from pathlib import Path from prompts.prompts_manager import PromptsManager from repository.intel_npu import IntelNpuRepository from repository.ollama import OllamaRepository from llm.llm import Model from repository.repository import ModelRoles from form.form import work_categories, build_form_data_from_answers, write_pdf_form def check_for_missing_answers(parsed_questions: dict[int, str]): return [k for k in parsed_questions if parsed_questions[k] is None] def ask_again(missing_questions: list[int], user_questions: list[str], parsed_questions: dict[int, str]): for id_ in missing_questions: answer = input(f"I could not find the answer to this question: {user_questions[id_].lower()}") parsed_questions[id_] = answer if __name__ == '__main__': prompts_manager = PromptsManager() user_prompt = input(f"Please describe what you need to do. To get the best results " f"try to answer all the following questions:\n{'\n'.join(prompts_manager.questions)}\n\n>") # repository = OllamaRepository(Model("llama3.1", # ModelRoles("system", "user", "assistant")), # prompts_manager.system_prompt, # ) repository = IntelNpuRepository("meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct") repository.init() repository.send_prompt(f"Ingest the following information: {user_prompt}") answers = {x:None for x in range(0,11)} answer = repository.send_prompt(f"Answer the following questions, if the answer is not present just answer null. Put the answers between curly braces, separate each answer with a comma, keep the answer brief and maintain the order in which the questions are asked. Do not add any preamble: {"\n".join(prompts_manager.verification_prompt)}") for idx, a in enumerate(answer['content'].split(",")): answers[idx] = None if 'null' in a else a # for idx, q in enumerate(prompts_manager.verification_prompt): # answer = repository.send_prompt( # f"Answer the following questions, if the answer is not present just answer null. Keep the answer brief and separate each answer with a comma and maintain the order in which the questions are asked: {q}") # answers[idx] = None if 'null' in answer["content"].lower() else answer['content'] missing_answers = check_for_missing_answers(answers) while missing_answers: ask_again(missing_answers, prompts_manager.questions, answers) missing_answers = check_for_missing_answers(answers) answer = repository.send_prompt( f"The work to do is {answers[1]}. Given the following categories {work_categories.values()} which ones are the most relevant? Only return one categories, separated by a semicolon") categories = [] for category in answer["content"].split(";"): categories.extend([k for k, v in work_categories.items() if category in v]) form_data = build_form_data_from_answers(answers, categories, f"{Path(__file__, "..", "signature.png")}") write_pdf_form(form_data, Path("signed_form1.pdf"))