import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from prophet import Prophet # Load dataset @st.cache_data def load_data(filename): return pd.read_csv(filename) # Main application st.sidebar.title("AI-Powered Industrial Management") page ="Choose a page", ["Predictive Maintenance for Wind Turbines", "Intelligent Energy Management Systems"]) # Predictive Maintenance for Wind Turbines if page == "Predictive Maintenance for Wind Turbines": st.header("Predictive Maintenance for Wind Turbines") # Load and display dataset data = load_data('wind_turbine_data.csv') st.write("### Dataset Preview:") st.write(data.head()) # Dataset Meta Information st.write("### Dataset Meta Information:") st.write(""" - **Timestamp:** The time at which the data was recorded. - **Turbine_ID:** Unique identifier for each wind turbine. - **Wind_Speed (m/s):** The speed of the wind at the time of measurement. - **Ambient_Temperature (°C):** The outside temperature where the turbine is located. - **Power_Output (MW):** The power generated by the turbine at the time of measurement. - **Blade_Vibration (mm/s):** The vibration level of the turbine blades, a critical indicator of potential mechanical issues. - **Gearbox_Temperature (°C):** Temperature inside the turbine's gearbox. - **Oil_Level (%):** The level of lubrication oil in the turbine. - **Maintenance_History (0/1):** Whether the turbine underwent maintenance in the last 30 days (1) or not (0). - **Component_Failure (0/1):** Whether a component failure occurred (1) or not. This is the target variable. """) # Data Exploration st.write("### Data Exploration") # Select Graph Type graph_type = st.selectbox("Select a graph to visualize:", ["Wind Speed Distribution", "Ambient Temperature vs. Power Output", "Blade Vibration vs. Gearbox Temperature", "Oil Level Distribution"]) # Plotting based on selection if graph_type == "Wind Speed Distribution": st.write("#### Wind Speed Distribution") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.hist(data['Wind_Speed'], bins=20, color='skyblue', edgecolor='black') plt.xlabel('Wind Speed (m/s)') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.title('Distribution of Wind Speed') st.pyplot(plt) st.write("This graph shows the distribution of wind speeds recorded in the dataset. " "It helps in understanding the common wind speeds at which the turbines operate, " "which can be crucial for assessing turbine performance and predicting failures.") elif graph_type == "Ambient Temperature vs. Power Output": st.write("#### Ambient Temperature vs. Power Output") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.scatter(data['Ambient_Temperature'], data['Power_Output'], color='green', alpha=0.6) plt.xlabel('Ambient Temperature (°C)') plt.ylabel('Power Output (MW)') plt.title('Ambient Temperature vs. Power Output') st.pyplot(plt) st.write("This scatter plot illustrates the relationship between ambient temperature and power output. " "It shows how temperature variations can affect the power generated by the wind turbines, " "which is important for understanding operational efficiency under different weather conditions.") elif graph_type == "Blade Vibration vs. Gearbox Temperature": st.write("#### Blade Vibration vs. Gearbox Temperature") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.scatter(data['Blade_Vibration'], data['Gearbox_Temperature'], color='orange', alpha=0.6) plt.xlabel('Blade Vibration (mm/s)') plt.ylabel('Gearbox Temperature (°C)') plt.title('Blade Vibration vs. Gearbox Temperature') st.pyplot(plt) st.write("This scatter plot shows the correlation between blade vibration and gearbox temperature. " "High levels of blade vibration can indicate mechanical issues, and this plot helps in identifying " "potential stress on the gearbox due to vibrations.") elif graph_type == "Oil Level Distribution": st.write("#### Oil Level Distribution") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.hist(data['Oil_Level'], bins=20, color='purple', edgecolor='black') plt.xlabel('Oil Level (%)') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.title('Distribution of Oil Level') st.pyplot(plt) st.write("This histogram displays the distribution of oil levels in the turbines. " "Maintaining optimal oil levels is crucial for the smooth operation of turbine components. " "This graph helps in understanding how often turbines operate with low or high oil levels, " "which can impact their reliability and longevity.") # Predictive Maintenance st.write("### Predict Equipment Failure") user_input = { 'Wind_Speed': st.number_input('Wind Speed (m/s)'), 'Ambient_Temperature': st.number_input('Ambient Temperature (°C)'), 'Power_Output': st.number_input('Power Output (MW)'), 'Blade_Vibration': st.number_input('Blade Vibration (mm/s)'), 'Gearbox_Temperature': st.number_input('Gearbox Temperature (°C)'), 'Oil_Level': st.number_input('Oil Level (%)'), 'Maintenance_History': st.selectbox('Maintenance History (0/1)', [0, 1]) } input_df = pd.DataFrame([user_input]) # Load pre-trained model (assumed pre-trained, you should load it here) model = RandomForestClassifier() # This is where you would load your trained model['Component_Failure', 'Timestamp', 'Turbine_ID']), data['Component_Failure']) # For demonstration only prediction = model.predict(input_df) st.write(f"Predicted Component Failure: {'Yes' if prediction[0] == 1 else 'No'}") # Intelligent Energy Management Systems elif page == "Intelligent Energy Management Systems": st.header("Intelligent Energy Management Systems") # Load the datasets energy_df = load_data('energy_consumption.csv') production_df = load_data('production_schedule.csv') pricing_df = load_data('energy_pricing.csv') # Function to display dataset metadata def display_metadata(df, title): st.subheader(f"{title} Metadata") st.write(f"Number of records: {df.shape[0]}") st.write(f"Number of columns: {df.shape[1]}") st.write("Columns:") for col in df.columns: st.write(f"- **{col}**: {df[col].dtype}") st.write(""" This app demonstrates AI-powered systems that can dynamically manage and allocate energy resources in industrial settings, optimizing energy consumption in real time. """) # Display dataset metadata information st.write("### Dataset Metadata Information") st.write(""" #### Energy Consumption Data: This dataset records the energy consumption of different machines over time, along with associated parameters like temperature, humidity, and operational status. """) display_metadata(energy_df, "Energy Consumption") st.write(""" #### Production Schedule Data: This dataset contains the production schedules for different machines, including the start and end times of production, the type of product being produced, and the target output. """) display_metadata(production_df, "Production Schedule") st.write(""" #### Energy Pricing Data: This dataset provides the energy pricing information over time, including indicators for peak hours, which can influence energy consumption optimization strategies. """) display_metadata(pricing_df, "Energy Pricing") # Visualization: Energy consumption over time for a selected machine st.header("Energy Consumption Analysis by Machine") selected_machine = st.selectbox("Select a Machine ID", energy_df['machine_id'].unique()) machine_energy_df = energy_df[energy_df['machine_id'] == selected_machine] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(pd.to_datetime(machine_energy_df['timestamp']), machine_energy_df['energy_consumed_kWh'], label='Energy Consumption (kWh)', color='blue') ax.set_xlabel('Timestamp') ax.set_ylabel('Energy Consumed (kWh)') ax.legend() st.pyplot(fig) st.write(""" This graph shows the energy consumption for the selected machine over time. """) # AI-Powered Forecasting st.header("Energy Consumption Forecasting") # Prepare the data for Prophet forecast_data = machine_energy_df[['timestamp', 'energy_consumed_kWh']].rename(columns={'timestamp': 'ds', 'energy_consumed_kWh': 'y'}) # Initialize Prophet model model = Prophet() # Create future dataframe future = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=48, freq='H') # Forecasting the next 48 hours # Forecast forecast = model.predict(future) # Plot the forecast st.subheader("Forecasting Results") fig1 = model.plot(forecast) st.pyplot(fig1) fig2 = model.plot_components(forecast) st.pyplot(fig2) st.write(""" The above charts display the forecasted energy consumption for the selected machine over the next 48 hours, along with the trend and seasonality components. """)