import streamlit as st import numpy as np from PIL import Image # Load your similarity search system and define a function to find similar images def find_similar_images(image): # Your code here return similar_images # Define the Streamlit app def app(): st.title('Image Similarity Search') # Define the test dataset and allow the user to choose an image test_images = ['image1.jpg', 'image2.jpg', 'image3.jpg'] image_choice = st.selectbox('Select an image:', test_images) # Load the selected image image = # Display the selected image st.image(image, caption='Selected Image', use_column_width=True) # Allow the user to upload an image uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Upload an image:', type=['jpg', 'png']) if uploaded_file is not None: # Load the uploaded image uploaded_image = # Display the uploaded image st.image(uploaded_image, caption='Uploaded Image', use_column_width=True) # Find the most similar images similar_images = find_similar_images(uploaded_image) # Display the similar images for i in range(len(similar_images)): st.image(similar_images[i], caption='Similar Image ' + str(i+1), use_column_width=True) # Run the Streamlit app if __name__ == '__main__': app()