import os import time import json import math import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns from hashlib import md5 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from openfactcheck import OpenFactCheck from openfactcheck.utils.logging import get_logger # Get the logger logger = get_logger(__name__) class FreeTextEvaluator(): def __init__(self, ofc: OpenFactCheck): """ Initialize the FreeTextEvaluator object. """ self.logger = logger # Set the OpenFactCheck object self.ofc = ofc def calculate_price(self, num_claims, cost_openai=0.015, cost_serper=0.001): """ Calculate the cost (in USD) of the API calls for the free-text experiment. 2x API calls per claim Parameters ---------- numClaims : int The number of claims in the free-text experiment. costOpenAI : float The cost of the OpenAI API call. costSerper : float The cost of the Serper API call. """ return num_claims * 2 * (cost_openai + cost_serper) def sum_all_elements(self, obj: dict): """ Sum all elements of an object. """ ret = 0 for k, v in obj.items(): ret += v return ret def assess_freetext(self, output_path: str): """ Assess the free-text experiment, i.e., the number and type of claims, this is, Exact Matching (EM). """ # Initialize the return object claims = { "num_false_claims": 0, "num_mixed_claims": 0, "num_true_claims": 0, "num_undefined_claims": 0 } path = output_path + '/evidence_stance.json' if not os.path.exists(path): return False df = pd.read_json(path, lines=False) dataobj = json.loads(df.to_json()) # Assess the claims for k, v in dataobj.items(): # If stance contains definitive or mixed, then it is false if "definitive" in v["stances"][0] or "mixed" in v["stances"][0]: claims["num_mixed_claims"] += 1 elif "factual" in v["stances"][0] or "confirm" in v["stances"][0]: claims["num_true_claims"] += 1 elif "error" in v["stances"][0] or "incorrect" in v["stances"][0] or "false" in v["stances"][0]: claims["num_false_claims"] += 1 else: claims["num_undefined_claims"] += 1 return claims def read_evaluations(self): """ Read the evaluations from the output directory. """ data = [] for dirname in os.listdir(self.base_output_path): dirpath = os.path.join(self.base_output_path, dirname) if os.path.isdir(dirpath): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, 'evaluation.json')): with open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'evaluation.json'), 'r') as f: data.append(json.load(f)) return data def read_results(self, evaluations): """ Read the results from the evaluations. """ # Calculate the total cost and time (costs, time_costs, true_claims, false_claims, mixed_claims, undefined_claims, total_claims) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) for evaluation in evaluations: total_claims += 1 # Calculate the costs costs += self.calculate_price(self.sum_all_elements(evaluation["claims"])) time_costs += evaluation["end"] - evaluation["start"] # Calculate the number of claims false_claims += evaluation["claims"]["num_false_claims"] mixed_claims += evaluation["claims"]["num_mixed_claims"] undefined_claims += evaluation["claims"]["num_undefined_claims"] if (evaluation["claims"]["num_false_claims"] + evaluation["claims"]["num_mixed_claims"]) == 0: true_claims += 1 return{ "Claims": total_claims, "True Claims": true_claims, "False Claims": false_claims, "Mixed Claims": mixed_claims, "Undefined Claims": undefined_claims, "Cost (USD)": costs, "Time (ms)": time_costs, "Percentage of True Responses": round(true_claims / total_claims if total_claims != 0 else 0, 3) * 100, "Percentage of False Responses": round(false_claims / total_claims if total_claims != 0 else 0, 3) * 100 } def freetext_barplot(self, results, fig_path: str = "", save: bool = False): """ Create a barplot for the free-text evaluation results, ensuring full row utilization. Parameters ---------- results : dict The dictionary of results from the free-text evaluation. fig_path : str The path to save the figure. save : bool Whether to save the figure or not. """ # Exclude "Claims" and prepare data metrics = list(next(iter(results.values())).keys()) datasets = list(results.keys()) # Prepare plot data and handle specific conversions plot_data = {} for metric in metrics: if metric == "Claims": continue if metric == "Time (s)": plot_data["Time (min)"] = [results[dataset][metric] / (1000 * 60) for dataset in datasets] elif metric == "Percentage of True Responses": plot_data[metric] = [results[dataset][metric] for dataset in datasets] else: plot_data[metric] = [results[dataset][metric] for dataset in datasets] # Define the layout total_metrics = len(plot_data) ncols = 4 # Maximum number of columns per row nrows = (total_metrics + ncols - 1) // ncols # Calculate the required number of rows # Creating subplots fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(20, 5 * nrows)) fig.suptitle('Performance on Free-Text Dataset') # Flatten axes array if more than one row axes = axes.flatten() if nrows > 1 else [axes] # Generate each bar plot and deactivate unused axes for ax, (metric, values) in zip(axes[:total_metrics], plot_data.items()): bars =, values, color=sns.color_palette("rocket", n_colors=len(datasets))) ax.set_title(metric) ax.set_xticks(range(len(datasets))) ax.set_xticklabels(datasets, rotation=45, ha="right") ax.set_ylabel(metric) # Annotate each bar with its value for bar in bars: yval = bar.get_height() ax.text(bar.get_x() + bar.get_width()/2, yval, round(yval, 2), ha='center', va='bottom') # Set y-axis limits to accommodate annotations ax.set_ylim(0, max(values) * 1.1) # Hide unused axes for ax in axes[total_metrics:]: ax.axis('off') # Adjust layout to prevent overlap plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_path, "freetext_barplot.pdf"), format="pdf") plt.savefig(os.path.join(fig_path, "freetext_barplot.png"), format="png") # Return the figure return fig def evaluate_freetext(self, llm_responses: list, model_name: str, run_id: str): """ Evaluate the LLM responses on free-text datasets. Currently, FactoolQA, FELM-WK, FactCheck-Bench and FactScore-Bio datasets are included by default. Parameters ---------- llm_responses : list The LLM responses on the free-text datasets. """ # Set the pipeline for the FreeTextEvaluator pipeline = [ "all_pass_abstain_detector", "factool_decontextualizer", "factool_evidence_retriever", "factool_claim_examiner", "factool_post_editor", "concat_response_generator" ] # Initialize the pipeline manually self.ofc.init_pipeline_manually(pipeline=pipeline) # Get the dataset name and create DataFrame dataset = llm_responses[0]['source'] llm_responses = pd.DataFrame(llm_responses) # Save the base_output_path self.base_output_path = f"{self.ofc.output_path}/llm_evaluator/{run_id}/{dataset}" # Evaluate the LLM responses for idx, response in llm_responses.iterrows(): prompt = response['prompt'] response = response['response'] # Set the output path output_path = f"{self.base_output_path}/{idx}_{md5(prompt.encode()).hexdigest()}" if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) # If the file was already evaluated, skip it if (os.path.exists(f"{self.base_output_path}/{idx}_{md5(prompt.encode()).hexdigest()}/evaluation.json")):"Skipping the evaluation for prompt {idx} as it was already evaluated.") continue # TODO: This should work (but it doesn't) # self.ofc.init_solver("factool_evidence_retriever", {"path_save_evidence": f"{output_path}/evidence.json"}) # Evaluate the response start = time.time() * 1000 _result = self.ofc.ResponseEvaluator.evaluate( response=response, prompt=prompt, sample_name=f"llm_evaluator/{run_id}/truth/{dataset}/{idx}" ) end = time.time() * 1000 # TODO: This is a workaround for the TODO above (move the evidence.json file) if os.path.exists("evidence.json"): os.rename("evidence.json", f"{output_path}/evidence.json") if os.path.exists("evidence_stance.json"): os.rename("evidence_stance.json", f"{output_path}/evidence_stance.json") # Assess the free-text experiment claims = self.assess_freetext(output_path) if not claims: self.logger.warning(f'Error in assessing experiment for prompt {idx}') continue # Persist the output result = {} result["start"] = math.floor(start) result["end"] = math.floor(end) result["llm"] = model_name result["dataset"] = llm_responses["source"][idx] result["prompt"] = prompt result["claims"] = claims result["result"] = _result # Save the result logger.debug(f"Saving the result for prompt {idx} in {output_path}/evaluation.json") with open(f"{output_path}/evaluation.json", "w") as f: json.dump(result, f, indent=4)"Evaluated the LLM response for prompt {idx} in {end - start} ms.")"Finished evaluating the LLM responses for the {dataset} dataset.") # Read the outputs evaluations = self.read_evaluations() # Read the results results = self.read_results(evaluations) return results, evaluations