import streamlit as st from streamlit_image_select import image_select import zip_files import random import logging from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_fastai @st.cache_resource def get_model(): repo_id = "danbiagini/hockey_breeds" return from_pretrained_fastai(repo_id) def classify_image(learn, img): categories = ('Hockey Goalie', 'Hockey Player', "Hockey Referee") pred,idx,prob = learn.predict(img) return dict(zip(categories, map(float, prob))) def reroll_sample_images(): # unzip the sample images players = zip_files.extract_files_from_zip("src/images/samples/") goalies = zip_files.extract_files_from_zip("src/images/samples/") referees = zip_files.extract_files_from_zip("src/images/samples/") #randomize a single file from players, goalies and referee for samples st.session_state.sample = dict() st.session_state.sample["player"] = players[list(players.keys())[random.randint(0, len(players) - 1)]] st.session_state.sample["goalie"] = goalies[list(goalies.keys())[random.randint(0, len(goalies) - 1)]] st.session_state.sample["referee"] = referees[list(referees.keys())[random.randint(0, len(referees) - 1)]] if 'sample' not in st.session_state: reroll_sample_images() st.set_page_config(page_title='Hockey Breeds', layout="wide", page_icon=":frame_with_picture:") st.title('Hockey Breeds - Hello Computer Vision') st.subheader('Image Classification') img_class = '''Image Classification in Computer Vision is the act of determining the most appropriate label for an entire image from a set of fixed labels. A popular topic of image classification in Computer Vision introductions and courses is to use an example problem of training a model to label images of various pet breeds. *Hockey Breeds* is a hockey slant on this common theme in Computer Vision educational materials.''' st.markdown(img_class) st.subheader("Hockey Image Classification") desc = '''This "Hockey Breeds" model was built using 50 hockey related images found on the web and in my own collection. I started with a pretrained *ResNet18* model (resnet18 is trained on *ImageNet*, a very large dataset with millions of images). I fine tuned the model by labeling the hockey photos, then training using python (** & *PyTorch* libraries). The total training time for this was approximately 5 minutes running on a low-end GPU. It’s impressive how accurate this quick / small model can be!''' st.markdown(desc) st.image("src/images/samples/sampl_batch.png") st.subheader("Validation Results") st.markdown('Validation of the model\'s performance was done using 26 images not included in the training set. The model performed fairly well against the validation dataset, with only 1 misclassified image.') st.image("src/images/artifacts/confusion_matrix.png", caption="Confusion Matrix for Hockey Breeds ") st.subheader("Try It Out") img = image_select(label="Select an image and hockey breeds will guess a label", images=list(st.session_state.sample.values())) st.button("Re-roll Samples", on_click=reroll_sample_images) model = get_model() if img: res = classify_image(model, img) # Sort the dictionary items by value in descending order max = 0 max_label = "" for k,v in res.items(): prob = round(v*100, 2) if prob > max: max = prob max_label = k st.metric(label=max_label, value=max)