world_size: 4 batch_size: 4 num_workers: 4 experiment_name: 'test' datasets: iharmony: "/home/jovyan/datasets/iHarmony4/" crop_size: 512 ffhqh: "/home/jovyan/datasets/synthetic_ffhq/" dataset_root: "/home/jovyan/datasets/synthetic_ffhq/" ffhq: "/home/jovyan/datasets/ffhq/images1024x1024/" isTrain: True datasets_to_use_test: ["IhdDataset"] dataset_to_use_train: "IhdDataset" #["IhdDataset", "HCOCO", "HFlickr", "Hday2night", "HAdobe5k", log_dir: "log" checkpoint_dir: "checkpoints" load_pretrained: True checkpoint: "checkpoints/best_pure.pth" distributed_addr: "localhost" # distributed_port: "12356" # image_size: 512 lr: 1e-4 epochs: 300 disable_validation: False disable_mixed_precision: False log_image_interval: 10 log_image_number: 4 save_model_interval: 1 lambda_losses: default: 1. Color: 0. PSNR: 1. LPIPS: 0.5 L2: 1. L1: 0. softmax: 1e-4 model: grid_counts: [10, 5, 1] enc_sizes: [3, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512] init_weights: [0.5, 0.5] # weights of local grided image and global harmonized init_value: 0.8 skips: True