from typing import Mapping import warnings try: import mediapipe as mp except ImportError: warnings.warn( "The module 'mediapipe' is not installed. The package will have limited functionality. Please install it using the command: pip install 'mediapipe'" ) mp = None import numpy if mp: mp_drawing = mp_drawing_styles = mp_face_detection = # Only for counting faces. mp_face_mesh = mp_face_connections = mp_hand_connections = mp_body_connections = DrawingSpec = PoseLandmark = min_face_size_pixels: int = 64 f_thick = 2 f_rad = 1 right_iris_draw = DrawingSpec(color=(10, 200, 250), thickness=f_thick, circle_radius=f_rad) right_eye_draw = DrawingSpec(color=(10, 200, 180), thickness=f_thick, circle_radius=f_rad) right_eyebrow_draw = DrawingSpec(color=(10, 220, 180), thickness=f_thick, circle_radius=f_rad) left_iris_draw = DrawingSpec(color=(250, 200, 10), thickness=f_thick, circle_radius=f_rad) left_eye_draw = DrawingSpec(color=(180, 200, 10), thickness=f_thick, circle_radius=f_rad) left_eyebrow_draw = DrawingSpec(color=(180, 220, 10), thickness=f_thick, circle_radius=f_rad) mouth_draw = DrawingSpec(color=(10, 180, 10), thickness=f_thick, circle_radius=f_rad) head_draw = DrawingSpec(color=(10, 200, 10), thickness=f_thick, circle_radius=f_rad) # mp_face_mesh.FACEMESH_CONTOURS has all the items we care about. face_connection_spec = {} for edge in mp_face_mesh.FACEMESH_FACE_OVAL: face_connection_spec[edge] = head_draw for edge in mp_face_mesh.FACEMESH_LEFT_EYE: face_connection_spec[edge] = left_eye_draw for edge in mp_face_mesh.FACEMESH_LEFT_EYEBROW: face_connection_spec[edge] = left_eyebrow_draw # for edge in mp_face_mesh.FACEMESH_LEFT_IRIS: # face_connection_spec[edge] = left_iris_draw for edge in mp_face_mesh.FACEMESH_RIGHT_EYE: face_connection_spec[edge] = right_eye_draw for edge in mp_face_mesh.FACEMESH_RIGHT_EYEBROW: face_connection_spec[edge] = right_eyebrow_draw # for edge in mp_face_mesh.FACEMESH_RIGHT_IRIS: # face_connection_spec[edge] = right_iris_draw for edge in mp_face_mesh.FACEMESH_LIPS: face_connection_spec[edge] = mouth_draw iris_landmark_spec = {468: right_iris_draw, 473: left_iris_draw} def draw_pupils(image, landmark_list, drawing_spec, halfwidth: int = 2): """We have a custom function to draw the pupils because the mp.draw_landmarks method requires a parameter for all landmarks. Until our PR is merged into mediapipe, we need this separate method.""" if len(image.shape) != 3: raise ValueError("Input image must be H,W,C.") image_rows, image_cols, image_channels = image.shape if image_channels != 3: # BGR channels raise ValueError('Input image must contain three channel bgr data.') for idx, landmark in enumerate(landmark_list.landmark): if ( (landmark.HasField('visibility') and landmark.visibility < 0.9) or (landmark.HasField('presence') and landmark.presence < 0.5) ): continue if landmark.x >= 1.0 or landmark.x < 0 or landmark.y >= 1.0 or landmark.y < 0: continue image_x = int(image_cols*landmark.x) image_y = int(image_rows*landmark.y) draw_color = None if isinstance(drawing_spec, Mapping): if drawing_spec.get(idx) is None: continue else: draw_color = drawing_spec[idx].color elif isinstance(drawing_spec, DrawingSpec): draw_color = drawing_spec.color image[image_y-halfwidth:image_y+halfwidth, image_x-halfwidth:image_x+halfwidth, :] = draw_color def reverse_channels(image): """Given a numpy array in RGB form, convert to BGR. Will also convert from BGR to RGB.""" # im[:,:,::-1] is a neat hack to convert BGR to RGB by reversing the indexing order. # im[:,:,::[2,1,0]] would also work but makes a copy of the data. return image[:, :, ::-1] def generate_annotation( img_rgb, max_faces: int, min_confidence: float ): """ Find up to 'max_faces' inside the provided input image. If min_face_size_pixels is provided and nonzero it will be used to filter faces that occupy less than this many pixels in the image. """ with mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh( static_image_mode=True, max_num_faces=max_faces, refine_landmarks=True, min_detection_confidence=min_confidence, ) as facemesh: img_height, img_width, img_channels = img_rgb.shape assert(img_channels == 3) results = facemesh.process(img_rgb).multi_face_landmarks if results is None: print("No faces detected in controlnet image for Mediapipe face annotator.") return numpy.zeros_like(img_rgb) # Filter faces that are too small filtered_landmarks = [] for lm in results: landmarks = lm.landmark face_rect = [ landmarks[0].x, landmarks[0].y, landmarks[0].x, landmarks[0].y, ] # Left, up, right, down. for i in range(len(landmarks)): face_rect[0] = min(face_rect[0], landmarks[i].x) face_rect[1] = min(face_rect[1], landmarks[i].y) face_rect[2] = max(face_rect[2], landmarks[i].x) face_rect[3] = max(face_rect[3], landmarks[i].y) if min_face_size_pixels > 0: face_width = abs(face_rect[2] - face_rect[0]) face_height = abs(face_rect[3] - face_rect[1]) face_width_pixels = face_width * img_width face_height_pixels = face_height * img_height face_size = min(face_width_pixels, face_height_pixels) if face_size >= min_face_size_pixels: filtered_landmarks.append(lm) else: filtered_landmarks.append(lm) # Annotations are drawn in BGR for some reason, but we don't need to flip a zero-filled image at the start. empty = numpy.zeros_like(img_rgb) # Draw detected faces: for face_landmarks in filtered_landmarks: mp_drawing.draw_landmarks( empty, face_landmarks, connections=face_connection_spec.keys(), landmark_drawing_spec=None, connection_drawing_spec=face_connection_spec ) draw_pupils(empty, face_landmarks, iris_landmark_spec, 2) # Flip BGR back to RGB. empty = reverse_channels(empty).copy() return empty