Hasan Iqbal
Updated logging library
0c6ddb2 unverified
import os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from importlib import resources as pkg_resources
from openfactcheck.utils.logging import get_logger
from openfactcheck.templates import report as report_dir
# Get the logger
logger = get_logger(__name__)
# Import latex template
report_template_path = str(pkg_resources.files(report_dir) / "llm_evaluation_report.tex")
def create_latex_report(model_name, report_path):
Fill data in tex templates.
loader = FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(report_template_path))
env = Environment(loader=loader)
data = {
"model_name": model_name.replace("_", " "),
"snowballing_barplot": "snowballing_barplot.png",
"snowballing_cm": "snowballing_cm.png",
"selfaware_barplot": "selfaware_barplot.png",
"selfaware_cm": "selfaware_cm.png",
"freshqa_barplot": "freshqa_barplot.png",
"freetext_barplot": "freetext_barplot.png",
template = env.get_template(os.path.basename(report_template_path))
latex = template.render(data)
with open(Path(report_path) / ("main.tex"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return None
def compile_pdf(report_path):
Compile the latex file to pdf.
# Change the directory to the report path
original_directory = os.getcwd()
# Compile the latex file
subprocess.run(["pdflatex", "main.tex"], timeout=60)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
logger.error("Compilation of the report timed out.")
raise Exception("Compilation of the report timed out.")
# Rename the pdf file
# Remove the auxiliary files
for file in Path(".").glob("main*"):
# Change the directory back to the original
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error compiling the report: {e}")
raise Exception(f"Error compiling the report: {e}")
def create_report(model_name, report_path):
Create a pdf report.
logger.debug("Creating the report...")
create_latex_report(model_name, report_path)
logger.debug("Compiling the report...")
return Path(report_path) / "report.pdf"