import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import pickle # Declaring the teams #st.write("Made_By_Arpon_Mandal") st.set_page_config( page_title="BPL Win Predictor", page_icon="🔥", layout="centered", initial_sidebar_state="auto", ) st.markdown( """

BPL Win Predictor

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.markdown( """
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""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.write("##") teams = ['Comilla Victorians', 'Fortune Barishal', 'Chattogram Challengers', 'Khulna Tigers', 'Minister Dhaka', 'Sylhet Sunrisers', 'Rajshahi Royals', 'Rangpur Rangers' ] # declaring the venues cities = ['Chattogram', 'Khulna', 'Dhaka', 'Sylhet'] pipe = pickle.load(open('pipe.pkl', 'rb')) #st.title('BPL Win Predictor') col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: battingteam = st.selectbox('Select the batting team', sorted(teams)) with col2: bowlingteam = st.selectbox('Select the bowling team', sorted(teams)) city = st.selectbox( 'Select the city where the match is being played', sorted(cities)) target = st.number_input('Target') col3, col4, col5 = st.columns(3) with col3: score = st.number_input('Score') with col4: overs = st.number_input('Overs Completed') with col5: wickets = st.number_input('Wickets Fallen') if st.button('Predict Probability'): runs_left = target-score balls_left = 120-(overs*6) wickets = 10-wickets currentrunrate = score/overs requiredrunrate = (runs_left*6)/balls_left input_df = pd.DataFrame({'batting_team': [battingteam], 'bowling_team': [bowlingteam], 'city': [city], 'runs_left': [runs_left], 'balls_left': [ balls_left], 'wickets': [wickets], 'total_runs_x': [target], 'cur_run_rate': [currentrunrate], 'req_run_rate': [requiredrunrate]}) result = pipe.predict_proba(input_df) lossprob = result[0][0] winprob = result[0][1] st.header(battingteam+"- "+str(round(winprob*100))+"%") st.header(bowlingteam+"- "+str(round(lossprob*100))+"%")