from math import isqrt from typing import Literal import torch # @REMOVED for the Huggingface demo. This code should not be called in the # execution of the demo demo. # from diff_gaussian_rasterization import ( # GaussianRasterizationSettings, # GaussianRasterizer, # ) from einops import einsum, rearrange, repeat from torch import Tensor from .projection import get_fov, homogenize_points def get_projection_matrix( near, far, fov_x, fov_y, ): """Maps points in the viewing frustum to (-1, 1) on the X/Y axes and (0, 1) on the Z axis. Differs from the OpenGL version in that Z doesn't have range (-1, 1) after transformation and that Z is flipped. """ tan_fov_x = (0.5 * fov_x).tan() tan_fov_y = (0.5 * fov_y).tan() top = tan_fov_y * near bottom = -top right = tan_fov_x * near left = -right (b,) = near.shape result = torch.zeros((b, 4, 4), dtype=torch.float32, device=near.device) result[:, 0, 0] = 2 * near / (right - left) result[:, 1, 1] = 2 * near / (top - bottom) result[:, 0, 2] = (right + left) / (right - left) result[:, 1, 2] = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom) result[:, 3, 2] = 1 result[:, 2, 2] = far / (far - near) result[:, 2, 3] = -(far * near) / (far - near) return result def render_cuda( extrinsics, intrinsics, near, far, image_shape: tuple[int, int], background_color, gaussian_means, gaussian_covariances, gaussian_sh_coefficients, gaussian_opacities, scale_invariant: bool = True, use_sh: bool = True, ): assert use_sh or gaussian_sh_coefficients.shape[-1] == 1 # Make sure everything is in a range where numerical issues don't appear. if scale_invariant: scale = 1 / near extrinsics = extrinsics.clone() extrinsics[..., :3, 3] = extrinsics[..., :3, 3] * scale[:, None] gaussian_covariances = gaussian_covariances * (scale[:, None, None, None] ** 2) gaussian_means = gaussian_means * scale[:, None, None] near = near * scale far = far * scale _, _, _, n = gaussian_sh_coefficients.shape degree = isqrt(n) - 1 shs = rearrange(gaussian_sh_coefficients, "b g xyz n -> b g n xyz").contiguous() b, _, _ = extrinsics.shape h, w = image_shape fov_x, fov_y = get_fov(intrinsics).unbind(dim=-1) tan_fov_x = (0.5 * fov_x).tan() tan_fov_y = (0.5 * fov_y).tan() projection_matrix = get_projection_matrix(near, far, fov_x, fov_y) projection_matrix = rearrange(projection_matrix, "b i j -> b j i") view_matrix = rearrange(extrinsics.inverse(), "b i j -> b j i") full_projection = view_matrix @ projection_matrix all_images = [] all_radii = [] for i in range(b): # Set up a tensor for the gradients of the screen-space means. mean_gradients = torch.zeros_like(gaussian_means[i], requires_grad=True) try: mean_gradients.retain_grad() except Exception: pass settings = GaussianRasterizationSettings( image_height=h, image_width=w, tanfovx=tan_fov_x[i].item(), tanfovy=tan_fov_y[i].item(), bg=background_color[i], scale_modifier=1.0, viewmatrix=view_matrix[i], projmatrix=full_projection[i], sh_degree=degree, campos=extrinsics[i, :3, 3], prefiltered=False, # This matches the original usage. debug=False, ) rasterizer = GaussianRasterizer(settings) row, col = torch.triu_indices(3, 3) image, radii = rasterizer( means3D=gaussian_means[i], means2D=mean_gradients, shs=shs[i] if use_sh else None, colors_precomp=None if use_sh else shs[i, :, 0, :], opacities=gaussian_opacities[i, ..., None], cov3D_precomp=gaussian_covariances[i, :, row, col], ) all_images.append(image) all_radii.append(radii) return torch.stack(all_images) def render_cuda_orthographic( extrinsics, width, height, near, far, image_shape: tuple[int, int], background_color, gaussian_means, gaussian_covariances, gaussian_sh_coefficients, gaussian_opacities, fov_degrees, use_sh: bool = True, dump: dict | None = None, ): b, _, _ = extrinsics.shape h, w = image_shape assert use_sh or gaussian_sh_coefficients.shape[-1] == 1 _, _, _, n = gaussian_sh_coefficients.shape degree = isqrt(n) - 1 shs = rearrange(gaussian_sh_coefficients, "b g xyz n -> b g n xyz").contiguous() # Create fake "orthographic" projection by moving the camera back and picking a # small field of view. fov_x = torch.tensor(fov_degrees, device=extrinsics.device).deg2rad() tan_fov_x = (0.5 * fov_x).tan() distance_to_near = (0.5 * width) / tan_fov_x tan_fov_y = 0.5 * height / distance_to_near fov_y = (2 * tan_fov_y).atan() near = near + distance_to_near far = far + distance_to_near move_back = torch.eye(4, dtype=torch.float32, device=extrinsics.device) move_back[2, 3] = -distance_to_near extrinsics = extrinsics @ move_back # Escape hatch for visualization/figures. if dump is not None: dump["extrinsics"] = extrinsics dump["fov_x"] = fov_x dump["fov_y"] = fov_y dump["near"] = near dump["far"] = far projection_matrix = get_projection_matrix( near, far, repeat(fov_x, "-> b", b=b), fov_y ) projection_matrix = rearrange(projection_matrix, "b i j -> b j i") view_matrix = rearrange(extrinsics.inverse(), "b i j -> b j i") full_projection = view_matrix @ projection_matrix all_images = [] all_radii = [] for i in range(b): # Set up a tensor for the gradients of the screen-space means. mean_gradients = torch.zeros_like(gaussian_means[i], requires_grad=True) try: mean_gradients.retain_grad() except Exception: pass settings = GaussianRasterizationSettings( image_height=h, image_width=w, tanfovx=tan_fov_x, tanfovy=tan_fov_y, bg=background_color[i], scale_modifier=1.0, viewmatrix=view_matrix[i], projmatrix=full_projection[i], sh_degree=degree, campos=extrinsics[i, :3, 3], prefiltered=False, # This matches the original usage. debug=False, ) rasterizer = GaussianRasterizer(settings) row, col = torch.triu_indices(3, 3) image, radii = rasterizer( means3D=gaussian_means[i], means2D=mean_gradients, shs=shs[i] if use_sh else None, colors_precomp=None if use_sh else shs[i, :, 0, :], opacities=gaussian_opacities[i, ..., None], cov3D_precomp=gaussian_covariances[i, :, row, col], ) all_images.append(image) all_radii.append(radii) return torch.stack(all_images) DepthRenderingMode = Literal["depth", "disparity", "relative_disparity", "log"] def render_depth_cuda( extrinsics, intrinsics, near, far, image_shape: tuple[int, int], gaussian_means, gaussian_covariances, gaussian_opacities, scale_invariant: bool = True, mode: DepthRenderingMode = "depth", ): # Specify colors according to Gaussian depths. camera_space_gaussians = einsum( extrinsics.inverse(), homogenize_points(gaussian_means), "b i j, b g j -> b g i" ) fake_color = camera_space_gaussians[..., 2] if mode == "disparity": fake_color = 1 / fake_color elif mode == "relative_disparity": fake_color = depth_to_relative_disparity( fake_color, near[:, None], far[:, None] ) elif mode == "log": fake_color = fake_color.minimum(near[:, None]).maximum(far[:, None]).log() # Render using depth as color. b, _ = fake_color.shape result = render_cuda( extrinsics, intrinsics, near, far, image_shape, torch.zeros((b, 3), dtype=fake_color.dtype, device=fake_color.device), gaussian_means, gaussian_covariances, repeat(fake_color, "b g -> b g c ()", c=3), gaussian_opacities, scale_invariant=scale_invariant, ) return result.mean(dim=1)