llm_answer = """What is my full name? Enrico Rampazzo What is the nature of the work I need to do? A/C clean In which community is the work taking place? JBR In which building? Amwaj In which unit/apartment number? 99999 Am I the owner or the tenant? Owner In which date is the work taking place? 17/09/2024 In which date will the work finish? 17/09/2024 What is my contact number? 989764 What is the name of the contracting company? Breathe Maintenance What is the contact number of the contracting company? 1234567 What is the email of the contracting company? info@breathemaintenance.com What is my email? e.r@l.com """ from llm_manager.llm_parser import LlmParser llm_parser = LlmParser llm_parser.parse_verification_prompt_answers(llm_answer)