import time from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from functools import reduce import json import os from pathlib import Path import re import requests from requests.models import MissingSchema import sys from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict, Callable, Any from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import docx from html2text import html2text import langchain from langchain.callbacks import get_openai_callback from langchain.cache import SQLiteCache from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain.chains.chat_vector_db.prompts import CONDENSE_QUESTION_PROMPT from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from langchain.chat_models.base import BaseChatModel from langchain.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader, PyMuPDFLoader from langchain.embeddings.base import Embeddings from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings from langchain.llms import OpenAI from langchain.llms.base import LLM, BaseLLM from import AIMessagePromptTemplate from langchain.text_splitter import TokenTextSplitter, RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langchain.vectorstores import Pinecone as OriginalPinecone import numpy as np import openai import pinecone from pptx import Presentation from pypdf import PdfReader import trafilatura from streamlit_langchain_chat.constants import * from streamlit_langchain_chat.customized_langchain.vectorstores import FAISS from streamlit_langchain_chat.customized_langchain.vectorstores import Pinecone from streamlit_langchain_chat.utils import maybe_is_text, maybe_is_truncated from streamlit_langchain_chat.prompts import * if REUSE_ANSWERS: CACHE_PATH = TEMP_DIR / "llm_cache.db" os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(CACHE_PATH), exist_ok=True) langchain.llm_cache = SQLiteCache(str(CACHE_PATH)) # option 1 TextSplitter = TokenTextSplitter # option 2 # TextSplitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter # usado por gpt4_pdf_chatbot_langchain (aka GPCL) @dataclass class Answer: """A class to hold the answer to a question.""" question: str = "" answer: str = "" context: str = "" chunks: str = "" packages: List[Any] = None references: str = "" cost_str: str = "" passages: Dict[str, str] = None tokens: List[Dict] = None def __post_init__(self): """Initialize the answer.""" if self.packages is None: self.packages = [] if self.passages is None: self.passages = {} def __str__(self) -> str: """Return the answer as a string.""" return self.answer def parse_docx(path, citation, key, chunk_chars=2000, overlap=50): try: document = docx.Document(path) fullText = [] for paragraph in document.paragraphs: fullText.append(paragraph.text) doc = '\n'.join(fullText) + '\n' except Exception as e: print(f"code_error: {e}") sys.exit(1) if doc: text_splitter = TextSplitter(chunk_size=chunk_chars, chunk_overlap=overlap) texts = text_splitter.split_text(doc) return texts, [dict(citation=citation, dockey=key, key=key)] * len(texts) else: return [], [] # def parse_pdf(path, citation, key, chunk_chars=2000, overlap=50): pdfFileObj = open(path, "rb") pdfReader = PdfReader(pdfFileObj) splits = [] split = "" pages = [] metadatas = [] for i, page in enumerate(pdfReader.pages): split += page.extract_text() pages.append(str(i + 1)) while len(split) > chunk_chars: splits.append(split[:chunk_chars]) # pretty formatting of pages (e.g. 1-3, 4, 5-7) pg = "-".join([pages[0], pages[-1]]) metadatas.append( dict( citation=citation, dockey=key, key=f"{key} pages {pg}", ) ) split = split[chunk_chars - overlap:] pages = [str(i + 1)] if len(split) > overlap: splits.append(split[:chunk_chars]) pg = "-".join([pages[0], pages[-1]]) metadatas.append( dict( citation=citation, dockey=key, key=f"{key} pages {pg}", ) ) pdfFileObj.close() # # ### option 2. PyPDFLoader # loader = PyPDFLoader(path) # data = loader.load_and_split() # # ### option 2.1. PyPDFLoader usado por GPCL, aunque luego usa el # loader = PyPDFLoader(path) # rawDocs = loader.load() # text_splitter = TextSplitter(chunk_size=chunk_chars, chunk_overlap=overlap) # texts = text_splitter.split_documents(rawDocs) # # ### option 3. PDFMiner. Este parece la mejor opcion # loader = PyMuPDFLoader(path) # data = loader.load() return splits, metadatas def parse_pptx(path, citation, key, chunk_chars=2000, overlap=50): try: presentation = Presentation(path) fullText = [] for slide in presentation.slides: for shape in slide.shapes: if hasattr(shape, "text"): fullText.append(shape.text) doc = ''.join(fullText) if doc: text_splitter = TextSplitter(chunk_size=chunk_chars, chunk_overlap=overlap) texts = text_splitter.split_text(doc) return texts, [dict(citation=citation, dockey=key, key=key)] * len(texts) else: return [], [] except Exception as e: print(f"code_error: {e}") sys.exit(1) def parse_txt(path, citation, key, chunk_chars=2000, overlap=50, html=False): try: with open(path) as f: doc = except UnicodeDecodeError as e: with open(path, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: doc = if html: doc = html2text(doc) text_splitter = TextSplitter(chunk_size=chunk_chars, chunk_overlap=overlap) texts = text_splitter.split_text(doc) return texts, [dict(citation=citation, dockey=key, key=key)] * len(texts) def parse_url(url: str, citation, key, chunk_chars=2000, overlap=50): def beautifulsoup_extract_text_fallback(response_content): """ This is a fallback function, so that we can always return a value for text content. Even for when both Trafilatura and BeautifulSoup are unable to extract the text from a single URL. """ # Create the beautifulsoup object: soup = BeautifulSoup(response_content, 'html.parser') # Finding the text: text = soup.find_all(text=True) # Remove unwanted tag elements: cleaned_text = '' blacklist = [ '[document]', 'noscript', 'header', 'html', 'meta', 'head', 'input', 'script', 'style', ] # Then we will loop over every item in the extract text and make sure that the beautifulsoup4 tag # is NOT in the blacklist for item in text: if not in blacklist: cleaned_text += f'{item} ' # cleaned_text += '{} '.format(item) # Remove any tab separation and strip the text: cleaned_text = cleaned_text.replace('\t', '') return cleaned_text.strip() def extract_text_from_single_web_page(url): print(f"\n===========\n{url=}\n===========\n") downloaded_url = trafilatura.fetch_url(url) a = None try: a = trafilatura.extract(downloaded_url, output_format='json', with_metadata=True, include_comments=False, date_extraction_params={'extensive_search': True, 'original_date': True}) except AttributeError: a = trafilatura.extract(downloaded_url, output_format='json', with_metadata=True, date_extraction_params={'extensive_search': True, 'original_date': True}) except Exception as e: print(f"code_error: {e}") if a: json_output = json.loads(a) return json_output['text'] else: try: headers = {'User-Agent': 'Chrome/83.0.4103.106'} resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers) print(f"{resp=}\n") # We will only extract the text from successful requests: if resp.status_code == 200: return beautifulsoup_extract_text_fallback(resp.content) else: # This line will handle for any failures in both the Trafilature and BeautifulSoup4 functions: return np.nan # Handling for any URLs that don't have the correct protocol except MissingSchema: return np.nan text_to_split = extract_text_from_single_web_page(url) text_splitter = TextSplitter(chunk_size=chunk_chars, chunk_overlap=overlap) texts = text_splitter.split_text(text_to_split) return texts, [dict(citation=citation, dockey=key, key=key)] * len(texts) def read_source(path: str = None, citation: str = None, key: str = None, chunk_chars: int = 3000, overlap: int = 100, disable_check: bool = False): if path.endswith(".pdf"): return parse_pdf(path, citation, key, chunk_chars, overlap) elif path.endswith(".txt"): return parse_txt(path, citation, key, chunk_chars, overlap) elif path.endswith(".html"): return parse_txt(path, citation, key, chunk_chars, overlap, html=True) elif path.endswith(".docx"): return parse_docx(path, citation, key, chunk_chars, overlap) elif path.endswith(".pptx"): return parse_pptx(path, citation, key, chunk_chars, overlap) elif path.startswith("http://") or path.startswith("https://"): return parse_url(path, citation, key, chunk_chars, overlap) # WIP #else: # return parse_code_txt(path, citation, key, chunk_chars, overlap) else: raise "unknown extension" class Dataset: """A collection of documents to be used for answering questions.""" def __init__( self, chunk_size_limit: int = 3000, llm: Optional[BaseLLM] | Optional[BaseChatModel] = None, summary_llm: Optional[BaseLLM] = None, name: str = "default", index_path: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the collection of documents. Args: chunk_size_limit: The maximum number of characters to use for a single chunk of text. llm: The language model to use for answering questions. Default - OpenAI chat-gpt-turbo summary_llm: The language model to use for summarizing documents. If None, llm is used. name: The name of the collection. index_path: The path to the index file IF pickled. If None, defaults to using name in $HOME/.paperqa/name """ = dict() self.keys = set() self.chunk_size_limit = chunk_size_limit self.index_docstore = None if llm is None: llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.1, max_tokens=512) if summary_llm is None: summary_llm = llm self.update_llm(llm, summary_llm) if index_path is None: index_path = TEMP_DIR / name self.index_path = index_path = name def update_llm(self, llm: BaseLLM | ChatOpenAI, summary_llm: Optional[BaseLLM] = None) -> None: """Update the LLM for answering questions.""" self.llm = llm if summary_llm is None: summary_llm = llm self.summary_llm = summary_llm self.summary_chain = LLMChain(prompt=chat_summary_prompt, llm=summary_llm) self.search_chain = LLMChain(prompt=search_prompt, llm=llm) self.cite_chain = LLMChain(prompt=citation_prompt, llm=llm) def add( self, path: str, citation: Optional[str] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, disable_check: bool = False, chunk_chars: Optional[int] = 3000, ) -> None: """Add a document to the collection.""" if path in print(f"Document {path} already in collection.") return None if citation is None: # peak first chunk texts, _ = read_source(path, "", "", chunk_chars=chunk_chars) with get_openai_callback() as cb: citation =[0]) if len(citation) < 3 or "Unknown" in citation or "insufficient" in citation: citation = f"Unknown, {os.path.basename(path)}, {}" if key is None: # get first name and year from citation try: author ="([A-Z][a-z]+)", citation).group(1) except AttributeError: # panicking - no word?? raise ValueError( f"Could not parse key from citation {citation}. Consider just passing key explicitly - e.g. (path, citation, key='mykey')" ) try: year ="(\d{4})", citation).group(1) except AttributeError: year = "" key = f"{author}{year}" suffix = "" while key + suffix in self.keys: # move suffix to next letter if suffix == "": suffix = "a" else: suffix = chr(ord(suffix) + 1) key += suffix self.keys.add(key) texts, metadata = read_source(path, citation, key, chunk_chars=chunk_chars) # loose check to see if document was loaded # if len("".join(texts)) < 10 or ( not disable_check and not maybe_is_text("".join(texts)) ): raise ValueError( f"This does not look like a text document: {path}. Path disable_check to ignore this error." )[path] = dict(texts=texts, metadata=metadata, key=key) if self.index_docstore is not None: self.index_docstore.add_texts(texts, metadatas=metadata) def clear(self) -> None: """Clear the collection of documents.""" = dict() self.keys = set() self.index_docstore = None # delete index file pkl = self.index_path / "index.pkl" if pkl.exists(): pkl.unlink() fs = self.index_path / "index.faiss" if fs.exists(): fs.unlink() @property def doc_previews(self) -> List[Tuple[int, str, str]]: """Return a list of tuples of (key, citation) for each document.""" return [ ( len(doc["texts"]), doc["metadata"][0]["dockey"], doc["metadata"][0]["citation"], ) for doc in ] # to pickle, we have to save the index as a file def __getstate__(self, embedding: Embeddings): if embedding is None: embedding = OpenAIEmbeddings() if self.index_docstore is None and len( > 0: self._build_faiss_index(embedding) state = self.__dict__.copy() if self.index_docstore is not None: state["_index"].save_local(self.index_path) del state["_index"] # remove LLMs (they can have callbacks, which can't be pickled) del state["summary_chain"] del state["qa_chain"] del state["cite_chain"] del state["search_chain"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) try: self.index_docstore = FAISS.load_local(self.index_path, OpenAIEmbeddings()) except: # they use some special exception type, but I don't want to import it self.index_docstore = None self.update_llm( ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.1, max_tokens=512) ) def _build_faiss_index(self, embedding: Embeddings = None): if embedding is None: embedding = OpenAIEmbeddings() if self.index_docstore is None: texts = reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, [doc["texts"] for doc in], [] ) metadatas = reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, [doc["metadata"] for doc in], [] ) # if the index exists, load it if LOAD_INDEX_LOCALLY and (self.index_path / "index.faiss").exists(): self.index_docstore = FAISS.load_local(self.index_path, embedding) # search if the text and metadata already existed in the index for i in reversed(range(len(texts))): text = texts[i] metadata = metadatas[i] for key, value in self.index_docstore.docstore.dict_.items(): if value.page_content == text: if value.metadata.get('citation').split(os.sep)[-1] != metadata.get('citation').split(os.sep)[-1]: self.index_docstore.docstore.dict_[key].metadata['citation'] = metadata.get('citation').split(os.sep)[-1] self.index_docstore.docstore.dict_[key].metadata['dockey'] = metadata.get('citation').split(os.sep)[-1] self.index_docstore.docstore.dict_[key].metadata['key'] = metadata.get('citation').split(os.sep)[-1] texts.pop(i) metadatas.pop(i) # add remaining texts if texts: self.index_docstore.add_texts(texts=texts, metadatas=metadatas) else: # crete new index self.index_docstore = FAISS.from_texts(texts, embedding, metadatas=metadatas) # if SAVE_INDEX_LOCALLY: # save index. self.index_docstore.save_local(self.index_path) def _build_pinecone_index(self, embedding: Embeddings = None): if embedding is None: embedding = OpenAIEmbeddings() if self.index_docstore is None: pinecone.init( api_key=os.environ['PINECONE_API_KEY'], # find at environment=os.environ['PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT'] # next to api key in console ) texts = reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, [doc["texts"] for doc in], [] ) metadatas = reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, [doc["metadata"] for doc in], [] ) index_name = "langchain-demo1" # if the index exists, delete it if index_name in pinecone.list_indexes(): pinecone.delete_index(index_name) # create new index if openai.api_type == 'azure': self.index_docstore = Pinecone.from_texts(texts, embedding, metadatas=metadatas, index_name=index_name) else: self.index_docstore = OriginalPinecone.from_texts(texts, embedding, metadatas=metadatas, index_name=index_name) def get_evidence( self, answer: Answer, embedding: Embeddings, k: int = 3, max_sources: int = 5, marginal_relevance: bool = True, ) -> str: if self.index_docstore is None: self._build_faiss_index(embedding) init_search_time = time.time() # want to work through indices but less k if marginal_relevance: docs = self.index_docstore.max_marginal_relevance_search( answer.question, k=k, fetch_k=5 * k ) else: docs = self.index_docstore.similarity_search( answer.question, k=k, fetch_k=5 * k ) if OPERATING_MODE == "debug": print(f"time to search docs to build context: {time.time() - init_search_time:.2f} [s]") init_summary_time = time.time() partial_summary_time = "" for i, doc in enumerate(docs): with get_openai_callback() as cb: init__partial_summary_time = time.time() summary_of_chunked_text = question=answer.question, context_str=doc.page_content ) if OPERATING_MODE == "debug": partial_summary_time += f"- time to make relevant summary of doc '{i}': {time.time() - init__partial_summary_time:.2f} [s]\n" engine = self.summary_chain.llm.model_kwargs.get('deployment_id') or self.summary_chain.llm.model_name if not answer.tokens: answer.tokens = [{ 'engine': engine, 'total_tokens': cb.total_tokens}] else: answer.tokens.append({ 'engine': engine, 'total_tokens': cb.total_tokens }) summarized_package = ( doc.metadata["key"], doc.metadata["citation"], summary_of_chunked_text, doc.page_content, ) if "Not applicable" not in summary_of_chunked_text and summarized_package not in answer.packages: answer.packages.append(summarized_package) yield answer if len(answer.packages) == max_sources: break if OPERATING_MODE == "debug": print(f"time to make all relevant summaries: {time.time() - init_summary_time:.2f} [s]") print(partial_summary_time[:-1]) context_str = "\n\n".join( [f"{citation}: {summary_of_chunked_text}" for key, citation, summary_of_chunked_text, chunked_text in answer.packages if "Not applicable" not in summary_of_chunked_text] ) chunks_str = "\n\n".join( [f"{citation}: {chunked_text}" for key, citation, summary_of_chunked_text, chunked_text in answer.packages if "Not applicable" not in summary_of_chunked_text] ) valid_keys = [key for key, citation, summary_of_chunked_text, chunked_textin in answer.packages if "Not applicable" not in summary_of_chunked_text] if len(valid_keys) > 0: context_str += "\n\nValid keys: " + ", ".join(valid_keys) chunks_str += "\n\nValid keys: " + ", ".join(valid_keys) answer.context = context_str answer.chunks = chunks_str yield answer def query( self, query: str, embedding: Embeddings, chat_history: list[tuple[str, str]], k: int = 10, max_sources: int = 5, length_prompt: str = "about 100 words", marginal_relevance: bool = True, ): for answer in self._query( query, embedding, chat_history, k=k, max_sources=max_sources, length_prompt=length_prompt, marginal_relevance=marginal_relevance, ): pass return answer def _query( self, query: str, embedding: Embeddings, chat_history: list[tuple[str, str]], k: int, max_sources: int, length_prompt: str, marginal_relevance: bool, ): if k < max_sources: k = max_sources + 1 answer = Answer(question=query) messages_qa = [system_message_prompt] if len(chat_history) != 0: for conversation in chat_history: messages_qa.append(HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(conversation[0])) messages_qa.append(AIMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(conversation[1])) messages_qa.append(human_qa_message_prompt) chat_qa_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(messages_qa) self.qa_chain = LLMChain(prompt=chat_qa_prompt, llm=self.llm) for answer in self.get_evidence( answer, embedding, k=k, max_sources=max_sources, marginal_relevance=marginal_relevance, ): yield answer references_dict = dict() passages = dict() if len(answer.context) < 10: answer_text = "I cannot answer this question due to insufficient information." else: with get_openai_callback() as cb: init_qa_time = time.time() answer_text = question=answer.question, context_str=answer.context, length=length_prompt ) if OPERATING_MODE == "debug": print(f"time to make the Q&A answer: {time.time() - init_qa_time:.2f} [s]") engine = self.qa_chain.llm.model_kwargs.get('deployment_id') or self.qa_chain.llm.model_name if not answer.tokens: answer.tokens = [{ 'engine': engine, 'total_tokens': cb.total_tokens}] else: answer.tokens.append({ 'engine': engine, 'total_tokens': cb.total_tokens }) # it still happens ulol if "(Foo2012)" in answer_text: answer_text = answer_text.replace("(Foo2012)", "") for key, citation, summary, text in answer.packages: # do check for whole key (so we don't catch Callahan2019a with Callahan2019) skey = key.split(" ")[0] if skey + " " in answer_text or skey + ")" in answer_text: references_dict[skey] = citation passages[key] = text references_str = "\n\n".join( [f"{i+1}. ({k}): {c}" for i, (k, c) in enumerate(references_dict.items())] ) # cost_str = f"{answer_text}\n\n" cost_str = "" itemized_cost = "" total_amount = 0 for d in answer.tokens: total_tokens = d.get('total_tokens') if total_tokens: engine = d.get('engine') key_price = None for key in PRICES.keys(): if re.match(f"{key}", engine): key_price = key break if PRICES.get(key_price): partial_amount = total_tokens / 1000 * PRICES.get(key_price) total_amount += partial_amount itemized_cost += f"- {engine}: {total_tokens} tokens\t ---> ${partial_amount:.4f},\n" else: itemized_cost += f"- {engine}: {total_tokens} tokens,\n" # delete ,\n itemized_cost = itemized_cost[:-2] # add tokens to formatted answer cost_str += f"Total cost: ${total_amount:.4f}\nItemized cost:\n{itemized_cost}" answer.answer = answer_text answer.cost_str = cost_str answer.references = references_str answer.passages = passages yield answer