from ast import literal_eval from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer, WordNetLemmatizer # Entity Extraction def generate_ner_docs_prompt(query): prompt = """USER: Extract the company names and time duration mentioned in the question. The entities should be extracted in the following format: {"companies": list of companies mentioned in the question,"start-duration": ("start-quarter", "start-year"), "end-duration": ("end-quarter", "end-year")}. Return {"companies": None, "start-duration": (None, None), "end-duration": (None, None)} if the entities are not found. Examples: What is Nvidia's visibility in the data center business in Q2 2020? {"companies": ["Nvidia"], "start-duration": ("Q2", "2020"), "end-duration": ("Q2", "2020")} What is Intel's update on the server chip road map and strategy for 2019? {"companies": ["Intel"], "start-duration": ("Q1", "2019"), "end-duration": ("Q4", "2019")} What are the opportunities and challenges in the Indian market for Amazon in 2016? {"companies": ["Amazon"], "start-duration": ("Q1", "2016"), "end-duration": ("Q4", "2016")} What did analysts ask about the Cisco's Webex? {"companies": ["Cisco"], "start-duration": (None, None), "end-duration": (None, None)} What is the comparative performance analysis between Intel and AMD in key overlapping segments such as PC, Gaming, and Data Centers in Q1 to Q3 2016? {"companies": ["Intel", "AMD"], "start-duration": ("Q1", "2016"), "end-duration": ("Q3", "2016")} How has the growth been for AMD in the PC market in 2020? {"companies": ["AMD"], "start-duration": ("Q1", "2020"), "end-duration": ("Q4", "2020")} How did Microsoft and Amazon perform in terms of reliability and scalability of cloud for the years 2016 and 2017? {"companies": ["Microsoft", "Amazon"], "start-duration": ("Q1", "2016"), "end-duration": ("Q4", "2017")}""" input_prompt = f"""###Input: {query} ASSISTANT:""" final_prompt = prompt + "\n\n" + input_prompt return final_prompt def extract_entities_docs(query, model): """ Takes input a string which contains a dictionary of entities of the format: {"companies": list of companies mentioned in the question,"start-duration": ("start-quarter", "start-year"), "end-duration": ("end-quarter", "end-year")} """ prompt = generate_ner_docs_prompt(query) string_of_dict = model.predict(prompt, api_name="/predict") print(string_of_dict) string_of_dict = string_of_dict.strip() entities_dict = literal_eval(f"""{string_of_dict}""") start_quarter, start_year = entities_dict["start-duration"] end_quarter, end_year = entities_dict["end-duration"] companies = entities_dict["companies"] print((companies, start_quarter, start_year, end_quarter, end_year)) return companies, start_quarter, start_year, end_quarter, end_year def year_quarter_range(start_quarter, start_year, end_quarter, end_year): """ Creates a list of all (year, quarter) pairs that lie in the range including the start and end quarters. Example: year_quarter_range("Q2", "2020", "Q3", "2021") [('Q2', '2020'), ('Q3', '2020'), ('Q4', '2020'), ('Q1', '2021'), ('Q2', '2021'), ('Q3', '2021')] """ if ( start_quarter is None or start_year is None or end_quarter is None or end_year is None ): return [] else: quarters = ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"] start_index = quarters.index(start_quarter) end_index = quarters.index(end_quarter) years = range(int(start_year), int(end_year) + 1) year_quarter_range_list = [] for year in years: if year == int(start_year): start = start_index else: start = 0 if year == int(end_year): end = end_index + 1 else: end = len(quarters) for quarter_index in range(start, end): year_quarter_range_list.append( (quarters[quarter_index], str(year)) ) print(year_quarter_range_list) return year_quarter_range_list def clean_companies(company_list): """Returns list of Tickers from list of companies""" company_ticker_map = { "apple": "AAPL", "amd": "AMD", "amazon": "AMZN", "cisco": "CSCO", "google": "GOOGL", "microsoft": "MSFT", "nvidia": "NVDA", "asml": "ASML", "intel": "INTC", "micron": "MU", } tickers = [ "AAPL", "CSCO", "MSFT", "ASML", "NVDA", "GOOGL", "MU", "INTC", "AMZN", "AMD", "aapl", "csco", "msft", "asml", "nvda", "googl", "mu", "intc", "amzn", "amd", ] ticker_list = [] for company in company_list: if company.lower() in company_ticker_map.keys(): ticker = company_ticker_map[company.lower()] ticker_list.append(ticker) elif company.lower() in tickers: ticker_list.append(company.upper()) return ticker_list def ticker_year_quarter_tuples_creator(ticker_list, year_quarter_range_list): ticker_year_quarter_tuples_list = [] for ticker in ticker_list: if year_quarter_range_list == []: return [] else: for quarter, year in year_quarter_range_list: ticker_year_quarter_tuples_list.append((ticker, quarter, year)) return ticker_year_quarter_tuples_list # Keyword Extraction def generate_ner_keywords_prompt(query): prompt = """USER: Extract the entities which describe the key theme and topics being asked in the question. Extract the entities in the following format: {"entities":["keywords"]}. Examples: What is Intel's update on the server chip roadmap and strategy for Q1 2019? {"entities":["server"]} What are the opportunities and challenges in the Indian market for Amazon from Q1 to Q3 in 2016? {"entities":["indian"]} What is the comparative performance analysis between Intel and AMD in key overlapping segments such as PC, Gaming, and Data Centers in Q1 2016? {"entities":["PC","Gaming","Data Centers"]} What was Google's and Microsoft's capex spend for the last 2 years? {"entities":["capex"]} What did analysts ask about the cloud during Microsoft's earnings call in Q1 2018? {"entities":["cloud"]} What was the growth in Apple services revenue for 2017 Q3? {"entities":["services"]}""" input_prompt = f"""###Input: {query} ASSISTANT:""" final_prompt = prompt + "\n" + input_prompt return final_prompt def extract_entities_keywords(query, model): """ Takes input a string which contains a dictionary of entities of the format: {"entities":["keywords"]} """ prompt = generate_ner_keywords_prompt(query) string_of_dict = model.predict(prompt, api_name="/predict") print(string_of_dict) string_of_dict = string_of_dict.strip() entities_dict = literal_eval(f"""{string_of_dict}""") keywords_list = entities_dict["entities"] return keywords_list def expand_list_of_lists(list_of_lists): """ Expands a list of lists of strings to a list of strings. Args: list_of_lists: A list of lists of strings. Returns: A list of strings. """ expanded_list = [] for inner_list in list_of_lists: for string in inner_list: expanded_list.append(string) return expanded_list def all_keywords_combs(list_of_cleaned_keywords): # Convert all strings to lowercase. lower_texts = [text.lower() for text in list_of_cleaned_keywords] # Stem the words in each string. stemmer = PorterStemmer() stem_texts = [stemmer.stem(text) for text in list_of_cleaned_keywords] # Lemmatize the words in each string. lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() lemm_texts = [ lemmatizer.lemmatize(text) for text in list_of_cleaned_keywords ] list_of_cleaned_keywords.extend(lower_texts) list_of_cleaned_keywords.extend(stem_texts) list_of_cleaned_keywords.extend(lemm_texts) list_of_cleaned_keywords = list(set(list_of_cleaned_keywords)) return list_of_cleaned_keywords def create_incorrect_entities_list(): words_to_remove = [ "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019", "2020", "apple", "amd", "amazon", "cisco", "google", "microsoft", "nvidia", "asml", "intel", "micron", "strategy", "roadmap", "impact", "opportunities", "challenges", "growth", "performance", "analysis", "segments", "comparative", "overlapping", "acquisition", "revenue", ] words_to_remove = all_keywords_combs(words_to_remove) return words_to_remove def clean_keywords_all_combs(keywords_list): words_to_remove = create_incorrect_entities_list() texts = [text.split(" ") for text in keywords_list] texts = expand_list_of_lists(texts) # Convert all strings to lowercase. lower_texts = [text.lower() for text in texts] cleaned_keywords = [ text for text in lower_texts if text not in words_to_remove ] all_cleaned_keywords = all_keywords_combs(cleaned_keywords) return all_cleaned_keywords