import streamlit as st import streamlit.components.v1 as components import base64 import leafmap.maplibregl as leafmap import altair as alt import ibis from ibis import _ import ibis.selectors as s import os import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely import wkb import sqlalchemy import pathlib from typing import Optional from functools import reduce from variables import * def get_summary(ca, combined_filter, column, colors=None): #summary stats, based on filtered data df = ca.filter(combined_filter) df = (df .group_by(*column) # unpack the list for grouping .aggregate(percent_protected=100 * _.acres.sum() / ca_area_acres, mean_richness = (_.richness * _.acres).sum() / _.acres.sum(), mean_rsr = (_.rsr * _.acres).sum() / _.acres.sum(), mean_irrecoverable_carbon = (_.irrecoverable_carbon * _.acres).sum() / _.acres.sum(), mean_manageable_carbon = (_.manageable_carbon * _.acres).sum() / _.acres.sum(), mean_fire = ( *_.acres).sum()/_.acres.sum(), mean_rxburn = (_.rxburn *_.acres).sum()/_.acres.sum(), mean_disadvantaged = (_.disadvantaged_communities * _.acres).sum() / _.acres.sum(), mean_svi = (_.svi * _.acres).sum() / _.acres.sum(), ) .mutate(percent_protected=_.percent_protected.round(1)) ) if colors is not None and not colors.empty: #only the df will have colors, df_tab doesn't since we are printing it. df = df.inner_join(colors, column) df = df.cast({col: "string" for col in column}) df = df.to_pandas() return df def summary_table(ca, column, colors, filter_cols, filter_vals,colorby_vals): # get df for charts + df_tab for printed table filters = [] if filter_cols and filter_vals: #if a filter is selected, add to list of filters for filter_col, filter_val in zip(filter_cols, filter_vals): if len(filter_val) > 1: filters.append(getattr(_, filter_col).isin(filter_val)) else: filters.append(getattr(_, filter_col) == filter_val[0]) if column not in filter_cols: #show color_by column in table by adding it as a filter (if it's not already a filter) filter_cols.append(column) filters.append(getattr(_, column).isin(colorby_vals[column])) combined_filter = reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, filters) #combining all the filters into ibis filter expression if column == "status": #need to include non-conserved in summary stats combined_filter = (combined_filter) | (_.status.isin(['30x30-conserved','other-conserved','non-conserved'])) df = get_summary(ca, combined_filter, [column], colors) # df used for charts df_tab = get_summary(ca, combined_filter, filter_cols, colors = None) #df used for printed table return df, df_tab def area_plot(df, column): #percent protected pie chart base = alt.Chart(df).encode( alt.Theta("percent_protected:Q").stack(True), ) pie = ( base .mark_arc(innerRadius= 40, outerRadius=100, stroke = 'black', strokeWidth = .5) .encode(alt.Color("color:N").scale(None).legend(None), tooltip=['percent_protected', column]) ) text = ( base .mark_text(radius=80, size=14, color="white") .encode(text = column + ":N") ) plot = pie # pie + text return"container", height=290) def bar_chart(df, x, y, title): #display summary stats for color_by column #axis label angles / chart size if x in ["manager_type",'status']: #labels are too long, making vertical angle = 270 height = 373 elif x == 'ecoregion': # make labels vertical and figure taller angle = 270 height = 430 else: #other labels are horizontal angle = 0 height = 310 # order of bars if x == "established": # order labels in chronological order, not alphabetic. sort = '-x' elif x == "access_type": #order based on levels of openness sort=['Open', 'Restricted', 'No Public', "Unknown"] elif x == "manager_type": sort = ["Federal","Tribal","State","Special District", "County", "City", "HOA","Joint","Non Profit","Private","Unknown"] else: sort = 'x' # modify label names in bar chart to fit in frame label_transform = f"datum.{x}" # default; no change if x == "access_type": label_transform = f"replace(datum.{x}, ' Access', '')" #omit 'access' from access_type elif x == "ecoregion": label_transform = f"replace(datum.{x}, 'California', 'CA')" # Replace "California" with "CA" x_title = next(key for key, value in select_column.items() if value == x) chart = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar(stroke = 'black', strokeWidth = .5).transform_calculate( label=label_transform ).encode( x=alt.X("label:N", axis=alt.Axis(labelAngle=angle, title=x_title, labelLimit = 200), sort=sort), y=alt.Y(y, axis=alt.Axis()), color=alt.Color('color').scale(None), ).properties(width="container", height=height, title = title) return chart def getButtons(style_options, style_choice, default_gap=None): #finding the buttons selected to use as filters column = style_options[style_choice]['property'] opts = [style[0] for style in style_options[style_choice]['stops']] default_gap = default_gap or {} buttons = { name: st.checkbox(f"{name}", value=default_gap.get(name, True), key=column + str(name)) for name in opts } filter_choice = [key for key, value in buttons.items() if value] # return only selected d = {} d[column] = filter_choice return d def getColorVals(style_options, style_choice): #df_tab only includes filters selected, we need to manually add "color_by" column (if it's not already a filter). column = style_options[style_choice]['property'] opts = [style[0] for style in style_options[style_choice]['stops']] d = {} d[column] = opts return d def get_pmtiles_style(paint, alpha, filter_cols, filter_vals): filters = [] for col, val in zip(filter_cols, filter_vals): filters.append(["match", ["get", col], val, True, False]) combined_filters = ["all"] + filters style = { "version": 8, "sources": { "ca": { "type": "vector", "url": "pmtiles://" + ca_pmtiles, } }, "layers": [ { "id": "ca30x30", "source": "ca", "source-layer": "ca30x30", "type": "fill", "filter": combined_filters, "paint": { "fill-color": paint, "fill-opacity": alpha } } ] } return style def get_pmtiles_style_llm(paint, ids): combined_filters = ["all", ["match", ["get", "id"], ids, True, False]] style = { "version": 8, "sources": { "ca": { "type": "vector", "url": "pmtiles://" + ca_pmtiles, } }, "layers": [ { "id": "ca30x30", "source": "ca", "source-layer": "ca30x30", "type": "fill", "filter": combined_filters, "paint": { "fill-color": paint, "fill-opacity": 1, } } ] } return style