from utils.utils import get_logger, initialization, get_result import gradio as gr import logging logger = get_logger() collection = None def main(query): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) print("Starting search...")"Starting search...") print("-------------------------------------------------------")"-------------------------------------------------------") exit = False while not exit: # Collect user query # query = input('Type your query, or "exit" if you want to exit: ') if query == "exit": exit = True print("-------------------------------------------------------")"-------------------------------------------------------") print("Search terminated.")"Search terminated.") return None, "Search terminated." else: # Get search result including the original descriptions of the images image, text = get_result(collection, data_set, query, model, n_results=2) # Display the image, its caption, and user query # show_image(image, text, query) return image, text if __name__ == "__main__": try: if collection == None: collection, data_set, model, logger = initialization(logger) # main() app = gr.Interface( fn=main, inputs=["text"], outputs=["image", "text"], title="Search for a scene in the world of GTA!" ) app.launch(share=True) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise e