import streamlit as st import openai st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.title("Influencer Post Generator") openai_key = st.text_input('Enter your openai API key...', type="password") with st.form(key='columns_in_form'): c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 = st.columns(6) with c1: network = st.text_input('Which platform...') with c2: influencer_name = st.text_input('Enter your influencer name...') with c3: product_name = st.text_input('Enter your product name...') with c4: product_features = st.text_input('What features to highlight...') with c5: must_have = st.text_input('Must have these words...') with c6: target = st.text_input('Targeting these people...') submitButton = st.form_submit_button(label="Surprise Me!", help="Click to see an example post!") if openai_key: openai.api_key = openai_key if submitButton: text = 'Image you are a {} influencer called {}, you need to write a post that promotes {} \ which targets {} with emojis. I need you to highlight these features: {}, and must include these words: {}'.format(network, influencer_name, product_name, target, product_features, must_have) completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[{"role": "user", "content": text}]) st.text_area(label ="",value=completion["choices"][0]["message"]["content"], height =300)