# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import math import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from ..builder import LOSSES @LOSSES.register_module() class SmoothL1Loss(nn.Module): """SmoothL1Loss loss. Args: use_target_weight (bool): Option to use weighted MSE loss. Different joint types may have different target weights. loss_weight (float): Weight of the loss. Default: 1.0. """ def __init__(self, use_target_weight=False, loss_weight=1.): super().__init__() self.criterion = F.smooth_l1_loss self.use_target_weight = use_target_weight self.loss_weight = loss_weight def forward(self, output, target, target_weight=None): """Forward function. Note: - batch_size: N - num_keypoints: K - dimension of keypoints: D (D=2 or D=3) Args: output (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Output regression. target (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Target regression. target_weight (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Weights across different joint types. """ if self.use_target_weight: assert target_weight is not None loss = self.criterion(output * target_weight, target * target_weight) else: loss = self.criterion(output, target) return loss * self.loss_weight @LOSSES.register_module() class WingLoss(nn.Module): """Wing Loss. paper ref: 'Wing Loss for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation with Convolutional Neural Networks' Feng et al. CVPR'2018. Args: omega (float): Also referred to as width. epsilon (float): Also referred to as curvature. use_target_weight (bool): Option to use weighted MSE loss. Different joint types may have different target weights. loss_weight (float): Weight of the loss. Default: 1.0. """ def __init__(self, omega=10.0, epsilon=2.0, use_target_weight=False, loss_weight=1.): super().__init__() self.omega = omega self.epsilon = epsilon self.use_target_weight = use_target_weight self.loss_weight = loss_weight # constant that smoothly links the piecewise-defined linear # and nonlinear parts self.C = self.omega * (1.0 - math.log(1.0 + self.omega / self.epsilon)) def criterion(self, pred, target): """Criterion of wingloss. Note: - batch_size: N - num_keypoints: K - dimension of keypoints: D (D=2 or D=3) Args: pred (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Output regression. target (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Target regression. """ delta = (target - pred).abs() losses = torch.where( delta < self.omega, self.omega * torch.log(1.0 + delta / self.epsilon), delta - self.C) return torch.mean(torch.sum(losses, dim=[1, 2]), dim=0) def forward(self, output, target, target_weight=None): """Forward function. Note: - batch_size: N - num_keypoints: K - dimension of keypoints: D (D=2 or D=3) Args: output (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Output regression. target (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Target regression. target_weight (torch.Tensor[N,K,D]): Weights across different joint types. """ if self.use_target_weight: assert target_weight is not None loss = self.criterion(output * target_weight, target * target_weight) else: loss = self.criterion(output, target) return loss * self.loss_weight @LOSSES.register_module() class SoftWingLoss(nn.Module): """Soft Wing Loss 'Structure-Coherent Deep Feature Learning for Robust Face Alignment' Lin et al. TIP'2021. loss = 1. |x| , if |x| < omega1 2. omega2*ln(1+|x|/epsilon) + B, if |x| >= omega1 Args: omega1 (float): The first threshold. omega2 (float): The second threshold. epsilon (float): Also referred to as curvature. use_target_weight (bool): Option to use weighted MSE loss. Different joint types may have different target weights. loss_weight (float): Weight of the loss. Default: 1.0. """ def __init__(self, omega1=2.0, omega2=20.0, epsilon=0.5, use_target_weight=False, loss_weight=1.): super().__init__() self.omega1 = omega1 self.omega2 = omega2 self.epsilon = epsilon self.use_target_weight = use_target_weight self.loss_weight = loss_weight # constant that smoothly links the piecewise-defined linear # and nonlinear parts self.B = self.omega1 - self.omega2 * math.log(1.0 + self.omega1 / self.epsilon) def criterion(self, pred, target): """Criterion of wingloss. Note: batch_size: N num_keypoints: K dimension of keypoints: D (D=2 or D=3) Args: pred (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Output regression. target (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Target regression. """ delta = (target - pred).abs() losses = torch.where( delta < self.omega1, delta, self.omega2 * torch.log(1.0 + delta / self.epsilon) + self.B) return torch.mean(torch.sum(losses, dim=[1, 2]), dim=0) def forward(self, output, target, target_weight=None): """Forward function. Note: batch_size: N num_keypoints: K dimension of keypoints: D (D=2 or D=3) Args: output (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Output regression. target (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Target regression. target_weight (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Weights across different joint types. """ if self.use_target_weight: assert target_weight is not None loss = self.criterion(output * target_weight, target * target_weight) else: loss = self.criterion(output, target) return loss * self.loss_weight @LOSSES.register_module() class MPJPELoss(nn.Module): """MPJPE (Mean Per Joint Position Error) loss. Args: use_target_weight (bool): Option to use weighted MSE loss. Different joint types may have different target weights. loss_weight (float): Weight of the loss. Default: 1.0. """ def __init__(self, use_target_weight=False, loss_weight=1.): super().__init__() self.use_target_weight = use_target_weight self.loss_weight = loss_weight def forward(self, output, target, target_weight=None): """Forward function. Note: - batch_size: N - num_keypoints: K - dimension of keypoints: D (D=2 or D=3) Args: output (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Output regression. target (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Target regression. target_weight (torch.Tensor[N,K,D]): Weights across different joint types. """ if self.use_target_weight: assert target_weight is not None loss = torch.mean( torch.norm((output - target) * target_weight, dim=-1)) else: loss = torch.mean(torch.norm(output - target, dim=-1)) return loss * self.loss_weight @LOSSES.register_module() class L1Loss(nn.Module): """L1Loss loss .""" def __init__(self, use_target_weight=False, loss_weight=1.): super().__init__() self.criterion = F.l1_loss self.use_target_weight = use_target_weight self.loss_weight = loss_weight def forward(self, output, target, target_weight=None): """Forward function. Note: - batch_size: N - num_keypoints: K Args: output (torch.Tensor[N, K, 2]): Output regression. target (torch.Tensor[N, K, 2]): Target regression. target_weight (torch.Tensor[N, K, 2]): Weights across different joint types. """ if self.use_target_weight: assert target_weight is not None loss = self.criterion(output * target_weight, target * target_weight) else: loss = self.criterion(output, target) return loss * self.loss_weight @LOSSES.register_module() class MSELoss(nn.Module): """MSE loss for coordinate regression.""" def __init__(self, use_target_weight=False, loss_weight=1.): super().__init__() self.criterion = F.mse_loss self.use_target_weight = use_target_weight self.loss_weight = loss_weight def forward(self, output, target, target_weight=None): """Forward function. Note: - batch_size: N - num_keypoints: K Args: output (torch.Tensor[N, K, 2]): Output regression. target (torch.Tensor[N, K, 2]): Target regression. target_weight (torch.Tensor[N, K, 2]): Weights across different joint types. """ if self.use_target_weight: assert target_weight is not None loss = self.criterion(output * target_weight, target * target_weight) else: loss = self.criterion(output, target) return loss * self.loss_weight @LOSSES.register_module() class BoneLoss(nn.Module): """Bone length loss. Args: joint_parents (list): Indices of each joint's parent joint. use_target_weight (bool): Option to use weighted bone loss. Different bone types may have different target weights. loss_weight (float): Weight of the loss. Default: 1.0. """ def __init__(self, joint_parents, use_target_weight=False, loss_weight=1.): super().__init__() self.joint_parents = joint_parents self.use_target_weight = use_target_weight self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.non_root_indices = [] for i in range(len(self.joint_parents)): if i != self.joint_parents[i]: self.non_root_indices.append(i) def forward(self, output, target, target_weight=None): """Forward function. Note: - batch_size: N - num_keypoints: K - dimension of keypoints: D (D=2 or D=3) Args: output (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Output regression. target (torch.Tensor[N, K, D]): Target regression. target_weight (torch.Tensor[N, K-1]): Weights across different bone types. """ output_bone = torch.norm( output - output[:, self.joint_parents, :], dim=-1)[:, self.non_root_indices] target_bone = torch.norm( target - target[:, self.joint_parents, :], dim=-1)[:, self.non_root_indices] if self.use_target_weight: assert target_weight is not None loss = torch.mean( torch.abs((output_bone * target_weight).mean(dim=0) - (target_bone * target_weight).mean(dim=0))) else: loss = torch.mean( torch.abs(output_bone.mean(dim=0) - target_bone.mean(dim=0))) return loss * self.loss_weight @LOSSES.register_module() class SemiSupervisionLoss(nn.Module): """Semi-supervision loss for unlabeled data. It is composed of projection loss and bone loss. Paper ref: `3D human pose estimation in video with temporal convolutions and semi-supervised training` Dario Pavllo et al. CVPR'2019. Args: joint_parents (list): Indices of each joint's parent joint. projection_loss_weight (float): Weight for projection loss. bone_loss_weight (float): Weight for bone loss. warmup_iterations (int): Number of warmup iterations. In the first `warmup_iterations` iterations, the model is trained only on labeled data, and semi-supervision loss will be 0. This is a workaround since currently we cannot access epoch number in loss functions. Note that the iteration number in an epoch can be changed due to different GPU numbers in multi-GPU settings. So please set this parameter carefully. warmup_iterations = dataset_size // samples_per_gpu // gpu_num * warmup_epochs """ def __init__(self, joint_parents, projection_loss_weight=1., bone_loss_weight=1., warmup_iterations=0): super().__init__() self.criterion_projection = MPJPELoss( loss_weight=projection_loss_weight) self.criterion_bone = BoneLoss( joint_parents, loss_weight=bone_loss_weight) self.warmup_iterations = warmup_iterations self.num_iterations = 0 @staticmethod def project_joints(x, intrinsics): """Project 3D joint coordinates to 2D image plane using camera intrinsic parameters. Args: x (torch.Tensor[N, K, 3]): 3D joint coordinates. intrinsics (torch.Tensor[N, 4] | torch.Tensor[N, 9]): Camera intrinsics: f (2), c (2), k (3), p (2). """ while intrinsics.dim() < x.dim(): intrinsics.unsqueeze_(1) f = intrinsics[..., :2] c = intrinsics[..., 2:4] _x = torch.clamp(x[:, :, :2] / x[:, :, 2:], -1, 1) if intrinsics.shape[-1] == 9: k = intrinsics[..., 4:7] p = intrinsics[..., 7:9] r2 = torch.sum(_x[:, :, :2]**2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) radial = 1 + torch.sum( k * torch.cat((r2, r2**2, r2**3), dim=-1), dim=-1, keepdim=True) tan = torch.sum(p * _x, dim=-1, keepdim=True) _x = _x * (radial + tan) + p * r2 _x = f * _x + c return _x def forward(self, output, target): losses = dict() self.num_iterations += 1 if self.num_iterations <= self.warmup_iterations: return losses labeled_pose = output['labeled_pose'] unlabeled_pose = output['unlabeled_pose'] unlabeled_traj = output['unlabeled_traj'] unlabeled_target_2d = target['unlabeled_target_2d'] intrinsics = target['intrinsics'] # projection loss unlabeled_output = unlabeled_pose + unlabeled_traj unlabeled_output_2d = self.project_joints(unlabeled_output, intrinsics) loss_proj = self.criterion_projection(unlabeled_output_2d, unlabeled_target_2d, None) losses['proj_loss'] = loss_proj # bone loss loss_bone = self.criterion_bone(unlabeled_pose, labeled_pose, None) losses['bone_loss'] = loss_bone return losses