import json import streamlit as st from transformers import AutoTokenizer, RobertaForSequenceClassification, pipeline with open("config.json") as f: cfg = json.loads( @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True, show_spinner=False) def load_model(input_text, model_name_or_path): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path) model = RobertaForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path) nlp = pipeline("text-classification", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) result = nlp(input_text) return result def app(): st.title("मराठी Marathi News Classifier") st.markdown( "This demo uses the below fine-tuned models for marathi news classification:\n" "- [IndicNLP Marathi News Classifier]( fine-tuned on " "[IndicNLP Marathi News Dataset](\n" "> `IndicNLP` model predicts one of these 3 classes - `['lifestyle', 'entertainment', 'sports']`\n" "- [iNLTK Marathi News Classifier]( fine-tuned on " "[Marathi News Dataset](\n" "> `iNLTK` model predicts one of these 3 classes - `['state', 'entertainment', 'sports']`" ) classifier = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a Model", index=0, options=["IndicNLP", "iNLTK"]) st.sidebar.markdown( "**IndicNLP Classes**\n" "- lifestyle\n" "- entertainment\n" "- sports\n" "\n" "**iNLTK Classes**\n" "- state\n" "- entertainment\n" "- sports" ) sample_texts = [ "रोहित शर्माने सरावाला सुरुवात करण्यापूर्वी भारतीय खेळाडूला दिला कानमंत्र, म्हणाला...", "जॉनी लीवर यांनी नम्रता संभेरावला दिलं खास गिफ्ट, अभिनेत्रीने व्यक्त केल्या भावना", "Custom", ] model_name_or_path = cfg["models"][classifier] text_to_classify = st.selectbox("Select a Text", options=sample_texts, index=len(sample_texts) - 1) if text_to_classify == "Custom": text_to_classify = st.text_input("Enter custom text:") predict_button = st.button("Predict") if predict_button: with st.spinner("Generating prediction..."): result = load_model(text_to_classify, model_name_or_path) st.markdown("## Predicted Label: `{}`".format(result[0]["label"])) st.markdown("## Confidence: `{}`%".format(round(result[0]["score"], 3) * 100)) st.markdown("- - -") st.markdown( "❓ Can't figure out where to get a sample text other than the predefined ones? ❓\n" "\n" "We have provided Marathi newspaper links (section wise) below. Head over to any section of your choice, " "copy any headline and paste below to see if the model is predicting the respective class correctly or not?\n" "- [entertainment](\n" "- [sports](\n" "- [lifestyle](\n" "- [state](\n" "> 📒 NOTE: Both models are not trained on above headlines! Feel free to use any headline from any newspaper" )