Build error
Build error
import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
from copy import deepcopy | |
from ops.utils import dpt2xyz,transform_points | |
class Connect_Tool(): | |
def __init__(self) -> None: | |
pass | |
def _align_scale_shift_numpy(self, pred: np.array, target: np.array): | |
mask = (target > 0) & (pred < 199) | |
target_mask = target[mask] | |
pred_mask = pred[mask] | |
if np.sum(mask) > 10: | |
scale, shift = np.polyfit(pred_mask, target_mask, deg=1) | |
if scale < 0: | |
scale = np.median(target[mask]) / (np.median(pred[mask]) + 1e-8) | |
shift = 0 | |
else: | |
scale = 1 | |
shift = 0 | |
return scale,shift | |
def __call__(self, render_dpt, inpaint_dpt, inpaint_msk): | |
if np.sum(inpaint_msk > 0.5) < 1.: return render_dpt | |
# get areas need to be aligned | |
render_dpt_valid = render_dpt[~inpaint_msk] | |
inpaint_dpt_valid = inpaint_dpt[~inpaint_msk] | |
# rectify | |
scale,shift = self._align_scale_shift_numpy(inpaint_dpt_valid,render_dpt_valid) | |
inpaint_dpt = inpaint_dpt*scale + shift | |
return inpaint_dpt | |
class Smooth_Connect_Tool(): | |
def __init__(self) -> None: | |
self.coarse_align = Connect_Tool() | |
def _coarse_alignment(self, render_dpt, ipaint_dpt, ipaint_msk): | |
# determine the scale and shift of inpaint_dpt to coarsely align it to render_dpt | |
inpaint_dpt = self.coarse_align(render_dpt,ipaint_dpt,ipaint_msk) | |
return inpaint_dpt | |
def _refine_movements(self, render_dpt, ipaint_dpt, ipaint_msk): | |
''' | |
Follow | |
''' | |
# Determine the adjustment of un-inpainted area | |
ipaint_msk = ipaint_msk>.5 | |
H, W = ipaint_msk.shape[0:2] | |
U = np.arange(W)[None,:].repeat(H,axis=0) | |
V = np.arange(H)[:,None].repeat(W,axis=1) | |
# on kept areas | |
keep_render_dpt = render_dpt[~ipaint_msk] | |
keep_ipaint_dpt = ipaint_dpt[~ipaint_msk] | |
keep_adjust_dpt = keep_render_dpt - keep_ipaint_dpt | |
# iterative refinement | |
complete_adjust = np.zeros_like(ipaint_dpt) | |
for i in range(100): | |
complete_adjust[~ipaint_msk] = keep_adjust_dpt | |
complete_adjust = cv2.blur(complete_adjust,(15,15)) | |
# complete_adjust[~ipaint_msk] = keep_adjust_dpt | |
ipaint_dpt = ipaint_dpt + complete_adjust | |
return ipaint_dpt | |
def _affine_dpt_to_GS(self, render_dpt, inpaint_dpt, inpaint_msk): | |
if np.sum(inpaint_msk > 0.5) < 1.: return render_dpt | |
inpaint_dpt = self._coarse_alignment(render_dpt,inpaint_dpt,inpaint_msk) | |
inpaint_dpt = self._refine_movements(render_dpt,inpaint_dpt,inpaint_msk) | |
return inpaint_dpt | |
def _scale_dpt_to_GS(self, render_dpt, inpaint_dpt, inpaint_msk): | |
if np.sum(inpaint_msk > 0.5) < 1.: return render_dpt | |
inpaint_dpt = self._refine_movements(render_dpt,inpaint_dpt,inpaint_msk) | |
return inpaint_dpt | |
class Occlusion_Removal(): | |
def __init__(self) -> None: | |
pass | |
def __call__(self,scene,frame): | |
# first get xyz of the newly added frame | |
xyz = dpt2xyz(frame.dpt,frame.intrinsic) | |
# we only check newly added areas | |
xyz = xyz[frame.inpaint] | |
# move these xyzs to world coor system | |
inv_extrinsic = np.linalg.inv(frame.extrinsic) | |
xyz = transform_points(xyz,inv_extrinsic) | |
# we will add which pixels to the gaussian scene | |
msk = np.ones_like(xyz[...,0]) | |
# project the xyzs to already built frames | |
for former_frame in scene.frames: | |
# xyz in camera frustrum | |
xyz_camera = transform_points(deepcopy(xyz),former_frame.extrinsic) | |
# uvz in camera frustrum | |
uvz_camera = np.einsum(f'ab,pb->pa',former_frame.intrinsic,xyz_camera) | |
# uv and d in camra frustrum | |
uv,d = uvz_camera[...,:2]/uvz_camera[...,-1:], uvz_camera[...,-1] | |
# in-frusturm pixels | |
valid_msk = (uv[...,0]>0) & (uv[...,0]<former_frame.W) & (uv[...,1]>0) & (uv[...,1]<former_frame.H) & (d>1e-2) | |
valid_idx = np.where(valid_msk)[0] | |
uv,d = uv[valid_idx].astype(np.uint32),d[valid_idx] | |
# make comparsion: compare_d < d is ok -- compare_d - d < 0(or a small number) | |
compare_d = former_frame.dpt[uv[:,1],uv[:,0]] | |
remove_msk = (compare_d-d)>(d+compare_d)/2./15. | |
# else to unvalid pixels | |
invalid_idx = valid_idx[remove_msk] | |
msk[invalid_idx] = 0. | |
# USE indexes rather than [][] | |
inpaint_idx_v,inpaint_idx_u = np.where(frame.inpaint) | |
inpaint_idx_v = inpaint_idx_v[msk<.5] | |
inpaint_idx_u = inpaint_idx_u[msk<.5] | |
frame.inpaint[inpaint_idx_v,inpaint_idx_u] = False | |
return frame |