library(duckdbfs) library(dplyr) library(sf) library(spData) duckdbfs::load_h3() duckdbfs::load_spatial() #fs::file_delete(tmp) ex1 <- spData::us_states |> dplyr::filter(NAME == "Arizona") ex2 <- world |> filter(iso_a2 == "US") as_dataset.sf <- function(sf, ...) { # cludgy way to get polygon into duckdb as spatial data tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".fgb") sf |> st_transform(4326) |> write_sf(tmp, append = FALSE) aoi <- open_dataset(tmp, ...) aoi } get_h3index <- function(aoi, zoom = 0L, precision = 6L) { zoom <- as.integer(zoom) # consider auto-retry at higher precision if subset is empty. precision <- as.integer(precision) res <- paste0("h", precision) # multipolygon dump may not be needed for draw tools. h3_aoi <- aoi |> mutate(poly = array_extract(unnest(st_dump(geom)),"geom"), hexid = h3_polygon_wkt_to_cells(poly,{precision}), hexid = unnest(hexid) ) |> mutate(h0 = h3_h3_to_string( h3_cell_to_parent(hexid, {zoom})), hexid = h3_h3_to_string (hexid) ) |> mutate(h0 = toupper(h0), hexid = toupper(hexid)) # create a view as well h3_aoi |> select(h0, hexid) |> #rename(!!res := hexid) |> as_view("h3_aoi") subset <- h3_aoi |> select(h0) |> distinct() |> pull(h0) subset } aoi <- as_dataset.sf(ex1) subset <- get_h3index(aoi) urls <- paste0("", subset, "/part0.parquet") gbif <- open_dataset(urls, tblname = "gbif") x <- gbif |> rename(hexid = h8) |> count(hexid, name = "count") con <- cached_connection() y <- tbl(con, "h3_aoi") hex_join <- function(x,y) { res_x <- x |> head(1) |> mutate(res = h3_get_resolution(hexid)) |> pull(res) res_y <- y |> head(1) |> mutate(res = h3_get_resolution(hexid)) |> pull(res) if (res_x > res_y) { y <- y |> mutate(hexid = unnest( h3_cell_to_children(hexid, {res_x})), hexid = toupper(hexid) ) } if (res_x < res_y) { y <- y |> mutate(hexid = h3_cell_to_parent(hexid, {res_x})) } inner_join(x, y) } hex_join(x,y)