import copy import os import numpy as np import torch from typing import List from yacs.config import CfgNode import braceexpand import cv2 from .dataset import Dataset from .utils import get_example, expand_to_aspect_ratio def expand(s): return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(s)) def expand_urls(urls: str|List[str]): if isinstance(urls, str): urls = [urls] urls = [u for url in urls for u in braceexpand.braceexpand(expand(url))] return urls FLIP_KEYPOINT_PERMUTATION = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] DEFAULT_MEAN = 255. * np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) DEFAULT_STD = 255. * np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) DEFAULT_IMG_SIZE = 256 class ImageDataset(Dataset): @staticmethod def load_tars_as_webdataset(cfg: CfgNode, urls: str|List[str], train: bool, resampled=False, epoch_size=None, cache_dir=None, **kwargs) -> Dataset: """ Loads the dataset from a webdataset tar file. """ IMG_SIZE = cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_SIZE BBOX_SHAPE = cfg.MODEL.get('BBOX_SHAPE', None) MEAN = 255. * np.array(cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_MEAN) STD = 255. * np.array(cfg.MODEL.IMAGE_STD) def split_data(source): for item in source: datas = item['data.pyd'] for data in datas: if 'detection.npz' in item: det_idx = data['extra_info']['detection_npz_idx'] mask = item['detection.npz']['masks'][det_idx] else: mask = np.ones_like(item['jpg'][:,:,0], dtype=bool) yield { '__key__': item['__key__'], 'jpg': item['jpg'], 'data.pyd': data, 'mask': mask, } def suppress_bad_kps(item, thresh=0.0): if thresh > 0: kp2d = item['data.pyd']['keypoints_2d'] kp2d_conf = np.where(kp2d[:, 2] < thresh, 0.0, kp2d[:, 2]) item['data.pyd']['keypoints_2d'] = np.concatenate([kp2d[:,:2], kp2d_conf[:,None]], axis=1) return item def filter_numkp(item, numkp=4, thresh=0.0): kp_conf = item['data.pyd']['keypoints_2d'][:, 2] return (kp_conf > thresh).sum() > numkp def filter_reproj_error(item, thresh=10**4.5): losses = item['data.pyd'].get('extra_info', {}).get('fitting_loss', np.array({})).item() reproj_loss = losses.get('reprojection_loss', None) return reproj_loss is None or reproj_loss < thresh def filter_bbox_size(item, thresh=1): bbox_size_min = item['data.pyd']['scale'].min().item() * 200. return bbox_size_min > thresh def filter_no_poses(item): return (item['data.pyd']['has_hand_pose'] > 0) def supress_bad_betas(item, thresh=3): has_betas = item['data.pyd']['has_betas'] if thresh > 0 and has_betas: betas_abs = np.abs(item['data.pyd']['betas']) if (betas_abs > thresh).any(): item['data.pyd']['has_betas'] = False return item def supress_bad_poses(item): has_hand_pose = item['data.pyd']['has_hand_pose'] if has_hand_pose: hand_pose = item['data.pyd']['hand_pose'] pose_is_probable = poses_check_probable(torch.from_numpy(hand_pose)[None, 3:], amass_poses_hist100_smooth).item() if not pose_is_probable: item['data.pyd']['has_hand_pose'] = False return item def poses_betas_simultaneous(item): # We either have both hand_pose and betas, or neither has_betas = item['data.pyd']['has_betas'] has_hand_pose = item['data.pyd']['has_hand_pose'] item['data.pyd']['has_betas'] = item['data.pyd']['has_hand_pose'] = np.array(float((has_hand_pose>0) and (has_betas>0))) return item def set_betas_for_reg(item): # Always have betas set to true has_betas = item['data.pyd']['has_betas'] betas = item['data.pyd']['betas'] if not (has_betas>0): item['data.pyd']['has_betas'] = np.array(float((True))) item['data.pyd']['betas'] = betas * 0 return item # Load the dataset if epoch_size is not None: resampled = True #corrupt_filter = lambda sample: (sample['__key__'] not in CORRUPT_KEYS) import webdataset as wds dataset = wds.WebDataset(expand_urls(urls), nodesplitter=wds.split_by_node, shardshuffle=True, resampled=resampled, cache_dir=cache_dir, ) if train: dataset = dataset.shuffle(100) dataset = dataset.decode('rgb8').rename(jpg='jpg;jpeg;png') # Process the dataset dataset = dataset.compose(split_data) # Filter/clean the dataset SUPPRESS_KP_CONF_THRESH = cfg.DATASETS.get('SUPPRESS_KP_CONF_THRESH', 0.0) SUPPRESS_BETAS_THRESH = cfg.DATASETS.get('SUPPRESS_BETAS_THRESH', 0.0) SUPPRESS_BAD_POSES = cfg.DATASETS.get('SUPPRESS_BAD_POSES', False) POSES_BETAS_SIMULTANEOUS = cfg.DATASETS.get('POSES_BETAS_SIMULTANEOUS', False) BETAS_REG = cfg.DATASETS.get('BETAS_REG', False) FILTER_NO_POSES = cfg.DATASETS.get('FILTER_NO_POSES', False) FILTER_NUM_KP = cfg.DATASETS.get('FILTER_NUM_KP', 4) FILTER_NUM_KP_THRESH = cfg.DATASETS.get('FILTER_NUM_KP_THRESH', 0.0) FILTER_REPROJ_THRESH = cfg.DATASETS.get('FILTER_REPROJ_THRESH', 0.0) FILTER_MIN_BBOX_SIZE = cfg.DATASETS.get('FILTER_MIN_BBOX_SIZE', 0.0) if SUPPRESS_KP_CONF_THRESH > 0: dataset = x: suppress_bad_kps(x, thresh=SUPPRESS_KP_CONF_THRESH)) if SUPPRESS_BETAS_THRESH > 0: dataset = x: supress_bad_betas(x, thresh=SUPPRESS_BETAS_THRESH)) if SUPPRESS_BAD_POSES: dataset = x: supress_bad_poses(x)) if POSES_BETAS_SIMULTANEOUS: dataset = x: poses_betas_simultaneous(x)) if FILTER_NO_POSES: dataset = x: filter_no_poses(x)) if FILTER_NUM_KP > 0: dataset = x: filter_numkp(x, numkp=FILTER_NUM_KP, thresh=FILTER_NUM_KP_THRESH)) if FILTER_REPROJ_THRESH > 0: dataset = x: filter_reproj_error(x, thresh=FILTER_REPROJ_THRESH)) if FILTER_MIN_BBOX_SIZE > 0: dataset = x: filter_bbox_size(x, thresh=FILTER_MIN_BBOX_SIZE)) if BETAS_REG: dataset = x: set_betas_for_reg(x)) # NOTE: Must be at the end use_skimage_antialias = cfg.DATASETS.get('USE_SKIMAGE_ANTIALIAS', False) border_mode = { 'constant': cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, 'replicate': cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE, }[cfg.DATASETS.get('BORDER_MODE', 'constant')] # Process the dataset further dataset = x: ImageDataset.process_webdataset_tar_item(x, train, augm_config=cfg.DATASETS.CONFIG, MEAN=MEAN, STD=STD, IMG_SIZE=IMG_SIZE, BBOX_SHAPE=BBOX_SHAPE, use_skimage_antialias=use_skimage_antialias, border_mode=border_mode, )) if epoch_size is not None: dataset = dataset.with_epoch(epoch_size) return dataset @staticmethod def process_webdataset_tar_item(item, train, augm_config=None, MEAN=DEFAULT_MEAN, STD=DEFAULT_STD, IMG_SIZE=DEFAULT_IMG_SIZE, BBOX_SHAPE=None, use_skimage_antialias=False, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, ): # Read data from item key = item['__key__'] image = item['jpg'] data = item['data.pyd'] mask = item['mask'] keypoints_2d = data['keypoints_2d'] keypoints_3d = data['keypoints_3d'] center = data['center'] scale = data['scale'] hand_pose = data['hand_pose'] betas = data['betas'] right = data['right'] #right = True has_hand_pose = data['has_hand_pose'] has_betas = data['has_betas'] # image_file = data['image_file'] # Process data orig_keypoints_2d = keypoints_2d.copy() center_x = center[0] center_y = center[1] bbox_size = expand_to_aspect_ratio(scale*200, target_aspect_ratio=BBOX_SHAPE).max() if bbox_size < 1: breakpoint() mano_params = {'global_orient': hand_pose[:3], 'hand_pose': hand_pose[3:], 'betas': betas } has_mano_params = {'global_orient': has_hand_pose, 'hand_pose': has_hand_pose, 'betas': has_betas } mano_params_is_axis_angle = {'global_orient': True, 'hand_pose': True, 'betas': False } augm_config = copy.deepcopy(augm_config) # Crop image and (possibly) perform data augmentation img_rgba = np.concatenate([image, mask.astype(np.uint8)[:,:,None]*255], axis=2) img_patch_rgba, keypoints_2d, keypoints_3d, mano_params, has_mano_params, img_size, trans = get_example(img_rgba, center_x, center_y, bbox_size, bbox_size, keypoints_2d, keypoints_3d, mano_params, has_mano_params, FLIP_KEYPOINT_PERMUTATION, IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, MEAN, STD, train, right, augm_config, is_bgr=False, return_trans=True, use_skimage_antialias=use_skimage_antialias, border_mode=border_mode, ) img_patch = img_patch_rgba[:3,:,:] mask_patch = (img_patch_rgba[3,:,:] / 255.0).clip(0,1) if (mask_patch < 0.5).all(): mask_patch = np.ones_like(mask_patch) item = {} item['img'] = img_patch item['mask'] = mask_patch # item['img_og'] = image # item['mask_og'] = mask item['keypoints_2d'] = keypoints_2d.astype(np.float32) item['keypoints_3d'] = keypoints_3d.astype(np.float32) item['orig_keypoints_2d'] = orig_keypoints_2d item['box_center'] = center.copy() item['box_size'] = bbox_size item['img_size'] = 1.0 * img_size[::-1].copy() item['mano_params'] = mano_params item['has_mano_params'] = has_mano_params item['mano_params_is_axis_angle'] = mano_params_is_axis_angle item['_scale'] = scale item['_trans'] = trans item['imgname'] = key # item['idx'] = idx return item