import sys import os # By using XTTS you agree to CPML license os.environ["COQUI_TOS_AGREED"] = "1" import gradio as gr from TTS.api import TTS model_names = TTS().list_models() m = model_names[1] print(model_names) print(os.system("pip show TTS")) print(f"Model: {m}") tts = TTS(m, gpu=False)"cpu") # no GPU or Amd"cuda") # cuda only def predict(prompt, language, audio_file_pth, mic_file_path, use_mic, agree): if agree == True: if use_mic == True: if mic_file_path is not None: speaker_wav=mic_file_path else: gr.Warning("Please record your voice with Microphone, or uncheck Use Microphone to use reference audios") return ( None, None, ) else: speaker_wav=audio_file_pth if len(prompt)<2: gr.Warning("Please give a longer prompt text") return ( None, None, ) if len(prompt) > 220: gr.Warning("Text length limited to 10000 characters for this demo, please try shorter text") return ( None, None, ) try: if language == "fr": if m.find("your") != -1: language = "fr-fr" if m.find("/fr/") != -1: language = None tts.tts_to_file( text=prompt, file_path="output.wav", speaker_wav=speaker_wav, language=language ) except RuntimeError as e : if "device-assert" in str(e): # cannot do anything on cuda device side error, need tor estart gr.Warning("Unhandled Exception encounter, please retry in a minute") print("Cuda device-assert Runtime encountered need restart") sys.exit("Exit due to cuda device-assert") else: raise e return ( gr.make_waveform( audio="output.wav", ), "output.wav", ) else: gr.Warning("Please accept the Terms & Condition!") return ( None, None, ) title = "XTTS Glz's remake (Fonctional Text-2-Speech)" description = """ XTTS is a Voice generation model that lets you clone voices into different languages by using just a quick 3-second audio clip.
XTTS is built on previous research, like Tortoise, with additional architectural innovations and training to make cross-language voice cloning and multilingual speech generation possible.
This is the same model that powers our creator application Coqui Studio as well as the Coqui API. In production we apply modifications to make low-latency streaming possible.
Leave a star on the Github TTS, where our open-source inference and training code lives.

For faster inference without waiting in the queue, you should duplicate this space and upgrade to GPU via the settings.
Duplicate Space

""" article = """

By using this demo you agree to the terms of the Coqui Public Model License at

""" examples = [ [ "Hello, World !, here is an example of light voice cloning. Try to upload your best audio samples quality", "en", "examples/female.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "Je suis un lycéen français de 17 ans, passioner par la Cyber-Sécuritée et les models d'IA.", "fr", "examples/male.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "Als ich sechs war, sah ich einmal ein wunderbares Bild", "de", "examples/female.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "Cuando tenía seis años, vi una vez una imagen magnífica", "es", "examples/male.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "Quando eu tinha seis anos eu vi, uma vez, uma imagem magnífica", "pt", "examples/female.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "Kiedy miałem sześć lat, zobaczyłem pewnego razu wspaniały obrazek", "pl", "examples/male.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "Un tempo lontano, quando avevo sei anni, vidi un magnifico disegno", "it", "examples/female.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "Bir zamanlar, altı yaşındayken, muhteşem bir resim gördüm", "tr", "examples/female.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "Когда мне было шесть лет, я увидел однажды удивительную картинку", "ru", "examples/female.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "Toen ik een jaar of zes was, zag ik op een keer een prachtige plaat", "nl", "examples/male.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "Když mi bylo šest let, viděl jsem jednou nádherný obrázek", "cs", "examples/female.wav", None, False, True, ], [ "当我还只有六岁的时候, 看到了一副精彩的插画", "zh-cn", "examples/female.wav", None, False, True, ], ] gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=[ gr.Textbox( label="Text Prompt", info="One or two sentences at a time is better", value="Hello, World !, here is an example of light voice cloning. Try to upload your best audio samples quality", ), gr.Dropdown( label="Language", info="Select an output language for the synthesised speech", choices=[ "en", "es", "fr", "de", "it", "pt", "pl", "tr", "ru", "nl", "cs", "ar", "zh-cn", ], max_choices=1, value="en", ), gr.Audio( label="Reference Audio", info="Click on the ✎ button to upload your own target speaker audio", type="filepath", value="examples/female.wav", ), gr.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath", info="Use your microphone to record audio", label="Use Microphone for Reference"), gr.Checkbox(label="Check to use Microphone as Reference", value=False, info="Notice: Microphone input may not work properly under traffic",), gr.Checkbox( label="Agree", value=True, info="I agree to the terms of the Coqui Public Model License at", ), ], outputs=[ gr.Video(label="Waveform Visual"), gr.Audio(label="Synthesised Audio"), ], title=title, description=description, article=article, cache_examples=False, examples=examples, ).queue().launch(debug=True, show_error=True)