-- Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. -- -- This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the -- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. -- -- Usage: convert_dictionary.lua <dict.th7> require 'fairseq' require 'torch' require 'paths' if #arg < 1 then print('usage: convert_dictionary.lua <dict.th7>') os.exit(1) end if not paths.filep(arg[1]) then print('error: file does not exit: ' .. arg[1]) os.exit(1) end dict = torch.load(arg[1]) dst = paths.basename(arg[1]):gsub('.th7', '.txt') assert(dst:match('.txt$')) f = io.open(dst, 'w') for idx, symbol in ipairs(dict.index_to_symbol) do if idx > dict.cutoff then break end f:write(symbol) f:write(' ') f:write(dict.index_to_freq[idx]) f:write('\n') end f:close()