import os import os.path as osp import argparse import torch import json from hashlib import sha1 from torchvision.transforms import ToPILImage from lib import GENFORCE_MODELS, update_progress, update_stdout from models.load_generator import load_generator def tensor2image(tensor, img_size=None, adaptive=False): # Squeeze tensor image tensor = tensor.squeeze(dim=0) if adaptive: tensor = (tensor - tensor.min()) / (tensor.max() - tensor.min()) if img_size: return ToPILImage()((255 * tensor.cpu().detach()).to(torch.uint8)).resize((img_size, img_size)) else: return ToPILImage()((255 * tensor.cpu().detach()).to(torch.uint8)) else: tensor = (tensor + 1) / 2 tensor.clamp(0, 1) if img_size: return ToPILImage()((255 * tensor.cpu().detach()).to(torch.uint8)).resize((img_size, img_size)) else: return ToPILImage()((255 * tensor.cpu().detach()).to(torch.uint8)) def main(): """A script for sampling from a pre-trained GAN's latent space and generating images. The generated images, along with the corresponding latent codes, will be stored under `experiments/latent_codes//`. Options: -v, --verbose : set verbose mode on --gan : set GAN generator (see GENFORCE_MODELS in lib/ --truncation : set W-space truncation parameter. If set, W-space codes will be truncated --num-samples : set the number of latent codes to sample for generating images --cuda : use CUDA (default) --no-cuda : do not use CUDA """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sample a pre-trained GAN latent space and generate images") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="verbose mode on") parser.add_argument('--gan', type=str, required=True, choices=GENFORCE_MODELS.keys(), help='GAN generator') parser.add_argument('--truncation', type=float, default=1.0, help="W-space truncation parameter") parser.add_argument('--num-samples', type=int, default=4, help="set number of latent codes to sample") parser.add_argument('--cuda', dest='cuda', action='store_true', help="use CUDA during training") parser.add_argument('--no-cuda', dest='cuda', action='store_false', help="do NOT use CUDA during training") parser.set_defaults(cuda=True) # ================================================================================================================ # # Parse given arguments args = parser.parse_args() # Create output dir for generated images out_dir = osp.join('experiments', 'latent_codes', args.gan) out_dir = osp.join(out_dir, '{}-{}'.format(args.gan, args.num_samples)) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) # Save argument in json file with open(osp.join(out_dir, 'args.json'), 'w') as args_json_file: json.dump(args.__dict__, args_json_file) # CUDA use_cuda = False if torch.cuda.is_available(): if args.cuda: use_cuda = True torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') else: print("*** WARNING ***: It looks like you have a CUDA device, but aren't using CUDA.\n" " Run with --cuda for optimal training speed.") torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.FloatTensor') else: torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.FloatTensor') # Build GAN generator model and load with pre-trained weights if args.verbose: print("#. Build GAN generator model G and load with pre-trained weights...") print(" \\__GAN generator : {} (res: {})".format(args.gan, GENFORCE_MODELS[args.gan][1])) print(" \\__Pre-trained weights: {}".format(GENFORCE_MODELS[args.gan][0])) G = load_generator(model_name=args.gan, latent_is_w='stylegan' in args.gan, verbose=args.verbose).eval() # Upload GAN generator model to GPU if use_cuda: G = G.cuda() # Latent codes sampling if args.verbose: print("#. Sample {} {}-dimensional latent codes...".format(args.num_samples, G.dim_z)) zs = torch.randn(args.num_samples, G.dim_z) if use_cuda: zs = zs.cuda() if args.verbose: print("#. Generate images...") print(" \\__{}".format(out_dir)) # Iterate over given latent codes for i in range(args.num_samples): # Un-squeeze current latent code in shape [1, dim] and create hash code for it z = zs[i, :].unsqueeze(0) latent_code_hash = sha1(z.cpu().numpy()).hexdigest() if args.verbose: update_progress( " \\__.Latent code hash: {} [{:03d}/{:03d}] ".format(latent_code_hash, i + 1, args.num_samples), args.num_samples, i) # Create directory for current latent code latent_code_dir = osp.join(out_dir, '{}'.format(latent_code_hash)) os.makedirs(latent_code_dir, exist_ok=True) if 'stylegan' in args.gan: # Get the w+ and w codes for the given z code, save them, and the generated image based on the w code # Note that w+ has torch.Size([1, 512]) and w torch.Size([18, 512]) -- the latter is just a repetition of # the w code for all 18 layers w_plus = G.get_w(z, truncation=args.truncation)[0, :, :] w = w_plus[0, :].unsqueeze(0), osp.join(latent_code_dir, '')), osp.join(latent_code_dir, '')), osp.join(latent_code_dir, '')) img_w = G(w).cpu() tensor2image(img_w, adaptive=True).save(osp.join(latent_code_dir, 'image_w.jpg'), "JPEG", quality=95, optimize=True, progressive=True) else: # Save latent code (Z-space), generate image for this code, and save the generated image, osp.join(latent_code_dir, '')) img_z = G(z).cpu() tensor2image(img_z, adaptive=True).save(osp.join(latent_code_dir, 'image_z.jpg'), "JPEG", quality=95, optimize=True, progressive=True) if args.verbose: update_stdout(1) print() print() if __name__ == '__main__': main()