import streamlit as st import wandb import pandas as pd import os # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils import fetch_runs_to_df, fetch_run, fetch_models_to_df # Access the API key from the environment variable wandb_api_key = os.getenv('WANDB_API_KEY') # Log in to wandb using the API key if wandb_api_key: wandb.login(key=wandb_api_key) else: st.error("WANDB_API_KEY not found in environment variables.") # Initialize W&B API api = wandb.Api() # Define available projects (bookmarks) projects = { "Competition 1": {"entity": "urbaniak-bruno-safescanai", "project": "pytorch-intro"}, "Competition 2": {"entity": "urbaniak-bruno-safescanai", "project": "basic-intro"}, "Competition 3 (mamymodelexd)": {"entity": "urbaniak-bruno-safescanai", "project": "simple-cnn"}, # Add more projects as needed } competitions = list(projects.keys()) competitions.append("All") # Sidebar for project selection st.sidebar.title("Competitions") selected_project = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a competition:", competitions) # Sidebar with buttons st.sidebar.title("Iluzja wyboru") option = "Select an option:", ["General", "Researchers", "Validators", "Models"] ) df = fetch_runs_to_df(api, projects, selected_project) if option == "General": # Streamlit UI st.title("W&B Data in Streamlit") # Sidebar filter options st.sidebar.header("Filter Options") run_name_filter = st.sidebar.text_input("Filter by Run Name", "") state_filter = st.sidebar.selectbox("Filter by State", ["All"] + df["State"].unique().tolist()) tag_filter = st.sidebar.text_input("Filter by Tags (comma separated)", "") # Apply filters if run_name_filter: df = df[df["Run Name"].str.contains(run_name_filter, case=False, na=False)] if state_filter != "All": df = df[df["State"] == state_filter] if tag_filter: tag_list = [tag.strip() for tag in tag_filter.split(",")] df = df[df["Tags"].apply(lambda tags: any(tag in tags for tag in tag_list))] # Display the filtered DataFrame st.dataframe(df) # Display details of selected run if not df.empty: selected_run_id = st.selectbox("Select a Run ID to see details", df["ID"].tolist()) run = fetch_run(api, projects, selected_project, selected_run_id) if run: run_df = run.history() st.write(f"Details for run: {}") st.dataframe(run_df) else: st.warning("No runs available to select.") if option == "Models": st.subheader("Model Ranking") # Ensure the DataFrame is not empty if not df.empty: # Convert to DataFrame ranking_df = fetch_models_to_df(api, projects, selected_project, df) # Rank by Accuracy (or another metric) ranking_df = ranking_df.sort_values(by="Accuracy", ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) ranking_df.index += 1 # Start ranking from 1 # Display the ranking table st.dataframe(ranking_df) else: st.warning("No runs available for ranking.")