import sys import os import os.path as osp import json import argparse import numpy as np import clip import torch import math from scipy.stats import truncnorm from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from torchvision.transforms import ToPILImage from .config import SEMANTIC_DIPOLES_CORPORA def create_exp_dir(args): """Create output directory for current experiment under experiments/wip/ and save given the arguments (json) and the given command (bash script). Experiment's directory name format: ContraCLIP-(-{Z,W,W+})-K-D-css_beta_ -eps_ (-/linear/styleclip>)(-/cossim>)-- E.g.: ContraCLIP_stylegan2_ffhq1024-W+-K3-D128-eps0.1_0.2-nonlinear_beta-0.75-contrastive_1.0-10000-expressions3 Args: args (argparse.Namespace): the namespace object returned by `parse_args()` for the current run """ exp_dir = "ContraCLIP_{}".format(args.gan) if 'stylegan' in args.gan: exp_dir += '-{}'.format(args.stylegan_space) else: exp_dir += '-Z' exp_dir += "-K{}-D{}".format(len(SEMANTIC_DIPOLES_CORPORA[args.corpus]), args.num_latent_support_dipoles) exp_dir += "-lss_beta_{}".format(args.lss_beta) exp_dir += "-eps{}_{}".format(args.min_shift_magnitude, args.max_shift_magnitude) if args.styleclip: exp_dir += "-styleclip" elif args.linear: exp_dir += "-linear" else: exp_dir += "-nonlinear_css_beta_{}".format(args.css_beta) exp_dir += "-{}".format(args.loss) if args.loss == "contrastive": exp_dir += "_{}".format(args.temperature) exp_dir += "-{}".format(args.max_iter) exp_dir += "-{}".format(args.corpus) # Create output directory (wip) wip_dir = osp.join("experiments", "wip", exp_dir) os.makedirs(wip_dir, exist_ok=True) # Save args namespace object in json format with open(osp.join(wip_dir, 'args.json'), 'w') as args_json_file: json.dump(args.__dict__, args_json_file) # Save the given command in a bash script file with open(osp.join(wip_dir, ''), 'w') as command_file: command_file.write('#!/usr/bin/bash\n') command_file.write(' '.join(sys.argv) + '\n') return exp_dir class PromptFeatures: def __init__(self, prompt_corpus, clip_model): self.prompt_corpus = prompt_corpus self.clip_model = clip_model.cpu() self.num_prompts = len(self.prompt_corpus) self.prompt_features_dim = 512 def get_prompt_features(self): prompt_features = [ self.clip_model.encode_text(clip.tokenize(self.prompt_corpus[t]).cpu()).unsqueeze(0) for t in range(len(self.prompt_corpus)) ] return, dim=0) class TrainingStatTracker(object): def __init__(self): self.stat_tracker = {'loss': []} def update(self, loss): self.stat_tracker['loss'].append(float(loss)) def get_means(self): stat_means = dict() for key, value in self.stat_tracker.items(): stat_means.update({key: np.mean(value)}) return stat_means def flush(self): for key in self.stat_tracker.keys(): self.stat_tracker[key] = [] def sample_z(batch_size, dim_z, truncation=None): """Sample a random latent code from multi-variate standard Gaussian distribution with/without truncation. Args: batch_size (int) : batch size (number of latent codes) dim_z (int) : latent space dimensionality truncation (float) : truncation parameter Returns: z (torch.Tensor) : batch of latent codes """ if truncation is None or truncation == 1.0: return torch.randn(batch_size, dim_z) else: return torch.from_numpy(truncnorm.rvs(-truncation, truncation, size=(batch_size, dim_z))).to(torch.float) def tensor2image(tensor, adaptive=False): tensor = tensor.squeeze(dim=0) if adaptive: tensor = (tensor - tensor.min()) / (tensor.max() - tensor.min()) return ToPILImage()((255 * tensor.cpu().detach()).to(torch.uint8)) else: tensor = (tensor + 1) / 2 tensor.clamp(0, 1) return ToPILImage()((255 * tensor.cpu().detach()).to(torch.uint8)) def update_progress(msg, total, progress): bar_length, status = 20, "" progress = float(progress) / float(total) if progress >= 1.: progress, status = 1, "\r\n" block = int(round(bar_length * progress)) block_symbol = u"\u2588" empty_symbol = u"\u2591" text = "\r{}{} {:.0f}% {}".format(msg, block_symbol * block + empty_symbol * (bar_length - block), round(progress * 100, 0), status) sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() def update_stdout(num_lines): """Update stdout by moving cursor up and erasing line for given number of lines. Args: num_lines (int): number of lines """ cursor_up = '\x1b[1A' erase_line = '\x1b[1A' for _ in range(num_lines): print(cursor_up + erase_line) def sec2dhms(t): """Convert time into days, hours, minutes, and seconds string format. Args: t (float): time in seconds Returns (string): " days, hours, minutes, and seconds" """ day = t // (24 * 3600) t = t % (24 * 3600) hour = t // 3600 t %= 3600 minutes = t // 60 t %= 60 seconds = t return "%02d days, %02d hours, %02d minutes, and %02d seconds" % (day, hour, minutes, seconds) def get_wh(img_paths): """Get width and height of images in given list of paths. Images are expected to have the same resolution. Args: img_paths (list): list of image paths Returns: width (int) : the common images width height (int) : the common images height """ img_widths = [] img_heights = [] for img in img_paths: img_ = img_widths.append(img_.width) img_heights.append(img_.height) if len(set(img_widths)) == len(set(img_heights)) == 1: return img_widths[0], img_heights[1] else: raise ValueError("Inconsistent image resolutions in {}".format(img_paths)) def create_summarizing_gif(imgs_root, gif_filename, num_imgs=None, gif_size=None, gif_fps=30, gap=15, progress_bar_h=15, progress_bar_color=(252, 186, 3)): """Create a summarizing GIF image given an images root directory (images generated across a certain latent path) and the number of images to appear as a static sequence. The resolution of the resulting GIF image will be ((num_imgs + 1) * gif_size, gif_size). That is, a static sequence of `num_imgs` images will be depicted in front of the animated GIF image (the latter will use all the available images in `imgs_root`). Args: imgs_root (str) : directory of images (generated across a certain path) gif_filename (str) : filename of the resulting GIF image num_imgs (int) : number of images that will be used to build the static sequence before the animated part of the GIF gif_size (int) : height of the GIF image (its width will be equal to (num_imgs + 1) * gif_size) gif_fps (int) : GIF frames per second gap (int) : a gap between the static sequence and the animated path of the GIF progress_bar_h (int) : height of the progress bar depicted to the bottom of the animated part of the GIF image. If a non-positive number is given, progress bar will be disabled. progress_bar_color (tuple) : color of the progress bar """ # Check if given images root directory exists if not osp.isdir(imgs_root): raise NotADirectoryError("Invalid directory: {}".format(imgs_root)) # Get all images under given root directory path_images = [osp.join(imgs_root, dI) for dI in os.listdir(imgs_root) if osp.isfile(osp.join(imgs_root, dI))] path_images.sort() # Set number of images to appear in the static sequence of the GIF num_images = len(path_images) if num_imgs is None: num_imgs = num_images elif num_imgs > num_images: num_imgs = num_images # Get paths of static images static_imgs = [] for i in range(0, len(path_images), math.ceil(len(path_images) / num_imgs)): static_imgs.append(osp.join(imgs_root, '{:06}.jpg'.format(i))) num_imgs = len(static_imgs) # Get GIF image resolution if gif_size is not None: gif_w = gif_h = gif_size else: gif_w, gif_h = get_wh(static_imgs) # Create PIL static image static_img_pil ='RGB', size=(len(static_imgs) * gif_w, gif_h)) for i in range(len(static_imgs)): static_img_pil.paste([i]).resize((gif_w, gif_h)), (i * gif_w, 0)) # Create PIL GIF frames gif_frames = [] for i in range(len(path_images)): # Create new PIL frame gif_frame_pil ='RGB', size=((num_imgs + 1) * gif_w + gap, gif_h), color=(255, 255, 255)) # Paste static image gif_frame_pil.paste(static_img_pil, (0, 0)) # Paste current image gif_frame_pil.paste([i]).resize((gif_w, gif_h)), (num_imgs * gif_w + gap, 0)) # Draw progress bar if progress_bar_h > 0: gif_frame_pil_drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(gif_frame_pil) progress = (i / len(path_images)) * gif_w gif_frame_pil_drawing.rectangle(xy=[num_imgs * gif_w + gap, gif_h - progress_bar_h, num_imgs * gif_w + gap + progress, gif_h], fill=progress_bar_color) # Append to GIF frames list gif_frames.append(gif_frame_pil) # Save GIF file gif_frames[0].save( fp=gif_filename, append_images=gif_frames[1:], save_all=True, optimize=False, loop=0, duration=1000 // gif_fps)