import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from typing import Tuple import src.few_shot_funcs as fsf import src.scrape as scrape def asin_to_pdp(asin_or_url: str) -> dict: if isinstance(asin_or_url, str) and len(asin_or_url) == 10: asin_url = '' + asin_or_url elif fsf.check_url_structure(asin_or_url): asin_url = asin_or_url else: raise gr.Error('You must provide a valid ASIN (10 char code) or URL') html = scrape.zyte_call(asin_url) asin_pdp = scrape.get_asin_pdp(BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')) if not asin_pdp: raise gr.Error('Input URL not found (404)') elif not asin_pdp.get('title') or not asin_pdp.get('tech_data'): raise gr.Error("Couldn't fetch title or technical details from input URL") return asin_pdp def generate_bullets(title: str, tech_data: gr.DataFrame) -> str: tech_str = fsf.format_tech_as_str(tech_data) feature_bullets = fsf.generate_data(title=title, tech_process=tech_str, few_shot_df=fsf.FS_DS, vector_db=fsf.DB) return feature_bullets def asin_comparison(asin_or_url: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: asin_pdp = asin_to_pdp(asin_or_url) input_title = asin_pdp.get('title') tech_details = pd.DataFrame([(k, v) for k, v in asin_pdp.get('tech_data').items()]) feature_bullets = generate_bullets(input_title, tech_details) comparison_bullets = "## Original Bullets\n- " + '\n- '.join(asin_pdp.get('feature_bullets')) return feature_bullets, comparison_bullets demo = gr.Blocks() with demo: gr.Markdown( """ ### Generate Product Feature-Bullets! - Input an Amazon ASIN or product URL ( URL only), or you can input your own data - a short title and techincal details\n - Hit "Generate" and watch the AI engine do its magic :magic_wand: """ ) with gr.Tab("Input ASIN"): with gr.Row(): asin_input = gr.Textbox(type="text", label="Enter Product ASIN / URL") with gr.Row(): clear_button = gr.ClearButton(components=asin_input, value='Clear', variant='primary') gen_button = gr.Button("Generate!") with gr.Row(): output = gr.Markdown() comparison_output = gr.Markdown(), inputs=asin_input, outputs=[output, comparison_output], show_progress=True) with gr.Tab("Input Data"): with gr.Row(): title_input = gr.Textbox(type="text", label="Enter Product Title") tech_input = gr.Dataframe(label='Enter Technical Details', headers=["Feature", "Value"], datatype=["str", "str"], row_count=(2, "dynamic"), col_count=(2, "static"), ) with gr.Row(): clear_button = gr.ClearButton(components=[title_input, tech_input], value='Clear', variant='primary') gen_button = gr.Button("Generate!") output = gr.Markdown(), inputs=[title_input, tech_input], outputs=output, show_progress=True) demo.launch()