Interp_Imaging /
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import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import huggingface_hub # for loading model
import streamlit as st
import tensorflow
def basic_box_array(image_size: int, thickness: int) -> np.ndarray:
:param image_size: [int] - the size of the image that will be produced
:param thickness: [int] - the number of pixels to be activated surrounding the base shape
:return: [ndarray] - the output is a unit cell with outer pixels activated based on the desired thickness.
The activated pixels are 1 (white) and the deactivated pixels are 0 (black)
A = np.ones((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A[1:-1, 1:-1] = 0 # replaces all internal rows/columns with 0's
A = add_thickness(A, thickness)
return A
def back_slash_array(image_size: int, thickness: int) -> np.ndarray:
:param image_size: [int] - the size of the image that will be produced
:param thickness: [int] - the number of pixels to be activated surrounding the base shape
:return: [ndarray] - the output is a unit cell with pixels activated along the downward diagonal based
on the desired thickness. The activated pixels are 1 (white) and the deactivated pixels are 0 (black)
A = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
np.fill_diagonal(A, 1) # fills the diagonal with 1 values
A = add_thickness(A, thickness)
return A
def forward_slash_array(image_size: int, thickness: int) -> np.ndarray:
:param image_size: [int] - the size of the image that will be produced
:param thickness: [int] - the number of pixels to be activated surrounding the base shape
:return: [ndarray] - the output is a unit cell with pixels activated along the upward diagonal based on the desired
thickness. The activated pixels are 1 (white) and the deactivated pixels are 0 (black)
A = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
np.fill_diagonal(np.fliplr(A), 1) # Flips the array to then fill the diagonal the opposite direction
A = add_thickness(A, thickness)
return A
def hot_dog_array(image_size: int, thickness: int) -> np.ndarray:
:param image_size: [int] - the size of the image that will be produced
:param thickness: [int] - the number of pixels to be activated surrounding the base shape
:return: [ndarray] - the output is a unit cell with outer pixel activated from the vertical center based on the
desired thickness. The activated pixels are 1 (white) and the deactivated pixels are 0 (black)
# Places pixels down the vertical axis to split the box
A = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A[:, np.floor((image_size - 1) / 2).astype(int)] = 1 # accounts for even and odd values of image_size
A[:, np.ceil((image_size - 1) / 2).astype(int)] = 1
A = add_thickness(A, thickness)
return A
def hamburger_array(image_size: int, thickness: int) -> np.ndarray:
:param image_size: [int] - the size of the image that will be produced
:param thickness: [int] - the number of pixels to be activated surrounding the base shape
:return: [ndarray] - the output is a unit cell with outer pixel activated from the horizontal center based on the
desired thickness. The activated pixels are 1 (white) and the deactivated pixels are 0 (black)
# Places pixels across the horizontal axis to split the box
A = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A[np.floor((image_size - 1) / 2).astype(int), :] = 1 # accounts for even and odd values of image_size
A[np.ceil((image_size - 1) / 2).astype(int), :] = 1
A = add_thickness(A, thickness)
return A
# The function to add thickness to struts in an array
def add_thickness(array_original, thickness: int) -> np.ndarray:
:param array_original: [ndarray] - an array with thickness 1 of any shape type
:param thickness: [int] - the number of pixels to be activated surrounding the base shape
:return: [ndarray] - the output is a unit cell that has been convolved to expand the number of pixels activated
based on the desired thickness. The activated pixels are 1 (white) and the deactivated pixels are 0 (black)
A = array_original
if thickness == 0: # want an array of all 0's for thickness = 0
A[A > 0] = 0
filter_size = 2*thickness - 1 # the size of the filter needs to extend far enough to reach the base shape
filter = np.zeros((filter_size, filter_size))
filter[np.floor((filter_size - 1) / 2).astype(int), :] = filter[:, np.floor((filter_size - 1) / 2).astype(int)] =1
filter[np.ceil((filter_size - 1) / 2).astype(int), :] = filter[:, np.ceil((filter_size - 1) / 2).astype(int)] = 1
# The filter is made into a '+' shape using these functions
convolution = signal.convolve2d(A, filter, mode='same')
A = np.where(convolution <= 1, convolution, 1)
return A
# The function to efficiently combine arrays in a list
def combine_arrays(arrays):
output_array = np.sum(arrays, axis=0) # Add the list of arrays
output_array = np.array(output_array > 0, dtype=int) # Convert all values in array to 1
return output_array
# Provide the Options for users to select from
shape_options = ("basic_box", "diagonal_box_split", "horizontal_vertical_box_split", "back_slash_box", "forward_slash_box",
"back_slash_plus_box", "forward_slash_plus_box", "hot_dog_box", "hamburger_box", "x_hamburger_box",
"x_hot_dog_box", "x_plus_box")
density_options = ["{:.2f}".format(x) for x in np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10)]
thickness_options = [str(int(x)) for x in np.linspace(0, 10, 11)]
interpolation_options = [str(int(x)) for x in [3, 5, 10, 20]]
# Provide User Options
# Select Shapes
shape_1 = st.selectbox("Shape 1", shape_options)
shape_2 = st.selectbox("Shape 2", shape_options)
# Select Density
density_1 = st.selectbox("Density 1:", density_options)
density_2 = st.selectbox("Density 2:", density_options)
# Select Thickness
thickness_1 = st.selectbox("Thickness 1", thickness_options)
thickness_2 = st.selectbox("Thickness 2", thickness_options)
# Select Interpolation Length
interp_length = st.selectbox("Interpolation Length", interpolation_options)
# Load the models from existing huggingface model
# Load the encoder model
encoder_model_boxes = huggingface_hub.from_pretrained_keras("cmudrc/2d-lattice-encoder")
# Load the decoder model
decoder_model_boxes = huggingface_hub.from_pretrained_keras("cmudrc/2d-lattice-decoder")