from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates import uvicorn from typing import List, Literal, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel import pandas as pd import pickle import os import json import logging # logger logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s:%(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG) # Util Functions & Classes def loading(fp): with open(fp, "rb") as f: data = pickle.load(f) print(f"INFO: Loaded data : {data}") return data def predict(df, endpoint="simple"): """Take a dataframe as input and use it to make predictions""" print( f"[Info] 'predict' function has been called through the endpoint '{endpoint}'.\n" )" \n{df.to_markdown()}") # scaling scaled_df = scaler.transform(df)" Scaler output is of type {type(scaled_df)}") # prediction prediction = model.predict_proba(scaled_df) print(f"INFO: Prediction output: {prediction}") # Formatting of the prediction ## extract highest proba highest_proba = prediction.max(axis=1) print(f"INFO: Highest probabilities : {highest_proba}") ## extract indexes of the highest proba highest_proba_idx = prediction.argmax(axis=1) print(f"INFO: Highest probability indexes : {highest_proba_idx}") ## Maching prediction with classes predicted_classes = [labels[i] for i in highest_proba_idx] print(f"INFO: Predicted classes : {predicted_classes}") # prediction[:, highest_proba_idx] # save in df df["predicted proba"] = highest_proba df["predicted label"] = predicted_classes print(f"INFO: dataframe filled with prediction\n{df.to_markdown()}\n") # parsing prediction # parsed = json.loads(df.to_json(orient="index")) # or parsed = df.to_dict("records") return parsed ## INPUT MODELING class Land(BaseModel): """Modeling of one input data in a type-restricted dictionary-like format column_name : variable type # strictly respect the name in the dataframe header. eg.: ========= customer_age : int gender : Literal['male', 'female', 'other'] """ N: float P: float K: float temperature: float humidity: float ph: float rainfall: float class Lands(BaseModel): inputs: List[Land] def return_list_of_dict( cls, ): # return [land.dict() for land in cls.inputs] return [i.dict() for i in cls.inputs] # API Config app = FastAPI( title="Agri-Tech API", description="This is a ML API for classification of crop to plant on a land regarding some features", ) # ML Config ml_objects = loading(fp=os.path.join("assets", "ml", "crop_recommandation2.pkl")) ## Extract the ml components model = ml_objects["model"] scaler = ml_objects["scaler"].set_output(transform="pandas") labels = ml_objects["labels"] # Endpoints @app.get("/") def root(): return { "Description": " This is a ML API for classification of crop to plant on a land regarding some features.", "Documentation": "Go to the docs:", } # Configure static and template files app.mount( "/static", StaticFiles(directory="assets/static"), name="static" ) # Mount static files templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="assets/templates") # Mount templates for HTML # Root endpoint to serve index.html template @app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse) def root(request): return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request}) @app.get("/checkup") def test(a: Optional[int], b: int): return {"a": a, "b": b} ## ML endpoint"/predict") def make_prediction( N: float, P: float, K: float, temperature: float, humidity: float, ph: float, rainfall: float, ): """Make prediction with the passed data""" df = pd.DataFrame( { "N": [N], "P": [P], "K": [K], "temperature": [temperature], "humidity": [humidity], "ph": [ph], "rainfall": [rainfall], } ) parsed = predict(df=df) # df.to_dict('records') return { "output": parsed, }"/predict_multi") def make_multi_prediction(multi_lands: Lands): """Make prediction with the passed data""" print(f"Mutiple inputs passed: {multi_lands}\n") df = pd.DataFrame(multi_lands.return_list_of_dict()) parsed = predict(df=df, endpoint="multi inputs") # df.to_dict('records') return { "output": parsed, "author": "Stella Archar", "api_version": ";)", } if __name__ == "__main__":"main:app", reload=True)