import re import time import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from openfactcheck.core.base import OpenFactCheck from import style_metric_cards # Create a function to check a LLM response def evaluate_response(ofc: OpenFactCheck): """ This function creates a Streamlit app to evaluate the factuality of a LLM response. """ if 'response' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.response = None # Initialize the solvers claimprocessors = ofc.list_claimprocessors() retrievers = ofc.list_retrievers() verifiers = ofc.list_verifiers() st.write("This is where you can check factuality of a LLM response.") # Customize FactChecker st.write("Customize FactChecker") # Dropdown in three columns col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: claimprocessor = st.selectbox("Select Claim Processor", list(claimprocessors)) with col2: retriever = st.selectbox("Select Retriever", list(retrievers)) with col3: verifier = st.selectbox("Select Verifier", list(verifiers)) # Input input_text = {"text": st.text_area("Enter LLM response here", "This is a sample LLM response.")} # Button to check factuality if st.button("Check Factuality"): with st.status("Checking factuality...", expanded=True) as status: # Configure the pipeline st.write("Configuring pipeline...") ofc.init_pipeline_manually([claimprocessor, retriever, verifier]) st.write("Pipeline configured...") # Evaluate the response st.write("Evaluating response...") response = ofc(input_text, stream=True) st.write("Response evaluated...") status.update(label="Factuality checked...", state="complete", expanded=False) # Display pipeline configuration pipeline_str = "   ┈➤   ".join([claimprocessor, retriever, verifier])"""**Pipeline**:    \n{pipeline_str}""") # Store the final response in the session state st.session_state.final_response = None col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 1]) with col1: def process_stream(responses): """ Process each response from the stream as a simulated chat output. This function yields each word from the formatted text of the response, adding a slight delay to simulate typing in a chat. """ for response in responses: if "claimprocessor" in response["solver_name"]: # Extract response details output_text = response["output"] # Get the number of detected claims detected_claims = output_text.get("claims", []) def extract_text(claim): """ Extracts text from a claim that might be a string formatted as a dictionary. """ # Try to extract text using regular expression if claim is a string formatted as a dictionary match ="'text': '([^']+)'", claim) if match: return return claim # Return as is if no dictionary format detected # Generate formatted text with enumerated claims in Markdown format formatted_text = "#### Detected Claims\n" + "\n".join(f"{i}. {extract_text(claim)}" for i, claim in enumerate(detected_claims, start=1)) + "\n" with col2: st.metric(label="Detected Claims", value=len(detected_claims)) style_metric_cards(background_color="#F0F0F0", border_color="#F0F0F0", border_radius_px=0) # Yield each word with a space and simulate typing by sleeping for word in formatted_text.split(" "): yield word + " " time.sleep(0.01) st.session_state.claimprocessor_flag = True elif "retriever" in response["solver_name"]: # Extract response details output_text = response["output"] evidences = [] for _, claim_with_evidences in output_text.get("claims_with_evidences", {}).items(): for evidence in claim_with_evidences: evidences.append(evidence[1]) # Generate formatted text with enumerated evidences in Markdown format formatted_text = "#### Retrieved Evidences\n" + "\n".join(f"{i}. {evidence}" for i, evidence in enumerate(evidences, start=1)) with col2: st.metric(label="Retrieved Evidences", value=len(evidences)) style_metric_cards(background_color="#F0F0F0", border_color="#F0F0F0", border_radius_px=0) # Yield each word with a space and simulate typing by sleeping for word in formatted_text.split(" "): yield word + " " time.sleep(0.01) elif "verifier" in response["solver_name"]: # Extract response details output_text = response["output"] # Store the final response in the session state st.session_state.final_response = output_text # Yield each word with a space and simulate typing by sleeping for word in formatted_text.split(" "): yield word + " " time.sleep(0.01) st.write_stream(process_stream(response)) # Process the final response final_response = st.session_state.final_response if final_response is not None: overall_factuality = final_response.get("label", "Unknown") with col2: if overall_factuality == True: st.metric(label="Overall Factuality", value="True") style_metric_cards(background_color="#D4EDDA", border_color="#D4EDDA", border_radius_px=0, border_left_color="#28A745") elif overall_factuality == False: st.metric(label="Overall Factuality", value="False") style_metric_cards(background_color="#F8D7DA", border_color="#F8D7DA", border_radius_px=0, border_left_color="#DC3545") # Button to reset if st.session_state.response is not None: if st.button("Reset"): st.session_state.response = None st.rerun()