.append(token) | |
if len(series) > 0: | |
return series | |
else: | |
return [x] | |
def extract_keywords(query, ex_list): | |
doc = nlp(query) | |
keyword_candidates = [] | |
# extract keywords | |
for chunk in doc.noun_chunks: | |
temp_list = [] | |
for token in chunk: | |
if token.text not in ex_list and token.pos_ not in ("DET", "PRON", "CCONJ", "NUM"): | |
temp_list.append(token.text) | |
if len(temp_list) > 0: | |
keyword_candidates.append(" ".join(temp_list)) | |
filtered_keyword_candidates = [] | |
for keyword in keyword_candidates: | |
temp_candidates = extract_series(keyword) | |
for keyword in temp_candidates: | |
if len(keyword.split()) > 1: | |
doc = nlp(keyword) | |
for chunk in doc.noun_chunks: | |
filtered_keyword_candidates.append(chunk.root.text) | |
else: | |
filtered_keyword_candidates.append(keyword) | |
if len(filtered_keyword_candidates) == 0: | |
filtered_keyword_candidates.append(query) | |
return filtered_keyword_candidates | |