<script lang="ts"> | |
import { marked } from "marked"; | |
import type { Message } from "$lib/types/Message"; | |
import { afterUpdate, createEventDispatcher } from "svelte"; | |
import { deepestChild } from "$lib/utils/deepestChild"; | |
import CodeBlock from "../CodeBlock.svelte"; | |
import IconLoading from "../icons/IconLoading.svelte"; | |
import CarbonRotate360 from "~icons/carbon/rotate-360"; | |
import { PUBLIC_SEP_TOKEN } from "$env/static/public"; | |
function sanitizeMd(md: string) { | |
return md | |
.replace(/<\|[a-z]*$/, "") | |
.replace(/<\|[a-z]+\|$/, "") | |
.replace(/<$/, "") | |
.replaceAll(PUBLIC_SEP_TOKEN, " ") | |
.replaceAll(/<\|[a-z]+\|>/g, " ") | |
.replaceAll(/<br\s?\/?>/gi, "\n") | |
.trim() | |
.replaceAll("<", "<"); | |
} | |
function unsanitizeMd(md: string) { | |
return md.replaceAll("<", "<"); | |
} | |
export let message: Message; | |
export let loading = false; | |
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ retry: void }>(); | |
let contentEl: HTMLElement; | |
let loadingEl: IconLoading; | |
let pendingTimeout: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>; | |
const renderer = new marked.Renderer(); | |
// For code blocks with simple backticks | |
renderer.codespan = (code) => { | |
// Unsanitize double-sanitized code | |
return `<code>${code.replaceAll("&", "&")}</code>`; | |
}; | |
const options: marked.MarkedOptions = { | |
...marked.getDefaults(), | |
gfm: true, | |
breaks: true, | |
renderer, | |
}; | |
$: tokens = marked.lexer(sanitizeMd(message.content)); | |
afterUpdate(() => { | |
loadingEl?.$destroy(); | |
clearTimeout(pendingTimeout); | |
// Add loading animation to the last message if update takes more than 600ms | |
if (loading) { | |
pendingTimeout = setTimeout(() => { | |
if (contentEl) { | |
loadingEl = new IconLoading({ | |
target: deepestChild(contentEl), | |
props: { classNames: "loading inline ml-2" }, | |
}); | |
} | |
}, 600); | |
} | |
}); | |
</script> | |
{#if message.from === "assistant"} | |
<div class="flex items-start justify-start gap-4 leading-relaxed"> | |
<img | |
alt="" | |
src="" | |
class="mt-5 h-3 w-3 flex-none select-none rounded-full shadow-lg" | |
/> | |
<div | |
class="relative min-h-[calc(2rem+theme(spacing[3.5])*2)] min-w-[100px] rounded-2xl border border-gray-100 bg-gradient-to-br from-gray-50 px-5 py-3.5 text-gray-600 prose-pre:my-2 dark:border-gray-800 dark:from-gray-800/40 dark:text-gray-300" | |
> | |
{#if !message.content} | |
<IconLoading classNames="absolute inset-0 m-auto" /> | |
{/if} | |
<div | |
class="prose max-w-none dark:prose-invert max-sm:prose-sm prose-headings:font-semibold prose-h1:text-lg prose-h2:text-base prose-h3:text-base prose-pre:bg-gray-800 dark:prose-pre:bg-gray-900" | |
bind:this={contentEl} | |
> | |
{#each tokens as token} | |
{#if token.type === "code"} | |
<CodeBlock lang={token.lang} code={unsanitizeMd(token.text)} /> | |
{:else} | |
{@html marked(token.raw, options)} | |
{/if} | |
{/each} | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |
{#if message.from === "user"} | |
<div class="group relative flex items-start justify-start gap-4 max-sm:text-sm"> | |
<div class="mt-5 h-3 w-3 flex-none rounded-full" /> | |
<div class="whitespace-break-spaces rounded-2xl px-5 py-3.5 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400"> | |
{message.content.trim()} | |
</div> | |
{#if !loading &&} | |
<button | |
class="absolute right-0 top-3.5 cursor-pointer rounded-lg border border-gray-100 p-1 text-xs text-gray-400 group-hover:block hover:text-gray-500 dark:border-gray-800 dark:text-gray-400 dark:hover:text-gray-300 md:hidden lg:-right-2" | |
title="Retry" | |
type="button" | |
on:click={() => dispatch("retry")} | |
> | |
<CarbonRotate360 /> | |
</button> | |
{/if} | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |