Google Calendar Simple API documentation! ========================================= `Google Calendar Simple API` or `gcsa` is a library that simplifies event and calendar management in Google Calendars. It is a Pythonic object oriented adapter for the `official API`_. Example usage ------------- List events ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python from gcsa.google_calendar import GoogleCalendar calendar = GoogleCalendar('') for event in calendar: print(event) Create event ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python from gcsa.event import Event event = Event( 'The Glass Menagerie', start=datetime(2020, 7, 10, 19, 0), location='Záhřebská 468/21' minutes_before_popup_reminder=15 ) calendar.add_event(event) Create recurring event ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python from gcsa.recurrence import Recurrence, DAILY event = Event( 'Breakfast', start=date(2020, 7, 16), recurrence=Recurrence.rule(freq=DAILY) ) calendar.add_event(event) Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 getting_started authentication events calendars colors attendees attachments conference reminders recurrence acl free_busy settings serializers why_gcsa change_log code/code Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` References ========== Template for `` was taken from `kennethreitz/`_. .. _kennethreitz/ .. _`official API`: