Runtime error
Runtime error
Upload 22 files
Browse files- +555 -0
- app_data.pickle +3 -0
- crashes.csv +0 -0
- cyclists.csv +0 -0
- lib/.DS_Store +0 -0
- lib/.ipynb_checkpoints/ +0 -0
- lib/.ipynb_checkpoints/ +74 -0
- lib/.ipynb_checkpoints/ +787 -0
- lib/.ipynb_checkpoints/ +83 -0
- lib/.ipynb_checkpoints/ +287 -0
- lib/ +0 -0
- lib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- lib/__pycache__/get_data.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- lib/__pycache__/study_class.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- lib/__pycache__/study_classif.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- lib/__pycache__/transform_data.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- lib/__pycache__/vis_data.cpython-310.pyc +0 -0
- lib/ +787 -0
- lib/ +83 -0
- lib/ +287 -0
- requirements.txt +77 -0
- study.pkl +3 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
1 |
import pandas as pd
2 |
import numpy as np
3 |
import streamlit as st
4 |
import as px
5 |
from scipy import stats
6 |
import pickle
7 |
import shap
8 |
import lightgbm as lgb
9 |
from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier
10 |
# from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier
11 |
12 |
13 |
### Helper functions ###
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
def get_data(filename):
18 |
19 |
Read dataframe from CSV
20 |
21 |
return pd.read_csv(filename)
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
### Setup ###
26 |
27 |
28 |
# Load dataframes
29 |
crashes = get_data('crashes.csv')
30 |
cyclists = get_data('cyclists.csv')
31 |
32 |
# Load in prepared labeling data for app components
33 |
with open('app_data.pickle', 'rb') as file:
34 |
period_data, cohort_data, time_cat_data, time_bin_data,\
35 |
geo_data, county_data, feature_names, ord_features,\
36 |
37 |
model_bin_data,veh_data = pickle.load(file)
38 |
39 |
features = cat_features+flag_features+ord_features
40 |
features.sort(key=lambda x:feature_names[x].lower())
41 |
42 |
# Load trained classifier study object
43 |
44 |
def load_study():
45 |
46 |
Load the trained classifier pipeline
47 |
48 |
with open('study.pkl', 'rb') as file:
49 |
study = pickle.load(file)
50 |
return study
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
### Initialize app structure ###
57 |
58 |
59 |
st.header('BikeSaferPA: understanding cyclist outcomes')
60 |
tabs = st.tabs([
61 |
62 |
'Crashes over time',
63 |
'Mapping crashes',
64 |
'Feature distributions',
65 |
'BikeSaferPA predictions',
66 |
67 |
with tabs[0]:
68 |
intro_container = st.container()
69 |
with tabs[1]:
70 |
time_intro_container = st.container()
71 |
time_settings_container = st.container()
72 |
time_plot_container = st.container()
73 |
with tabs[2]:
74 |
map_intro_container = st.container()
75 |
map_settings_container = st.container()
76 |
map_plot_container = st.container()
77 |
with tabs[3]:
78 |
feature_intro_container = st.container()
79 |
feature_settings_container = st.container()
80 |
feature_plot_container = st.container()
81 |
with tabs[4]:
82 |
model_intro_container = st.container()
83 |
model_settings_container = st.container()
84 |
model_result_container = st.container()
85 |
model_shap_container = st.container()
86 |
87 |
88 |
### Populate welcome tab ###
89 |
90 |
91 |
with intro_container:
92 |
93 |
94 |
This app provides a suite of tools to accompany Eamonn Tweedy's [BikeSaferPA project]( These tools allow the user to:
95 |
- Visualize data related to crashes involving bicycles in Pennsylvania during the years 2002-2021, which was collected from a publically available [PENNDOT crash dataset](
96 |
- Experiment with the BikeSaferPA model, which was trained on this cyclist crash data and designed to predict severity outcomes for cyclists based on crash data.
97 |
98 |
Navigate the tabs using the menu at the top to try them out.
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
### Populate crashes over time tab ###
103 |
104 |
105 |
### Intro text ###
106 |
107 |
with time_intro_container:
108 |
st.subheader('Visualizing bicycle crashes in PA over time')
109 |
110 |
111 |
This tool provides plots of cyclist crash counts by year, month of the year, day of the week, or hour of the day and can stratify the counts by various crash features.
112 |
113 |
You also have the option to restrict to Philadelpha county only, or the PA counties in the greater Philadelphia area (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia).
114 |
115 |
Expand the toolbox below to choose plot options.
116 |
117 |
118 |
### User input - settings for plot ###
119 |
120 |
with time_settings_container:
121 |
# Expander containing plot option user input
122 |
with st.expander('Click here to expand or collapse plot options menu'):
123 |
col1,col2 = st.columns([0.4,0.6])
124 |
with col1:
125 |
# Geographic restriction selectbox
126 |
geo = st.selectbox(
127 |
'Geographic scope:',
128 |
129 |
format_func = lambda x:geo_data[x][0],
130 |
key = 'time_geo_select',
131 |
132 |
# Time period selectbox
133 |
period = st.selectbox(
134 |
'Time period:',
135 |
136 |
format_func = lambda x:period_data[x][0],
137 |
key = 'time_period_select',
138 |
139 |
140 |
with col2:
141 |
# Cyclist cohort selectbox
142 |
cohort = st.selectbox(
143 |
'Crash severity:',
144 |
145 |
format_func = lambda x:cohort_data[x],
146 |
key = 'time_cohort_select',
147 |
148 |
# Category stratification selectbox
149 |
stratify = st.selectbox('Stratify crashes by:',
150 |
151 |
key = 'time_cat_stratify_select',
152 |
format_func = lambda x:time_cat_data[x][0]\
153 |
if x!='no' else 'do not stratify',
154 |
155 |
st.markdown('Restrict to crashes containing the following factor(s):')
156 |
title_add = ''
157 |
158 |
cols = st.columns(len(time_bin_data))
159 |
# Columns of binary feature checkboxes
160 |
for k,col in enumerate(cols):
161 |
with col:
162 |
for feat in time_bin_data[k]:
163 |
# make checkbox
164 |
165 |
# if checked, filter samples and add feature to plot title addendum
166 |
if time_bin_data[k][feat][2]:
167 |
crashes = crashes[crashes[time_bin_data[k][feat][1]]==1]
168 |
title_add+= ', '+time_bin_data[k][feat][0].split('one ')[-1]
169 |
170 |
### Post-process user-selected setting data ###
171 |
172 |
# Geographic restriction
173 |
if geo != 'statewide':
174 |
crashes = crashes[crashes.COUNTY.isin(geo_data[geo][1])]
175 |
# Relegate rare categories to 'other' for plot readability
176 |
if stratify=='int_type':
177 |
178 |
.replace({cat:'other' for cat in crashes.INTERSECT_TYPE.value_counts().index[3:]})
179 |
if stratify=='coll_type':
180 |
181 |
.replace({cat:'other' for cat in crashes.COLLISION_TYPE.value_counts().index[6:]})
182 |
if stratify=='weather':
183 |
184 |
.replace({cat:'other' for cat in crashes.WEATHER.value_counts().index[5:]})
185 |
if stratify=='tcd':
186 |
187 |
.replace({cat:'other' for cat in crashes.TCD_TYPE.value_counts().index[3:]})
188 |
189 |
190 |
# Order categories in descending order by frequency
191 |
category_orders = {time_cat_data[cat][1]:list(crashes[time_cat_data[cat][1]].value_counts().index) for cat in time_cat_data}
192 |
193 |
# Define cohort
194 |
if cohort == 'inj':
195 |
crashes = crashes[crashes.BICYCLE_SUSP_SERIOUS_INJ_COUNT > 0]
196 |
elif cohort == 'fat':
197 |
crashes = crashes[crashes.BICYCLE_DEATH_COUNT > 0]
198 |
199 |
# Replace day,month numbers with string labels
200 |
if period in ['day','month']:
201 |
crashes[period_data[period][1]] = crashes[period_data[period][1]].apply(lambda x:period_data[period][2][x-1])
202 |
203 |
# Plot title addendum
204 |
if len(title_add)>0:
205 |
title_add = '<br>with'+title_add.lstrip(',')
206 |
207 |
# Category stratification plot settings
208 |
if stratify=='no':
209 |
color,legend_title = None,None
210 |
211 |
212 |
title_add += f'<br>stratified {time_cat_data[stratify][0]}'
213 |
214 |
### Build and display plot ###
215 |
216 |
with time_plot_container:
217 |
# Plot samples if any, else report no samples remain
218 |
if crashes.shape[0]>0:
219 |
fig = px.histogram(crashes,
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
title=f'PA bicycle crashes 2002-2021 by {period_data[period][0]} - {cohort_data[cohort]}'+title_add,
224 |
category_orders = category_orders,
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
st.markdown('#### No samples meet these criteria. Please remove some factors.')
237 |
238 |
239 |
### Populate mapping crashes tab ###
240 |
241 |
242 |
### Intro text ###
243 |
244 |
with map_intro_container:
245 |
st.subheader('Mapping bicycle crashes in PA')
246 |
247 |
248 |
This tool provides interactive maps of crash events, either statewide or in one of the more populous counties. Crash event dots are color-coded based on whether the crash involved serious cyclist injury, cyclist fatality, or neither.
249 |
250 |
Expand the menu below to adjust map options.
251 |
252 |
253 |
### User input - settings for map plot ###
254 |
255 |
with map_settings_container:
256 |
# Expander containing plot option user input
257 |
with st.expander('Click here to expand or collapse map options menu'):
258 |
# Locale selectbox
259 |
geo = st.selectbox(
260 |
'Select either statewide or a particular county to plot:',
261 |
['Statewide']+[county+' County' for county in county_data],
262 |
key = 'map_geo_select',
263 |
264 |
# Animation status selectbox
265 |
animate = st.selectbox(
266 |
'Select how to animate the map:',
267 |
['do not animate','by year','by month'],
268 |
key = 'map_animate_select',
269 |
270 |
271 |
### Post-process user-selected setting data ###
272 |
273 |
if geo == 'Statewide':
274 |
county = None
275 |
276 |
geo = geo.split(' ')[0]
277 |
county = (county_data[geo],geo)
278 |
279 |
if animate == 'do not animate':
280 |
animate = False
281 |
282 |
283 |
animate_by = animate.split(' ')[1]
284 |
animate = True
285 |
# If county is not None and animating, check whether first frame has all
286 |
# injury/fatality status categories. If not, then we will not color dots
287 |
# by injury/fatality status.
288 |
# This is to account for bug/feature in plotly 'animation_frame' and 'color' functionality
289 |
# which yields unexpected results when all color categories not present in first frame
290 |
# see e.g.
291 |
292 |
if county is not None:
293 |
if animate_by == 'year':
294 |
color_dots = len(crashes.query('COUNTY==@county[0] and CRASH_YEAR==2002')\
295 |
296 |
len(crashes.query('COUNTY==@county[0] and CRASH_YEAR==2002')\
297 |
298 |
299 |
color_dots = len(crashes.query('COUNTY==@county[0] and CRASH_YEAR==2002 and CRASH_MONTH==1')\
300 |
301 |
len(crashes.query('COUNTY==@county[0] and CRASH_YEAR==2002 and CRASH_MONTH==1')\
302 |
303 |
if color_dots==False:
304 |
305 |
**Warning:** color-coding by injury/death status is disabled; this feature gives unexpected results
306 |
when not all classes appear in the first animation frame due to bug/feature in Plotly animate functionality.
307 |
Injury/death status is still visible in hover-text box.
308 |
309 |
310 |
### Build and display map plot ###
311 |
312 |
from lib.vis_data import plot_map
313 |
314 |
with map_plot_container:
315 |
fig = plot_map(
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
### Populate feature distributions tab ###
324 |
325 |
326 |
### Intro text ###
327 |
328 |
with feature_intro_container:
329 |
st.subheader('Visualizing crash feature distributions')
330 |
331 |
332 |
The tools on this page will demonstrate how distributions of values of various crash and cyclist features vary between two groups:
333 |
- all cyclists involved in crashes, and
334 |
- those cyclists who suffered serious injury or fatality
335 |
336 |
Expand the following menu to choose a feature, and the graph will show its distribution of its values (via percentages) over the two groups. Again you may restrict to Philadelpha county only, or the PA counties in the greater Philadelphia area (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia).
337 |
338 |
Pay particular attention to feature values which become more or less prevalent among cyclists suffering serious injury or death - for instance, 6.2% of all cyclists statewide were involved in a head-on collision, whereas 11.8% of those with serious injury or fatality were in a head-on collision.
339 |
340 |
341 |
### User input - settings for plot ###
342 |
343 |
with feature_settings_container:
344 |
# Expander containing plot option user input
345 |
with st.expander('Click here to expand or collapse feature selection menu'):
346 |
# Geographic restriction selectbox
347 |
geo = st.selectbox(
348 |
'Geographic scope:',
349 |
350 |
format_func = lambda x:geo_data[x][0],
351 |
key = 'feature_geo_select',
352 |
353 |
# Feature selectbox
354 |
feature = st.selectbox('Show distributions of this feature:',
355 |
features,format_func = lambda x:feature_names[x],
356 |
key = 'feature_select',
357 |
358 |
359 |
### Post-process user-selected settings data ###
360 |
361 |
from lib.vis_data import feat_perc,feat_perc_bar
362 |
# Geographic restriction
363 |
if geo != 'statewide':
364 |
cyclists = cyclists[cyclists.COUNTY.isin(geo_data[geo][1])]
365 |
366 |
# Recast binary and day of week data
367 |
if feature not in ord_features:
368 |
369 |
if feature == 'DAY_OF_WEEK':
370 |
371 |
372 |
### Build and display plot ###
373 |
374 |
with feature_plot_container:
375 |
376 |
# Generate plot
377 |
sort = False if feature in ord_features else True
378 |
fig = feat_perc_bar(
379 |
feature,cyclists, feat_name=feature_names[feature],
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
# Adjust some colorscale and display settings
384 |
if feature == 'SPEED_LIMIT':
385 |
386 |
if feature == 'HOUR_OF_DAY':
387 |
388 |
if feature == 'DAY_OF_WEEK':
389 |
days = ['Sun']+list(cal.day_abbr)[:-1]
390 |
for idx, day in enumerate(days):
391 |
+[idx].name = day
392 |
+[idx].hovertemplate = day
393 |
394 |
# Display plot
395 |
396 |
397 |
st.markdown('See [this Jupyter notebook]( for an in-depth data exploration and visualization process.')
398 |
399 |
400 |
### Populate model predictions tab ###
401 |
402 |
403 |
from lib.study_classif import ClassifierStudy
404 |
405 |
### Intro text ###
406 |
407 |
with model_intro_container:
408 |
st.subheader('Predicting cyclist outcome with BikeSaferPA')
409 |
410 |
411 |
An instance of the BikeSaferPA predictive model has been trained in advance on all cyclist samples in the PENNDOT dataset. This model is a gradient-boosted decision tree classifier model, and the model selection and evaluation process is covered in detail in [this Jupyter notebook](
412 |
413 |
The purpose of this tool is to allow the user to simulate a model prediction on a hypothetical sample, and then explain the model's prediction using SHAP values.
414 |
415 |
Expand the following sections to adjust the factors in a hypothetical cyclist crash, and the model will provide a predicted probability that the cyclist involved suffers serious injury or fatality. You'll find that some factors influence the prediction significantly, and others very little.
416 |
417 |
418 |
### User inputs for model prediction ###
419 |
420 |
# Load the trained classifier study object
421 |
study = load_study()
422 |
423 |
# Initialize input sample. User inputs will update values.
424 |
sample = pd.DataFrame(columns = study.pipe['col'].feature_names_in_)
425 |
426 |
with model_settings_container:
427 |
# Expander for numerical inputs
428 |
with st.expander('Click here to expand or collapse numerical features'):
429 |
cols = st.columns(3)
430 |
with cols[0]:
431 |
sample.loc[0,'AGE'] = st.number_input('Cyclist age (yrs):',
432 |
433 |
sample.loc[0,'SPEED_LIMIT'] = st.number_input('Posted speed limit (mph):',
434 |
435 |
sample.loc[0,'CRASH_YEAR'] = st.number_input('Year crash took place:',
436 |
437 |
with cols[1]:
438 |
for k in [0,1,2]:
439 |
440 |
f'# {veh_data[k][0]}s involved:',
441 |
442 |
443 |
with cols[2]:
444 |
for k in [3,4]:
445 |
446 |
f'# {veh_data[k][0]}s involved:',
447 |
448 |
449 |
# Expander for categorical inputs
450 |
with st.expander('Click here to expand or collapse categorical features'):
451 |
cols = st.columns(3)
452 |
with cols[0]:
453 |
sample.loc[0,'ILLUMINATION'] = st.selectbox(
454 |
'Illumination status:',
455 |
456 |
format_func= lambda x:x.replace('_',' and '),
457 |
458 |
sample.loc[0,'URBAN_RURAL'] = st.selectbox(
459 |
'Collision setting:',
460 |
461 |
462 |
sample.loc[0,'TCD_TYPE'] = st.selectbox(
463 |
'Traffic control device:',
464 |
465 |
format_func= lambda x:x.replace('_',' '),
466 |
467 |
with cols[1]:
468 |
sample.loc[0,'VEH_ROLE'] = st.selectbox(
469 |
'Bicycle role in collision:',
470 |
471 |
format_func= lambda x:x.replace('_',' and '),
472 |
473 |
sample.loc[0,'IMPACT_SIDE'] = st.selectbox(
474 |
'Bicycle impact side:',
475 |
476 |
format_func= lambda x:x.replace('_',' '),
477 |
478 |
sample.loc[0,'GRADE'] = st.selectbox(
479 |
'Roadway grade:',
480 |
481 |
format_func= lambda x:x.replace('_',' '),
482 |
483 |
with cols[2]:
484 |
sample.loc[0,'RESTRAINT_HELMET'] = st.selectbox(
485 |
'Cyclist helmet status:',
486 |
487 |
format_func= lambda x:x.replace('_',' ')\
488 |
489 |
490 |
sample.loc[0,'COLLISION_TYPE'] = st.selectbox(
491 |
'Collision type:',
492 |
493 |
format_func= lambda x:x.replace('_',' ')\
494 |
495 |
496 |
sample.loc[0,'FEMALE'] = st.selectbox(
497 |
'Cyclist sex:*',[1,0],
498 |
format_func = lambda x:'F' if x==1 else 'M',
499 |
500 |
st.markdown('*Note: the PENNDOT dataset only has a binary sex feature.')
501 |
502 |
# Expander for binary inputs
503 |
with st.expander('Click here to expand or collapse binary features'):
504 |
cols = st.columns(len(model_bin_data))
505 |
for k,col in enumerate(cols):
506 |
with col:
507 |
for feat in model_bin_data[k]:
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
### Model prediction and reporting result ###
512 |
513 |
with model_result_container:
514 |
# Fill these columns arbitrarily - they won't affect inference
515 |
# COUNTY, MUNICIPALITY, HOUR_OF_DAY, CRASH_MONTH used in pipeline for NaN imputation
516 |
# This version of model doesn't use temporal features as we set cyc_method=None
517 |
518 |
519 |
520 |
# Predict and report result
521 |
522 |
523 |
st.write(f'**BikeSaferPA predicts a :red[{100*float(study.y_predict_proba):.2f}%] probability that a cyclist suffers serious injury or fatality under these conditions.**')
524 |
525 |
### SHAP values ####
526 |
527 |
with model_shap_container:
528 |
st.subheader('SHAP analysis for this hypothetical prediction')
529 |
530 |
531 |
SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlainer) values provide an excellent method for assessing how various input features influence a model's predictions. One significant advantage is that SHAP values are 'model agnostic' - they effectively explain the predictions made by many different types of machine learning classifiers.
532 |
533 |
The following 'force plot' shows the influence of each feature's SHAP value on the model's predicted probability that the cyclist suffers serious injury or fatality. A feature with a positive (resp. negative) SHAP value indicates that the feature's value pushes the predicted probability higher (resp. lower), which in the force plot corresponds to a push to the right (resp. left).
534 |
535 |
The force plot will update as you adjust input features in the menu above.
536 |
537 |
538 |
# SHAP will just explain classifier, so need transformed X_train and X_test
539 |
pipe = study.pipe_fitted
540 |
sample_trans = pipe[:-1].transform(sample)
541 |
542 |
# # Need masker for linear model
543 |
# masker = shap.maskers.Independent(data=X_train_trans)
544 |
545 |
# Initialize explainer and compute and store SHAP values as an explainer object
546 |
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(pipe[-1], feature_names = pipe['col'].get_feature_names_out())
547 |
shap_values = explainer(sample_trans)
548 |
sample_trans = pd.DataFrame(sample_trans,columns=pipe['col'].get_feature_names_out())
549 |
550 |
# def st_shap(plot, height=None):
551 |
# shap_html = f"<head>{shap.getjs()}</head><body>{plot.html()}</body>"
552 |
# components.html(shap_html, height=height)
553 |
554 |
555 |
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:c8882e6c8ec43e8a4e96724b21f6f1c11347cc9e18317d1a0dbbd5621bd93812
3 |
size 4990
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
Binary file (6.15 kB). View file
File without changes
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
1 |
import pandas as pd
2 |
3 |
def extract_data(year):
4 |
5 |
A function for loading data corresponding to an individual
6 |
year from a CSV file. Data is then preprocessed and the
7 |
following dataframes are returned:
8 |
- 'bicycles': samples are bicycle vehicles which were
9 |
involved in crashes.
10 |
- 'persons': samples are all individuals involved in
11 |
crashes involving bicycles.
12 |
- 'crashes': samples are crash events involving bicycles.
13 |
- 'roadway': additional features for
14 |
crash events, related to roadway attributes and conditions.
15 |
16 |
17 |
# Retrieve vehicle samples corresponding to bicycles.
18 |
# Note that in some samples VEH_TYPE is string, others float
19 |
vehicles = pd.read_csv(f'data/raw_csv/VEHICLE_{year}_Statewide.csv',encoding='latin')
20 |
bicycle_filter = vehicles.VEH_TYPE.isin([20,21,'20','21'])
21 |
cols = ['CRN', 'GRADE', 'IMPACT_POINT',
22 |
23 |
24 |
bicycles = vehicles[bicycle_filter][cols]
25 |
del vehicles
26 |
27 |
# Merge onto bicycles dataframe some additional features from cycle
28 |
cycles = pd.read_csv(f'data/raw_csv/CYCLE_{year}_Statewide.csv',encoding='latin')
29 |
30 |
bicycles = bicycles.merge(cycles[cols],how='left',on=['CRN','UNIT_NUM'])
31 |
del cycles
32 |
33 |
# Retrieve information about persons involved in crashes involving bikes
34 |
# (not just the persons riding the bikes)
35 |
persons = pd.read_csv(f'data/raw_csv/PERSON_{year}_Statewide.csv',encoding='latin')
36 |
37 |
38 |
persons = persons[persons.CRN.isin(bicycles.CRN)][cols]
39 |
40 |
# Retrieve crash samples involving bikes
41 |
crashes = pd.read_csv(f'data/raw_csv/CRASH_{year}_Statewide.csv',encoding='latin')
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
crashes = crashes[crashes.CRN.isin(bicycles.CRN)][cols]
51 |
52 |
# Retrieve roadway data involving bikes
53 |
roadway = pd.read_csv(f'data/raw_csv/ROADWAY_{year}_Statewide.csv',encoding='latin')
54 |
55 |
roadway = roadway[roadway.CRN.isin(bicycles.CRN)][cols]
56 |
57 |
# Merge onto out bicycle_crashes and ped_crashes dataframe
58 |
# some additional flag features.
59 |
# Include flag features corresponding to driver impairment,
60 |
# driver inattention, other driver attributes,relevant road conditions, etc.
61 |
flags = pd.read_csv(f'data/raw_csv/FLAG_{year}_Statewide.csv',encoding='latin')
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
crashes = crashes.merge(flags[cols],how='left',on='CRN')
72 |
del flags
73 |
74 |
return bicycles, persons, crashes, roadway
@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
1 |
import numpy as np
2 |
import pandas as pd
3 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4 |
import seaborn as sns
5 |
import shap
6 |
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2, SelectKBest, mutual_info_classif, f_classif
7 |
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, log_loss, confusion_matrix, f1_score, fbeta_score, roc_auc_score
8 |
from sklearn.metrics import ConfusionMatrixDisplay, RocCurveDisplay, classification_report, precision_recall_curve
9 |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, RepeatedStratifiedKFold, cross_val_score, RandomizedSearchCV, StratifiedKFold
10 |
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, OrdinalEncoder, StandardScaler, FunctionTransformer, SplineTransformer, PolynomialFeatures
11 |
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
12 |
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
13 |
from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier
14 |
# from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier
15 |
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, clone
16 |
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
17 |
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
18 |
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline
19 |
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer, make_column_transformer
20 |
from lib.transform_data import *
21 |
22 |
class ClassifierStudy():
23 |
24 |
A class that contains tools for studying a classifier pipeline
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
classifier : a scikit-learn compatible binary classifier
29 |
X : pd.DataFrame
30 |
dataframe of features
31 |
y : pd.Series
32 |
series of binary target values corresponding to X
33 |
classifier_name : str or None
34 |
if provided, will use as classifier name in pipeline
35 |
if not, will use 'clf' as name
36 |
features : dict
37 |
a dictionary whose keys are the feature types
38 |
'cyc','cat','ord','num','bin' and whose values
39 |
are lists of features of each type.
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
set_data, set_features, set_state
44 |
sets or resets attributes of self
45 |
46 |
builds out pipeline based on supplied specs
47 |
48 |
runs k-fold cross validation and reports scores
49 |
50 |
runs randomized search with cross validation
51 |
and reports results
52 |
53 |
fits the model pipeline and stores as
54 |
55 |
56 |
uses a fitted pipeline to compute predicted
57 |
probabilities for test or validation set
58 |
59 |
scores predicted probabilities
60 |
61 |
62 |
def __init__(self, classifier=None, X = None, y = None,
63 |
features = None,classifier_name = None,
64 |
65 |
self.classifier = classifier
66 |
if X is not None:
67 |
self.X = X.copy()
68 |
if y is not None:
69 |
self.y = y.copy()
70 |
if features is not None:
71 |
self.features = features.copy()
72 |
73 |
self.pipe, self.pipe_fitted = None, None
74 |
self.classifier_name = classifier_name
75 |
self.X_val, self.y_val = None, None
76 |
self.y_predict_proba = None
77 |
self.best_params, self.best_n_components = None, None
78 |
self.shap_vals = None
79 |
80 |
def set_data(self,X=None,y=None):
81 |
"""Method to set or reset feature and/or target data"""
82 |
if X is not None:
83 |
self.X = X.copy()
84 |
if y is not None:
85 |
self.y = y.copy()
86 |
87 |
def set_features(self,features):
88 |
"""Method to set or reset the feature dictionary"""
89 |
if features is not None:
90 |
self.features = features.copy()
91 |
92 |
def set_state(self,random_state):
93 |
"""Method to set or reset the random_state"""
94 |
self.random_state = random_state
95 |
96 |
def build_pipeline(self, cat_method = 'onehot',cyc_method = 'spline',num_ss=True,
97 |
over_sample = False, pca=False,n_components=None,
98 |
select_features = False,score_func=None,k='all',
99 |
poly_features = False, degree=2, interaction_only=False):
100 |
101 |
Method to build the model pipeline
102 |
103 |
104 |
cat_method : str
105 |
specifies whether to encode categorical
106 |
variables as one-hot vectors or ordinals
107 |
must be either 'onehot' or 'ord'
108 |
cyc_method : str
109 |
specifies whether to encode cyclical features
110 |
with sine/cosine encoding or periodic splines
111 |
must be one of 'trig', 'spline', 'interact-trig',
112 |
'interact-spline','onehot', 'ord', or None
113 |
- If 'trig' or 'spline', will set up periodic encoder
114 |
with desired method
115 |
- If 'onehot' or 'ord', will set up appropriate
116 |
categorical encoder
117 |
- If 'interact-{method}', will use <method> encoding for HOUR_OF_DAY,
118 |
encode DAY_OF_WEEK as a binary feature expressing whether
119 |
the day is a weekend day, and then include interaction
120 |
features among this set via PolynomialFeatures.
121 |
- If None, will leave out cyclical features altogether
122 |
num_ss : bool
123 |
Whether or not to apply StandardScaler on the numerical features
124 |
over_sample : bool
125 |
set to True to include imblearn.over_sampling.RandomOverSampler step
126 |
pca : bool
127 |
set to True to include sklearn.decomposition.PCA step
128 |
n_components : int or None
129 |
number of components for sklearn.decomposition.PCA
130 |
select_features : bool
131 |
set to True to include sklearn.feature_selection.SelectKBest step
132 |
score_func : callable
133 |
score function to use for sklearn.feature_selection.SelectKBest
134 |
recommended: chi2, f_classif, or mutual_info_classif
135 |
k : int or 'all'
136 |
number of features for sklearn.feature_selection.SelectKBest
137 |
poly_features : bool
138 |
set to True to include sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures step
139 |
degree : int
140 |
max degree for sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures
141 |
interaction_only : bool
142 |
whether or not sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures will be limited
143 |
to interaction terms only
144 |
145 |
146 |
# Define transformer for categorical features
147 |
if cat_method == 'onehot':
148 |
cat_encoder = ('ohe',OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='infrequent_if_exist'))
149 |
150 |
elif cat_method == 'ord':
151 |
cat_encoder = ('oe',OrdinalEncoder(handle_unknown='use_encoded_value',unknown_value=np.nan))
152 |
153 |
raise ValueError("cat_method must be either 'onehot' or 'ord'")
154 |
155 |
cat_transform = Pipeline([('si',SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent')),cat_encoder])
156 |
157 |
# Define transformer for cyclic features
158 |
cyc_dict = {'HOUR_OF_DAY':24,'DAY_OF_WEEK':7}
159 |
if cyc_method == 'trig':
160 |
cyc_transform = [(f'{feat}_cos',cos_transformer(cyc_dict[feat]),[feat]) for feat in self.features['cyc']]+\
161 |
[(f'{feat}_sin',sin_transformer(cyc_dict[feat]),[feat]) for feat in self.features['cyc']]
162 |
elif cyc_method =='spline':
163 |
cyc_transform = [(f'{feat}_cyclic',
164 |
165 |
[feat]) for feat in self.features['cyc']]
166 |
elif cyc_method == 'onehot':
167 |
cyc_encoder = ('ohe_cyc',OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='infrequent_if_exist'))
168 |
cyc_transform = [('cyc',Pipeline([cyc_encoder]),self.features['cyc'])]
169 |
elif cyc_method == 'ord':
170 |
cyc_encoder = ('oe_cyc',OrdinalEncoder(handle_unknown='use_encoded_value',unknown_value=np.nan))
171 |
cyc_transform = [('cyc',Pipeline([cyc_encoder]),self.features['cyc'])]
172 |
elif cyc_method == 'interact-spline':
173 |
hour_transform = (f'hour_cyc',periodic_spline_transformer(cyc_dict['HOUR_OF_DAY'],n_splines=12),['HOUR_OF_DAY'])
174 |
wkend_transform = ('wkend',FunctionTransformer(lambda x: (x.isin([1,7])).astype(int)),['DAY_OF_WEEK'])
175 |
cyc_transform = [('cyc',Pipeline([('cyc_col',ColumnTransformer([hour_transform, wkend_transform],
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
elif cyc_method == 'interact-trig':
181 |
hour_transform = [(f'HOUR_cos',cos_transformer(cyc_dict['HOUR_OF_DAY']),['HOUR_OF_DAY']),
182 |
183 |
wkend_transform = ('wkend',FunctionTransformer(lambda x: (x.isin([1,7])).astype(int)),['DAY_OF_WEEK'])
184 |
cyc_transform = [('cyc',Pipeline([('cyc_col',ColumnTransformer(hour_transform+[wkend_transform],
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
elif cyc_method is None:
190 |
cyc_transform = [('cyc','passthrough',[])]
191 |
192 |
raise ValueError("cyc_method must be one of 'trig','spline','interact','onehot','ord',or None")
193 |
194 |
# Define numerical transform
195 |
num_transform = ('num',StandardScaler(),self.features['num']) if num_ss else\
196 |
197 |
198 |
# Define column transformer
199 |
col_transform = ColumnTransformer([('cat',cat_transform,self.features['cat']),
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
steps = [('col',col_transform)]
208 |
209 |
if 'AGE' in self.features['num']:
210 |
steps.insert(0,('gi_age',GroupImputer(target = 'AGE', group_cols=['COUNTY'],strategy='median')))
211 |
if 'HOUR_OF_DAY' in self.features['cyc']:
212 |
steps.insert(0,('gi_hour',GroupImputer(target = 'HOUR_OF_DAY', group_cols=['ILLUMINATION','CRASH_MONTH'],strategy='mode')))
213 |
# Insert optional steps as needed
214 |
if over_sample:
215 |
216 |
if poly_features:
217 |
218 |
if select_features:
219 |
steps.append(('fs',SelectKBest(score_func = score_func, k = k)))
220 |
if pca:
221 |
222 |
# Append classifier if provided
223 |
if self.classifier is not None:
224 |
if self.classifier_name is not None:
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
# Initialize pipeline
230 |
self.pipe = Pipeline(steps)
231 |
232 |
def cv_score(self, scoring = 'roc_auc', n_splits = 5, n_repeats=3, thresh = 0.5, beta = 1,
233 |
return_mean_score=False,print_mean_score=True,print_scores=False, n_jobs=-1,
234 |
235 |
236 |
Method for performing cross validation via RepeatedStratifiedKFold
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
scoring : str
241 |
scoring function to use. must be one of
242 |
243 |
thresh : float
244 |
the classification threshold for computing y_pred
245 |
from y_pred_proba
246 |
beta : float
247 |
the beta-value to use in the f_beta score, if chosen
248 |
n_splits, n_repeats : int, int
249 |
number of splits and number of repeat iterations
250 |
for sklearn.model_selection.RepeatedStratifiedKFold
251 |
return_mean_score : bool
252 |
whether or not to return the mean score
253 |
print_mean_score : bool
254 |
whether to print out a report of the mean score
255 |
print_scores : bool
256 |
whether to print out a report of CV scores for all folds
257 |
n_jobs : int or None
258 |
number of CPU cores to use for parallel processing
259 |
-1 uses all available cores, and None defaults to 1
260 |
eval_size : float
261 |
Fraction of the training set to use for early stopping eval set
262 |
eval_metric : str
263 |
eval metric to use in early stopping
264 |
Returns: None or mean_score, depending on return_mean_score setting
265 |
266 |
267 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
268 |
assert (self.X is not None)&(self.y is not None), 'X and/or y does not exist. First supply X and y using set_data.'
269 |
assert 'clf' in self.pipe.steps[-1][0], 'The pipeline has no classifier. Build a pipeline with a classifier first.'
270 |
assert scoring in ['roc_auc','acc','f1','fb','f1w'],"scoring must be one of 'roc_auc','acc','f1','fb','f1w'"
271 |
272 |
# Initialize CV iterator
273 |
kf = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits = n_splits, n_repeats=n_repeats,
274 |
275 |
# Restrict to features supplied in self.features
276 |
X = self.X[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
277 |
278 |
279 |
# if isinstance(self.pipe[-1],LGBMClassifier):
280 |
# if 'early_stopping_round' in self.pipe[-1].get_params():
281 |
# if self.pipe[-1].get_params()['early_stopping_rounds'] is not None:
282 |
# lgb_es=True
283 |
284 |
scores = []
285 |
# Iterate over folds and train, predict, score
286 |
for i,(train_idx,test_idx) in enumerate(kf.split(X,self.y)):
287 |
fold_X_train = X.iloc[train_idx,:]
288 |
fold_X_test = X.iloc[test_idx,:]
289 |
fold_y_train = self.y.iloc[train_idx]
290 |
fold_y_test = self.y.iloc[test_idx]
291 |
292 |
293 |
if lgb_es:
294 |
fold_X_train,fold_X_es,fold_y_train,fold_y_es = train_test_split(fold_X_train,fold_y_train,
295 |
296 |
297 |
trans_pipe = pipe[:-1]
298 |
299 |
fold_X_es = trans_pipe.transform(fold_X_es)
300 |
clf_name = pipe.steps[-1][0]
301 |
fit_params = {f'{clf_name}__eval_set':[(fold_X_es,fold_y_es)],
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
fit_params = {}
306 |
307 |
308 |
fold_y_pred_proba = pipe.predict_proba(fold_X_test)[:,1]
309 |
310 |
if scoring == 'roc_auc':
311 |
fold_score = roc_auc_score(fold_y_test, fold_y_pred_proba)
312 |
313 |
fold_y_pred = (fold_y_pred_proba >= thresh).astype('int')
314 |
if scoring == 'acc':
315 |
fold_score = accuracy_score(fold_y_test,fold_y_pred)
316 |
elif scoring == 'f1':
317 |
fold_score = f1_score(fold_y_test,fold_y_pred)
318 |
elif scoring == 'f1w':
319 |
fold_score = f1_score(fold_y_test,fold_y_pred,average='weighted')
320 |
321 |
fold_score = fbeta_score(fold_y_test,fold_y_pred,beta=beta)
322 |
323 |
324 |
# Average and report
325 |
mean_score = np.mean(scores)
326 |
if print_scores:
327 |
print(f'CV scores using {scoring} score: {scores} \nMean score: {mean_score}')
328 |
if print_mean_score:
329 |
print(f'Mean CV {scoring} score: {mean_score}')
330 |
if return_mean_score:
331 |
return mean_score
332 |
333 |
def randomized_search(self, params, n_components = None, n_iter=10,
334 |
scoring='roc_auc',cv=5,refit=False,top_n=10, n_jobs=-1):
335 |
336 |
Method for performing randomized search with cross validation on a given dictionary of parameter distributions
337 |
Also displays a table of results the best top_n iterations
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
params : dict
342 |
parameter distributions to use for RandomizedSearchCV
343 |
n_components : int, or list, or None
344 |
number of components for sklearn.decomposition.PCA
345 |
- if int, will reset the PCA layer in self.pipe with provided value
346 |
- if list, must be list of ints, which will be included in
347 |
RandomizedSearchCV parameter distribution
348 |
scoring : str
349 |
scoring function for sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_score
350 |
n_iter : int
351 |
number of iterations to use in RandomizedSearchCV
352 |
refit : bool
353 |
whether to refit a final classifier with best parameters
354 |
- if False, will only set self.best_params and self.best_score
355 |
- if True, will set self.best_estimator in addition
356 |
top_n : int or None
357 |
if int, will display results from top_n best iterations only
358 |
if None, will display all results
359 |
n_jobs : int or None
360 |
number of CPU cores to use for parallel processing
361 |
-1 uses all available cores, and None defaults to 1
362 |
363 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
364 |
assert (self.X is not None)&(self.y is not None), 'X and/or y does not exist. First supply X and y using set_data.'
365 |
assert 'clf' in self.pipe.steps[-1][0], 'The pipeline has no classifier. Build a pipeline with a classifier first.'
366 |
assert (n_components is None)|('pca' in self.pipe.named_steps), 'Your pipeline has no PCA step. Build a pipeline with PCA first.'
367 |
assert (len(params)>0)|(type(n_components)==list), 'Either pass a parameter distribution or a list of n_components values.'
368 |
369 |
# Add estimator name prefix to hyperparams
370 |
params = {self.pipe.steps[-1][0]+'__'+key:params[key] for key in params}
371 |
372 |
# Process supplied n_components
373 |
if type(n_components)==list:
374 |
375 |
elif type(n_components)==int:
376 |
377 |
378 |
# Restrict to features supplied in self.features
379 |
X = self.X[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
380 |
381 |
# Initialize rs and fit
382 |
rs = RandomizedSearchCV(self.pipe, param_distributions = params,
383 |
n_iter=n_iter, scoring = scoring, cv = cv,refit=refit,
384 |
random_state=self.random_state, n_jobs=n_jobs)
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
# Display top n scores
389 |
results = rs.cv_results_
390 |
results_df = pd.DataFrame(results['params'])
391 |
param_names = list(results_df.columns)
392 |
results_df[f'mean cv score ({scoring})']=pd.Series(results['mean_test_score'])
393 |
results_df = results_df.set_index(param_names).sort_values(by=f'mean cv score ({scoring})',ascending=False)
394 |
if top_n is not None:
395 |
396 |
.highlight_max(axis=0, props='color:white; font-weight:bold; background-color:seagreen;'))
397 |
398 |
399 |
.highlight_max(axis=0, props='color:white; font-weight:bold; background-color:seagreen;'))
400 |
if refit:
401 |
self.best_estimator = rs.best_estimator_
402 |
best_params = rs.best_params_
403 |
self.best_params = {key.split('__')[-1]:best_params[key] for key in best_params if key.split('__')[0]!='pca'}
404 |
self.best_n_components = next((best_params[key] for key in best_params if key.split('__')[0]=='pca'), None)
405 |
self.best_score = rs.best_score_
406 |
407 |
def fit_pipeline(self,split_first=False, eval_size=0.1,eval_metric='auc'):
408 |
409 |
Method for fitting self.pipeline on self.X,self.y
410 |
411 |
412 |
split_first : bool
413 |
if True, a train_test_split will be performed first
414 |
and the validation set will be stored
415 |
early_stopping : bool
416 |
Indicates whether we will use early_stopping for lightgbm.
417 |
If true, will split off an eval set prior to k-fold split
418 |
eval_size : float
419 |
Fraction of the training set to use for early stopping eval set
420 |
eval_metric : str
421 |
eval metric to use in early stopping
422 |
423 |
# Need pipe and X to fit
424 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
425 |
assert self.X is not None, 'X does not exist. First set X.'
426 |
427 |
# If no y provided, then no pipeline steps should require y
428 |
step_list = [step[0] for step in self.pipe.steps]
429 |
assert (('clf' not in step_list[-1])&('kf' not in step_list))|(self.y is not None), 'You must provide targets y if pipeline has a classifier step or feature selection step.'
430 |
431 |
# Don't need to do a train-test split without a classifier
432 |
assert (split_first==False)|('clf' in step_list[-1]), 'Only need train-test split if you have a classifier.'
433 |
434 |
if split_first:
435 |
X_train,X_val,y_train,y_val = train_test_split(self.X,self.y,stratify=self.y,
436 |
437 |
self.X_val = X_val
438 |
self.y_val = y_val
439 |
440 |
X_train = self.X.copy()
441 |
if self.y is not None:
442 |
y_train = self.y.copy()
443 |
444 |
# Restrict to features supplied in self.features
445 |
X_train = X_train[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
446 |
447 |
# If LGBM early stopping, then need to split off eval_set and define fit_params
448 |
# if isinstance(self.pipe[-1],LGBMClassifier):
449 |
# if self.pipe[-1].get_params()['early_stopping_rounds'] is not None:
450 |
# X_train,X_es,y_train,y_es = train_test_split(X_train,y_train,
451 |
# test_size=eval_size,
452 |
# stratify=y_train,
453 |
# random_state=self.random_state)
454 |
# trans_pipe = self.pipe[:-1]
455 |
# trans_pipe.fit_transform(X_train)
456 |
# X_es = trans_pipe.transform(X_es)
457 |
# clf_name = self.pipe.steps[-1][0]
458 |
# fit_params = {f'{clf_name}__eval_set':[(X_es,y_es)],
459 |
# f'{clf_name}__eval_metric':eval_metric,
460 |
# f'{clf_name}__verbose':0}
461 |
# else:
462 |
# fit_params = {}
463 |
# else:
464 |
# fit_params = {}
465 |
fit_params = {}
466 |
# Fit and store fitted pipeline. If no classifier, fit_transform X_train and store transformed version
467 |
pipe = self.pipe
468 |
if 'clf' in step_list[-1]:
469 |
470 |
471 |
X_transformed = pipe.fit_transform(X_train)
472 |
# X_transformed = pd.DataFrame(X_transformed,columns=pipe[-1].get_column_names_out())
473 |
self.X_transformed = X_transformed
474 |
self.pipe_fitted = pipe
475 |
476 |
def predict_proba_pipeline(self, X_test = None):
477 |
478 |
Method for using a fitted pipeline to compute predicted
479 |
probabilities for X_test (if supplied) or self.X_val
480 |
481 |
482 |
X_test : pd.DataFrame or None
483 |
test data input features (if None, will use self.X_val)
484 |
485 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
486 |
assert 'clf' in self.pipe.steps[-1][0], 'The pipeline has no classifier. Build a pipeline with a classifier first.'
487 |
assert self.pipe_fitted is not None, 'Pipeline is not fitted. First fit pipeline using fit_pipeline.'
488 |
assert (X_test is not None)|(self.X_val is not None), 'Must either provide X_test and y_test or fit the pipeline with split_first=True.'
489 |
490 |
if X_test is None:
491 |
X_test = self.X_val
492 |
493 |
# Restrict to features supplied in self.features
494 |
X_test = X_test[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
495 |
496 |
# Save prediction
497 |
self.y_predict_proba = self.pipe_fitted.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
498 |
499 |
def score_pipeline(self,y_test=None,scoring='roc_auc',thresh=0.5, beta = 1,
500 |
normalize = None, print_score = True):
501 |
502 |
Method for scoring self.pipe_fitted on supplied test data and reporting score
503 |
504 |
505 |
y_test : pd.Series or None
506 |
true binary targets (if None, will use self.y_val)
507 |
scoring : str
508 |
specifies the metric to use for scoring
509 |
must be one of
510 |
'roc_auc', 'roc_plot', 'acc', 'f1', 'f1w', 'fb','mcc','kappa','conf','classif_report'
511 |
thresh : float
512 |
threshhold value for computing y_pred
513 |
from y_predict_proba
514 |
beta : float
515 |
the beta parameter in the fb score
516 |
normalize : str or None
517 |
the normalize parameter for the
518 |
confusion_matrix. must be one of
519 |
520 |
print_score : bool
521 |
if True, will print a message reporting the score
522 |
if False, will return the score as a float
523 |
524 |
assert (y_test is not None)|(self.y_val is not None), 'Must either provide X_test and y_test or fit the pipeline with split_first=True.'
525 |
assert self.y_predict_proba is not None, 'Predicted probabilities do not exist. Run predict_proba_pipeline first.'
526 |
527 |
if y_test is None:
528 |
y_test = self.y_val
529 |
530 |
# Score and report
531 |
if scoring == 'roc_plot':
532 |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4))
533 |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
534 |
535 |
536 |
elif scoring == 'roc_auc':
537 |
score = roc_auc_score(y_test, self.y_predict_proba)
538 |
539 |
y_pred = (self.y_predict_proba >= thresh).astype('int')
540 |
if scoring == 'acc':
541 |
score = accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred)
542 |
elif scoring == 'f1':
543 |
score = f1_score(y_test,y_pred)
544 |
elif scoring == 'f1w':
545 |
score = f1_score(y_test,y_pred,average='weighted')
546 |
elif scoring == 'fb':
547 |
score = fbeta_score(y_test,y_pred,beta=beta)
548 |
elif scoring == 'mcc':
549 |
score = matthews_coffcoeff(y_test,y_pred)
550 |
elif scoring == 'kappa':
551 |
score = cohen_kappa_score(y_test,y_pred)
552 |
elif scoring == 'conf':
553 |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3,3))
554 |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
555 |
556 |
557 |
elif scoring == 'classif_report':
558 |
target_names=['neither seriously injured nor killed','seriously injured or killed']
559 |
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred,target_names=target_names))
560 |
561 |
raise ValueError("scoring must be one of 'roc_auc', 'roc_plot','acc', 'f1', 'f1w', 'fb','mcc','kappa','conf','classif_report'")
562 |
if scoring not in ['conf','roc_plot','classif_report']:
563 |
if print_score:
564 |
print(f'The {scoring} score is: {score}')
565 |
566 |
return score
567 |
568 |
def shap_values(self, X_test = None, eval_size=0.1,eval_metric='auc'):
569 |
570 |
Method for computing and SHAP values for features
571 |
stratifiedtrain/test split
572 |
A copy of self.pipe is fitted on the training set
573 |
and then SHAP values are computed on test set samples
574 |
575 |
576 |
X_test : pd.DataFrame
577 |
The test set; if provided, will not perform
578 |
a train/test split before fitting
579 |
eval_size : float
580 |
Fraction of the training set to use for early stopping eval set
581 |
eval_metric : str
582 |
eval metric to use in early stopping
583 |
Returns: None (stores results in self.shap_vals)
584 |
585 |
586 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
587 |
assert (self.X is not None)&(self.y is not None), 'X and/or y does not exist. First supply X and y using set_data.'
588 |
assert 'clf' in self.pipe.steps[-1][0], 'The pipeline has no classifier. Build a pipeline with a classifier first.'
589 |
590 |
591 |
# Clone pipeline, do train/test split if X_test not provided
592 |
pipe = clone(self.pipe)
593 |
X_train = self.X.copy()
594 |
y_train = self.y.copy()
595 |
if X_test is None:
596 |
X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X_train,y_train,stratify=y_train,
597 |
598 |
# Restrict to features provided in self.features, and fit
599 |
X_train = X_train[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
600 |
X_test = X_test[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
601 |
602 |
# If LGBM early stopping, then need to split off eval_set and define fit_params
603 |
# if isinstance(self.pipe[-1],LGBMClassifier):
604 |
# if 'early_stopping_round' in self.pipe[-1].get_params():
605 |
# if self.pipe[-1].get_params()['early_stopping_rounds'] is not None:
606 |
# X_train,X_es,y_train,y_es = train_test_split(X_train,y_train,
607 |
# test_size=eval_size,
608 |
# stratify=y_train,
609 |
# random_state=self.random_state)
610 |
# trans_pipe = self.pipe[:-1]
611 |
# trans_pipe.fit_transform(X_train)
612 |
# X_es = trans_pipe.transform(X_es)
613 |
# clf_name = self.pipe.steps[-1][0]
614 |
# fit_params = {f'{clf_name}__eval_set':[(X_es,y_es)],
615 |
# f'{clf_name}__eval_metric':eval_metric,
616 |
# f'{clf_name}__verbose':0}
617 |
# else:
618 |
# fit_params = {}
619 |
# else:
620 |
# fit_params = {}
621 |
fit_params = {}
622 |
623 |
624 |
# SHAP will just explain classifier, so need transformed X_train and X_test
625 |
X_train_trans, X_test_trans = pipe[:-1].transform(X_train), pipe[:-1].transform(X_test)
626 |
627 |
# Need masker for linear model
628 |
masker = shap.maskers.Independent(data=X_train_trans)
629 |
630 |
# Initialize explainer and compute and store SHAP values as an explainer object
631 |
explainer = shap.Explainer(pipe[-1], masker = masker, feature_names = pipe['col'].get_feature_names_out())
632 |
self.shap_vals = explainer(X_test_trans)
633 |
self.X_shap = X_train_trans
634 |
self.y_shap = y_train
635 |
636 |
def shap_plot(self,max_display='all'):
637 |
638 |
Method for generating plots of SHAP value results
639 |
SHAP values should be already computed previously
640 |
Generates two plots side by side:
641 |
- a beeswarm plot of SHAP values of all samples
642 |
- a barplot of mean absolute SHAP values
643 |
644 |
645 |
max_display : int or 'all'
646 |
The number of features to show in the plot, in descending
647 |
order by mean absolute SHAP value. If 'all', then
648 |
all features will be included.
649 |
650 |
Returns: None (plots displayed)
651 |
652 |
653 |
assert self.shap_vals is not None, 'No shap values exist. First compute shap values.'
654 |
assert (isinstance(max_display,int))|(max_display=='all'), "'max_display' must be 'all' or an integer"
655 |
656 |
if max_display=='all':
657 |
title_add = ', all features'
658 |
max_display = self.shap_vals.shape[1]
659 |
660 |
title_add = f', top {max_display} features'
661 |
662 |
# Plot
663 |
664 |
665 |
666 |
667 |
668 |
669 |
670 |
671 |
672 |
ax1.set_title(f'Mean absolute SHAP values'+title_add,fontsize='small')
673 |
ax1.set_xlabel('mean(|SHAP value|)',fontsize='x-small')
674 |
ax2.set_title(f'SHAP values'+title_add,fontsize='small')
675 |
ax2.set_xlabel('SHAP value', fontsize='x-small')
676 |
for ax in [ax1,ax2]:
677 |
ax.set_ylabel('feature name',fontsize='x-small')
678 |
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize='xx-small')
679 |
680 |
681 |
682 |
def find_best_threshold(self,beta=1,conf=True,report=True, print_result=True):
683 |
684 |
Computes the classification threshold which gives the
685 |
best F_beta score from classifier predictions,
686 |
prints the best threshold and the corresponding F_beta score,
687 |
and displays a confusion matrix and classification report
688 |
corresponding to that threshold
689 |
690 |
691 |
692 |
beta : float
693 |
the desired beta value in the F_beta score
694 |
conf : bool
695 |
whether to display confusion matrix
696 |
report : bool
697 |
whether to display classification report
698 |
print_result : bool
699 |
whether to print a line reporting the best threshold
700 |
and resulting F_beta score
701 |
702 |
Returns: None (prints results and stores self.best_thresh)
703 |
704 |
705 |
prec,rec,threshs = precision_recall_curve(self.y_val,
706 |
707 |
F_betas = (1+beta**2)*(prec*rec)/((beta**2*prec)+rec)
708 |
# Above formula is valid when TP!=0. When TP==0
709 |
# it gives np.nan whereas F_beta should be 0
710 |
F_betas = np.nan_to_num(F_betas)
711 |
idx = np.argmax(F_betas)
712 |
best_thresh = threshs[idx]
713 |
if print_result:
714 |
print(f'Threshold optimizing F_{beta} score: {best_thresh}\nBest F_{beta} score: {F_betas[idx]}')
715 |
if conf:
716 |
717 |
if report:
718 |
719 |
self.best_thresh = best_thresh
720 |
721 |
class LRStudy(ClassifierStudy):
722 |
723 |
A child class of ClassifierStudy which has an additional method specific to logistic regression
724 |
725 |
def __init__(self, classifier=None, X = None, y = None,
726 |
features=None,classifier_name = 'LR',
727 |
728 |
super().__init__(classifier, X, y,features,classifier_name,random_state)
729 |
730 |
def plot_coeff(self, print_score = True, print_zero = False, title_add=None):
731 |
732 |
Method for doing a train/validation split, fitting the classifier,
733 |
predicting and scoring on the validation set, and plotting
734 |
a bar chart of the logistic regression coefficients corresponding
735 |
to various model features.
736 |
Features with coefficient zero and periodic spline features
737 |
will be excluded from the chart.
738 |
739 |
740 |
print_score : bool
741 |
if True, the validation score are printed
742 |
print_zero : bool
743 |
if True, the list of features with zero coefficients are printed
744 |
title_add : str or None
745 |
an addendum that is added to the end of the plot title
746 |
747 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
748 |
assert isinstance(self.classifier,LogisticRegression),'Your classifier is not an instance of Logistic Regression.'
749 |
750 |
# fit and score
751 |
self.fit_pipeline(split_first = True)
752 |
753 |
score = roc_auc_score(self.y_val, self.y_predict_proba)
754 |
755 |
# Retrieve coeff values from fitted pipeline
756 |
coeff = pd.DataFrame({'feature name':self.pipe_fitted['col'].get_feature_names_out(),
757 |
'coeff value':self.pipe_fitted[-1].coef_.reshape(-1)})\
758 |
.sort_values(by='coeff value')
759 |
coeff = coeff[~coeff['feature name']\
760 |
.isin([f'HOUR_OF_DAY_sp_{n}' for n in range(12)]\
761 |
+[f'DAY_OF_WEEK_sp_{n}' for n in range(3)])]\
762 |
.set_index('feature name')
763 |
coeff_zero_features = coeff[coeff['coeff value']==0].index
764 |
coeff = coeff[coeff['coeff value']!=0]
765 |
766 |
# Plot feature coefficients
767 |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30,4))
768 |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
769 |
coeff['coeff value'].plot(kind='bar',ylabel='coeff value',ax=ax)
770 |
ax.axhline(y=0, color= 'red', linewidth=2,)
771 |
plot_title = 'PA bicycle collisions, 2002-2021\nLogistic regression model log-odds coefficients'
772 |
if title_add is not None:
773 |
plot_title += f': {title_add}'
774 |
775 |
ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize='x-small')
776 |
777 |
778 |
if print_score:
779 |
print(f'Score on validation set: {score}')
780 |
if print_zero:
781 |
print(f'Features with zero coefficients in trained model: {list(coeff_zero)}')
782 |
783 |
self.score = score
784 |
self.coeff = coeff
785 |
self.coeff_zero_features = coeff_zero_features
786 |
787 |
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
1 |
import pandas as pd
2 |
import numpy as np
3 |
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer, SplineTransformer
4 |
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
5 |
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
6 |
7 |
class GroupImputer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
8 |
9 |
Class used for imputing missing values in a pd.DataFrame
10 |
using mean, median, or mode by groupwise aggregation,
11 |
or a constant.
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
target : str
16 |
- The name of the column to be imputed
17 |
group_cols : list
18 |
- List of name(s) of columns on which to groupby
19 |
strategy : str
20 |
- The method for replacement; can be any of
21 |
['mean', 'median', 'mode']
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
X : pd.DataFrame
26 |
- The dataframe with imputed values in the target column
27 |
28 |
29 |
def __init__(self,target,group_cols=None,strategy='median'):
30 |
assert strategy in ['mean','median','mode'], "strategy must be in ['mean', 'median', 'mode']'"
31 |
assert type(group_cols)==list, 'group_cols must be a list of column names'
32 |
assert type(target) == str, 'target must be a string'
33 |
34 |
self.group_cols = group_cols
35 |
36 |
+ = target
37 |
38 |
def fit(self,X,y=None):
39 |
40 |
if self.strategy=='mode':
41 |
impute_map = X.groupby(self.group_cols)[]\
42 |
.agg(lambda x: pd.Series.mode(x,dropna=False)[0])\
43 |
44 |
45 |
impute_map = X.groupby(self.group_cols)[]\
46 |
47 |
self.impute_map_ = impute_map
48 |
49 |
return self
50 |
51 |
def transform(self,X,y=None):
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
for index,row in self.impute_map_.iterrows():
58 |
ind = (X[self.group_cols] == row[self.group_cols]).all(axis=1)
59 |
X.loc[ind,] = X.loc[ind,].fillna(row[])
60 |
return X
61 |
62 |
# Sine and consine transformations
63 |
def sin_feature_names(transformer, feature_names):
64 |
return [f'SIN_{col}' for col in feature_names]
65 |
def cos_feature_names(transformer, feature_names):
66 |
return [f'COS_{col}' for col in feature_names]
67 |
def sin_transformer(period):
68 |
return FunctionTransformer(lambda x: np.sin(2*np.pi*x/period),feature_names_out = sin_feature_names)
69 |
def cos_transformer(period):
70 |
return FunctionTransformer(lambda x: np.cos(2*np.pi*x/period),feature_names_out = cos_feature_names)
71 |
72 |
# Periodic spline transformation
73 |
def periodic_spline_transformer(period, n_splines=None, degree=3):
74 |
if n_splines is None:
75 |
n_splines = period
76 |
n_knots = n_splines + 1 # periodic and include_bias is True
77 |
return SplineTransformer(
78 |
79 |
80 |
knots=np.linspace(0, period, n_knots).reshape(n_knots, 1),
81 |
82 |
83 |
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
1 |
import pandas as pd
2 |
import numpy as np
3 |
import as px
4 |
from scipy import stats
5 |
6 |
def plot_map(df,city=None,county=None,animate=True,color_dots=True,animate_by='year',show_fig=True,return_fig=False):
7 |
8 |
Displays a interactive map
9 |
of crashes in a municipality if specified, or otherwise
10 |
statewide. Can be animated over time or static.
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
df : pd.DataFrame
15 |
dataframe of crash samples
16 |
city or county : tuple or None
17 |
if provided, must be a tuple (code,name)
18 |
- code : str
19 |
the code corresponding to the desired municipality/county
20 |
(see the data dictionary)
21 |
- name : str
22 |
the name you want to use for the municipality/county
23 |
in plot title
24 |
* At most one of these can be not None!
25 |
animate : bool
26 |
if animate==True, then the map will animate using
27 |
the frequency provided in animate_by
28 |
color_dots : bool
29 |
if color_dots==True, then dots will be color-coded by
30 |
'serious injury or death' status.
31 |
WARNING: if color_dots and animate, then all frames
32 |
will be missing samples in 'serious injury or death'
33 |
classes which aren't present in first frame - due to
34 |
bug in plotly animation_frame implementation.
35 |
Recommend only using both when geographic
36 |
area is statewide or at least has all values of
37 |
'serious injury or death' in first frame
38 |
animate_by : str
39 |
the desired animation frequency, must be
40 |
either 'year' or 'month'
41 |
show_fig : bool
42 |
whether to display figure using
43 |
return_fig : bool
44 |
whether to return the figure object
45 |
46 |
Returns: Either figure or None
47 |
48 |
49 |
assert (city is None)|(county is None), 'A city and county cannot both be provided.'
50 |
# Copy df and create new column for color coding event type
51 |
df = df.copy()
52 |
df.loc[df.BICYCLE_SUSP_SERIOUS_INJ_COUNT>0,'Serious cyclist injury or death']='serious injury'
53 |
df.loc[df.BICYCLE_DEATH_COUNT>0,'Serious cyclist injury or death']='death'
54 |
df['Serious cyclist injury or death']=df['Serious cyclist injury or death'].fillna('neither')
55 |
56 |
# Set animation parameters
57 |
if animate:
58 |
if animate_by == 'year':
59 |
animation_frame = 'CRASH_YEAR'
60 |
title_animate = ' by year'
61 |
elif animate_by == 'month':
62 |
df['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime((df['CRASH_MONTH'].astype('str')\
63 |
64 |
format = "%m-%Y")
65 |
66 |
df['DATE']=df['DATE'].astype('str').apply(lambda x: x.rsplit('-',1)[0])
67 |
animation_frame = 'DATE'
68 |
title_animate = ' by month'
69 |
70 |
raise ValueError("animate_by must be 'year' or 'month'")
71 |
72 |
animation_frame = None
73 |
title_animate = ''
74 |
75 |
if color_dots:
76 |
color='Serious cyclist injury or death'
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
# Adjustments for when city or county are provided
81 |
if city is not None:
82 |
df = df[df.MUNICIPALITY==city[0]]
83 |
# Ignore extreme outlier samples - lat,lon may be incorrect
84 |
df = df[np.abs(stats.zscore(df.DEC_LAT))<=4]
85 |
df = df[np.abs(stats.zscore(df.DEC_LONG))<=4]
86 |
title_place = city[1]+', PA'
87 |
elif county is not None:
88 |
df = df[df.COUNTY==county[0]]
89 |
# Ignore extreme outlier samples - lat,lon may be incorrect
90 |
df = df[np.abs(stats.zscore(df.DEC_LAT))<=4]
91 |
df = df[np.abs(stats.zscore(df.DEC_LONG))<=4]
92 |
title_place = county[1]+' county, PA'
93 |
94 |
title_place = 'PA'
95 |
96 |
# Compute default zoom level based on lat,lon ranges.
97 |
# open-street-map uses
98 |
max_lat, min_lat = df.DEC_LAT.max(), df.DEC_LAT.min()
99 |
max_lon, min_lon = df.DEC_LONG.max(), df.DEC_LONG.min()
100 |
101 |
# 2^(zoom) = 360/(longitude width of 1 tile)
102 |
zoom = np.log2(360/max(max_lon-min_lon,max_lat-min_lat))
103 |
104 |
lat_center = (max_lat+min_lat)/2
105 |
lon_center = (max_lon+min_lon)/2
106 |
107 |
# Adjust width so that aspect ratio matches shape of state
108 |
width_mult = (max_lon-min_lon)/(max_lat-min_lat)
109 |
cols = ['CRN','DEC_LAT','DEC_LONG','Serious cyclist injury or death','CRASH_YEAR','CRASH_MONTH']
110 |
if animate_by=='month':
111 |
112 |
# Plot mapbox
113 |
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(df, lat='DEC_LAT',lon='DEC_LONG',
114 |
115 |
color_discrete_map={'neither':'royalblue','serious injury':'orange','death':'crimson'},
116 |
117 |
animation_frame = animation_frame,
118 |
119 |
hover_data = {'DEC_LAT':False,'DEC_LONG':False,
120 |
121 |
'Serious cyclist injury or death':True},
122 |
width = width_mult*500,height=700,zoom=zoom,
123 |
124 |
title=f'Crashes involving bicycles{title_animate}<br> in {title_place}, 2002-2021')
125 |
126 |
127 |
if show_fig:
128 |
129 |
if return_fig:
130 |
return fig
131 |
132 |
def feat_perc(feat, df, col_name = 'percentage', feat_name = None):
133 |
134 |
Constructs a single-column dataframe 'perc'
135 |
containing the value counts in the series
136 |
df[feat] as percentages of the whole.
137 |
- 'df' is the input dataframe.
138 |
- 'feat' is the desired column of df.
139 |
- 'col_name' is the name of the
140 |
column of the output dataframe
141 |
- 'feat_name' is the index name
142 |
of the output dataframe if provided, otherwise
143 |
will use 'feat' as index name.
144 |
145 |
perc = pd.DataFrame({col_name:df[feat].value_counts(normalize=True).sort_index()})
146 |
if feat_name:
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
return perc
151 |
152 |
def feat_perc_bar(feat,df,feat_name=None,cohort_name=None,show_fig=True,return_fig=False,sort=False):
153 |
154 |
Makes barplot of two series:
155 |
- distribution of feature among all cyclists
156 |
- distribution of feature among cyclists with serious injury or fatality
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
feat : str
161 |
The column name of the desired feature
162 |
df : pd.DataFrame
163 |
The input dataframe
164 |
feat_name : str or None
165 |
The feature name to use in the
166 |
x-axis label. If None, will use feat
167 |
cohort_name : str or None
168 |
qualifier to use in front of 'cyclists'
169 |
in titles, if provided, e.g. 'rural cyclists'
170 |
show_fig : bool
171 |
whether to finish with
172 |
return_fig : bool
173 |
whether to return the fig object
174 |
sort : bool
175 |
whether to sort bars. If False, will use default sorting
176 |
by category name or feature value. If True, will resort
177 |
in descending order by percentage
178 |
179 |
Returns: figure or None
180 |
181 |
182 |
if feat_name is None:
183 |
184 |
df_inj = df.query('SERIOUS_OR_FATALITY==1')
185 |
table = feat_perc(feat,df)
186 |
187 |
ordering = list(table['percentage'].sort_values(ascending=False).index) if sort else None
188 |
table_inj = feat_perc(feat,df_inj)
189 |
table_inj.loc[:,'cohort']='seriously injured or killed'
190 |
table = pd.concat([table,table_inj],axis=0).reset_index()
191 |
category_orders = {'cohort':['all','seriously injured or killed']}
192 |
if sort:
193 |
194 |
fig =,y='cohort',x='percentage',color=feat,
195 |
196 |
197 |
title=f'Distributions of {feat} values within cyclist cohorts')
198 |
199 |
200 |
if show_fig:
201 |
202 |
if return_fig:
203 |
return fig
204 |
205 |
# def feat_perc_comp(feat,df,feat_name=None,cohort_name = None,merge_inj_death=True):
206 |
# """
207 |
# Returns a styled dataframe (Styler object)
208 |
# whose underlying dataframe has three columns
209 |
# containing value counts of 'feat' among:
210 |
# - all cyclists involved in crashes
211 |
# - cyclists suffering serious injury or fatality
212 |
# each formatted as percentages of the series sum.
213 |
# Styled with bars comparing percentages
214 |
215 |
# Parameters:
216 |
# -----------
217 |
# feat : str
218 |
# The column name of the desired feature
219 |
# df : pd.DataFrame
220 |
# The input dataframe
221 |
# feat_name : str or None
222 |
# The feature name to use in the output dataframe
223 |
# index name. If None, will use feat
224 |
# cohort_name : str or None
225 |
# qualifier to use in front of 'cyclists'
226 |
# in titles, if provided, e.g. 'rural cyclists'
227 |
# merge_inj_death : bool
228 |
# whether to merge seriously injured and killed cohorts
229 |
# Returns:
230 |
# --------
231 |
# perc_comp : pd.Styler object
232 |
# """
233 |
# # Need qualifier for titles if restricting cyclist cohort
234 |
# qualifier = cohort_name if cohort_name is not None else ''
235 |
236 |
# # Two columns or three, depending on merge_inj_death
237 |
# if merge_inj_death:
238 |
# perc_comp = feat_perc(feat,df=df,feat_name=feat_name,
239 |
# col_name='all cyclists',)\
240 |
# .merge(feat_perc(feat,feat_name=feat_name,
241 |
# df=df.query('SERIOUS_OR_FATALITY==1'),
242 |
# col_name=qualifier+'cyclists with serious injury or fatality'),
243 |
# on=feat,how='left')
244 |
# perc_comp = perc_comp[perc_comp.max(axis=1)>=0.005]
245 |
# else:
246 |
# perc_comp = feat_perc(feat,df=df,feat_name=feat_name,
247 |
# col_name='all cyclists')\
248 |
# .merge(feat_perc(feat,feat_name=feat_name,
249 |
# df=df.query('INJ_SEVERITY=="susp_serious_injury"'),
250 |
# col_name=qualifier+'cyclists with serious injury'),
251 |
# on=feat,how='left')\
252 |
# .merge(feat_perc(feat,feat_name=feat_name,
253 |
# df=df.query('INJ_SEVERITY=="killed"'),
254 |
# col_name=qualifier+'cyclists with fatality'),
255 |
# on=feat,how='left')
256 |
257 |
# # If feature is not ordinal, sort rows descending by crash counts
258 |
# if feat not in ['AGE_BINS','SPEED_LIMIT','DAY_OF_WEEK','HOUR_OF_DAY']:
259 |
# perc_comp=perc_comp.sort_values(by='all cyclists',ascending=False)
260 |
261 |
# # Relabel day numbers with strings
262 |
# if feat == 'DAY_OF_WEEK':
263 |
# perc_comp.index=['Sun','Mon','Tues','Wed','Thurs','Fri','Sat']
264 |
265 |
# perc_comp=perc_comp.fillna(0)
266 |
# table_columns = list(perc_comp.columns)
267 |
268 |
# # Define format for displaying floats
269 |
# format_dict={col:'{:.2%}' for col in perc_comp.columns}
270 |
271 |
272 |
# # Define table styles
273 |
# styles = [dict(selector="caption",
274 |
# props=[("text-align", "center"),
275 |
# ("font-size", "100%"),
276 |
# ("color", 'black'),
277 |
# ("text-decoration","underline"),
278 |
# ("font-weight","bold")])]
279 |
280 |
# # Return formatted dataframe
281 |
# if feat_name is None:
282 |
# feat_name=feat
283 |
# caption = f'Breakdown of {feat_name} among cyclist groups'
284 |
# return perc_comp.reset_index().style.set_table_attributes("style='display:inline'")\
285 |
# .format(format_dict).bar(color='powderblue',
286 |
# subset=table_columns).hide().set_caption(caption)\
287 |
# .set_table_styles(styles)
File without changes
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1 |
import numpy as np
2 |
import pandas as pd
3 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4 |
import seaborn as sns
5 |
import shap
6 |
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2, SelectKBest, mutual_info_classif, f_classif
7 |
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, log_loss, confusion_matrix, f1_score, fbeta_score, roc_auc_score
8 |
from sklearn.metrics import ConfusionMatrixDisplay, RocCurveDisplay, classification_report, precision_recall_curve
9 |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, RepeatedStratifiedKFold, cross_val_score, RandomizedSearchCV, StratifiedKFold
10 |
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, OrdinalEncoder, StandardScaler, FunctionTransformer, SplineTransformer, PolynomialFeatures
11 |
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
12 |
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
13 |
from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier
14 |
# from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier
15 |
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, clone
16 |
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
17 |
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
18 |
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline
19 |
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer, make_column_transformer
20 |
from lib.transform_data import *
21 |
22 |
class ClassifierStudy():
23 |
24 |
A class that contains tools for studying a classifier pipeline
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
classifier : a scikit-learn compatible binary classifier
29 |
X : pd.DataFrame
30 |
dataframe of features
31 |
y : pd.Series
32 |
series of binary target values corresponding to X
33 |
classifier_name : str or None
34 |
if provided, will use as classifier name in pipeline
35 |
if not, will use 'clf' as name
36 |
features : dict
37 |
a dictionary whose keys are the feature types
38 |
'cyc','cat','ord','num','bin' and whose values
39 |
are lists of features of each type.
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
set_data, set_features, set_state
44 |
sets or resets attributes of self
45 |
46 |
builds out pipeline based on supplied specs
47 |
48 |
runs k-fold cross validation and reports scores
49 |
50 |
runs randomized search with cross validation
51 |
and reports results
52 |
53 |
fits the model pipeline and stores as
54 |
55 |
56 |
uses a fitted pipeline to compute predicted
57 |
probabilities for test or validation set
58 |
59 |
scores predicted probabilities
60 |
61 |
62 |
def __init__(self, classifier=None, X = None, y = None,
63 |
features = None,classifier_name = None,
64 |
65 |
self.classifier = classifier
66 |
if X is not None:
67 |
self.X = X.copy()
68 |
if y is not None:
69 |
self.y = y.copy()
70 |
if features is not None:
71 |
self.features = features.copy()
72 |
73 |
self.pipe, self.pipe_fitted = None, None
74 |
self.classifier_name = classifier_name
75 |
self.X_val, self.y_val = None, None
76 |
self.y_predict_proba = None
77 |
self.best_params, self.best_n_components = None, None
78 |
self.shap_vals = None
79 |
80 |
def set_data(self,X=None,y=None):
81 |
"""Method to set or reset feature and/or target data"""
82 |
if X is not None:
83 |
self.X = X.copy()
84 |
if y is not None:
85 |
self.y = y.copy()
86 |
87 |
def set_features(self,features):
88 |
"""Method to set or reset the feature dictionary"""
89 |
if features is not None:
90 |
self.features = features.copy()
91 |
92 |
def set_state(self,random_state):
93 |
"""Method to set or reset the random_state"""
94 |
self.random_state = random_state
95 |
96 |
def build_pipeline(self, cat_method = 'onehot',cyc_method = 'spline',num_ss=True,
97 |
over_sample = False, pca=False,n_components=None,
98 |
select_features = False,score_func=None,k='all',
99 |
poly_features = False, degree=2, interaction_only=False):
100 |
101 |
Method to build the model pipeline
102 |
103 |
104 |
cat_method : str
105 |
specifies whether to encode categorical
106 |
variables as one-hot vectors or ordinals
107 |
must be either 'onehot' or 'ord'
108 |
cyc_method : str
109 |
specifies whether to encode cyclical features
110 |
with sine/cosine encoding or periodic splines
111 |
must be one of 'trig', 'spline', 'interact-trig',
112 |
'interact-spline','onehot', 'ord', or None
113 |
- If 'trig' or 'spline', will set up periodic encoder
114 |
with desired method
115 |
- If 'onehot' or 'ord', will set up appropriate
116 |
categorical encoder
117 |
- If 'interact-{method}', will use <method> encoding for HOUR_OF_DAY,
118 |
encode DAY_OF_WEEK as a binary feature expressing whether
119 |
the day is a weekend day, and then include interaction
120 |
features among this set via PolynomialFeatures.
121 |
- If None, will leave out cyclical features altogether
122 |
num_ss : bool
123 |
Whether or not to apply StandardScaler on the numerical features
124 |
over_sample : bool
125 |
set to True to include imblearn.over_sampling.RandomOverSampler step
126 |
pca : bool
127 |
set to True to include sklearn.decomposition.PCA step
128 |
n_components : int or None
129 |
number of components for sklearn.decomposition.PCA
130 |
select_features : bool
131 |
set to True to include sklearn.feature_selection.SelectKBest step
132 |
score_func : callable
133 |
score function to use for sklearn.feature_selection.SelectKBest
134 |
recommended: chi2, f_classif, or mutual_info_classif
135 |
k : int or 'all'
136 |
number of features for sklearn.feature_selection.SelectKBest
137 |
poly_features : bool
138 |
set to True to include sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures step
139 |
degree : int
140 |
max degree for sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures
141 |
interaction_only : bool
142 |
whether or not sklearn.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures will be limited
143 |
to interaction terms only
144 |
145 |
146 |
# Define transformer for categorical features
147 |
if cat_method == 'onehot':
148 |
cat_encoder = ('ohe',OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='infrequent_if_exist'))
149 |
150 |
elif cat_method == 'ord':
151 |
cat_encoder = ('oe',OrdinalEncoder(handle_unknown='use_encoded_value',unknown_value=np.nan))
152 |
153 |
raise ValueError("cat_method must be either 'onehot' or 'ord'")
154 |
155 |
cat_transform = Pipeline([('si',SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent')),cat_encoder])
156 |
157 |
# Define transformer for cyclic features
158 |
cyc_dict = {'HOUR_OF_DAY':24,'DAY_OF_WEEK':7}
159 |
if cyc_method == 'trig':
160 |
cyc_transform = [(f'{feat}_cos',cos_transformer(cyc_dict[feat]),[feat]) for feat in self.features['cyc']]+\
161 |
[(f'{feat}_sin',sin_transformer(cyc_dict[feat]),[feat]) for feat in self.features['cyc']]
162 |
elif cyc_method =='spline':
163 |
cyc_transform = [(f'{feat}_cyclic',
164 |
165 |
[feat]) for feat in self.features['cyc']]
166 |
elif cyc_method == 'onehot':
167 |
cyc_encoder = ('ohe_cyc',OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='infrequent_if_exist'))
168 |
cyc_transform = [('cyc',Pipeline([cyc_encoder]),self.features['cyc'])]
169 |
elif cyc_method == 'ord':
170 |
cyc_encoder = ('oe_cyc',OrdinalEncoder(handle_unknown='use_encoded_value',unknown_value=np.nan))
171 |
cyc_transform = [('cyc',Pipeline([cyc_encoder]),self.features['cyc'])]
172 |
elif cyc_method == 'interact-spline':
173 |
hour_transform = (f'hour_cyc',periodic_spline_transformer(cyc_dict['HOUR_OF_DAY'],n_splines=12),['HOUR_OF_DAY'])
174 |
wkend_transform = ('wkend',FunctionTransformer(lambda x: (x.isin([1,7])).astype(int)),['DAY_OF_WEEK'])
175 |
cyc_transform = [('cyc',Pipeline([('cyc_col',ColumnTransformer([hour_transform, wkend_transform],
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
elif cyc_method == 'interact-trig':
181 |
hour_transform = [(f'HOUR_cos',cos_transformer(cyc_dict['HOUR_OF_DAY']),['HOUR_OF_DAY']),
182 |
183 |
wkend_transform = ('wkend',FunctionTransformer(lambda x: (x.isin([1,7])).astype(int)),['DAY_OF_WEEK'])
184 |
cyc_transform = [('cyc',Pipeline([('cyc_col',ColumnTransformer(hour_transform+[wkend_transform],
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
elif cyc_method is None:
190 |
cyc_transform = [('cyc','passthrough',[])]
191 |
192 |
raise ValueError("cyc_method must be one of 'trig','spline','interact','onehot','ord',or None")
193 |
194 |
# Define numerical transform
195 |
num_transform = ('num',StandardScaler(),self.features['num']) if num_ss else\
196 |
197 |
198 |
# Define column transformer
199 |
col_transform = ColumnTransformer([('cat',cat_transform,self.features['cat']),
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
steps = [('col',col_transform)]
208 |
209 |
if 'AGE' in self.features['num']:
210 |
steps.insert(0,('gi_age',GroupImputer(target = 'AGE', group_cols=['COUNTY'],strategy='median')))
211 |
if 'HOUR_OF_DAY' in self.features['cyc']:
212 |
steps.insert(0,('gi_hour',GroupImputer(target = 'HOUR_OF_DAY', group_cols=['ILLUMINATION','CRASH_MONTH'],strategy='mode')))
213 |
# Insert optional steps as needed
214 |
if over_sample:
215 |
216 |
if poly_features:
217 |
218 |
if select_features:
219 |
steps.append(('fs',SelectKBest(score_func = score_func, k = k)))
220 |
if pca:
221 |
222 |
# Append classifier if provided
223 |
if self.classifier is not None:
224 |
if self.classifier_name is not None:
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
# Initialize pipeline
230 |
self.pipe = Pipeline(steps)
231 |
232 |
def cv_score(self, scoring = 'roc_auc', n_splits = 5, n_repeats=3, thresh = 0.5, beta = 1,
233 |
return_mean_score=False,print_mean_score=True,print_scores=False, n_jobs=-1,
234 |
235 |
236 |
Method for performing cross validation via RepeatedStratifiedKFold
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
scoring : str
241 |
scoring function to use. must be one of
242 |
243 |
thresh : float
244 |
the classification threshold for computing y_pred
245 |
from y_pred_proba
246 |
beta : float
247 |
the beta-value to use in the f_beta score, if chosen
248 |
n_splits, n_repeats : int, int
249 |
number of splits and number of repeat iterations
250 |
for sklearn.model_selection.RepeatedStratifiedKFold
251 |
return_mean_score : bool
252 |
whether or not to return the mean score
253 |
print_mean_score : bool
254 |
whether to print out a report of the mean score
255 |
print_scores : bool
256 |
whether to print out a report of CV scores for all folds
257 |
n_jobs : int or None
258 |
number of CPU cores to use for parallel processing
259 |
-1 uses all available cores, and None defaults to 1
260 |
eval_size : float
261 |
Fraction of the training set to use for early stopping eval set
262 |
eval_metric : str
263 |
eval metric to use in early stopping
264 |
Returns: None or mean_score, depending on return_mean_score setting
265 |
266 |
267 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
268 |
assert (self.X is not None)&(self.y is not None), 'X and/or y does not exist. First supply X and y using set_data.'
269 |
assert 'clf' in self.pipe.steps[-1][0], 'The pipeline has no classifier. Build a pipeline with a classifier first.'
270 |
assert scoring in ['roc_auc','acc','f1','fb','f1w'],"scoring must be one of 'roc_auc','acc','f1','fb','f1w'"
271 |
272 |
# Initialize CV iterator
273 |
kf = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits = n_splits, n_repeats=n_repeats,
274 |
275 |
# Restrict to features supplied in self.features
276 |
X = self.X[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
277 |
278 |
279 |
# if isinstance(self.pipe[-1],LGBMClassifier):
280 |
# if 'early_stopping_round' in self.pipe[-1].get_params():
281 |
# if self.pipe[-1].get_params()['early_stopping_rounds'] is not None:
282 |
# lgb_es=True
283 |
284 |
scores = []
285 |
# Iterate over folds and train, predict, score
286 |
for i,(train_idx,test_idx) in enumerate(kf.split(X,self.y)):
287 |
fold_X_train = X.iloc[train_idx,:]
288 |
fold_X_test = X.iloc[test_idx,:]
289 |
fold_y_train = self.y.iloc[train_idx]
290 |
fold_y_test = self.y.iloc[test_idx]
291 |
292 |
293 |
if lgb_es:
294 |
fold_X_train,fold_X_es,fold_y_train,fold_y_es = train_test_split(fold_X_train,fold_y_train,
295 |
296 |
297 |
trans_pipe = pipe[:-1]
298 |
299 |
fold_X_es = trans_pipe.transform(fold_X_es)
300 |
clf_name = pipe.steps[-1][0]
301 |
fit_params = {f'{clf_name}__eval_set':[(fold_X_es,fold_y_es)],
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
fit_params = {}
306 |
307 |
308 |
fold_y_pred_proba = pipe.predict_proba(fold_X_test)[:,1]
309 |
310 |
if scoring == 'roc_auc':
311 |
fold_score = roc_auc_score(fold_y_test, fold_y_pred_proba)
312 |
313 |
fold_y_pred = (fold_y_pred_proba >= thresh).astype('int')
314 |
if scoring == 'acc':
315 |
fold_score = accuracy_score(fold_y_test,fold_y_pred)
316 |
elif scoring == 'f1':
317 |
fold_score = f1_score(fold_y_test,fold_y_pred)
318 |
elif scoring == 'f1w':
319 |
fold_score = f1_score(fold_y_test,fold_y_pred,average='weighted')
320 |
321 |
fold_score = fbeta_score(fold_y_test,fold_y_pred,beta=beta)
322 |
323 |
324 |
# Average and report
325 |
mean_score = np.mean(scores)
326 |
if print_scores:
327 |
print(f'CV scores using {scoring} score: {scores} \nMean score: {mean_score}')
328 |
if print_mean_score:
329 |
print(f'Mean CV {scoring} score: {mean_score}')
330 |
if return_mean_score:
331 |
return mean_score
332 |
333 |
def randomized_search(self, params, n_components = None, n_iter=10,
334 |
scoring='roc_auc',cv=5,refit=False,top_n=10, n_jobs=-1):
335 |
336 |
Method for performing randomized search with cross validation on a given dictionary of parameter distributions
337 |
Also displays a table of results the best top_n iterations
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
params : dict
342 |
parameter distributions to use for RandomizedSearchCV
343 |
n_components : int, or list, or None
344 |
number of components for sklearn.decomposition.PCA
345 |
- if int, will reset the PCA layer in self.pipe with provided value
346 |
- if list, must be list of ints, which will be included in
347 |
RandomizedSearchCV parameter distribution
348 |
scoring : str
349 |
scoring function for sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_score
350 |
n_iter : int
351 |
number of iterations to use in RandomizedSearchCV
352 |
refit : bool
353 |
whether to refit a final classifier with best parameters
354 |
- if False, will only set self.best_params and self.best_score
355 |
- if True, will set self.best_estimator in addition
356 |
top_n : int or None
357 |
if int, will display results from top_n best iterations only
358 |
if None, will display all results
359 |
n_jobs : int or None
360 |
number of CPU cores to use for parallel processing
361 |
-1 uses all available cores, and None defaults to 1
362 |
363 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
364 |
assert (self.X is not None)&(self.y is not None), 'X and/or y does not exist. First supply X and y using set_data.'
365 |
assert 'clf' in self.pipe.steps[-1][0], 'The pipeline has no classifier. Build a pipeline with a classifier first.'
366 |
assert (n_components is None)|('pca' in self.pipe.named_steps), 'Your pipeline has no PCA step. Build a pipeline with PCA first.'
367 |
assert (len(params)>0)|(type(n_components)==list), 'Either pass a parameter distribution or a list of n_components values.'
368 |
369 |
# Add estimator name prefix to hyperparams
370 |
params = {self.pipe.steps[-1][0]+'__'+key:params[key] for key in params}
371 |
372 |
# Process supplied n_components
373 |
if type(n_components)==list:
374 |
375 |
elif type(n_components)==int:
376 |
377 |
378 |
# Restrict to features supplied in self.features
379 |
X = self.X[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
380 |
381 |
# Initialize rs and fit
382 |
rs = RandomizedSearchCV(self.pipe, param_distributions = params,
383 |
n_iter=n_iter, scoring = scoring, cv = cv,refit=refit,
384 |
random_state=self.random_state, n_jobs=n_jobs)
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
# Display top n scores
389 |
results = rs.cv_results_
390 |
results_df = pd.DataFrame(results['params'])
391 |
param_names = list(results_df.columns)
392 |
results_df[f'mean cv score ({scoring})']=pd.Series(results['mean_test_score'])
393 |
results_df = results_df.set_index(param_names).sort_values(by=f'mean cv score ({scoring})',ascending=False)
394 |
if top_n is not None:
395 |
396 |
.highlight_max(axis=0, props='color:white; font-weight:bold; background-color:seagreen;'))
397 |
398 |
399 |
.highlight_max(axis=0, props='color:white; font-weight:bold; background-color:seagreen;'))
400 |
if refit:
401 |
self.best_estimator = rs.best_estimator_
402 |
best_params = rs.best_params_
403 |
self.best_params = {key.split('__')[-1]:best_params[key] for key in best_params if key.split('__')[0]!='pca'}
404 |
self.best_n_components = next((best_params[key] for key in best_params if key.split('__')[0]=='pca'), None)
405 |
self.best_score = rs.best_score_
406 |
407 |
def fit_pipeline(self,split_first=False, eval_size=0.1,eval_metric='auc'):
408 |
409 |
Method for fitting self.pipeline on self.X,self.y
410 |
411 |
412 |
split_first : bool
413 |
if True, a train_test_split will be performed first
414 |
and the validation set will be stored
415 |
early_stopping : bool
416 |
Indicates whether we will use early_stopping for lightgbm.
417 |
If true, will split off an eval set prior to k-fold split
418 |
eval_size : float
419 |
Fraction of the training set to use for early stopping eval set
420 |
eval_metric : str
421 |
eval metric to use in early stopping
422 |
423 |
# Need pipe and X to fit
424 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
425 |
assert self.X is not None, 'X does not exist. First set X.'
426 |
427 |
# If no y provided, then no pipeline steps should require y
428 |
step_list = [step[0] for step in self.pipe.steps]
429 |
assert (('clf' not in step_list[-1])&('kf' not in step_list))|(self.y is not None), 'You must provide targets y if pipeline has a classifier step or feature selection step.'
430 |
431 |
# Don't need to do a train-test split without a classifier
432 |
assert (split_first==False)|('clf' in step_list[-1]), 'Only need train-test split if you have a classifier.'
433 |
434 |
if split_first:
435 |
X_train,X_val,y_train,y_val = train_test_split(self.X,self.y,stratify=self.y,
436 |
437 |
self.X_val = X_val
438 |
self.y_val = y_val
439 |
440 |
X_train = self.X.copy()
441 |
if self.y is not None:
442 |
y_train = self.y.copy()
443 |
444 |
# Restrict to features supplied in self.features
445 |
X_train = X_train[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
446 |
447 |
# If LGBM early stopping, then need to split off eval_set and define fit_params
448 |
# if isinstance(self.pipe[-1],LGBMClassifier):
449 |
# if self.pipe[-1].get_params()['early_stopping_rounds'] is not None:
450 |
# X_train,X_es,y_train,y_es = train_test_split(X_train,y_train,
451 |
# test_size=eval_size,
452 |
# stratify=y_train,
453 |
# random_state=self.random_state)
454 |
# trans_pipe = self.pipe[:-1]
455 |
# trans_pipe.fit_transform(X_train)
456 |
# X_es = trans_pipe.transform(X_es)
457 |
# clf_name = self.pipe.steps[-1][0]
458 |
# fit_params = {f'{clf_name}__eval_set':[(X_es,y_es)],
459 |
# f'{clf_name}__eval_metric':eval_metric,
460 |
# f'{clf_name}__verbose':0}
461 |
# else:
462 |
# fit_params = {}
463 |
# else:
464 |
# fit_params = {}
465 |
fit_params = {}
466 |
# Fit and store fitted pipeline. If no classifier, fit_transform X_train and store transformed version
467 |
pipe = self.pipe
468 |
if 'clf' in step_list[-1]:
469 |
470 |
471 |
X_transformed = pipe.fit_transform(X_train)
472 |
# X_transformed = pd.DataFrame(X_transformed,columns=pipe[-1].get_column_names_out())
473 |
self.X_transformed = X_transformed
474 |
self.pipe_fitted = pipe
475 |
476 |
def predict_proba_pipeline(self, X_test = None):
477 |
478 |
Method for using a fitted pipeline to compute predicted
479 |
probabilities for X_test (if supplied) or self.X_val
480 |
481 |
482 |
X_test : pd.DataFrame or None
483 |
test data input features (if None, will use self.X_val)
484 |
485 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
486 |
assert 'clf' in self.pipe.steps[-1][0], 'The pipeline has no classifier. Build a pipeline with a classifier first.'
487 |
assert self.pipe_fitted is not None, 'Pipeline is not fitted. First fit pipeline using fit_pipeline.'
488 |
assert (X_test is not None)|(self.X_val is not None), 'Must either provide X_test and y_test or fit the pipeline with split_first=True.'
489 |
490 |
if X_test is None:
491 |
X_test = self.X_val
492 |
493 |
# Restrict to features supplied in self.features
494 |
X_test = X_test[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
495 |
496 |
# Save prediction
497 |
self.y_predict_proba = self.pipe_fitted.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
498 |
499 |
def score_pipeline(self,y_test=None,scoring='roc_auc',thresh=0.5, beta = 1,
500 |
normalize = None, print_score = True):
501 |
502 |
Method for scoring self.pipe_fitted on supplied test data and reporting score
503 |
504 |
505 |
y_test : pd.Series or None
506 |
true binary targets (if None, will use self.y_val)
507 |
scoring : str
508 |
specifies the metric to use for scoring
509 |
must be one of
510 |
'roc_auc', 'roc_plot', 'acc', 'f1', 'f1w', 'fb','mcc','kappa','conf','classif_report'
511 |
thresh : float
512 |
threshhold value for computing y_pred
513 |
from y_predict_proba
514 |
beta : float
515 |
the beta parameter in the fb score
516 |
normalize : str or None
517 |
the normalize parameter for the
518 |
confusion_matrix. must be one of
519 |
520 |
print_score : bool
521 |
if True, will print a message reporting the score
522 |
if False, will return the score as a float
523 |
524 |
assert (y_test is not None)|(self.y_val is not None), 'Must either provide X_test and y_test or fit the pipeline with split_first=True.'
525 |
assert self.y_predict_proba is not None, 'Predicted probabilities do not exist. Run predict_proba_pipeline first.'
526 |
527 |
if y_test is None:
528 |
y_test = self.y_val
529 |
530 |
# Score and report
531 |
if scoring == 'roc_plot':
532 |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4))
533 |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
534 |
535 |
536 |
elif scoring == 'roc_auc':
537 |
score = roc_auc_score(y_test, self.y_predict_proba)
538 |
539 |
y_pred = (self.y_predict_proba >= thresh).astype('int')
540 |
if scoring == 'acc':
541 |
score = accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred)
542 |
elif scoring == 'f1':
543 |
score = f1_score(y_test,y_pred)
544 |
elif scoring == 'f1w':
545 |
score = f1_score(y_test,y_pred,average='weighted')
546 |
elif scoring == 'fb':
547 |
score = fbeta_score(y_test,y_pred,beta=beta)
548 |
elif scoring == 'mcc':
549 |
score = matthews_coffcoeff(y_test,y_pred)
550 |
elif scoring == 'kappa':
551 |
score = cohen_kappa_score(y_test,y_pred)
552 |
elif scoring == 'conf':
553 |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3,3))
554 |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
555 |
556 |
557 |
elif scoring == 'classif_report':
558 |
target_names=['neither seriously injured nor killed','seriously injured or killed']
559 |
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred,target_names=target_names))
560 |
561 |
raise ValueError("scoring must be one of 'roc_auc', 'roc_plot','acc', 'f1', 'f1w', 'fb','mcc','kappa','conf','classif_report'")
562 |
if scoring not in ['conf','roc_plot','classif_report']:
563 |
if print_score:
564 |
print(f'The {scoring} score is: {score}')
565 |
566 |
return score
567 |
568 |
def shap_values(self, X_test = None, eval_size=0.1,eval_metric='auc'):
569 |
570 |
Method for computing and SHAP values for features
571 |
stratifiedtrain/test split
572 |
A copy of self.pipe is fitted on the training set
573 |
and then SHAP values are computed on test set samples
574 |
575 |
576 |
X_test : pd.DataFrame
577 |
The test set; if provided, will not perform
578 |
a train/test split before fitting
579 |
eval_size : float
580 |
Fraction of the training set to use for early stopping eval set
581 |
eval_metric : str
582 |
eval metric to use in early stopping
583 |
Returns: None (stores results in self.shap_vals)
584 |
585 |
586 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
587 |
assert (self.X is not None)&(self.y is not None), 'X and/or y does not exist. First supply X and y using set_data.'
588 |
assert 'clf' in self.pipe.steps[-1][0], 'The pipeline has no classifier. Build a pipeline with a classifier first.'
589 |
590 |
591 |
# Clone pipeline, do train/test split if X_test not provided
592 |
pipe = clone(self.pipe)
593 |
X_train = self.X.copy()
594 |
y_train = self.y.copy()
595 |
if X_test is None:
596 |
X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X_train,y_train,stratify=y_train,
597 |
598 |
# Restrict to features provided in self.features, and fit
599 |
X_train = X_train[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
600 |
X_test = X_test[[feat for feat_type in self.features for feat in self.features[feat_type]]]
601 |
602 |
# If LGBM early stopping, then need to split off eval_set and define fit_params
603 |
# if isinstance(self.pipe[-1],LGBMClassifier):
604 |
# if 'early_stopping_round' in self.pipe[-1].get_params():
605 |
# if self.pipe[-1].get_params()['early_stopping_rounds'] is not None:
606 |
# X_train,X_es,y_train,y_es = train_test_split(X_train,y_train,
607 |
# test_size=eval_size,
608 |
# stratify=y_train,
609 |
# random_state=self.random_state)
610 |
# trans_pipe = self.pipe[:-1]
611 |
# trans_pipe.fit_transform(X_train)
612 |
# X_es = trans_pipe.transform(X_es)
613 |
# clf_name = self.pipe.steps[-1][0]
614 |
# fit_params = {f'{clf_name}__eval_set':[(X_es,y_es)],
615 |
# f'{clf_name}__eval_metric':eval_metric,
616 |
# f'{clf_name}__verbose':0}
617 |
# else:
618 |
# fit_params = {}
619 |
# else:
620 |
# fit_params = {}
621 |
fit_params = {}
622 |
623 |
624 |
# SHAP will just explain classifier, so need transformed X_train and X_test
625 |
X_train_trans, X_test_trans = pipe[:-1].transform(X_train), pipe[:-1].transform(X_test)
626 |
627 |
# Need masker for linear model
628 |
masker = shap.maskers.Independent(data=X_train_trans)
629 |
630 |
# Initialize explainer and compute and store SHAP values as an explainer object
631 |
explainer = shap.Explainer(pipe[-1], masker = masker, feature_names = pipe['col'].get_feature_names_out())
632 |
self.shap_vals = explainer(X_test_trans)
633 |
self.X_shap = X_train_trans
634 |
self.y_shap = y_train
635 |
636 |
def shap_plot(self,max_display='all'):
637 |
638 |
Method for generating plots of SHAP value results
639 |
SHAP values should be already computed previously
640 |
Generates two plots side by side:
641 |
- a beeswarm plot of SHAP values of all samples
642 |
- a barplot of mean absolute SHAP values
643 |
644 |
645 |
max_display : int or 'all'
646 |
The number of features to show in the plot, in descending
647 |
order by mean absolute SHAP value. If 'all', then
648 |
all features will be included.
649 |
650 |
Returns: None (plots displayed)
651 |
652 |
653 |
assert self.shap_vals is not None, 'No shap values exist. First compute shap values.'
654 |
assert (isinstance(max_display,int))|(max_display=='all'), "'max_display' must be 'all' or an integer"
655 |
656 |
if max_display=='all':
657 |
title_add = ', all features'
658 |
max_display = self.shap_vals.shape[1]
659 |
660 |
title_add = f', top {max_display} features'
661 |
662 |
# Plot
663 |
664 |
665 |
666 |
667 |
668 |
669 |
670 |
671 |
672 |
ax1.set_title(f'Mean absolute SHAP values'+title_add,fontsize='small')
673 |
ax1.set_xlabel('mean(|SHAP value|)',fontsize='x-small')
674 |
ax2.set_title(f'SHAP values'+title_add,fontsize='small')
675 |
ax2.set_xlabel('SHAP value', fontsize='x-small')
676 |
for ax in [ax1,ax2]:
677 |
ax.set_ylabel('feature name',fontsize='x-small')
678 |
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize='xx-small')
679 |
680 |
681 |
682 |
def find_best_threshold(self,beta=1,conf=True,report=True, print_result=True):
683 |
684 |
Computes the classification threshold which gives the
685 |
best F_beta score from classifier predictions,
686 |
prints the best threshold and the corresponding F_beta score,
687 |
and displays a confusion matrix and classification report
688 |
corresponding to that threshold
689 |
690 |
691 |
692 |
beta : float
693 |
the desired beta value in the F_beta score
694 |
conf : bool
695 |
whether to display confusion matrix
696 |
report : bool
697 |
whether to display classification report
698 |
print_result : bool
699 |
whether to print a line reporting the best threshold
700 |
and resulting F_beta score
701 |
702 |
Returns: None (prints results and stores self.best_thresh)
703 |
704 |
705 |
prec,rec,threshs = precision_recall_curve(self.y_val,
706 |
707 |
F_betas = (1+beta**2)*(prec*rec)/((beta**2*prec)+rec)
708 |
# Above formula is valid when TP!=0. When TP==0
709 |
# it gives np.nan whereas F_beta should be 0
710 |
F_betas = np.nan_to_num(F_betas)
711 |
idx = np.argmax(F_betas)
712 |
best_thresh = threshs[idx]
713 |
if print_result:
714 |
print(f'Threshold optimizing F_{beta} score: {best_thresh}\nBest F_{beta} score: {F_betas[idx]}')
715 |
if conf:
716 |
717 |
if report:
718 |
719 |
self.best_thresh = best_thresh
720 |
721 |
class LRStudy(ClassifierStudy):
722 |
723 |
A child class of ClassifierStudy which has an additional method specific to logistic regression
724 |
725 |
def __init__(self, classifier=None, X = None, y = None,
726 |
features=None,classifier_name = 'LR',
727 |
728 |
super().__init__(classifier, X, y,features,classifier_name,random_state)
729 |
730 |
def plot_coeff(self, print_score = True, print_zero = False, title_add=None):
731 |
732 |
Method for doing a train/validation split, fitting the classifier,
733 |
predicting and scoring on the validation set, and plotting
734 |
a bar chart of the logistic regression coefficients corresponding
735 |
to various model features.
736 |
Features with coefficient zero and periodic spline features
737 |
will be excluded from the chart.
738 |
739 |
740 |
print_score : bool
741 |
if True, the validation score are printed
742 |
print_zero : bool
743 |
if True, the list of features with zero coefficients are printed
744 |
title_add : str or None
745 |
an addendum that is added to the end of the plot title
746 |
747 |
assert self.pipe is not None, 'No pipeline exists; first build a pipeline using build_pipeline.'
748 |
assert isinstance(self.classifier,LogisticRegression),'Your classifier is not an instance of Logistic Regression.'
749 |
750 |
# fit and score
751 |
self.fit_pipeline(split_first = True)
752 |
753 |
score = roc_auc_score(self.y_val, self.y_predict_proba)
754 |
755 |
# Retrieve coeff values from fitted pipeline
756 |
coeff = pd.DataFrame({'feature name':self.pipe_fitted['col'].get_feature_names_out(),
757 |
'coeff value':self.pipe_fitted[-1].coef_.reshape(-1)})\
758 |
.sort_values(by='coeff value')
759 |
coeff = coeff[~coeff['feature name']\
760 |
.isin([f'HOUR_OF_DAY_sp_{n}' for n in range(12)]\
761 |
+[f'DAY_OF_WEEK_sp_{n}' for n in range(3)])]\
762 |
.set_index('feature name')
763 |
coeff_zero_features = coeff[coeff['coeff value']==0].index
764 |
coeff = coeff[coeff['coeff value']!=0]
765 |
766 |
# Plot feature coefficients
767 |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30,4))
768 |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
769 |
coeff['coeff value'].plot(kind='bar',ylabel='coeff value',ax=ax)
770 |
ax.axhline(y=0, color= 'red', linewidth=2,)
771 |
plot_title = 'PA bicycle collisions, 2002-2021\nLogistic regression model log-odds coefficients'
772 |
if title_add is not None:
773 |
plot_title += f': {title_add}'
774 |
775 |
ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize='x-small')
776 |
777 |
778 |
if print_score:
779 |
print(f'Score on validation set: {score}')
780 |
if print_zero:
781 |
print(f'Features with zero coefficients in trained model: {list(coeff_zero)}')
782 |
783 |
self.score = score
784 |
self.coeff = coeff
785 |
self.coeff_zero_features = coeff_zero_features
786 |
787 |
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
1 |
import pandas as pd
2 |
import numpy as np
3 |
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer, SplineTransformer
4 |
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
5 |
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
6 |
7 |
class GroupImputer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
8 |
9 |
Class used for imputing missing values in a pd.DataFrame
10 |
using mean, median, or mode by groupwise aggregation,
11 |
or a constant.
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
target : str
16 |
- The name of the column to be imputed
17 |
group_cols : list
18 |
- List of name(s) of columns on which to groupby
19 |
strategy : str
20 |
- The method for replacement; can be any of
21 |
['mean', 'median', 'mode']
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
X : pd.DataFrame
26 |
- The dataframe with imputed values in the target column
27 |
28 |
29 |
def __init__(self,target,group_cols=None,strategy='median'):
30 |
assert strategy in ['mean','median','mode'], "strategy must be in ['mean', 'median', 'mode']'"
31 |
assert type(group_cols)==list, 'group_cols must be a list of column names'
32 |
assert type(target) == str, 'target must be a string'
33 |
34 |
self.group_cols = group_cols
35 |
36 |
+ = target
37 |
38 |
def fit(self,X,y=None):
39 |
40 |
if self.strategy=='mode':
41 |
impute_map = X.groupby(self.group_cols)[]\
42 |
.agg(lambda x: pd.Series.mode(x,dropna=False)[0])\
43 |
44 |
45 |
impute_map = X.groupby(self.group_cols)[]\
46 |
47 |
self.impute_map_ = impute_map
48 |
49 |
return self
50 |
51 |
def transform(self,X,y=None):
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
for index,row in self.impute_map_.iterrows():
58 |
ind = (X[self.group_cols] == row[self.group_cols]).all(axis=1)
59 |
X.loc[ind,] = X.loc[ind,].fillna(row[])
60 |
return X
61 |
62 |
# Sine and consine transformations
63 |
def sin_feature_names(transformer, feature_names):
64 |
return [f'SIN_{col}' for col in feature_names]
65 |
def cos_feature_names(transformer, feature_names):
66 |
return [f'COS_{col}' for col in feature_names]
67 |
def sin_transformer(period):
68 |
return FunctionTransformer(lambda x: np.sin(2*np.pi*x/period),feature_names_out = sin_feature_names)
69 |
def cos_transformer(period):
70 |
return FunctionTransformer(lambda x: np.cos(2*np.pi*x/period),feature_names_out = cos_feature_names)
71 |
72 |
# Periodic spline transformation
73 |
def periodic_spline_transformer(period, n_splines=None, degree=3):
74 |
if n_splines is None:
75 |
n_splines = period
76 |
n_knots = n_splines + 1 # periodic and include_bias is True
77 |
return SplineTransformer(
78 |
79 |
80 |
knots=np.linspace(0, period, n_knots).reshape(n_knots, 1),
81 |
82 |
83 |
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
1 |
import pandas as pd
2 |
import numpy as np
3 |
import as px
4 |
from scipy import stats
5 |
6 |
def plot_map(df,city=None,county=None,animate=True,color_dots=True,animate_by='year',show_fig=True,return_fig=False):
7 |
8 |
Displays a interactive map
9 |
of crashes in a municipality if specified, or otherwise
10 |
statewide. Can be animated over time or static.
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
df : pd.DataFrame
15 |
dataframe of crash samples
16 |
city or county : tuple or None
17 |
if provided, must be a tuple (code,name)
18 |
- code : str
19 |
the code corresponding to the desired municipality/county
20 |
(see the data dictionary)
21 |
- name : str
22 |
the name you want to use for the municipality/county
23 |
in plot title
24 |
* At most one of these can be not None!
25 |
animate : bool
26 |
if animate==True, then the map will animate using
27 |
the frequency provided in animate_by
28 |
color_dots : bool
29 |
if color_dots==True, then dots will be color-coded by
30 |
'serious injury or death' status.
31 |
WARNING: if color_dots and animate, then all frames
32 |
will be missing samples in 'serious injury or death'
33 |
classes which aren't present in first frame - due to
34 |
bug in plotly animation_frame implementation.
35 |
Recommend only using both when geographic
36 |
area is statewide or at least has all values of
37 |
'serious injury or death' in first frame
38 |
animate_by : str
39 |
the desired animation frequency, must be
40 |
either 'year' or 'month'
41 |
show_fig : bool
42 |
whether to display figure using
43 |
return_fig : bool
44 |
whether to return the figure object
45 |
46 |
Returns: Either figure or None
47 |
48 |
49 |
assert (city is None)|(county is None), 'A city and county cannot both be provided.'
50 |
# Copy df and create new column for color coding event type
51 |
df = df.copy()
52 |
df.loc[df.BICYCLE_SUSP_SERIOUS_INJ_COUNT>0,'Serious cyclist injury or death']='serious injury'
53 |
df.loc[df.BICYCLE_DEATH_COUNT>0,'Serious cyclist injury or death']='death'
54 |
df['Serious cyclist injury or death']=df['Serious cyclist injury or death'].fillna('neither')
55 |
56 |
# Set animation parameters
57 |
if animate:
58 |
if animate_by == 'year':
59 |
animation_frame = 'CRASH_YEAR'
60 |
title_animate = ' by year'
61 |
elif animate_by == 'month':
62 |
df['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime((df['CRASH_MONTH'].astype('str')\
63 |
64 |
format = "%m-%Y")
65 |
66 |
df['DATE']=df['DATE'].astype('str').apply(lambda x: x.rsplit('-',1)[0])
67 |
animation_frame = 'DATE'
68 |
title_animate = ' by month'
69 |
70 |
raise ValueError("animate_by must be 'year' or 'month'")
71 |
72 |
animation_frame = None
73 |
title_animate = ''
74 |
75 |
if color_dots:
76 |
color='Serious cyclist injury or death'
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
# Adjustments for when city or county are provided
81 |
if city is not None:
82 |
df = df[df.MUNICIPALITY==city[0]]
83 |
# Ignore extreme outlier samples - lat,lon may be incorrect
84 |
df = df[np.abs(stats.zscore(df.DEC_LAT))<=4]
85 |
df = df[np.abs(stats.zscore(df.DEC_LONG))<=4]
86 |
title_place = city[1]+', PA'
87 |
elif county is not None:
88 |
df = df[df.COUNTY==county[0]]
89 |
# Ignore extreme outlier samples - lat,lon may be incorrect
90 |
df = df[np.abs(stats.zscore(df.DEC_LAT))<=4]
91 |
df = df[np.abs(stats.zscore(df.DEC_LONG))<=4]
92 |
title_place = county[1]+' county, PA'
93 |
94 |
title_place = 'PA'
95 |
96 |
# Compute default zoom level based on lat,lon ranges.
97 |
# open-street-map uses
98 |
max_lat, min_lat = df.DEC_LAT.max(), df.DEC_LAT.min()
99 |
max_lon, min_lon = df.DEC_LONG.max(), df.DEC_LONG.min()
100 |
101 |
# 2^(zoom) = 360/(longitude width of 1 tile)
102 |
zoom = np.log2(360/max(max_lon-min_lon,max_lat-min_lat))
103 |
104 |
lat_center = (max_lat+min_lat)/2
105 |
lon_center = (max_lon+min_lon)/2
106 |
107 |
# Adjust width so that aspect ratio matches shape of state
108 |
width_mult = (max_lon-min_lon)/(max_lat-min_lat)
109 |
cols = ['CRN','DEC_LAT','DEC_LONG','Serious cyclist injury or death','CRASH_YEAR','CRASH_MONTH']
110 |
if animate_by=='month':
111 |
112 |
# Plot mapbox
113 |
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(df, lat='DEC_LAT',lon='DEC_LONG',
114 |
115 |
color_discrete_map={'neither':'royalblue','serious injury':'orange','death':'crimson'},
116 |
117 |
animation_frame = animation_frame,
118 |
119 |
hover_data = {'DEC_LAT':False,'DEC_LONG':False,
120 |
121 |
'Serious cyclist injury or death':True},
122 |
width = width_mult*500,height=700,zoom=zoom,
123 |
124 |
title=f'Crashes involving bicycles{title_animate}<br> in {title_place}, 2002-2021')
125 |
126 |
127 |
if show_fig:
128 |
129 |
if return_fig:
130 |
return fig
131 |
132 |
def feat_perc(feat, df, col_name = 'percentage', feat_name = None):
133 |
134 |
Constructs a single-column dataframe 'perc'
135 |
containing the value counts in the series
136 |
df[feat] as percentages of the whole.
137 |
- 'df' is the input dataframe.
138 |
- 'feat' is the desired column of df.
139 |
- 'col_name' is the name of the
140 |
column of the output dataframe
141 |
- 'feat_name' is the index name
142 |
of the output dataframe if provided, otherwise
143 |
will use 'feat' as index name.
144 |
145 |
perc = pd.DataFrame({col_name:df[feat].value_counts(normalize=True).sort_index()})
146 |
if feat_name:
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
return perc
151 |
152 |
def feat_perc_bar(feat,df,feat_name=None,cohort_name=None,show_fig=True,return_fig=False,sort=False):
153 |
154 |
Makes barplot of two series:
155 |
- distribution of feature among all cyclists
156 |
- distribution of feature among cyclists with serious injury or fatality
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
feat : str
161 |
The column name of the desired feature
162 |
df : pd.DataFrame
163 |
The input dataframe
164 |
feat_name : str or None
165 |
The feature name to use in the
166 |
x-axis label. If None, will use feat
167 |
cohort_name : str or None
168 |
qualifier to use in front of 'cyclists'
169 |
in titles, if provided, e.g. 'rural cyclists'
170 |
show_fig : bool
171 |
whether to finish with
172 |
return_fig : bool
173 |
whether to return the fig object
174 |
sort : bool
175 |
whether to sort bars. If False, will use default sorting
176 |
by category name or feature value. If True, will resort
177 |
in descending order by percentage
178 |
179 |
Returns: figure or None
180 |
181 |
182 |
if feat_name is None:
183 |
184 |
df_inj = df.query('SERIOUS_OR_FATALITY==1')
185 |
table = feat_perc(feat,df)
186 |
187 |
ordering = list(table['percentage'].sort_values(ascending=False).index) if sort else None
188 |
table_inj = feat_perc(feat,df_inj)
189 |
table_inj.loc[:,'cohort']='seriously injured or killed'
190 |
table = pd.concat([table,table_inj],axis=0).reset_index()
191 |
category_orders = {'cohort':['all','seriously injured or killed']}
192 |
if sort:
193 |
194 |
fig =,y='cohort',x='percentage',color=feat,
195 |
196 |
197 |
title=f'Distributions of {feat} values within cyclist cohorts')
198 |
199 |
200 |
if show_fig:
201 |
202 |
if return_fig:
203 |
return fig
204 |
205 |
# def feat_perc_comp(feat,df,feat_name=None,cohort_name = None,merge_inj_death=True):
206 |
# """
207 |
# Returns a styled dataframe (Styler object)
208 |
# whose underlying dataframe has three columns
209 |
# containing value counts of 'feat' among:
210 |
# - all cyclists involved in crashes
211 |
# - cyclists suffering serious injury or fatality
212 |
# each formatted as percentages of the series sum.
213 |
# Styled with bars comparing percentages
214 |
215 |
# Parameters:
216 |
# -----------
217 |
# feat : str
218 |
# The column name of the desired feature
219 |
# df : pd.DataFrame
220 |
# The input dataframe
221 |
# feat_name : str or None
222 |
# The feature name to use in the output dataframe
223 |
# index name. If None, will use feat
224 |
# cohort_name : str or None
225 |
# qualifier to use in front of 'cyclists'
226 |
# in titles, if provided, e.g. 'rural cyclists'
227 |
# merge_inj_death : bool
228 |
# whether to merge seriously injured and killed cohorts
229 |
# Returns:
230 |
# --------
231 |
# perc_comp : pd.Styler object
232 |
# """
233 |
# # Need qualifier for titles if restricting cyclist cohort
234 |
# qualifier = cohort_name if cohort_name is not None else ''
235 |
236 |
# # Two columns or three, depending on merge_inj_death
237 |
# if merge_inj_death:
238 |
# perc_comp = feat_perc(feat,df=df,feat_name=feat_name,
239 |
# col_name='all cyclists',)\
240 |
# .merge(feat_perc(feat,feat_name=feat_name,
241 |
# df=df.query('SERIOUS_OR_FATALITY==1'),
242 |
# col_name=qualifier+'cyclists with serious injury or fatality'),
243 |
# on=feat,how='left')
244 |
# perc_comp = perc_comp[perc_comp.max(axis=1)>=0.005]
245 |
# else:
246 |
# perc_comp = feat_perc(feat,df=df,feat_name=feat_name,
247 |
# col_name='all cyclists')\
248 |
# .merge(feat_perc(feat,feat_name=feat_name,
249 |
# df=df.query('INJ_SEVERITY=="susp_serious_injury"'),
250 |
# col_name=qualifier+'cyclists with serious injury'),
251 |
# on=feat,how='left')\
252 |
# .merge(feat_perc(feat,feat_name=feat_name,
253 |
# df=df.query('INJ_SEVERITY=="killed"'),
254 |
# col_name=qualifier+'cyclists with fatality'),
255 |
# on=feat,how='left')
256 |
257 |
# # If feature is not ordinal, sort rows descending by crash counts
258 |
# if feat not in ['AGE_BINS','SPEED_LIMIT','DAY_OF_WEEK','HOUR_OF_DAY']:
259 |
# perc_comp=perc_comp.sort_values(by='all cyclists',ascending=False)
260 |
261 |
# # Relabel day numbers with strings
262 |
# if feat == 'DAY_OF_WEEK':
263 |
# perc_comp.index=['Sun','Mon','Tues','Wed','Thurs','Fri','Sat']
264 |
265 |
# perc_comp=perc_comp.fillna(0)
266 |
# table_columns = list(perc_comp.columns)
267 |
268 |
# # Define format for displaying floats
269 |
# format_dict={col:'{:.2%}' for col in perc_comp.columns}
270 |
271 |
272 |
# # Define table styles
273 |
# styles = [dict(selector="caption",
274 |
# props=[("text-align", "center"),
275 |
# ("font-size", "100%"),
276 |
# ("color", 'black'),
277 |
# ("text-decoration","underline"),
278 |
# ("font-weight","bold")])]
279 |
280 |
# # Return formatted dataframe
281 |
# if feat_name is None:
282 |
# feat_name=feat
283 |
# caption = f'Breakdown of {feat_name} among cyclist groups'
284 |
# return perc_comp.reset_index().style.set_table_attributes("style='display:inline'")\
285 |
# .format(format_dict).bar(color='powderblue',
286 |
# subset=table_columns).hide().set_caption(caption)\
287 |
# .set_table_styles(styles)
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