Our unique ecosystem is made of three distinctive elements: an exciting Competition Platform, our exclusive Environments and the Agents trained on them, and the amazing Reinforcement Learning Community that is growing with us!
### Competition Platform

Our competition platform allows you to submit your agents and compete with other coders around the globe in epic video games tournaments!
It features a public global leaderboard where users are ranked by the best score achieved by their agents in our different environments.
It also offers you the possibility to unlock cool achievements depending on the performances.
Submitted agents are evaluated and their episodes are streamed on our Twitch channel, **
try it now!**
### Environments & Agents
DIAMBRA Arena is our unique suite of Reinforcement Learning environments, built with OpenAI Gym Python interface, easy to use, transforms popular video games into reinforcement learning environments.
It comes with a comprehensive
documentation and our
DIAMBRA Agents repository providing worked examples showing how to train state-of-the-art reinforcement learning agents.
### Reinforcement Learning Community
Reinforcement Learning Community gravitates around our
Discord server and our
Twitch channel, full of passionate coders and players.
Become part of this exciting world, join us!
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