from colbert.infra.config.config import ColBERTConfig from import StridedTensor from colbert.utils.utils import print_message, flatten from colbert.modeling.base_colbert import BaseColBERT import torch import string import os import pathlib from torch.utils.cpp_extension import load class ColBERT(BaseColBERT): """ This class handles the basic encoding and scoring operations in ColBERT. It is used for training. """ def __init__(self, name='bert-base-uncased', colbert_config=None): super().__init__(name, colbert_config) self.use_gpu = colbert_config.total_visible_gpus > 0 ColBERT.try_load_torch_extensions(self.use_gpu) if self.colbert_config.mask_punctuation: self.skiplist = {w: True for symbol in string.punctuation for w in [symbol, self.raw_tokenizer.encode(symbol, add_special_tokens=False)[0]]} @classmethod def try_load_torch_extensions(cls, use_gpu): if hasattr(cls, "loaded_extensions") or use_gpu: return print_message(f"Loading segmented_maxsim_cpp extension (set COLBERT_LOAD_TORCH_EXTENSION_VERBOSE=True for more info)...") segmented_maxsim_cpp = load( name="segmented_maxsim_cpp", sources=[ os.path.join( pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve(), "segmented_maxsim.cpp" ), ], extra_cflags=["-O3"], verbose=os.getenv("COLBERT_LOAD_TORCH_EXTENSION_VERBOSE", "False") == "True", ) cls.segmented_maxsim = segmented_maxsim_cpp.segmented_maxsim_cpp cls.loaded_extensions = True def forward(self, Q, D): Q = self.query(*Q) D, D_mask = self.doc(*D, keep_dims='return_mask') # Repeat each query encoding for every corresponding document. Q_duplicated = Q.repeat_interleave(self.colbert_config.nway, dim=0).contiguous() scores = self.score(Q_duplicated, D, D_mask) if self.colbert_config.use_ib_negatives: ib_loss = self.compute_ib_loss(Q, D, D_mask) return scores, ib_loss return scores def compute_ib_loss(self, Q, D, D_mask): # TODO: Organize the code below! Quite messy. scores = (D.unsqueeze(0) @ Q.permute(0, 2, 1).unsqueeze(1)).flatten(0, 1) # query-major unsqueeze scores = colbert_score_reduce(scores, D_mask.repeat(Q.size(0), 1, 1), self.colbert_config) nway = self.colbert_config.nway all_except_self_negatives = [list(range(qidx*D.size(0), qidx*D.size(0) + nway*qidx+1)) + list(range(qidx*D.size(0) + nway * (qidx+1), qidx*D.size(0) + D.size(0))) for qidx in range(Q.size(0))] scores = scores[flatten(all_except_self_negatives)] scores = scores.view(Q.size(0), -1) # D.size(0) - self.colbert_config.nway + 1) labels = torch.arange(0, Q.size(0), device=scores.device) * (self.colbert_config.nway) return torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(scores, labels) def query(self, input_ids, attention_mask): input_ids, attention_mask =, Q = self.bert(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)[0] Q = self.linear(Q) mask = torch.tensor(self.mask(input_ids, skiplist=[]), device=self.device).unsqueeze(2).float() Q = Q * mask return torch.nn.functional.normalize(Q, p=2, dim=2) def doc(self, input_ids, attention_mask, keep_dims=True): assert keep_dims in [True, False, 'return_mask'] input_ids, attention_mask =, D = self.bert(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)[0] D = self.linear(D) mask = torch.tensor(self.mask(input_ids, skiplist=self.skiplist), device=self.device).unsqueeze(2).float() D = D * mask D = torch.nn.functional.normalize(D, p=2, dim=2) if self.use_gpu: D = D.half() if keep_dims is False: D, mask = D.cpu(), mask.bool().cpu().squeeze(-1) D = [d[mask[idx]] for idx, d in enumerate(D)] elif keep_dims == 'return_mask': return D, mask.bool() return D def score(self, Q, D_padded, D_mask): # assert self.colbert_config.similarity == 'cosine' if self.colbert_config.similarity == 'l2': assert self.colbert_config.interaction == 'colbert' return (-1.0 * ((Q.unsqueeze(2) - D_padded.unsqueeze(1))**2).sum(-1)).max(-1).values.sum(-1) return colbert_score(Q, D_padded, D_mask, config=self.colbert_config) def mask(self, input_ids, skiplist): mask = [[(x not in skiplist) and (x != 0) for x in d] for d in input_ids.cpu().tolist()] return mask # TODO: In Query/DocTokenizer, use colbert.raw_tokenizer # TODO: The masking below might also be applicable in the kNN part def colbert_score_reduce(scores_padded, D_mask, config: ColBERTConfig): D_padding = ~D_mask.view(scores_padded.size(0), scores_padded.size(1)).bool() scores_padded[D_padding] = -9999 scores = scores_padded.max(1).values assert config.interaction in ['colbert', 'flipr'], config.interaction if config.interaction == 'flipr': assert config.query_maxlen == 64, ("for now", config) # assert scores.size(1) == config.query_maxlen, scores.size() K1 = config.query_maxlen // 2 K2 = 8 A = scores[:, :config.query_maxlen].topk(K1, dim=-1).values.sum(-1) B = 0 if K2 <= scores.size(1) - config.query_maxlen: B = scores[:, config.query_maxlen:].topk(K2, dim=-1).values.sum(1) return A + B return scores.sum(-1) # TODO: Wherever this is called, pass `config=` def colbert_score(Q, D_padded, D_mask, config=ColBERTConfig()): """ Supply sizes Q = (1 | num_docs, *, dim) and D = (num_docs, *, dim). If Q.size(0) is 1, the matrix will be compared with all passages. Otherwise, each query matrix will be compared against the *aligned* passage. EVENTUALLY: Consider masking with -inf for the maxsim (or enforcing a ReLU). """ use_gpu = config.total_visible_gpus > 0 if use_gpu: Q, D_padded, D_mask = Q.cuda(), D_padded.cuda(), D_mask.cuda() assert Q.dim() == 3, Q.size() assert D_padded.dim() == 3, D_padded.size() assert Q.size(0) in [1, D_padded.size(0)] scores = D_padded @, 2, 1) return colbert_score_reduce(scores, D_mask, config) def colbert_score_packed(Q, D_packed, D_lengths, config=ColBERTConfig()): """ Works with a single query only. """ use_gpu = config.total_visible_gpus > 0 if use_gpu: Q, D_packed, D_lengths = Q.cuda(), D_packed.cuda(), D_lengths.cuda() Q = Q.squeeze(0) assert Q.dim() == 2, Q.size() assert D_packed.dim() == 2, D_packed.size() scores = D_packed @ if use_gpu or config.interaction == "flipr": scores_padded, scores_mask = StridedTensor(scores, D_lengths, use_gpu=use_gpu).as_padded_tensor() return colbert_score_reduce(scores_padded, scores_mask, config) else: return ColBERT.segmented_maxsim(scores, D_lengths)