import torch |
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader |
from datasets.citysundepth import CityScapesSunDepth |
from datasets.citysunrgb import CityScapesSunRGB |
from datasets.citysunrgbd import CityScapesSunRGBD |
from datasets.preprocessors import DepthTrainPre, DepthValPre, NYURGBDTrainPre, NYURGBDValPre, RGBDTrainPre, RGBDValPre, RGBTrainPre, RGBValPre |
from datasets.tfnyu import TFNYU |
from utils.constants import Constants as C |
def get_dataset(args): |
datasetClass = None |
if args.data == "nyudv2": |
return TFNYU |
if args.data == "city" or args.data == "sunrgbd" or args.data == 'stanford_indoor': |
if len(args.modalities) == 1 and args.modalities[0] == 'rgb': |
datasetClass = CityScapesSunRGB |
elif len(args.modalities) == 1 and args.modalities[0] == 'depth': |
datasetClass = CityScapesSunDepth |
elif len(args.modalities) == 2 and args.modalities[0] == 'rgb' and args.modalities[1] == 'depth': |
datasetClass = CityScapesSunRGBD |
else: |
raise Exception(f"{args.modalities} not configured in get_dataset function.") |
else: |
raise Exception(f"{args.data} not configured in get_dataset function.") |
return datasetClass |
def get_preprocessors(args, dataset_settings, mode): |
if args.data == "nyudv2" and len(args.modalities) == 2 and args.modalities[0] == 'rgb' and args.modalities[1] == 'depth': |
if mode == 'train': |
return NYURGBDTrainPre(C.pytorch_mean, C.pytorch_std, dataset_settings) |
elif mode == 'val': |
return NYURGBDValPre(C.pytorch_mean, C.pytorch_std, dataset_settings) |
if len(args.modalities) == 1 and args.modalities[0] == 'rgb': |
if mode == 'train': |
return RGBTrainPre(C.pytorch_mean, C.pytorch_std, dataset_settings) |
elif mode == 'val': |
return RGBValPre(C.pytorch_mean, C.pytorch_std, dataset_settings) |
else: |
return Exception("%s mode not defined" % mode) |
elif len(args.modalities) == 1 and args.modalities[0] == 'depth': |
if mode == 'train': |
return DepthTrainPre(dataset_settings) |
elif mode == 'val': |
return DepthValPre(dataset_settings) |
else: |
return Exception("%s mode not defined" % mode) |
elif len(args.modalities) == 2 and args.modalities[0] == 'rgb' and args.modalities[1] == 'depth': |
if mode == 'train': |
return RGBDTrainPre(C.pytorch_mean, C.pytorch_std, dataset_settings) |
elif mode == 'val': |
return RGBDValPre(C.pytorch_mean, C.pytorch_std, dataset_settings) |
else: |
return Exception("%s mode not defined" % mode) |
else: |
raise Exception("%s not configured for preprocessing" % args.modalities) |
def get_train_loader(datasetClass, args, train_source, unsupervised = False): |
dataset_settings = {'rgb_root': args.rgb_root, |
'gt_root': args.gt_root, |
'depth_root': args.depth_root, |
'train_source': train_source, |
'eval_source': args.eval_source, |
'required_length': args.total_train_imgs, |
'train_scale_array': args.train_scale_array, |
'image_height': args.image_height, |
'image_width': args.image_width, |
'modalities': args.modalities} |
preprocessing = get_preprocessors(args, dataset_settings, "train") |
train_dataset = datasetClass(dataset_settings, "train", unsupervised, preprocessing) |
train_sampler = torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler(train_dataset, num_replicas = args.world_size, rank = args.rank) |
if unsupervised and "unsup_batch_size" in args: |
batch_size = args.unsup_batch_size |
else: |
batch_size = args.batch_size |
train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, |
batch_size = args.batch_size // args.world_size, |
num_workers = args.num_workers, |
drop_last = True, |
shuffle = False, |
sampler = train_sampler) |
return train_loader |
def get_val_loader(datasetClass, args): |
dataset_settings = {'rgb_root': args.rgb_root, |
'gt_root': args.gt_root, |
'depth_root': args.depth_root, |
'train_source': None, |
'eval_source': args.eval_source, |
'required_length': None, |
'max_samples': None, |
'train_scale_array': args.train_scale_array, |
'image_height': args.image_height, |
'image_width': args.image_width, |
'modalities': args.modalities} |
if args.data == 'sunrgbd': |
eval_sources = [] |
for shape in ['427_561', '441_591', '530_730', '531_681']: |
eval_sources.append(dataset_settings['eval_source'].split('.')[0] + '_' + shape + '.txt') |
else: |
eval_sources = [args.eval_source] |
preprocessing = get_preprocessors(args, dataset_settings, "val") |
if args.sliding_eval: |
collate_fn = _sliding_collate_fn |
else: |
collate_fn = None |
val_loaders = [] |
for eval_source in eval_sources: |
dataset_settings['eval_source'] = eval_source |
val_dataset = datasetClass(dataset_settings, "val", False, preprocessing, args.sliding_eval, args.stride_rate) |
if args.rank is not None: |
val_sampler = torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler(val_dataset, num_replicas = args.world_size, rank = args.rank) |
batch_size = args.val_batch_size // args.world_size |
else: |
val_sampler = None |
batch_size = args.val_batch_size |
val_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset, |
batch_size = batch_size, |
num_workers = 4, |
drop_last = False, |
shuffle = False, |
collate_fn = collate_fn, |
sampler = val_sampler) |
val_loaders.append(val_loader) |
return val_loaders |
def _sliding_collate_fn(batch): |
gt = torch.stack([b['gt'] for b in batch]) |
sliding_output = [] |
num_modalities = len(batch[0]['sliding_output'][0][0]) |
for i in range(len(batch[0]['sliding_output'])): |
imgs = [torch.stack([b['sliding_output'][i][0][m] for b in batch]) for m in range(num_modalities)] |
pos = batch[0]['sliding_output'][i][1] |
pos_compare = [(b['sliding_output'][i][1] == pos).all() for b in batch] |
assert all(pos_compare), f"Position not same for all points in the batch: {pos_compare}, {[b['sliding_output'][i][1] for b in batch]}" |
margin = batch[0]['sliding_output'][i][2] |
margin_compare = [(b['sliding_output'][i][2] == margin).all() for b in batch] |
assert all(margin_compare), f"Margin not same for all points in the batch: {margin_compare}, {[b['sliding_output'][i][2] for b in batch]}" |
sliding_output.append((imgs, pos, margin)) |
return {"gt": gt, "sliding_output": sliding_output} |