import asyncio import json import logging import os import threading import uuid from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from swarms.structs.agent import Agent from swarms.structs.base_workflow import BaseWorkflow from swarms.utils.loguru_logger import initialize_logger # Base logger initialization logger = initialize_logger("async_workflow") # Pydantic models for structured data class AgentOutput(BaseModel): agent_id: str agent_name: str task_id: str input: str output: Any start_time: datetime end_time: datetime status: str error: Optional[str] = None class WorkflowOutput(BaseModel): workflow_id: str workflow_name: str start_time: datetime end_time: datetime total_agents: int successful_tasks: int failed_tasks: int agent_outputs: List[AgentOutput] metadata: Dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict) class SpeakerRole(str, Enum): COORDINATOR = "coordinator" CRITIC = "critic" EXECUTOR = "executor" VALIDATOR = "validator" DEFAULT = "default" class SpeakerMessage(BaseModel): role: SpeakerRole content: Any timestamp: datetime agent_name: str metadata: Dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict) class GroupChatConfig(BaseModel): max_turns: int = 10 timeout_per_turn: float = 30.0 require_all_speakers: bool = False allow_concurrent: bool = True save_history: bool = True @dataclass class SharedMemoryItem: key: str value: Any timestamp: datetime author: str metadata: Dict[str, Any] = None @dataclass class SpeakerConfig: role: SpeakerRole agent: Any priority: int = 0 concurrent: bool = True timeout: float = 30.0 required: bool = False class SharedMemory: """Thread-safe shared memory implementation with persistence""" def __init__(self, persistence_path: Optional[str] = None): self._memory = {} self._lock = threading.Lock() self._persistence_path = persistence_path self._load_from_disk() def set( self, key: str, value: Any, author: str, metadata: Dict[str, Any] = None, ) -> None: with self._lock: item = SharedMemoryItem( key=key, value=value, timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), author=author, metadata=metadata or {}, ) self._memory[key] = item self._persist_to_disk() def get(self, key: str) -> Optional[Any]: with self._lock: item = self._memory.get(key) return item.value if item else None def get_with_metadata( self, key: str ) -> Optional[SharedMemoryItem]: with self._lock: return self._memory.get(key) def _persist_to_disk(self) -> None: if self._persistence_path: with open(self._persistence_path, "w") as f: json.dump( {k: asdict(v) for k, v in self._memory.items()}, f ) def _load_from_disk(self) -> None: if self._persistence_path and os.path.exists( self._persistence_path ): with open(self._persistence_path, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) self._memory = { k: SharedMemoryItem(**v) for k, v in data.items() } class SpeakerSystem: """Manages speaker interactions and group chat functionality""" def __init__(self, default_timeout: float = 30.0): self.speakers: Dict[SpeakerRole, SpeakerConfig] = {} self.message_history: List[SpeakerMessage] = [] self.default_timeout = default_timeout self._lock = threading.Lock() def add_speaker(self, config: SpeakerConfig) -> None: with self._lock: self.speakers[config.role] = config def remove_speaker(self, role: SpeakerRole) -> None: with self._lock: self.speakers.pop(role, None) async def _execute_speaker( self, config: SpeakerConfig, input_data: Any, context: Dict[str, Any] = None, ) -> SpeakerMessage: try: result = await asyncio.wait_for( config.agent.arun(input_data), timeout=config.timeout ) return SpeakerMessage( role=config.role, content=result, timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), agent_name=config.agent.agent_name, metadata={"context": context or {}}, ) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return SpeakerMessage( role=config.role, content=None, timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), agent_name=config.agent.agent_name, metadata={"error": "Timeout"}, ) except Exception as e: return SpeakerMessage( role=config.role, content=None, timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), agent_name=config.agent.agent_name, metadata={"error": str(e)}, ) class AsyncWorkflow(BaseWorkflow): """Enhanced asynchronous workflow with advanced speaker system""" def __init__( self, name: str = "AsyncWorkflow", agents: List[Agent] = None, max_workers: int = 5, dashboard: bool = False, autosave: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, log_path: str = "workflow.log", shared_memory_path: Optional[str] = "shared_memory.json", enable_group_chat: bool = False, group_chat_config: Optional[GroupChatConfig] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(agents=agents, **kwargs) self.workflow_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) = name self.agents = agents or [] self.max_workers = max_workers self.dashboard = dashboard self.autosave = autosave self.verbose = verbose self.task_pool = [] self.results = [] self.shared_memory = SharedMemory(shared_memory_path) self.speaker_system = SpeakerSystem() self.enable_group_chat = enable_group_chat self.group_chat_config = ( group_chat_config or GroupChatConfig() ) self._setup_logging(log_path) self.metadata = {} def _setup_logging(self, log_path: str) -> None: """Configure rotating file logger""" self.logger = logging.getLogger( f"workflow_{self.workflow_id}" ) self.logger.setLevel( logging.DEBUG if self.verbose else logging.INFO ) handler = RotatingFileHandler( log_path, maxBytes=10 * 1024 * 1024, backupCount=5 ) formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(handler) def add_default_speakers(self) -> None: """Add all agents as default concurrent speakers""" for agent in self.agents: config = SpeakerConfig( role=SpeakerRole.DEFAULT, agent=agent, concurrent=True, timeout=30.0, required=False, ) self.speaker_system.add_speaker(config) async def run_concurrent_speakers( self, task: str, context: Dict[str, Any] = None ) -> List[SpeakerMessage]: """Run all concurrent speakers in parallel""" concurrent_tasks = [ self.speaker_system._execute_speaker( config, task, context ) for config in self.speaker_system.speakers.values() if config.concurrent ] results = await asyncio.gather( *concurrent_tasks, return_exceptions=True ) return [r for r in results if isinstance(r, SpeakerMessage)] async def run_sequential_speakers( self, task: str, context: Dict[str, Any] = None ) -> List[SpeakerMessage]: """Run non-concurrent speakers in sequence""" results = [] for config in sorted( self.speaker_system.speakers.values(), key=lambda x: x.priority, ): if not config.concurrent: result = await self.speaker_system._execute_speaker( config, task, context ) results.append(result) return results async def run_group_chat( self, initial_message: str, context: Dict[str, Any] = None ) -> List[SpeakerMessage]: """Run a group chat discussion among speakers""" if not self.enable_group_chat: raise ValueError( "Group chat is not enabled for this workflow" ) messages: List[SpeakerMessage] = [] current_turn = 0 while current_turn < self.group_chat_config.max_turns: turn_context = { "turn": current_turn, "history": messages, **(context or {}), } if self.group_chat_config.allow_concurrent: turn_messages = await self.run_concurrent_speakers( ( initial_message if current_turn == 0 else messages[-1].content ), turn_context, ) else: turn_messages = await self.run_sequential_speakers( ( initial_message if current_turn == 0 else messages[-1].content ), turn_context, ) messages.extend(turn_messages) # Check if we should continue the conversation if self._should_end_group_chat(messages): break current_turn += 1 if self.group_chat_config.save_history: self.speaker_system.message_history.extend(messages) return messages def _should_end_group_chat( self, messages: List[SpeakerMessage] ) -> bool: """Determine if group chat should end based on messages""" if not messages: return True # Check if all required speakers have participated if self.group_chat_config.require_all_speakers: participating_roles = {msg.role for msg in messages} required_roles = { role for role, config in self.speaker_system.speakers.items() if config.required } if not required_roles.issubset(participating_roles): return False return False @asynccontextmanager async def task_context(self): """Context manager for task execution with proper cleanup""" start_time = datetime.utcnow() try: yield finally: end_time = datetime.utcnow() if self.autosave: await self._save_results(start_time, end_time) async def _execute_agent_task( self, agent: Agent, task: str ) -> AgentOutput: """Execute a single agent task with enhanced error handling and monitoring""" start_time = datetime.utcnow() task_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) try: f"Agent {agent.agent_name} starting task {task_id}: {task}" ) result = await agent.arun(task) end_time = datetime.utcnow() f"Agent {agent.agent_name} completed task {task_id}" ) return AgentOutput( agent_id=str(id(agent)), agent_name=agent.agent_name, task_id=task_id, input=task, output=result, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, status="success", ) except Exception as e: end_time = datetime.utcnow() self.logger.error( f"Error in agent {agent.agent_name} task {task_id}: {str(e)}", exc_info=True, ) return AgentOutput( agent_id=str(id(agent)), agent_name=agent.agent_name, task_id=task_id, input=task, output=None, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, status="error", error=str(e), ) async def run(self, task: str) -> WorkflowOutput: """Enhanced workflow execution with speaker system integration""" if not self.agents: raise ValueError("No agents provided to the workflow") async with self.task_context(): start_time = datetime.utcnow() try: # Run speakers first if enabled speaker_outputs = [] if self.enable_group_chat: speaker_outputs = await self.run_group_chat(task) else: concurrent_outputs = ( await self.run_concurrent_speakers(task) ) sequential_outputs = ( await self.run_sequential_speakers(task) ) speaker_outputs = ( concurrent_outputs + sequential_outputs ) # Store speaker outputs in shared memory self.shared_memory.set( "speaker_outputs", [msg.dict() for msg in speaker_outputs], "workflow", ) # Create tasks for all agents tasks = [ self._execute_agent_task(agent, task) for agent in self.agents ] # Execute all tasks concurrently agent_outputs = await asyncio.gather( *tasks, return_exceptions=True ) end_time = datetime.utcnow() # Calculate success/failure counts successful_tasks = sum( 1 for output in agent_outputs if isinstance(output, AgentOutput) and output.status == "success" ) failed_tasks = len(agent_outputs) - successful_tasks return WorkflowOutput( workflow_id=self.workflow_id,, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, total_agents=len(self.agents), successful_tasks=successful_tasks, failed_tasks=failed_tasks, agent_outputs=[ output for output in agent_outputs if isinstance(output, AgentOutput) ], metadata={ "max_workers": self.max_workers, "shared_memory_keys": list( self.shared_memory._memory.keys() ), "group_chat_enabled": self.enable_group_chat, "total_speaker_messages": len( speaker_outputs ), "speaker_outputs": [ msg.dict() for msg in speaker_outputs ], }, ) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( f"Critical workflow error: {str(e)}", exc_info=True, ) raise async def _save_results( self, start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime ) -> None: """Save workflow results to disk""" if not self.autosave: return output_dir = "workflow_outputs" os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = f"{output_dir}/workflow_{self.workflow_id}_{end_time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.json" try: with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump( { "workflow_id": self.workflow_id, "start_time": start_time.isoformat(), "end_time": end_time.isoformat(), "results": [ ( asdict(result) if hasattr(result, "__dict__") else ( result.dict() if hasattr(result, "dict") else str(result) ) ) for result in self.results ], "speaker_history": [ msg.dict() for msg in self.speaker_system.message_history ], "metadata": self.metadata, }, f, default=str, indent=2, )"Workflow results saved to {filename}") except Exception as e: self.logger.error( f"Error saving workflow results: {str(e)}" ) def _validate_config(self) -> None: """Validate workflow configuration""" if self.max_workers < 1: raise ValueError("max_workers must be at least 1") if ( self.enable_group_chat and not self.speaker_system.speakers ): raise ValueError( "Group chat enabled but no speakers configured" ) for config in self.speaker_system.speakers.values(): if config.timeout <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid timeout for speaker {config.role}" ) async def cleanup(self) -> None: """Cleanup workflow resources""" try: # Close any open file handlers for handler in self.logger.handlers[:]: handler.close() self.logger.removeHandler(handler) # Persist final state if self.autosave: end_time = datetime.utcnow() await self._save_results( ( self.results[0].start_time if self.results else end_time ), end_time, ) # Clear shared memory if configured self.shared_memory._memory.clear() except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Error during cleanup: {str(e)}") raise # Utility functions for the workflow def create_default_workflow( agents: List[Agent], name: str = "DefaultWorkflow", enable_group_chat: bool = False, ) -> AsyncWorkflow: """Create a workflow with default configuration""" workflow = AsyncWorkflow( name=name, agents=agents, max_workers=len(agents), dashboard=True, autosave=True, verbose=True, enable_group_chat=enable_group_chat, group_chat_config=GroupChatConfig( max_turns=5, allow_concurrent=True, require_all_speakers=False, ), ) workflow.add_default_speakers() return workflow async def run_workflow_with_retry( workflow: AsyncWorkflow, task: str, max_retries: int = 3, retry_delay: float = 1.0, ) -> WorkflowOutput: """Run workflow with retry logic""" for attempt in range(max_retries): try: return await except Exception as e: if attempt == max_retries - 1: raise workflow.logger.warning( f"Attempt {attempt + 1} failed, retrying in {retry_delay} seconds: {str(e)}" ) await asyncio.sleep(retry_delay) retry_delay *= 2 # Exponential backoff # async def create_specialized_agents() -> List[Agent]: # """Create a set of specialized agents for financial analysis""" # # Base model configuration # model = OpenAIChat(model_name="gpt-4o") # # Financial Analysis Agent # financial_agent = Agent( # agent_name="Financial-Analysis-Agent", # agent_description="Personal finance advisor agent", # system_prompt=FINANCIAL_AGENT_SYS_PROMPT + # "Output the token when you're done creating a portfolio of etfs, index, funds, and more for AI", # max_loops=1, # llm=model, # dynamic_temperature_enabled=True, # user_name="Kye", # retry_attempts=3, # context_length=8192, # return_step_meta=False, # output_type="str", # auto_generate_prompt=False, # max_tokens=4000, # stopping_token="", # saved_state_path="financial_agent.json", # interactive=False, # ) # # Risk Assessment Agent # risk_agent = Agent( # agent_name="Risk-Assessment-Agent", # agent_description="Investment risk analysis specialist", # system_prompt="Analyze investment risks and provide risk scores. Output when analysis is complete.", # max_loops=1, # llm=model, # dynamic_temperature_enabled=True, # user_name="Kye", # retry_attempts=3, # context_length=8192, # output_type="str", # max_tokens=4000, # stopping_token="", # saved_state_path="risk_agent.json", # interactive=False, # ) # # Market Research Agent # research_agent = Agent( # agent_name="Market-Research-Agent", # agent_description="AI and tech market research specialist", # system_prompt="Research AI market trends and growth opportunities. Output when research is complete.", # max_loops=1, # llm=model, # dynamic_temperature_enabled=True, # user_name="Kye", # retry_attempts=3, # context_length=8192, # output_type="str", # max_tokens=4000, # stopping_token="", # saved_state_path="research_agent.json", # interactive=False, # ) # return [financial_agent, risk_agent, research_agent] # async def main(): # # Create specialized agents # agents = await create_specialized_agents() # # Create workflow with group chat enabled # workflow = create_default_workflow( # agents=agents, # name="AI-Investment-Analysis-Workflow", # enable_group_chat=True # ) # # Configure speaker roles # workflow.speaker_system.add_speaker( # SpeakerConfig( # role=SpeakerRole.COORDINATOR, # agent=agents[0], # Financial agent as coordinator # priority=1, # concurrent=False, # required=True # ) # ) # workflow.speaker_system.add_speaker( # SpeakerConfig( # role=SpeakerRole.CRITIC, # agent=agents[1], # Risk agent as critic # priority=2, # concurrent=True # ) # ) # workflow.speaker_system.add_speaker( # SpeakerConfig( # role=SpeakerRole.EXECUTOR, # agent=agents[2], # Research agent as executor # priority=2, # concurrent=True # ) # ) # # Investment analysis task # investment_task = """ # Create a comprehensive investment analysis for a $40k portfolio focused on AI growth opportunities: # 1. Identify high-growth AI ETFs and index funds # 2. Analyze risks and potential returns # 3. Create a diversified portfolio allocation # 4. Provide market trend analysis # Present the results in a structured markdown format. # """ # try: # # Run workflow with retry # result = await run_workflow_with_retry( # workflow=workflow, # task=investment_task, # max_retries=3 # ) # print("\nWorkflow Results:") # print("================") # # Process and display agent outputs # for output in result.agent_outputs: # print(f"\nAgent: {output.agent_name}") # print("-" * (len(output.agent_name) + 8)) # print(output.output) # # Display group chat history if enabled # if workflow.enable_group_chat: # print("\nGroup Chat Discussion:") # print("=====================") # for msg in workflow.speaker_system.message_history: # print(f"\n{msg.role} ({msg.agent_name}):") # print(msg.content) # # Save detailed results # if result.metadata.get("shared_memory_keys"): # print("\nShared Insights:") # print("===============") # for key in result.metadata["shared_memory_keys"]: # value = workflow.shared_memory.get(key) # if value: # print(f"\n{key}:") # print(value) # except Exception as e: # print(f"Workflow failed: {str(e)}") # finally: # await workflow.cleanup() # if __name__ == "__main__": # # Run the example #