from fastapi import FastAPI from models import PredictReq import pickle import json import numpy as np app = FastAPI() ml_model = None # Load the XGBoost model with open('xgb_model.pkl', 'rb') as model_file: ml_model = pickle.load(model_file) # This is just the normal getter api to check if working of the entire backend @app.get("/") def foo(): return { "status": "House Price Prediction" }"/predict_house_price") def predice_house_price(req: PredictReq): inp = np.array([[ req.medInc, req.houseAge, req.avgRooms, req.avgBdrms, req.population, req.avgOccup, req.latitude, req.longitude, ]]) prediction = ml_model.predict(inp)[0] return { 'price': str(prediction) }